What are Bisha lumps on the face: photos and methods of getting rid of them

Jowls (correctly - jowls) - this word refers to saggy, flabby cheeks that deform the line of the lower jaw and chin.

Jaws on the cheeks age the face by 5-10 years, making it sad and tired. They cannot be hidden with makeup. And even celebrities who regularly take care of themselves do not always win for an even lower jaw line. See for yourself.

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Do you think that this verdict cannot be appealed? In this article we will talk about methods that really help. But first we need to determine who the enemy is and with whom we will fight.

Why do jowls appear?

Our face consists of 57 muscles and fat, which is concentrated mainly in the cheek area. This cheek fat, in honor of the French anatomist Marie François Bichat, has its own name - Bichat's fat pads, and reaches a very impressive size.

With age, any person experiences drooping of facial tissues. The lower jaw to the left and right of the chin is devoid of muscle support (this can be easily seen in the figure), and nothing prevents sagging in this area.

As a result, characteristic sagging is formed along the jawline - “bulldog cheeks”, which make the facial contour wavy.

In thin people, shaving is usually due to excess skin and only skin. In all other cases, sagging is enhanced by subcutaneous fat or descending lumps of Bisha

It is believed that Bisha's structures contribute not only to the “blurring” of the contour of the lower jaw, but also cause nasolabial folds and form sufas on the face.

Most often, sagging skin in the lower jaw area is the visible result of a number of invisible changes that have occurred to our face over the years:

    • Low collagen and elastin content. Collagen inside our skin is like the reinforcing mesh in buildings made of monolithic concrete. Only with age does the old collagen “break down”, and the new one is not synthesized actively enough. This causes the skin to lose support and elasticity.
  • Weakening of the facial muscles, which cannot hold the skin and subcutaneous fat high in the same place. Thus, as a result of weakening of the cervical platysma muscle, a “goiter” and a double chin are formed in the neck area. The same mechanism underlies sagging cheeks.
  • Due to a lack of certain elements and hormonal changes, the bones become thinner and the face becomes flattened. Cheekbones lose their “sculpted” volume. Deprived of this important support, all facial structures, like on a sled, literally “slide” down.
  • An age-related decrease in the amount of melanin pigment in the skin makes it vulnerable to sunlight and accelerates aging.

A face with jowls is not just a problem of age. There are other reasons too. Individual facial characteristics, stress, constant exposure to wind and cold, smoking, alcohol, coffee, poor nutrition, certain medications, endocrine diseases, rapid weight loss, a poorly developed chin and even the force of gravity all contribute.

The risk of developing early jowls is especially high in heavy individuals with a large amount of cheek fat. These are overweight people and those who, at normal weight, inherited chubby cheeks.

The same factors apply to men. But due to gender characteristics, they have less facial fat. Their skin is not subject to hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy and menopause; it remains dense for a long time. Therefore, men's jowls appear 10-15 years later.

Expert comment:

“The appearance of jowls in youth is usually a consequence of being overweight. In all other cases, this is an obvious sign of age.

. But if jowls appear after 40 years, there is no need to urgently remember the forgotten cosmetologist.

Don't get me wrong, you definitely need to continue to take care of yourself. But creams, face masks, peelings and mesotherapy do not work on jowls. And do not rush (no matter what they tell you) to invest money in fillers and 3D mesothreads - they do not work against sagging of the lower jaw, and you will simply waste your money.

To get rid of jowls on your face after 40, you need to work with the causes, not the consequences.

Andrey Iskornev, plastic surgeon.

The mechanism for the formation of jowls on the face is the drooping of intrabuccal fat.

Advantages and disadvantages of surgery

Despite the fact that Bisha's lumps do not carry a functional load for an adult, not everyone supports the decision to remove them. Among the main arguments of opponents are the risk of negative consequences, low effectiveness in people with full faces, the visual addition of several years due to sunken cheeks, and the inability to return everything back if the result is not satisfactory. However, the technique is still in great demand because it has a number of advantages. These include:

  • correction. By eliminating the fat cells under the cheekbones, it is possible to give the lower part of the face clarity and definition. This will create a rejuvenating effect;
  • modeling. Often, people with small facial features have lumps of non-standard sizes, which disrupts the proportions of the face. With the help of surgical intervention, it is possible to carry out modeling and make the features more proportional;
  • elimination of excess fat. Unlike the popular procedure - liposuction, a lasting effect is observed during bishectomy. The face after surgery looks more refined;
  • safety of the technique. As practice shows, the likelihood of complications developing is minimized;
  • eliminating signs of aging. When the cheeks sag, a person's overall facial features change. This leads to the appearance of deep skin folds. As a result of surgery, the skin is tightened and nasolabial wrinkles are eliminated;
  • weight loss Even intense physical activity and exhausting diets are not always able to get rid of chubby cheeks. Thanks to bishectomy, a visible facial slimming effect is guaranteed.

How to remove jowls at home

Expert comment:

“There are cases when it is not at all necessary to resort to the services of doctors to get rid of jowls. Often, overweight young people simply need to lose weight. Excess fat on the face will disappear, elastic skin will tighten, and the facial contour will become smooth and graceful.

The main thing is to avoid rapid weight loss, otherwise the skin will sag before it has time to shrink. It is best to lose weight by 4-5 kg ​​per month under the supervision of an endocrinologist in combination with physical activity. Fat “burns” only in the muscles, and to get rid of fat in the cheeks you need to tense all the large muscles of the body.”

Maxim Vasiliev, plastic surgeon.

Is it possible to fight jowls using conservative methods?

Unfortunately, all home methods are preventative. Removing jowls without surgery is only possible if they have just begun to appear and have not yet gained a foothold in their occupied “positions.”

You can start eliminating jowls with lifting masks.

One of the most effective modeling masks is a tar mask: finely grate 1/8 of a piece of tar soap and beat into foam, adding a little sour cream. Apply the resulting mixture to the chin, neck and décolleté. Let it dry and reapply the mask until completely dry. Then rinse with warm water and lubricate the skin with cream. This mask has a strong lifting effect and will significantly tighten slightly sagging skin in just a month.

You can use ready-made pharmaceutical masks. Look for marine plankton, kelp, brown algae, lecithin, panthenol, and allantoin in their composition.

You can also do a facial massage yourself: twist a small terry towel into a rope, soak it in a saline solution and pat your lower jaw and neck on all sides for 15 minutes. After the procedure, lubricate the skin with cream.

Doing a massage with a towel

There are a variety of options for home massage. I will tell you about a technique using a terry towel, the size of which must be chosen based on the size of your face: the towel should almost completely follow its contours. Take two bowls of water. Pour cold water into the first and add 1/2 tablespoon of salt, and hot water into the second. Fold the towel lengthwise and soak it in cold water, wring it out a little and lightly pat it on your chin, then apply it to it and gently pull it towards your temples. Stay in this position for 3 minutes. Next, repeat the same manipulations with hot water. The procedures need to be done 3-5 times.

Exercises for jowls

If you are not lazy and devote only 15-20 minutes a day to yourself, then gymnastics will return a blooming, fit look to young people. People with pronounced age-related changes, unfortunately, will not be able to remove jowls with exercises, but the complex proposed below will help slow down further sagging of the skin:

  • - puff out your cheeks strongly for 30 seconds every day and roll the air in all directions,
  • - pursing your lips like a tube, “blow out” an imaginary candle 50–55 times daily,
  • - press your index fingers firmly to your cheeks and try to smile, overcoming resistance. This is a great exercise to strengthen your facial muscles!

Contour plastic surgery of jowls

Facial reinforcement with Radiesse gel or RegenLAb plasma filler. The drugs are injected deeply into the periosteum area under the cheekbones. Thanks to this technique, the face restores youthful volume, acquires clear, graceful contours and a heart shape.

Michelle PfeifferElizabeth Hurley

In the injection area, gels as a bonus start the process of skin restoration and help to significantly refresh it, eliminate wrinkles and smooth out folds.

Remember! There is no point in injecting gel or lipofilling directly into the lower jaw. This will solve the problem (and only briefly) for those whose sagging is caused by excess skin and is not accompanied by excess fat.

Functions of the cheek fat pad

The main functions of Bisha's lumps are:

  • Reduces negative sucking pressure in infants, which improves breastfeeding efficiency. It is believed that this role is the most important, since the fatty bodies of the cheeks are most pronounced in early childhood and undergo quite pronounced involution (reverse development) as a person grows older.
  • Facilitation of gliding of masticatory muscles due to the formation of a lubricant that reduces friction.

It is believed that Bisha's lumps provide a shock-absorbing function, protecting neurovascular bundles during injury. In addition, these formations separate the muscles from each other and from neighboring bone structures.

Jowl lift with threads

Go to the mirror and slightly lift the skin in the cheekbone area upward. Do you see how the oval of the face has straightened out and the chin has become more youthful?

Installing threads creates the same effect - it returns the sagging tissues back to the top. After half a year, the threads dissolve and leave behind a strong, collagenous frame, which maintains the achieved result for about 4 years.

Expert comment:

“Reinforcing shavings alone is fundamentally wrong. The flutters are just a consequence. The reason is the prolapse of soft tissues. Therefore, first of all, you need to strengthen your face in the area of ​​the cheeks, cheekbones and temples. Strengthening them will pull the fringes up and prevent them from sagging quickly.

To enhance the effect of the procedure, I usually recommend eliminating excess subcutaneous fat, which over time will move down again and lead to the formation of new jowls. To solve this problem, along with reinforcement, a course of Dermaheal Eyebag Solution will be administered - a lipolytic that breaks down fat and at the same time strengthens the skin.”

Andrey Iskornev, plastic surgeon.

Cosmetic procedures for removing lumps

Despite the fact that surgical removal of buccal fat deposits is the most effective, the procedure has a number of contraindications and undesirable consequences. It is also possible to reduce the volume of Bisha's lumps and change the contours of the face when applying cosmetic procedures, without resorting to the use of a scalpel or laser.

Lymphatic drainage facial massage

Bisha's lumps (before and after photos demonstrate the effectiveness of the procedure) can be reduced in volume using lymphatic drainage massage. While not directly affecting fatty tissue, massage is aimed at stimulating the functioning of the body's lymphatic system.

Under the influence of massage, the lymphatic vessels are toned, as a result of which the basic functions of the human lymphatic system - drainage and transport - are better realized.

Active removal of excess fluid from the intercellular space in the facial tissues, improvement of microcirculation and supply of tissues with necessary substances help accelerate metabolism, reduce the volume of fatty tissue, as well as tonify and strengthen the facial skin as a whole.

The lymphatic drainage massage procedure consists of several stages:

  1. Cleansing the facial skin with a special gel and preparing it for further manipulations.
  2. Applying a moisturizing cream to make the patient feel more comfortable during the procedure.
  3. Massage of the lymph nodes located in the supraclavicular area.
  4. Lymphatic drainage massage of the neck (hardware or manual).
  5. Lymphatic drainage facial massage (hardware or manual).
  6. Apply moisturizer to treated areas.

The lymphatic drainage procedure has a number of contraindications:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • the presence of acute respiratory viral diseases;
  • inflammatory processes on the skin of the face or neck;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • bleeding disorders.

The cost of the procedure in specialized institutions ranges from 1200-1500 rubles.

RF lifting

Radiofrequency lifting is an effective cosmetic procedure designed to restore the elasticity of the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. The essence of this non-invasive procedure is that high-frequency waves generated by a special device penetrate the skin and, bypassing its superficial layers, affect deeper ones.

The diathermal effect (“warming up” the subcutaneous tissues) promotes remodeling of the contours of the face and neck, and also stimulates epidermal cells to regenerate due to the active production of collagen and elastin.

Due to the fact that during the process of radiofrequency exposure to subcutaneous tissues, a complex chemical process of synthesis of special proteins is launched in their cells, the result of several sessions of radiofrequency lifting is noticeable within several months.

The synthesized proteins ensure the extensibility and strength of connective tissues, and also help improve the tone of the facial skin, preventing its sagging and sagging.

Under the influence of radio frequency waves in fat cells, the process of breakdown of fat molecules is catalyzed - lipolysis. This cosmetic procedure allows you to sculpt the face, tone and tighten the skin in the cheeks and lower jaw, which will achieve an effect visually similar to the result of removing Bisha's lumps.

RF facial lifting is contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  2. age up to 25 years;
  3. inflammatory processes in the face and neck;
  4. cosmetic and dental metal implants (“threads”, braces, crowns), which can heat up excessively during the procedure and burn surrounding tissues;
  5. a large number of moles;
  6. early facial lipolifting;
  7. the presence of a pacemaker or other devices that can be damaged under the influence of electromagnetic radiation.

The cost of radiofrequency face lifting is about 5,000 rubles.


Bisha's lumps (before and after photographs can be studied as examples of the effectiveness of the procedure) can be reduced using mesotherapy.

The following injections may be given during this procedure:

Acting locally, the injected substances only affect the injection area directly, which is suitable for reducing the volume of Bisha's lumps, but does not give the desired result when fat removal from large areas is required.

Mesotherapy has the following contraindications:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • acute respiratory viral diseases;
  • inflammatory processes in the face and neck;
  • oncological diseases;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • bleeding disorders.

The procedure is included in the list of services of most beauty salons. The cost of a session is 1200-1500 rubles, the duration of the course is 10 sessions.

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Photos "before" and "after"

The result “before” and “after” correction of the oval face and jowls. Surgeon: Vasiliev Maxim.

The patient came to the clinic for a swollen oval face, sagging cheeks, and shaved hair. A medial corset platysmaplasty and neck lift with a cosmetic incision behind the ear were performed. Result: a clear jaw contour, a straight and toned neck, a young and sharp cervical-chin angle. Surgeon: Vasiliev Maxim.

Neck lift using dynamic platysmoplasty - the chin will not sag even when tilted. Result 10 hours after surgery. There is swelling and markings. Surgeon: Vasiliev Maxim.

The patient was concerned about age-related excess skin in the neck area and was not ready for radical intervention. Surgeon Vasiliev Maxim performed a thread chin lift “NAS lift” (NAS lifting).

“Before” and 10 days “after” rhinoplasty (surgeon Mkhitar Meloyan) and removal of Bisha lumps (surgeon Andrey Iskornev). The lower third of the face stretched out, the heaviness of the cheeks went away. The face looks lighter and more harmonious.

Laser nanoliposuction of the chin, modeling of the face with one’s own fat, thread lifting of the lower third of the face according to the method of A. Iskornev. Before and 4 days after the procedure.

Completed by: Vasiliev Maxim.

Basic removal methods

Bichectomy is performed in the classical way - using a surgical scalpel - or using laser equipment. The surgical intervention takes place under local or general anesthesia. In the classical method, a miniature scalpel is used to make 1-2 cm long incisions on the inside of the cheek, at the level of the 6th molar. This way the surgeon gains access to the fat capsules. The volume of tissue removed depends on the anatomical structure of the face and the size of Bisha's lumps.

At the second stage, the doctor removes fat deposits using a special tool, and closes the incisions with a cosmetic suture using biosoluble threads. The patient is guaranteed no scars on the face, since all manipulations are performed on the inside of the cheeks. At the final stage, the sutures are closed with an antiseptic pad, and the operation area is fixed from the outside with an elastic bandage.

Removing Bisha's lumps in the process

Removing Bish's lumps. Work of Dr. Amjad Al-Yousef

Laser removal of Bisha's lumps resembles the classical technique, but takes less time. Instead of a scalpel, a directed laser beam is used. The main advantages of this method are low trauma and a shorter rehabilitation period. Laser radiation causes less tissue damage and coagulates blood vessels, which significantly reduces the risk of bleeding during and after surgery. The disadvantages of the procedure include a higher price. In addition, it requires expensive equipment, which not all clinics have.

Preparation for the procedure

First, the doctor examines the patient’s medical history and prescribes laboratory and instrumental tests. These include ECG, fluorography, general urine test, blood test for coagulation and the presence of infections such as hepatitis B and C, HIV and syphilis. A few days before bischectomy, patients need to stop smoking, drinking alcohol and certain medications.

How much does plastic surgery cost to remove lumps Marie Bisha

The price depends on the qualifications of the surgeon, the surgical technique and the type of equipment used. When calculating the final amount, the complexity of the procedure is taken into account: the volume of fat capsules, skin turgor and the general health of the patient. The type of anesthesia (local or general) and the length of hospital stay matters. The price will be higher if other manipulations are carried out simultaneously with the removal of Bisha's lumps, for example, cheekbone modeling or ultrasound lifting.

Implant installation

Due to its anatomical features, a small chin itself is often the cause of the formation of jowls at a young age. Sagging skin is effectively corrected by chin augmentation.

Photos “before” the operation and on the 5th day “after”.

Removal of Bisha's lumps, chin endoprosthetics with a Porex implant (USA), laser liposuction of the chin, thread lifting of the lower third of the face. Surgeon - Iskornev A.A.

Removing Bisha's lumps is the easiest way to reduce cheeks and get cheekbones

This is true. Although these fatty bags do not increase in size with age, it is often enough to remove Bisha's lumps to achieve the effect of reducing the cheeks, narrowing the lower third of the face, forming sunken cheeks, and emphasizing the cheekbone.

Initially, this operation became widespread among Asian patients with a round oval face, and then among all other patients with a heavy face.

Resection of
Bisha's lumps, of course, will not turn a round face into an elongated one, but she is quite capable of correcting the shape of its lower part and making her face visually younger.

How to tighten jowls surgically

If jowls appear on a “heavy” face against the background of large excess skin, the methods listed above will give a weakly expressed aesthetic effect. In this case, the face can only be modeled using surgical lifting.

Platysmoplasty and SMAS lifting will help tighten the jowls on the face. During the operation, the tissues are moved to their previous, youthful position and securely fixed. Excess skin is removed. In the muscle-free area of ​​the lower jaw, the surgeon artificially creates support systems that keep facial tissues from rapidly sagging.

This method eliminates age-related sagging skin, makes the face young and harmonious. Deep folds and wrinkles are smoothed out, the oval line of the jawline is leveled, a deep, even “angle of youth” is formed between the chin and neck, the corners of the lips are raised and the “crying Pierrot” facial expression disappears.

Postoperative sutures are polished after a month and become completely invisible even without makeup.

Photos "before" and "after"

SMAS face lift. Surgeon - Andrey Iskornev.

SMAS face and neck lift. Surgeon: Iskornev A.A.

SMAS face and neck lift. Photos before and 7 days after without photo retouching. Surgeon: Iskornev Andrey.

Isolated lift of the lower third of the face and neck. Tightening of jowls and folds of sorrow in the corners of the lips. Surgeon: Vasiliev Maxim.

In the absence of significant excess skin, a comparable effect can be achieved with a thread lift of the face and neck. The best result is obtained by placing 4 threads: 2 on each side of the face.

SMAS mid-face lift, endoscopic forehead lift, deep Hollywood platysmaplasty, CO2 fractional skin resurfacing, lip contouring. “Before” and 10 days “after”. Surgeon: Iskornev Andrey.

It turns out that jowls “after 40” can be avoided

Hollywood beauty standards have long been shaping the fashion on faces and in everyday life: beautiful, high cheekbones and the effect of sunken cheeks even after 50.

The procedure for removing Bisha's lumps performed at a young age is a reliable prevention of the formation of jowls after forty. By the way, it is used not only to get rid of excess cheek fat.

This technique has a dazzling bonus for correcting the shape of the face: you can noticeably highlight the cheekbones and create the effect of sunken cheeks a la Angelina Jolie, lighten the lower part of the face, visually making it narrower and more prominent.

During the procedure, Bisha's fatty lumps are not completely removed. This approach allows you to get “thoroughbred” and young, blooming cheekbones, avoiding the effect of a haggard face.

What are Bisha's lumps

These are encapsulated accumulations of fatty tissue that every person has. Formations that are dense to the touch are formed in infancy and have different shapes and sizes. Fat capsules perform several functions:

  • protect facial nerves and muscles from injury;
  • make breastfeeding easier for babies;
  • in childhood, they make chewing food easier.

As the facial skeleton and muscles become stronger, Bish's lumps lose their functionality, so their removal does not harm the body.

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