How to remove sagging cheeks and tighten the shape of your face in 1 day. Exercises, diet, care

No matter how much women want it, youth passes and over time the question arises of prolonging the beauty and preserving the toned contour of the face.

How to remove cheeks in 1 day - an integrated approach to the problem will help with this.

Is it possible to tighten the contour of the face at home?

Due to some circumstances, it is not always possible to visit beauty salons and pamper yourself with massages, masks and other skin care treatments.

Don't get upset and give up. You can also take care of your face at home.

Various methods, including food, are used in the fight against sagging cheeks. If you look in the refrigerator, you can probably find lifting assistants there, on the basis of which face masks are made.

Masks nourish the skin, help improve color and tighten the facial contour.

In addition to cosmetic methods, there are a variety of exercises and massages that also help with the “bulldog cheeks” effect. The main thing is not to let yourself go and not bring the situation to a critical point, when nothing will help except surgical intervention.

Diet for losing cheeks

When following a weight loss diet, excess weight is removed from all parts of the body. All nutritionists unanimously argue that the diet should not be short-term, but become a way of life.

Accordingly, it is better not to reduce the quantity and quality of food consumed, but to learn to eat healthy . Every person's diet contains foods that contribute to rapid weight gain, including on the face.

These products include the following:

  • sweet and flour;
  • salt;
  • mayonnaise-based sauces and ketchup;
  • beer and snacks to go with it;
  • semi-finished products;
  • alcohol.

This list should either be completely excluded or the consumption of the listed products should be reduced to a minimum.

It is necessary to replace these products with healthy ones that promote proper metabolism and, accordingly, weight loss.

Useful products include the following:

  • vegetables and fruits;
  • calcium-containing products;
  • fiber-rich cereals;
  • clean water at least 2 liters per day;
  • green tea.

Sweets can be replaced with a small handful of dried fruits , a couple of dark chocolate bars or a protein bar.

Causes of jowls

Ptosis of the cheeks (jowls) is formed due to age-related changes. The fact is that collagen production decreases with age. It is its fibers that form the frame that holds the soft tissues of the face. But with age, when there is not enough collagen, this framework loses strength, and the tissues sag, wrinkles and ptosis appear.

Another possible reason is excess weight, because the cheeks and chin can be called a place where adipose tissue accumulates; here it accumulates especially intensively. Other reasons for the formation of jowls include:

  • hormonal changes;
  • weight gain, and then sudden weight loss;
  • aggressive action of ultraviolet rays;
  • bad habits;
  • swelling.

The combination of these factors increases the likelihood of cheek ptosis and tissue changes.

Jowl removal is one of the common procedures at the SM-Clinic plastic surgery center and is carried out using cosmetic procedures or surgery.

Gymnastics to get rid of cheeks

It is generally accepted that gymnastics is an activity purely for the body. But there are also muscles on the face that tend to stretch and lose their elasticity.

Systematic implementation of exercises will lead to the desired result in a short time.

The skin will become tightened and elastic, sagging will go away, and wrinkles will smooth out. As with body tightening, facial exercises target a specific area. It is better to do each one daily or at least every other day.

Exercises to tighten facial muscles

Professionals call this approach face-building, i.e. physical exercises to correct the shape and contour of the face without surgery. A facelift using a set of exercises will give results within 2 weeks.

Eyelid massage

This exercise increases blood circulation and improves muscle tone. As a result, the skin tightens. You need to clench your hands so that your thumb is on top. Gently, without pressing, massage the eyelids: 5 times clockwise and 5 times counterclockwise.

For the brow muscles

With this exercise you can prevent the formation of vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows. Using the tips of your index fingers, you need to lightly press on the area where your eyebrows begin and frown. After 2-3 seconds, relax. Repeat 10 times.


A clear oval face is one of the first steps to attractiveness and youth. The exercise will help to outline clear boundaries, tighten the skin and remove wrinkles in the corners of the mouth.

By systematically performing gymnastics and facial massage, you can tighten your contours and get rid of sagging cheeks.

To perform this exercise, you need to stick your lower lip down so that your lower teeth are exposed. The jaws are clenched and tension is felt in the chin. Repeat slowly 5 times.

Lower face lift

This exercise strengthens and corrects the muscles of the chin and the area under it . To perform it, you need to sit down, straighten your back and straighten your shoulders. Tilt your head back so that you feel tension in your neck.

You should form your lips into a tube and pull them forward, as if for a kiss. Hold for 3 seconds and relax. Do it 8 times.

Exercises to correct the shape and size of the cheeks

With a simple set of exercises you can get rid of sagging, excessive plumpness or irregularly shaped cheeks. At the same time, the cheekbones become more pronounced and the face appears thinner.


Lips tightly compressed. You should puff out your cheeks as much as possible and hold it there for 15-20 seconds. Relax and lightly stroke them with your palms. Next, you need to inflate and deflate your cheeks at an accelerated rhythm, pressing on them with your hands . Repeat 15-20 times.


To perform the exercise, you need to slightly pull your cheeks up, as if you were grinning. It is important that only the cheek muscles are involved and nothing else. Perform for 2-3 minutes.


You need to fold your lips into a tube and pull them forward. Perform descriptive circular movements for 2 minutes.

Rolling air

To perform the exercise, you should smile widely with your mouth closed and take air into your cheeks. Slowly roll the balloon from one cheek to the other.

Exercises against chubby cheeks

Plumpness in the cheek area is caused not only by genetic predisposition, but also by muscle weakness in this area.

The following exercises will help reduce the volume of your cheeks and give your face clear contours:

  1. Hold the pencil between your teeth and draw figures, letters, numbers, etc. in the air. Do this exercise for 3 minutes.
  2. With your mouth wide open, turn your lips inward. Apply pressure movements with your lips on your teeth. Your cheeks and lips should be tense. After feeling tense, relax. Repeat 5-8 times every 10 s.
  3. Close your eyes and clearly make movements with your lips , as if pronouncing the words “Auh” and “Uuuuf”.

Exercises to tighten cheekbones

Expressive cheekbones are fundamental to a beautiful facial contour. Their clear outline gives the appearance femininity and a certain aristocracy.

To tighten your cheekbones, you need to regularly perform the following exercises:

  1. Using your index finger inside the mouth, move the cheek below away from the teeth. Use your muscles to resist, as if trying to push it back. Work this way on each side 8 times.
  2. Clench your palms into fists. Use your knuckles to make descriptive movements along the cheekbones , starting from the nose to the temple. You can alternate sides or do both at the same time.
  3. Sit up straight with a straight back. Look ahead. Lower the corners of your lips, simultaneously straining the muscles of your cheekbones and cheeks. Stay in this position for a while and relax.

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She offers two ways to do it:

  • endoscopic lift. It is effective at the first signs of facial sagging. The operation is carried out as follows: a puncture is made in the area of ​​the temple in front of the ear, through which an endoscope is inserted into the skin, into the incision and tightens the soft tissues and fixes them in the desired position. The advantage of this method is the short recovery period;
  • SMAS lifting or tightening of muscular aponeurotic tissues. The doctor makes two incisions in front and behind the ear, and through them he tightens the tissues and then fixes them.

Facial massage that removes the cheeks

To find out how to visually remove cheeks in 1 day, you need to consult a makeup artist who will select the optimal makeup.

To actually remove your cheeks, you need not only to do gymnastics, but also to do a massage - this is not only useful, but also a pleasant procedure. The massage relaxes, puts you in a positive mood and improves blood circulation in the vessels.

As you know, increased blood flow to tissues promotes their elasticity . There are several types of facial massage: just with your hands, using honey and using a towel. Regardless of which type is chosen, the skin should be cleaned and blotted with a towel.

Hand massage

Before performing a massage, you should cleanse your facial skin and apply cream to it. It is advisable to use a greasy one so that your hands glide better over the surface and the skin does not stretch.

You should start with stroking and light patting movements.
Next, pinch from the cheekbones to the temples. All movements are made from bottom to top. You need to pinch and smooth out folds and wrinkles. It is important not to stretch the skin during the procedure.

Towel massage

A small terry towel should be soaked in a herbal infusion (chamomile, calendula, sage). Next, you should grab the ends of the towel and bring your hands together. It is necessary to sharply but moderately spread your arms to the sides to make a light clap. With such claps you need to go over all problem areas on the face.

Honey massage

Dip your fingertips into a container with natural honey, then apply it to your face with tapping movements. Pinch the face several times. Press the pads of your fingers against the skin and quickly tear them off.

Cheek lifting cosmetics

Exercises and massage are very effective in combating irregular facial contours and sagging cheeks. However, if the approach to the problem is complex, you cannot do without cosmetic products.

These can be creams with a lifting effect, salon or store masks and home recipes. Creams with tightening properties can be purchased in salons, stores or pharmacies: Q10 (coenzyme) from NiveaVisage, Lift-active cream from Vichy, SoinNoir (lifting night cream) from Givenchy, etc.

However, you should not expect a miracle from just using this or that cream - you need to combine it with other methods. Masks will do a better job of tightening the skin on the cheeks and face in general.

There are many recipes for masks, of which the following can be distinguished:

  1. Egg mask. Beat the white of one egg until foam forms. Depending on the type of skin, add honey (dry) or oatmeal (oily). Apply to face and wait 10-15 minutes. Rinse with water at room temperature, then rinse with cool water.
  2. Yeast mask. Dilute fresh yeast (50 g) with warm water to the consistency of sour cream. Cover with a napkin and leave for a day in a warm place. Afterwards, apply thickly to the face and wait 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
  3. Oatmeal mask. Pour hot water over Hercules flakes or ground and let steep for 1-2 minutes. If desired, you can add honey or yogurt. Apply to face and massage along massage lines. Rinse off.

Don't miss the most popular article in the section: Facial massage according to the system of the Japanese doctor Asahi Zogan.

How to remove jowls in the cabin

Many women are afraid to go to a cosmetic clinic with such a problem, because they believe that the only way to get rid of jowls is through surgery. But now there are many non-traumatic methods that effectively tighten the oval of the face. They are effective at any age and at any stage of change.

  1. Ultrasonic lifting, thermolifting

    and other hardware techniques stimulate collagen production and regeneration processes. They activate blood circulation, the formation of new cells, and collagen production.

  2. Lymphatic drainage massage

    stimulates lymph movement and metabolic processes. Thanks to this, the supply of oxygen to cells improves, swelling and excess subcutaneous fat go away.

  3. Contour plastic surgery using filler injections

    . Hyaluronic acid is commonly used. American cosmetologists have recently used injections of Kybella or deoxycholic acid. It dissolves fat, due to which the double chin and jowls are reduced.

Makeup and hairstyle, correcting cheeks

A well-chosen hairstyle and applied makeup can work wonders on your appearance.

With the help of makeup, you can not only give yourself individuality, but also correct existing flaws.

When giving your face the right contour using cosmetics, you need to consider the following:

  1. This is not a panacea for excess weight and strained muscles. You can’t remove full cheeks in just one day, even with the help of cosmetics, no matter how hard you try.
  2. It is necessary to correct the contours of the face correctly , otherwise you can only aggravate the situation.
  3. Corrective products should not look like a mask on your face.

To find out how to remove cheeks in 1 day using makeup, you should consult a makeup artist.
With the help of correctly applied cosmetics, you can visually correct the contours of your face. Your cosmetic bag should contain correctors of different shades, powder and blush. Typically, large cheeks are darkened with a dark color and highlighted with blush. To do this, draw a line from the middle of the cheeks to the eyelids and shade it well. Blush is applied under the cheekbones. This approach can visually reduce the face.

As for a hairstyle that can hide swelling, it all depends on the initial image. For those with thick, long hair, straightening is a good option. Straight hanging hair elongates the face and hides its volume. A low-tied ponytail has the same effect.

A long bob haircut just below the cheekbones also . A cascade haircut would also work. When choosing hair color, you should not resort to bright colors. If you want variety, you can do highlighting.

In pursuit of changing your appearance, the main thing is to know a sense of proportion.

No matter how much you want and no matter what cosmetologists promise, you cannot get rid of sagging and large cheeks in 1 day. A changed lifestyle and an integrated approach are the main allies in solving the problem at hand.

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