Jowls on the face - what are they: how to remove, get rid of and tighten the oval

Elena Karkukli, author of a book about facial gymnastics “FaceDay”. She has been doing gymnastics herself for 6 years and has been training other girls for 5 years.

Elena Karkukli shows at the training how to do the exercise correctly

We interviewed Elena. We asked you to tell us what gymnastics for the face is, how 5 minutes of exercise a day helps smooth out wrinkles and sculpt your face, and we selected for you several exercises from the training club Faceday “Face as Art”

What is facial gymnastics

There are 57 muscles under the skin of the face. At one end they are attached to the bones of the skull, at the other they are woven into the skin. By contracting, the facial muscles move the areas of the skin to which they are attached. These contractions control human facial expressions: wrinkling the forehead, closing the eyes, smiling.

The appearance of the face depends on the condition of these muscles. Like the muscles of the body, they can become weak or overused. This immediately appears on the face: wrinkles, thin lips, drooping eyelids and other changes. But, like the muscles of the body, the muscles of the face can be brought back to normal with exercise. And behind healthy muscles, facial features will return to normal.

Gymnastics for the face is training of the facial muscles

Facebook building effectiveness

The effectiveness of the technique is still poorly understood. And those studies that exist are ambiguous. They do not have control groups and a randomization process, which are necessary for a quality result. Moreover, the evaluation of effectiveness was mainly subjective, since the studies were conducted under the guidance of centers that promote Facebook building.

Other studies that are independent have proven the harm of such gymnastics. They highlighted several points that show the ineffectiveness of such a procedure:

  1. Uneven muscle development - due to facial expressions, some muscles are relaxed, while others are in constant tension. In some areas they have shrunk and cannot straighten out. And the procedure, instead of relaxing and getting rid of tension, adds new spasms.
  2. The appearance of wrinkles - in theory, when you start training, your main goal is to get rid of wrinkles. Pumping up the muscles triggers the compensatory function of the muscles. They bear additional stress, which leads to the appearance of new wrinkles, and old ones become even deeper.
  3. Facial deformation - gymnastics can lead to pinched nerves. It hurts and distorts facial features. Most often, a doctor can solve this problem. So think about it - are you ready to take that risk?

Head massage to warm up muscles

Before exercise, as a warm-up, it is useful to massage the scalp. Massage will increase blood circulation in the tissues, warm up the muscles and prepare them for exercise.

In addition, massage enhances nutrition of hair follicles. A follicle is the root of the hair, which is responsible for its growth, quality and restoration. A year of scalp massage gives thick, strong hair. They stop splitting and breaking off when combing.

1. Massage your head with your fingertips. 2. On the sides from the ears to the top of the head. 3. From the back from the crown to the back of the head. 4. Continue massaging for 1 minute.

1. With each hand, grab a large section of hair at the roots. 2. Move your arms effortlessly from side to side. 3. Work through the strands of your entire head for a minute.

Exercises to smooth out wrinkles

As we age, everyone gets wrinkles. The reason is a change in muscle tone, volume and size. Without even, smooth support, the skin wrinkles and breaks, that is, wrinkles appear. Exercises can restore muscles: return normal tone, size and volume. Following the muscles, the skin will also smooth out.

Smoothing the forehead

1. Place the index fingers of both hands on the middle of the forehead so that they are parallel to the eyebrows. 2. Pull your fingers down towards your eyebrows and hold them in this position. 3. Pressing your fingers on your forehead, try to raise your eyebrows. 4. Repeat 10 times.

Smoothing wrinkles between eyebrows

1. Place your index and middle fingers at the base of your eyebrows. 2. Slowly, with light effort, move your fingers, smoothing the bridge of the nose from the base to the sides. 3. Perform for 30–60 seconds.

Exercises to train the muscles of the tongue and normalize the type of swallowing

Exercise No. 1 “Clock”. The mouth is open, the tongue makes slow circular movements along the upper lip, then along the lower lip.

Exercise No. 2 “Punish the naughty tongue.” Place your tongue on your lower lip and slap it with your upper lip “na-na.”

Exercise No. 3 “We will paint the ceiling.” It's time to paint the rooms, they invited a molar, he comes to the old house with a new brush and bucket. Your tongues are a brush, your hard palate is the ceiling...

Exercise No. 4 Depict the operation of a jackhammer. DDDD...

Exercise No. 5 “Riders”. Sit astride the toilet seat and, opening your mouth wide, click your tongue.

Exercise No. 6 Lift the tongue up, press it to the front part of the hard palate in the area of ​​the palatine folds. Clench your teeth, swallow saliva, fixing the position of your tongue.

Exercise No. 7 Raise the tip of the tongue up and place it at the anterior part of the hard palate. Move the tongue along the arch of the hard palate as far back as possible to the soft palate.

Exercise No. 8 Raise the tip of the tongue up and place it at the anterior part of the hard palate. Move your tongue along the palatal surface of the teeth on the right and left, touching each tooth.

Exercises for facial sculpting

There are exercises you can use to sculpt your face. For example, enlarging lips without hyaluronic acid injections and tightening drooping upper eyelids without blepharoplasty. Thin, compressed lips are an overstrained orbicularis oris muscle. A drooping upper eyelid is a weak orbicularis oculi muscle. As with all muscles, they can be worked and brought back to normal.

Lip augmentation

1. Take a small lightweight stopper, cap or other safe and suitable item. 2. Relax your lips. 3. Close but do not clench your teeth. 4. Insert the cap into relaxed lips (not teeth). 5. The cap can be in the lips for 30 seconds or more.

After the exercise, your lips will relax and look plump.

Upper eyelid lift

1. Place the bases of your palms under your eyebrows. 2. Lightly press and pull your forehead and eyebrows up 2-3 mm with your palms. 3. Look down. 4. Blink slowly and forcefully 20 times. 5. Then stay static for 20 seconds. 6. Perform 3 sets.

After the exercise, the upper eyelids will tighten, the look will become open and fresh.

To strengthen the front of the neck

Photo: AiF/Eduard Kudryavitsky
Starting position: back straight. Join your wrists. Place your hands on your neck. Tighten your neck muscles, slightly moving your neck forward, while keeping your head in place. Provide light resistance with your hands. Do it dynamically 20 times. The exercise is performed very delicately. Do not press your head on your hands. To properly activate the muscles during the exercise, you can press your tongue into the upper palate.

Result: tightened, smooth neck skin.

Lymphatic drainage facial massage to relieve puffiness

The problem many people have is swelling. In the mornings, the face is tired, the eyelids and area around the eyes are puffy. Swelling is accompanied by a deterioration in the appearance of the skin. The pores expand, the complexion becomes uneven and painful.

Puffiness is not just an aesthetic problem. This is a problem with our lymphatic system. The lymphatic system, as part of the immune system, protects the body and cleanses it of toxins. She does not have, like, for example, a heart, a circulatory system. Therefore, lymph moves slowly and can stagnate. A sign of stagnation is the appearance of swelling.

Lymphatic drainage massage helps lymph move and reduces swelling. To help the lymph circulate, you need to do lymphatic drainage massage every day, morning and evening.

Oil for lymphatic drainage massage

To avoid pulling the skin and forming creases during the massage, you need to use moisturizer. For massage, it is important that the moisturizing base is oily, helps your hands glide and does not absorb for a long time. An oil or face cream containing oil is suitable for this.

Hydrophilic oil is often found in women's arsenal. They usually remove makeup and cleanse the skin. This oil is not absorbed, and your hands glide over it perfectly, so it is suitable for massage. Hydrophilic oil should be applied to dry skin with dry hands.

Hydrophilic facial oil A`Pieu Deep Clean Bonobono 160 ml

You can use any other oils: coconut, olive, almond, argan. The main thing is that it suits your skin and does not cause allergies. If you have an oil that you use regularly, great. If you buy something new, test it on your hand first. Observe skin for 15 minutes after application. Redness and itching indicate an allergy. Do not use this oil.

1. Apply a massage product to the skin. 2. Using your palm, grab the area under and above the lower jaw line. 3. Move from the chin to the side towards the ear. 4. Without lifting your hands, continue stroking from top to bottom along the side of the neck 10 times on each side. 5. Place your fingers on the area under the eye and stroke up to the ear and down the side of the neck 10 times on each side. 6. Place your fingers on the middle of the forehead and stroke up to the ear and along the side of the neck down 10 times on each side.

It is important that during ironing no wrinkles form on the face and neck. Perform the massage as carefully as possible, do not stretch the skin. Your hands should be soft and relaxed.

What causes jowls

There are many reasons for the occurrence of such defects, among them: Genetics. If relatives had a similar problem, preventive measures should be started as early as possible.

  1. Lack of sufficient rest. Lack of sleep affects the condition of the skin. Also, cosmetologists do not recommend sleeping on your stomach.
  2. Bad habits do not adversely affect the entire human body.
  3. Dramatic weight loss. Reducing the subcutaneous fat layer contributes to sagging skin - the stretched dermis does not have time to recover due to a strong jump in weight.
  4. Stress. Try to maintain a calm state, use sedatives and contact specialists in moments of particular psycho-emotional stress.
  5. Age factor. Some people may experience symptoms as early as 25-30 years of age, while others may experience symptoms by 50-60 years of age.
  6. Overweight.
  7. UV radiation. Photoaging is the main cause of skin defects. The process reduces elasticity and leads to dehydration.
  8. Clenching of the jaws. When a person clenches his teeth too hard, the muscle becomes overstrained, which stretches over time and cannot support the weight of the skin.
  9. Incorrect posture. It leads to the disruption of the natural geometry of the torso, which affects the entire body.
  10. Lack of collagen and elastin. It can be a consequence of hormonal diseases, as well as age-related, genetic and other reasons.
  11. Anatomical features. A small chin itself is the root cause of the formation of jowls at a young age. Therefore, for people concerned about this problem, surgical intervention with the installation of special supporting implants is recommended.

These are only the main factors, not counting the negative impact of the environment, allergic reactions to cosmetics and chemicals and other processes that can disrupt the natural mechanisms of the biological functioning of skin cells, leading to loss of turgor.


Facial massage can be done not only with your hands, but also with the help of special massagers. The nozzle, just like the hands, stimulates lymph flow and reduces swelling, and the silicone protrusions work deeper into the internal structures of the face without collecting the skin in folds. The size of the nozzle is also important. It is the small nozzle that will help to more thoroughly massage the area under the eyes, where puffiness occurs most often.

Facial massager The Body Shop

The device has the advantage that it can be kept in the refrigerator. The cold will enhance the effect of the massage, quickly refresh your face and help you cheer up. Before using the massager, the skin also needs to be moisturized with oil or a rich cream that contains oil.

After the procedure, the massage product must be removed from the skin. For removal, foam cleanser or cotton pads soaked in tonic are suitable.

Exercises to improve posture

A slouched person will always look more mature. Incorrect posture is the cause of a blurred oval face, double chin, short neck with transverse folds and withers on the back. Incorrect posture contributes to stagnation of lymph in the head. And, as you already know, this is facial swelling, enlarged pores and unhealthy skin color.

The exercise will improve your posture and help you cope with changes associated with it. In addition, your height will increase by 2 - 3 cm.

1. Stand on your toes, mentally stretch the top of your head up. The chin is parallel to the floor. 2. Pull in your stomach, knees, buttocks. Don't arch at the waist. 3. Take your arms back, lower your shoulders down. Move your shoulder blades to the center. 4. Stay in this position for 30 seconds. 5. Smoothly stand on your entire foot and relax. 6. Slowly lean forward and round your back. Hold for 10 seconds. Slowly straighten up. 7. Repeat the exercise 3 times.

Exercises to train the muscles of the tongue and normalize the type of swallowing

Exercise No. 1 “Clock”. The mouth is open, the tongue makes slow circular movements along the upper lip, then along the lower lip.

Exercise No. 2 “Punish the naughty tongue.” Place your tongue on your lower lip and slap it with your upper lip “na-na.”

Exercise No. 3 “We will paint the ceiling.” It's time to paint the rooms, they invited a molar, he comes to the old house with a new brush and bucket. Your tongues are a brush, your hard palate is the ceiling...

Exercise No. 4 Depict the operation of a jackhammer. DDDD...

Exercise No. 5 “Riders”. Sit astride a chair and, opening your mouth wide, click your tongue.

How often should you exercise

The frequency of exercise depends on changes in your face. The more changes, the more often you need to practice. Deep, multiple wrinkles, large swelling and a very swollen oval of the face require 5 sessions per week. Less pronounced changes - 2-3 sessions per week. Young girls only need to exercise once a week just to prevent changes.

Classes take 5 minutes. You don't have to do everything at once. Distribute exercises and massage at convenient times throughout the day. For example, a head massage can be done under an evening shower. Lymphatic drainage massage in the morning while washing. Exercise for posture during breaks if you have a sedentary job.

What else is needed

At the beginning, you don’t have to combine facial exercises with anything else. For example, at 33, 34, 35, 36. If your face bothers you, start with exercises. Worried about swelling - with lymphatic drainage massage. If your posture is bothering you, start there.

But over time, everyone understands that the body needs additional work. Then you can supplement your activities with what you want, as needed. Gymnastics for the face does not negate the fact that people should think about proper nutrition, healthy sleep and exercise for the body.

Exercises to train the muscles of the tongue and normalize the type of swallowing

Exercise No. 1 “Clock”. The mouth is open, the tongue makes slow circular movements along the upper lip, then along the lower lip.

Exercise No. 2 “Punish the naughty tongue.” Place your tongue on your lower lip and slap it with your upper lip “na-na.”

Exercise No. 3 “We will paint the ceiling.” It's time to paint the rooms, they invited a molar, he comes to the old house with a new brush and bucket. Your tongues are a brush, your hard palate is the ceiling...

Exercise No. 4 Depict the operation of a jackhammer. DDDD...

Exercise No. 5 “Riders”. Sit astride a chair and, opening your mouth wide, click your tongue.


  1. Facial exercises smooth out wrinkles, for example on the forehead and between the eyebrows.
  2. Exercises can be used to sculpt your face, for example, to enlarge your lips and lift drooping eyelids.
  3. Lymphatic drainage facial massage improves lymph circulation and relieves puffiness
  4. Head massage increases blood flow in the upper third of the face. Improves skin color and strengthens hair.
  5. Exercises to restore posture improve the overall appearance of the face and neck and increase height by 2-3 cm.

It is recommended to practice facial massage and gymnastics if there are no inflammations on the skin, so as not to provoke their worsening. And the simplest thing we can do is help cells exfoliate and renew themselves. Especially for this, we have compiled a selection of safe home remedies for skin renewal. Enter your email and click the download button ↓

Jowl prevention

Any problem is easier to prevent. Therefore, in order not to look for methods to get rid of it in the future, you should follow a few simple recommendations:

  • perform small gymnastics for the face every day for 10-15 minutes;
  • do not forget about the use of skincare moisturizing and lifting cosmetics;
  • try to follow a daily routine, get more rest;
  • avoid the negative impact of stressful situations, if they occur - take sedatives that reduce the destructive effects of stress factors;
  • move more and eat right to avoid the accumulation of fat deposits;
  • give up alcohol and smoking;
  • drink enough fluids, make sure that there is no tissue dehydration;
  • do not eat too salty foods, minimize salt intake in the diet;
  • try to maintain correct posture, especially when working at a computer or when viewing content on mobile gadgets;
  • select cosmetics that suit your skin type;
  • When going outside, even in the cold season, use creams with UV protection.

These are fairly simple tips that are easy to implement to prolong your beauty and youth.

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