Useful properties of tar soap that you don’t know about

What is tar soap used for: benefits and harms

The drug consists of 90% ordinary soap and 10% birch tar. Soap brings certain benefits to the skin, and in combination with tar it becomes an antiseptic and antiparasitic agent. Tar is a natural substance and has a rich structural formula, which includes:

  • xylene;
  • triazoles,
  • benzene;
  • phenol;
  • resinous substances;
  • toluene;
  • phytoncides;
  • organic acids.


Tar soap is effective for psoriasis, acne, and seborrhea.

Useful properties of the drug:

  • eliminates rashes, including allergic ones;
  • normalizes blood flow;
  • regenerates tissue cells,
  • eliminates scars and red spots;
  • dries.

Tar in combination with soap accelerates the process of regeneration of damaged tissues, eliminates acne, dries wounds and scratches. Often used in the fight against food rashes and acne.

Tar soap is effective as a means of protection against infections. Quickly heals skin from microtraumas and diaper rash. Used to eliminate pigmentation. Among other benefits: strengthens hair, gives it shine and a healthy look.

Contraindications when using tar soap

When used daily, soap dries the skin excessively, so it is not recommended to use it several times a day. Do not rinse your hair with hot water; the substances it contains may clot. After this, the hair will become dull and ugly. Soap with tar can wash away chemical dyes from hair. In order not to spoil the shade, it is better to use the drug no more than once a week.

Soap has very few disadvantages. One of the serious ones is the smell. Some people may become intolerant. When using soap for the first time, you need to be careful. It is important to remember that the smell quickly disappears, and the drug does more good than harm.

We make tar soap ourselves

In order not to worry about the naturalness of the product, it is best to prepare it yourself at home. Since the main healing component is tar, first you will need to purchase it. The entire process of preparing this product is creative and will not take much of your time. While cooking, you will notice a pungent and unpleasant odor in the room. It is best to start making this product when you are alone in the house.

Pros of homemade tar soapCons of homemade tar soap
There is no need to worry about the composition, since you select it yourself and mix all its components.Doesn't foam as well.
Self-prepared soap does not have such a strong effect on the epidermis on the skin of the face.Making your own soap is more expensive.
You can prepare it immediately in reserve.The cooking procedure takes a long time.

If you can’t stand the smell of this product, then when making it yourself, you can use essential oils or natural substances, for example, cinnamon or vanilla. To create tar soap you need:

  • Baby soap.
  • 25 gr. tar.
  • Prepared container

Important! Since this product dries out the skin too much, we recommend adding a little sour cream to the recipe when making it.

After all the ingredients have been collected, start creating tar soap. Just grate the baby soap on a fine grater. Grate it into a deep cup. Then make a water bath over low heat and heat the grated soap on it, while simultaneously adding water to the bowl. As soon as your mass resembles thick sour cream, add 25 grams. tar. Pour the entire mixture into a container prepared in advance. Then leave it to harden.

Top 10 best tar soaps

Tar soap is very useful and inexpensive. People of all income levels can use the hygiene product. Our rating of the best tar soaps includes products from well-known cosmetic companies that are most popular among users and have collected the largest number of positive reviews.

  1. Nevskaya cosmetics
  2. Recipes for cleanliness
  3. Stork
  4. Spring
  5. Svyatogorye
  6. Linom
  7. Aklen
  8. Spivak
  9. Pure traditions
  10. Naturotherapy

Manufacturers offer tar soap in bar, soft or liquid forms.

Comparison of the presented funds

The table summarizes the main parameters of the products discussed above.

BrandTypeWeight (g)Additional components
Kleonahard80essential oils of jojoba, avocado, olive, coconut
Nevskaya cosmeticshard100
Agafyathick300extracts of calendula, meadowsweet, sweet clover
Spivakhard100olive oil, coconut oil

Nevskaya cosmetics

Soap from a Russian manufacturer made from natural birch tar without artificial dyes or additives. Among the active ingredients is a natural humectant - glycerin. The soap is intended for problematic acne skin.

Active componentsBirch tar, glycerin
PeculiaritiesTests carried out at ANO "Cosmetic Test" have proven the anti-inflammatory effect of the drug
, Russia

Price from 25 rub..


  1. Contains moisturizer.
  2. Foams profusely.


  1. Dries the skin.
  2. Not suitable for everyone.
  3. The composition contains substances that cause tissue irritation.

“I have naturally thin, almost transparent hair. Before washing my hair, I lather my hands and create a lot of foam. Then I apply a nourishing mask. After drying, hair does not look cemented, but becomes crumbly. I use the product twice a week. Soap thickens hair and gives density. This is noticeable visually. Soap will give strength to the fine structure of the hair.”

Reviews (from comments on the site)

Irina Dolmatova, 24 years old

I was desperate and couldn't find suitable care for my problem skin. I struggled with inflammation for a long time, but nothing helped, and I didn’t have money for expensive products. Then they advised me to use tar soap. I used it several times a week, the smell is very unpleasant, but it is tolerable. The soap helped me cleanse my face and no more inflammation appeared.

Alevtina Ushakova, 35 years old

For a long time, a product containing birch tar has helped me cleanse my face. My grandmother recommended it to me. With my skin type, I can only use this soap 2 times a week, but this is enough for me to get the same results as after visiting a professional cosmetologist. What makes me especially happy about this product is that it has a completely environmentally friendly and safe composition.

Anna Kolesnichenko, 27 years old

I've been using this product to cleanse my face since high school. It rids my skin of blackheads, redness and acne. It also helps to perfectly tighten the face and give it a fresher look. This remedy has been the most effective for me for many years. Recently I started mixing foam with my skincare masks, it makes my skin perfect. I don't have any irritation or other troubles.

Recipes for cleanliness

Soap contains up to 10% tar and natural vegetable oils. Manufactured in accordance with GOST, does not contain synthetic components. Deeply cleanses tissues and eliminates inflammation. Suitable for making masks. The foam is applied to the skin for a few minutes. Natural peeling evens out the face. Palm oil in the composition of the product allows you to use the product for washing hair.

Peculiarities100% natural product containing palm oil
Weight90 gr
, Russia

Prices from 23 to 43 rubles


  1. Manufactured according to GOST.
  2. The active substance is natural tar.
  3. Effective against acne.
  4. Cleanses the skin.
  5. Suitable for washing hair.



“I have combination skin prone to acne. Acne occurs on the décolleté and back. That's why I use this product for my face and body. I wash my hands. After the foam forms, I add a couple of drops of fir essential oil. I wash with foam. As a result of this treatment, acne has become significantly less. The manufacturer recommends additional use of moisturizer, but I do not feel any tightness. I use the product no more than twice a week. The effect of the drug does not occur immediately, but with regular use.”

Cosmetologists about tar soap and its effect

Many cosmetologists consider it not only ineffective, but also harmful.
When using it, in addition to skin tightness, you can get an additional unpleasant surprise - clogged pores caused by folliculitis - a side effect of washing. The disease will not manifest itself immediately and will cause a rash, which will have to be seriously treated. Is it worth risking the health of your skin? You decide.

But, based on the opinion of cosmetologists, at best you will not get the expected effect, at worst you will create additional problems.


The soap is made from natural ingredients with the addition of vegetable oils and is suitable for daily use. Tar - has antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects. In combination with soap, it quickly cleanses the skin, accelerates metabolic processes in tissue cells, promotes rejuvenation, and accelerates hair growth.

Active IngredientOleum Rusci - natural birch tar
Weight140 g
ManufacturerStork, Russia, St. Petersburg

Budget cost from 20 to 25 rubles.


  1. Completely natural composition.
  2. Quickly dries out pimples.
  3. Cleanses the scalp from dandruff.



“I used the soap for one week, during which time there was not a single pimple left on my face. I used foam to wash my face. I secured the result with a white clay mask with five drops of lavender oil. Keep the composition on your face for 15 minutes. I didn’t have such good skin even after washing with expensive gels. The soap smells like campfire and smoked fish.”

Tar soap in the fight against age spots

The rich composition of tar soap helps improve the natural complexion and helps cope with pigmentation. To prepare the mask you need to take:

  • 1 part soaked tar soap;
  • 2 parts sour cream;
  • 2 parts cottage cheese.

Grind sour cream and cottage cheese until smooth. Add mild soap to the resulting slurry. Apply the mask to your face for fifteen minutes. You can remove the mask using warm water or any makeup remover tonic.

We advise you to read: Sour cream face masks: the best recipes


Tar is a good natural antiseptic, improves blood supply to tissues, copes with frostbite, and promotes rapid healing of wounds. Soap with this active ingredient has antiseptic properties and easily cleanses the skin. Regular use of tar soap helps get rid of skin fungus, seborrhea, boils, and acne.

Additional IngredientsPalm and coconut oil
Weight90 g
, Russia

Prices start from 19 rubles and go up to 45 rubles.


  1. Relieves inflammation.
  2. Made according to GOST.


Dries the skin.

“I used to use tar soap for a specific situation. Now using it on an ongoing basis as preventive protection. I use it for washing and washing the body, foot baths, preventing animals from fleas, washing clothes and insoles. For body and face using soap twice a month.”

Best lists

The list of the best tar soaps includes:

  • Lump - Krasnopolyanskaya cosmetics.
  • Liquid - Babushkina Pharmacy.
  • Thick – BIO SPA.

Basic information on the selected products is presented below.

Lump – Krasnopolyanskaya cosmetics

Soap with tar from the Krasnopolyanskaya Cosmetics company is ideal for washing skin and hair. The optimal combination of olive and tar oils quickly relieves seborrhea, inflammation and oily shine. The natural composition and craft packaging make this product even more attractive to consumers.

Weight (g)110
Additional componentsolive oil

Price tag: from 290 to 315 rubles.

Krasnaya Polyana cosmetics soap

Liquid – Babushkina Pharmacy

An ideal assistant in daily hand care will be tar liquid soap from the Babushkina Pharmacy brand. Suitable for all skin types, restores and moisturizes the skin of the hands. The antibacterial effect will keep your hands clean for a long time. Helps minor wounds and scratches heal faster. The smell is pleasant, not pungent.

Weight (g)250
Add. Components calendula extract, chamomile

Cost: from 110 to 167 rubles.

Babushkina Pharmacy soap

Thick – BIO SPA

This product from BIO SPA is an excellent option for those who want a universal product for face, body and hair. The thick gel-like texture lathers pleasantly and creates a rich lather. It has a subtle and unobtrusive odor and dark brown color. It copes well with skin problems such as acne, acne and pimples.

Weight (g)300
Additional componentsolive, almond, grape oils

Price: 249 - 277 rubles.

BIO SPA tar soap


Handmade soap. Tar - helps get rid of acne and returns the skin to a healthy appearance. Olive oil - saturates the skin with vitamins A, D, E. Shea butter - promotes cell regeneration, makes the skin silky.

PeculiaritiesSelf made
Oils includedOlive, Shea, Palm, Coconut, Palm Kernel
Weight80 g
ManufacturerFactory "Ural Manufactory", Russia

Price 200 - 300 rub..


  1. 100% organic.
  2. Relieves acne.
  3. Suitable for washing hair.


You can purchase via the Internet or specialized stores.

“It took me two weeks for the inflammation and redness on my face, back and décolleté to disappear. I washed my face with soap 2 times a day, morning and evening. I made applications from a bar of soap on large subcutaneous elements. The subcutaneous area disappears in 3 days; normal acne disappears in one. I didn’t notice at what point the acne started to go away, I just suddenly realized that I was out of the habit of acne.”

Prophylactic masks

To refresh your facial skin and give it freshness and elasticity, nourish it with nutrients and tone it, prepare a mask according to the following recipe:

  • 1 part softened soap;
  • 5 parts full fat milk or cream;
  • 1 part cinnamon.

Mix soap, milk or cream with cinnamon thoroughly and apply to face for 20 minutes.

At this time, prepare a chamomile decoction - pour 10 g of chamomile with one glass of water and boil for five minutes. Dilute the broth in 2-3 liters of water and wash. You can also wash your face with plain tap water and wipe your face with chamomile infusion.


The soap of the Belarusian brand follows classic soap-making technologies and is made from natural ingredients. Suitable for sensitive skin, intended for regular use. Has a powerful antiseptic effect. Copes with pimples and acne. Helps maintain a healthy appearance of the skin, saturates it with minerals and trace elements.

PeculiaritiesSuitable for daily use, recommended for sensitive skin
IncludedSiberian tar, glycerin - natural moisturizer
Weight140 g
ManufacturerPharmaceutical, Belarus

Prices vary greatly on resources 20 - 300 rubles.


  1. Sold in pharmacies.
  2. Foams well.
  3. Relieves dandruff.
  4. Removes oily shine.


Tightens the skin.

“I’ve been using it for 3 weeks. During this time, the block did not crack, did not soften, and looks like new. Foams great. Immediately after washing, you feel a drying sensation. And it's great for my oily skin. I cleared out all the pimples on my décolleté and back simply by using soap every day instead of shower gel.”


Tar soap has a specific smell, so it should not be used by people who suffer from respiratory diseases such as asthma. Other contraindications for use include:

  • individual intolerance to tar or other components included in the soap;
  • spider veins (rosacea);
  • thin sensitive epidermis;
  • fresh (open) wounds.

Women during lactation are not recommended to use soap before putting their baby to the breast. Due to the strong smell, the child may refuse to drink milk.


A unique type of soap with natural birch tar improves blood supply to the skin and promotes tissue regeneration. The composition of the cosmetic product is completely natural, without artificial dyes, therefore it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Recommended for use on problem skin, for face and neck care. The soap is thoroughly foamed and applied to the face. If necessary, repeat the procedure. It is recommended to store in a cool, dark place for no more than 36 months.

Active IngredientBirch bark tar
ViewLump in box
Weight75 gr
, Russia

Price 20 - 50 rub..


  1. Natural composition.
  2. Suitable for oily skin.
  3. Quickly removes acne.


With caution for sensitive skin types.

“I constantly use tar soap. This is the first time I purchased a product from this manufacturer. It lathers well and the aroma is not particularly strong compared to other products with tar. Cleanses the skin well and is not particularly drying. All inflammation disappears the next morning. Acne on the back goes away within a week. Now I use it to wash my hands. Soap cleanses perfectly and is an excellent antiseptic.”

Facial skin reaction

Each person has their own skin type on their face.
Depending on its type, there will be a different reaction to tar. This is due to the fact that the soap bar and the skin of the face have different environments - alkaline and acidic. During the washing procedure, the thinnest protective layer of the skin is destroyed, because tar soap contains ninety percent of ordinary laundry soap. The result may be a double action.

The second effect will be rather negative. On the one hand, it will dry out the acne, on the other, it will dry out the skin even more.

Owners of dry skin may experience discomfort from a feeling of severe tightness.

Skin problems may not only not go away, but even get worse.


Birch tar in combination with soap heals wounds, scratches, and dries out inflammatory elements. Unlike ordinary tar, it does not change the color of skin and hair. Suitable for the prevention of skin and viral ailments. The pungent odor of the product remains on the body for no more than 10 minutes. Designed for all types of fabrics, does not cause irritation.

Oils includedCastor, Coconut, Olive, Palm
PeculiaritiesHandmade soap
ManufacturerSoap-making, Russia
Weight100 gr

The price of soap starts from 106 rubles and ends at 155 rubles.


  1. Added cosmetic oils.
  2. Natural ingredients.
  3. Handmade.


Can only be purchased online.

“I have normal skin without oily shine. There are allergic reactions in the form of red spots, and from time to time, pinpoint subcutaneous pimples appear. I consider tar soap a healing agent; it has strong antibacterial properties. I prefer to use it when necessary. Recently, internal painful acne began to appear on my back and face. I decided to purchase this soap with oil additives. This product has skin care properties. After opening the package, a resinous smell of petroleum products is felt. I used the product daily for one week. During this time, the pimples resolved and the wounds dried out.”

Tar soap for oily skin

If you have oily skin, tar facial soap is more useful than ever. It will help reduce the production of sebaceous secretions and prevent the formation of infection. For the mask take:

  • 1 tsp tar soap;
  • 5 drops of patchouli oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l instant coffee.

Soak the soap in a small amount of water and mix with essential oil and coffee. Apply to facial skin for 10 minutes. If you have small pimples on your skin, apply zinc ointment to these areas after the mask. This will help dry the skin and prevent inflammation from developing.

We advise you to read: Homemade coffee grounds scrub for face

Pure traditions

In the production of soap, purified birch bark tar recommended for the pharmaceutical industry was used. Glycerin in the product prevents dry skin, but does not affect the antibacterial properties of the drug.

Additional componentsGlycerol
EffectNourishes, moisturizes
Weight140 g
, Russia, Kazan

Cost 23 - 64 rubles.


  1. The smell of tar is slightly perceptible.
  2. Foams well.
  3. Performs antibacterial functions.


It wears out quickly.

“I can recommend this version of soap to those who don’t really like the smell of tar. After opening the package, you notice a milky-soapy smell, the aroma of tar is barely perceptible. After washing, the aroma is almost not felt, but the product tightens the skin, so I additionally use a moisturizer. Use soap as a hand sanitizer. I believe that the natural composition is safer than the aggressive components of other antibacterial products. Soap quickly helps deal with acne and scratches. The wounds heal within a couple of days.”

Composition and properties

This product contains about 10% tar. The remaining 90% are vegetable oils (palm, olive, coconut, mustard). There is also water, sodium salt, sodium chloride.

The soap contains no dyes, fragrances or other harmful components.

Thanks to this composition, this natural remedy has antibacterial and disinfectant properties.


The soap contains 1% natural tar and anti-inflammatory components. It has antiseptic properties and accelerates tissue regeneration. Intended for: seborrhea, psoriasis, neuroallergodermatosis, teenage rashes. Stimulates blood flow to the surface of the skin, exfoliates dead epithelial tissue.

IncludedBirch tar, witch hazel extract, aloe vera gel, ginseng, chamomile, mint, sage, beet extract
Quantity500 ml
, Russia Moscow

Prices in stores 450 - 850 rubles.


  1. A bottle with a dispenser retains the specific smell of soap.
  2. The composition is more gentle compared to regular soap.
  3. Added 10 anti-inflammatory natural ingredients


  1. Liquid.
  2. Doesn't lather well on sponge.
  3. Soap contains benzyl alcohol, sodium laureth sulfate

“The soap smells like tar, but I love that smell, so there were no problems. I have been using the drug for 3 weeks. During this time, the deep, painful rashes resolved. There are few comedones on my face, but the soap eliminated a few closed ones perfectly. The product is very drying, I use a moisturizer after it.”

Mechanism of action on the skin

  • Cleansing the stratum corneum and clogged pores. The fatty acids and other compounds contained in the product have a gentle abrasive effect on the epidermis. With each wash, dead tissue is cleansed. You can perform not only peeling of the face, but also other parts of the body.
  • Normalization of the sebaceous glands. Reducing secretion production will help narrow the pores. Reducing the activity of the sebaceous glands will lead to the fact that oily skin will begin to clear itself of blackheads and subcutaneous pimples.
  • Local irritation. Due to the essential oils contained in the composition, nerve endings are stimulated. Against this background, there is an improvement in blood flow in the facial tissues and a decrease in inflammatory processes.
  • Antiseptic effect. Destroys pathogens that are a common cause of acne on the face.
  • Tissue regeneration. Thanks to this property, it is possible to cleanse the skin of acne spots. Simultaneously with the removal of keratinized tissue, soap allows you to get rid of scars that form at the site of pimples and subcutaneous acne.
  • Rejuvenating effect. Tar enhances metabolism at the cellular level, accelerates regeneration and promotes collagen production. Thanks to these properties, the folk remedy is recommended for use against wrinkles.

DIY tar soap

Tar is a natural substance that is obtained from birch resin. If you have tar in pure form at home, you can make soap.

Homemade soap with tar and essential oil

Grate 200 grams of baby soap on a coarse grater and pour in a little water. Boil in a water bath until completely dissolved. Add 20 grams of tar and 10 grams of essential oil suitable for the purpose of the procedure. Mix thoroughly and pour the mixture into molds.

What is birch tar famous for?

Tar, most often obtained from birch, has long been known to our compatriots as a medicinal remedy.
They treated everything from scabies to hemorrhoids. According to folk healers, birch tar will heal the throat, joints, and cope with fungus. Read also: Why tar soap is useful - effect and benefits

The use of tar for medicinal purposes often helps with skin diseases of various etiologies. It can cope with problems such as hair loss and dandruff.

But the question arises: how versatile and effective is tar in the treatment of acne? Is the 10 percent of tar contained in soap enough?

Video on using birch tar

And now we invite you to watch a video on preparing a tar face mask for acne, wrinkles and blackheads. These masks can also be used to lift facial skin at home.

And another video about what masks for your face can be made from birch tar.

In custody.

Stay beautiful, don’t be afraid to use tar recipes from HairFace. This is a time-tested and time-tested product for skin care and treatment of skin diseases.

Recipes for effective tar masks

The skin of the face becomes velvety after the first experience of using a tar mask. After 2-3 applications, the skin rash goes away, the texture of the face is evened out, and the skin acquires a matte tint. Regular application of tar masks will lead to the following results:

  • pores will narrow, blackheads will disappear;
  • acne will go away within a week;
  • inflammatory areas will disappear;
  • redness will disappear, the skin will acquire a healthy matte shade;
  • cellular respiration is normalized;
  • expression and age wrinkles will be tightened.

Tar masks can be used by teenagers who suffer from acne. Contraindication for use is dry skin. Let's look at popular tar masks that have shown the greatest effectiveness.

Tar mask with soda

Before using the product, first steam the pores, so the beneficial substances will penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis and accelerate the appearance of the positive effect. Effect of the mask on the skin:

  • cleans and disinfects;
  • rejuvenates and softens;
  • pulls up;
  • like peeling, it eliminates roughness and unevenness;
  • whitens (freckles, age spots become less noticeable);
  • cleanses pores, restores water-alkaline balance.
IngredientsPreparationTime of action
Soap shavings (10 g), soda and salt (half a teaspoon each).Beat the soap into foam, add the remaining ingredients and mix well.10-15 minutes.

Recommended frequency of use: 1 time per week. Before applying the product, be sure to thoroughly cleanse your skin.

Lifting mask

Action on the skin:

  • reduction of wrinkles;
  • pull-up;
  • relief leveling;
  • improvement of tissue regeneration;
  • elimination of rashes and redness.
IngredientsCooking methodTime of action
Tar soap shavings (10 g), sour cream or cream (one tablespoon each).Beat the soap into foam and combine with one of the ingredients.15 minutes.

Recommended frequency of use: once every 2 weeks. A lifting mask has a tightening effect; usually the product is applied before going out. In a few minutes, women will receive the effect of a salon lifting. Don't forget to apply moisturizer after removing the mask.

3. Tar mask for rashes with pumpkin and raw potatoes

Action of the mask:

  • elimination of rashes, redness, inflammatory areas;
  • improvement of tissue regeneration;
  • refreshing and improving skin tone.
IngredientsPreparationTime of action
Tar solution (0.5 tsp), raw potatoes and pumpkin (one tablespoon each).
  1. Finely mash the blanched pumpkin with a fork.
  2. Grate fresh potatoes onto a fine grater.
  3. Combine the ingredients and add the tar solution.
20 minutes.

Recommended frequency of use: 1 time per week. Instead of a solution, you can use tar soap foam.

Mask against demodicosis

Demodicosis is caused by parasitism in the body of a pathogenic mite. Most often the disease is localized on the face. Birch tar is a remedy that parasitic ticks are afraid of. Tar cannot be applied in its pure form. The effect will be faster, but you may burn your skin. Ingredients for cooking:

  • 0.5 teaspoon of metronidazole in powder form.
  • a teaspoon of zinc paste;
  • a few drops of liquid tar.

Mix the ingredients and apply for 60-90 minutes before bedtime. The longer the mask lasts, the faster the effect will occur.

Important! The mask is characterized by an unpleasant odor and greenish-brown color. When you first use it, you will want to wash it off as quickly as possible. But you shouldn't do this. The product should remain on the face for at least an hour. For complete recovery, the procedure is repeated for 10-15 days.

Mask made of tar and baby soap

Action of the mask:

  • elimination of rashes and inflamed areas;
  • tightening the skin and giving it elasticity;
  • improvement of dermis color.
IngredientsCooking methodTime of action
Foam of baby and tar soap in equal quantities.Mix the ingredients.20 minutes.

Recommended frequency of use: 1-2 times a week. To smooth out wrinkles and enhance the anti-inflammatory effect, you can add a pinch of table salt to the composition.

To avoid preparing the product every time, you can make soap at home. To do this, you need to grate a bar of baby soap and melt it for steam, then add 3 tablespoons of liquid tar and pour into molds. Cosmetologists recommend washing your face with this soap every day. This will avoid skin problems and keep it fresh.

Brightening masks for pigmented skin

Action on the skin:

  • brightening and providing a matte skin tone;
  • facial cleansing.

Mask with chamomile infusion:

IngredientsCooking methodTime of action
Tar soap (10 g), chamomile decoction (1 tbsp).Beat the soap shavings into a foam and combine with the broth.15 minutes.

Recommended frequency of use: once every 2 weeks. Reviews say that after regular use, freckles and age spots become significantly lighter, and the dermis will take on a more matte hue.

Mask with cottage cheese and sour cream:

IngredientsCooking methodTime of action
Tar soap (10 g), cottage cheese and sour cream (one tablespoon each).Beat the soap into foam, add sour cream and cottage cheese and stir well.15 minutes.

Recommended frequency of use: 1 time per week. After removal, the skin becomes soft and velvety.

7. Anti-inflammatory mask

Effect of tar mask:

  • elimination of ulcers and minor rashes;
  • improvement of the regeneration process;
  • smoothing the skin texture;
  • elimination of inflammatory areas and redness.
IngredientsCooking methodTime of action
Tar soap foam and aloe juice in equal quantities.Mix the ingredients well.20 minutes.

Recommended frequency of use: 1-2 times a week. The mask is applied in 3 layers.

Blue clay mask and lotion

Action on the skin:

  • cleansing;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • matting of the dermis;
  • drying effect;
  • smoothing the skin texture.

Preparation of the mask:

IngredientsCooking methodTime of action
Blue clay (1 tbsp), liquid tar (10 drops), calendula tincture or sage decoction (1 tbsp).Mix all ingredients thoroughly.15-20 minutes.

Recommended frequency of use: 1-2 times a week. Reviews say that many are allergic to blue clay. Before use, be sure to do an allergy test.

Preparation of lotion:

IngredientsCooking methodTime of action
Liquid tar (10 drops), two egg whites, castor oil (1 tsp).1. Mix the ingredients.
2. Pour into a glass container.

3. Close the lid tightly.

4. Leave for 2-3 days.

Wipe your face and do not rinse.

Recommended frequency of use: up to 3 times a week. When the lotion infuses, shake it at least once a day.

9. Anti-aging masks based on tar

Action of the mask:

  • rejuvenation and improvement of skin tone;
  • lifting effect;
  • elimination of inflammation and redness;
  • improvement of skin color;
  • elimination of facial and age wrinkles.
IngredientsCooking methodTime of action
Honey (1 tbsp), tar solution (5 drops), peach oil (1 tsp).Mix all ingredients well.10 minutes.

Recommended frequency of use: 1-2 times a week. Many people online advise preparing masks with extra supplies. The product is placed in a glass container, tightly closed with a lid and sent to the refrigerator. However, cosmetologists do not support this method. Tar masks must be prepared from fresh ingredients before each application, otherwise the composition loses some of its beneficial substances. In this case, the efficiency decreases.

Masks for narrowing pores

Action of the mask:

  • narrowing of pores;
  • elimination of blackheads;
  • brightening effect;
  • increasing skin elasticity;
  • improvement of complexion.
IngredientsCooking methodTime of action
Egg white (1), soap foam (50 g).Beat the egg whites and tar soap shavings into a thick foam using a mixer or fork.10 minutes.
White activated carbon (2 tablets), tar soap shavings (10 g).1. Moisten the sorbent and crush it finely with a fork.
2. Add warm water to the soap shavings and beat until foamy.

3. Combine ingredients

10 minutes.

Recommended frequency of use: 1-2 times a week. When washing off the mask, you can add lemon juice to cool water, which will tighten the pores.

Mask for oily skin

Action of the mask:

  • normalization of sebum production;
  • improvement of tissue regeneration;
  • lifting effect;
  • healing of small cracks;
  • treatment of demodicosis;
  • removing redness and rashes.
IngredientsPreparationApplication time
Soap foam (10 g), patchouli oil (5 drops), coffee (10 g).Mix the ground grains with the rest of the ingredients and apply to the face.15 minutes.

Recommended frequency of use: 1 time per week. Girls can prepare a mask without patchouli oil, since it is intended to smooth out wrinkles.

Photos before and after

Let's look at photographs of hair before and after using tar soap.

Many people wonder whether it is possible to wash your hair with the well-known tar soap? The answer will be in the affirmative, but it is worth taking into account the individual characteristics of each and following the recommendations for using the product. This natural product can bring both benefits and harm.

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