Thermal water for the face: how to choose and how to use correctly?

When the water-salt balance is disturbed, the skin takes on a painful, dull appearance, irritation and rashes appear on it. In addition, lack of moisture is one of the main causes of premature aging.

Thermal water will help quench your skin's thirst. You can carry the spray with you in your purse, use it at home or keep it on your desk in the office - your skin will be moisturized and fresh. Regular use of thermal water allows you to retain natural moisture in the layers of the epidermis, as well as protect it from adverse external factors.

Which thermal water is better to buy?

“Your” option can only be found through trial and error, since this is a universal product with a wide spectrum of action. But a certain pattern can still be observed by studying the properties and reviews.

AVENE, La Roche-Posay Thermal Spring is popular with those with oily and combination skin; they have not only a preventive, but also partially a therapeutic effect.

Vichy Spa Mineralisante and Uriage are praised for their ability to reduce the symptoms of allergic reactions, irritation, and redness. All thermal waters provide protection against sunburn, but Librederm, Thermal Spring from the La Roche-Posay brand, AVENE deserve special attention when preparing for the summer season.

Those who prefer maximum efficiency to cheapness should pay attention to Vichy Spa Mineralisante, Thermal Spring from La Roche-Posay, which combine a high price tag with the same high efficiency. But among the budget options, the “Ya Samaya” spray won the maximum number of positive reviews.

“Ya Samaya”, Uriage is loved by women as a makeup fixer, and Uriage is a neutral universal product - even those with very sensitive skin do not observe negative consequences of use.
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Next, we will take a closer look at the existing types of thermal liquid.

  • HYPOTONIC . The amount of mineral salts in such water does not exceed the level of salts in human skin.
  • ISOTONIC. In terms of the level of mineralization, the active components in the composition are similar to the skin.
  • HYPERTENSIVE. Contains salts in a slightly higher concentration compared to other subspecies. Therefore, it better absorbs sebum and eliminates oily sheen.

The final touch is a decoction of herbs

After the water has been infused and purified with shungite, you need to add a decoction of herbs to it.

You will need 1 ch. l. dry linden blossom (sold in a pharmacy), which you fill with 100 ml of shungite-infused water (you should still have at least the same amount left for mixing it with the finished decoction). Heat the liquid until it boils. Next, leave it in the steam bath for 5 minutes. Wait for the broth to cool and strain it several times. The linden infusion is ready.

The last step is to mix the linden decoction with the remaining pure shungite water in a 1:1 ratio. Thermal water is ready. It's time to pour it either into a glass jar or into a special container with a spray bottle and use it.

Best lists

In addition to the range presented above, we have created another list of thermal waters that differ from each other in their abilities. This TOP includes:

  • For normal skin.
  • For dry skin.
  • For oily skin.
  • For sensitive skin.

Let's take a closer look at this list of products.

Pleyana SPA Aroma Termal Mint-Lavender – for normal skin

Thermal liquid from the Russian company Pleyana is saturated with French mint and lavender hydrosols. Mint has a beneficial effect on the skin, giving it a natural glow and glow from the inside. Lavender has a positive effect on thin skin, soothing and softening it. The product itself was extracted in Essentuki.

Price tag: from 480 to 600 rubles.

thermal water Pleyana SPA Aroma Termal Mint-Lavender

Ya Samaya - for dry skin

Pure thermal water from the springs of BURSA (Turkey) has a beneficial effect on the skin and helps neutralize the effects of free radicals, which are the main cause of early skin aging. This cosmetic product perfectly moisturizes, tones and refreshes. In addition, it is suitable for use in the cervical and décolleté areas.

Cost: from 180 to 300 rubles.

thermal water Ya Samaya

Vitex Blue Therm – for oily skin

The presented product copes well with oily and combination skin. Prevents the appearance of sebum, removes oily shine, promotes rejuvenation and effective hydration. It contains alcohol and sulfates. Removes minor rashes and cares for the epidermis without overdrying.

Price tag: from 235 to 330 rubles.

thermal water Vitex Blue Therm

IsN three – for sensitive skin

The presented product contains water from underground springs located in Belgium and a complex of minerals that intensively moisturize and soothe sensitive skin. Minerals contained in thermal water saturate the skin with oxygen and improve metabolic processes. Daily use of this liquid improves the appearance of the skin, evens out its tone and gives a feeling of freshness.

Price category: from 1500 to 2000 rubles.

thermal water IsN three

What to look for when choosing

The effective effect of water lies in its correct acquisition. Therefore, before purchasing, we recommend taking a look at a couple of recommendations below.

  • Consider the degree of mineralization of the liquid. After all, what suits one skin type can have a detrimental effect on another.
  1. Isotonic. Suitable for all skin types.
  2. Hypertensive. Ideal for oily skin types.
  3. Hypotonic. Suitable for sensitive skin prone to allergies.
  • Compound. Pay careful attention to this element; additional beneficial properties of thermal water will be indicated there. Water containing zinc has a special effect.
  • Thermal water is not limited to skin hydration . Remember, this product includes many functions, but this will not be stated on the label. Use thermal water before applying the cream. It further moisturizes and helps its active ingredients penetrate deeper into the skin. Use this liquid during fitness and active sports. It will help restore the balance of microelements that are lost due to excessive sweating. Use the product after depilation and hair removal. During these manipulations, the hair follicle is injured. This miracle remedy soothes, relieves irritation and prevents the development of inflammation. It is recommended to use thermal water to soothe the skin after peelings, scrubs and massage therapy.

How to use

Thermal water is a universal skin care product and has a wide range of uses. It is important to use this product correctly for maximum effectiveness.

To moisturize the skin, the product can be used periodically throughout the day. To do this you need to follow a few simple steps:

  1. Spray thermal water slightly upward from your face.
  2. Place your face in the tiny droplets.
  3. Wait a few seconds for the liquid particles to settle on the surface of the skin.
  4. If necessary, blot off excess moisture with a napkin.

This application of thermal water has a delicate effect. Therefore, this method can be used not only to moisturize clean skin, but also to fix makeup. It is especially recommended to carry out such procedures during the day when you are in rooms with very dry air, when air conditioning or central heating is running.

To tone and normalize the acid-base balance, spraying must be done in a different way:

  1. Close your eyes and spray thermal water onto your previously cleansed face for 2 seconds.
  2. Wait 30 seconds for the moisture to be absorbed.
  3. Blot excess liquid with a napkin.

Precautionary measures

Although thermal water is a delicate product, there are several rules that, if followed, will help avoid negative consequences from its use.

List of main prohibitions:

  • Do not leave excess moisture on your face after spraying thermal water. The product draws moisture from the skin as it evaporates, although this happens very slowly. Therefore, be sure to blot the remaining product with a napkin. The exception is isotonic thermal water; it does not need to be removed from the face.
  • Do not spray the product in direct sunlight, as its drops will act as a magnifying glass, which increases the likelihood of getting a microscopic sunburn and premature aging of the skin.
  • There is no need to shake the can before spraying. This increases gas consumption and leads to wasted product consumption.

How to infuse water on shungite

You will need a 3-liter container (enamel or glass). Pour 100 g of the mineral into it and fill it with three liters of still mineral water. Then leave it to steep for 3 days. At the end of these three days, bubbles should begin to appear in the water - from shungite.

On the topic: The magical power of the sea in modern cosmetics

Caring for shungite is very simple: every time you use these stones, rinse them with running water, dry them, after which they are ready for the next use. If you use shungite every day, its properties will be exhausted after 3 months.

Types and features of medicinal solution

The name of the healing drink comes from the ancient Greek word “therme”, which means “heat” and thereby emphasizes the fact that rain, having entered the soil and penetrated deep, is heated and cleansed of any harmful accumulations.

Also, soil layers release useful components to the underground flow. There are as many deep resources as there are compositions of the infusion. Based on the content of microelements, water is divided into:

  1. Hypotonic, which contains the least active substances and salts, so it is suitable for the most demanding and sensitive skin - sensitive;
  2. Hypertonic, the most diverse in components and intense in effect, which makes it ideal for inflammation, acne, and oily sheen;
  3. Isotonic, similar in filling and acidity to blood, absorbs better than others and, accordingly, enhances the effects of medicinal cosmetics;
  4. Hydrocarbonate, due to calcium compounds, fixes decorative cosmetics, and also saves the lower layers from moisture loss;
  5. Selenium, known for its healing properties against insect bites or razor cuts, as well as restoring immunity.

Top 5 funds

La Roche-Posay Thermal Spring Water

Brand: La Roche-Posay.


  • suitable for sensitive types who are prone to irritation;
  • provides anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effect;
  • tones, activates regenerative function;
  • eliminates signs of premature aging;
  • neutralizes the negative effects of free radicals;
  • relieves swelling;
  • can be used as a moisturizer to treat dermatological problems, instead of a toner.

There are no shortcomings, as confirmed by user reviews on various forums.

Price – 480 rub.

I am the most thermal water

Brand: I am the most (Russia).
The product is made from water extracted from thermal springs. There are no preservatives or cosmetic additives in the composition. This is a 100% natural product that provides nourishment and hydration to the skin.


  • instant action;
  • eliminates dryness, tightness effect;
  • removes signs of irritation that appear from the sun, air conditioning and other negative factors;
  • maintains makeup throughout the day.

The product has no significant disadvantages.

Price – 294 rub.

Vichy Thermal Water Spa Mineralisante

Brand: Vichy (France).

The products can be used from 18 years of age and are suitable for all skin types. The product is universal, applied at any time of the day. The main purpose of mineralized liquid is to combat irritation, intensive hydration, and toning.


  • starts the process of cell regeneration;
  • the composition has a unique formula, which is due to the extraction of water from the depths of the volcano;
  • the spray bottle sprays the product with small specks;
  • the protective functions of the epidermis are enhanced;
  • highly mineralized liquid, including 17 minerals and 13 trace elements.

There are no disadvantages, as confirmed by numerous user reviews.

Price – from 450 rub.

Librederm Thermal water

Brand: Librederm (Scotland).

The composition is enriched with microelements and mineral salts. The product can be used from 10 years of age on any skin type. The product provides nutrition, hydration, and cleansing.


  • gives tenderness, makes the face fresh;
  • eliminates irritation;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • after drying there is no tightness effect;
  • Suitable for sensitive skin.


  • poor-quality sprayer (drops too large);
  • there is no information on the degree of mineralization.

Price 340 rub.

Thermal water Tegoder Cosmetics

Brand: TEGOR (Spain).

Polarized water is part of the line of top-class cosmetics. Its composition, extracted from deep thermal springs, gives it exclusivity. The cosmetic effect is achieved due to the content of active compounds: iron, copper, bromine, iodine, magnesium, sodium, lecithin, oleic acid.


  • is well absorbed by tissues and cells, substances penetrate to the fibroblast layer;
  • Microencapsulation nanotechnology is used in manufacturing;
  • cell renewal;
  • enriching the skin with oxygen and energy;
  • maintaining humidity within normal limits throughout the day;
  • creating protection from ultraviolet radiation and other negative factors;
  • additional actions (anti-inflammatory, desensitizing).

The product has practically no disadvantages. There is no constructive criticism on the forums, only the high cost is mentioned.

Price – 2720 rub.

Isotonic waters


The source of Uriage-les-Bains is located in the mountain range of the French Alps. It is noteworthy that it originates in glaciers at an altitude of 1600 m above sea level, then filters through rocks, simultaneously being saturated with micro- and macroelements, and comes to the surface.

In its composition and level of mineralization, Uriage water is as close as possible to the physiological fluids of the body. Uriage is natural isotonic water, its pH is 6.77, its mineralization level is 11,000 mg/l. The composition contains the highest concentrations of sodium, calcium, chlorine, magnesium, sulfates and bicarbonates; copper, zinc, manganese, and silicon are also present. Thanks to the components present, regular use of Uriage water helps maintain a normal water balance. Calcium and magnesium have a calming effect, zinc has an antibacterial effect. In general, Uriage water softens the skin and enhances its antioxidant protection.

The manufacturer offers 3 options for bottle volumes - 50, 150 and 300 ml.

Cost - from 260 rubles. for 50 ml.

Uriage thermal water


  • the only isotonic among analogues;
  • effectively soothes irritation and relieves redness;
  • after use you will feel fresh and moisturized;
  • dries out inflammation;
  • mattifies.


  • For some users it causes a feeling of tightness or stinging.

Vichy (VICHY)

The resort town of Vichy is located in the heart of France (three hours by train from Paris), on the banks of the Allier River. It is surrounded by green gardens and parks, and its 15 thermal springs originate in the hills of the Auvergne, home of the famous blue cheeses. Volcanic rocks saturate Vichy water with sodium bicarbonate and carbon dioxide.

It also contains 17 mineral salts and 13 trace elements. The healing power of the local thermal water was known thousands of years ago. Warriors of Ancient Rome came to this “Village by Warm Waters” to gain strength and heal their wounds. In the 16th century, King Henry IV of France, having become convinced from his own experience of the beneficial effects of the resort’s thermal water, ordered the construction of his residence in this town and gave it the name Vichy.

For a long time, access to miracle springs was open only to members of the royal family. And now, relaxing in the luxurious hotels of the thermal complex or walking in its beautiful parks, you feel like a guest of the emperor’s summer residence. Since 1931, the L'Oreal concern has been producing a line of medicinal cosmetics based on the thermal water of one of the Vichy springs - Luc.


Vichy thermal water is sodium bicarbonate. There are up to 5.1 g of minerals per 1 liter. If this indicator is higher than 1 g/l, the water already belongs to the class of increased mineralization.


Soothes the skin, enhances its protective properties, promotes the process of cell renewal. Water is famous for its ability to improve metabolic processes at the cellular level and, as a result, effectively remove waste and toxins from the skin.


Designed for both dehydrated sensitive skin and problematic youth skin. It is recommended to spray water on cleansed skin and after half a minute blot off the excess with a napkin.


The stereotype that Moda water can only be used for cleansing is successfully refuted by this product. It should be used twenty-four hours a day and for completely different purposes:

  • an excellent base for makeup, after a few sprays, you don’t have to wait, as usual, fifteen minutes for the greasy cream to be absorbed, but apply foundation; the properties of water allow you to refresh and moisturize the epidermis in seconds;
  • to restore the same make-up, at work, on business trips, travel, it is difficult to set aside half an hour or carry a bag of cosmetics with you, to edit powder, lipstick, concealer that has floated from the heat and turmoil, with the help of thermal water, it is easy to get yourself in order in just a minute ;
  • for hydration and nutrition, the molecular structure allows it to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, saturating cells with useful substances, improving oxygen respiration, and preventing dehydration and flaking;
  • to create a protective barrier for the skin, throughout the day the delicate thin shell is exposed to stress - air conditioning, computer monitor, dry indoor air, wind, sun, cold, endlessly testing its strength, cosmetic liquid allows you to reduce this influence to a minimum;
  • helps solve aesthetic and therapeutic problems, for aging, aging skin it is an excellent helper to replenish the deficiency of moisture and minerals, for problematic inflamed skin it is useful due to its antiseptic properties, accelerating the healing process.


Achieving the desired effect, which is guaranteed by the manufacturer of thermal water, is possible only if you follow the sequence of the procedure, using the following algorithm of actions:

  1. From a distance of 10-15 cm, press the spray valve, pointing the outlet towards your face.
  2. Wait 1-2 minutes until the product is absorbed.
  3. Gently blot off any remaining moisture with a dry cloth.

An alternative way to use water is to create a cloud at head level by pressing down on the spray nozzle. All that remains is to enter it.

It is better to apply water to cleansed skin. You can also spray the product after each layer of cosmetics. This promotes better penetration of care substances into the skin.

There are different ways to use thermal water. Depending on the chosen technique, a certain effect can be achieved.

  1. To preserve makeup, a thermal spray is applied on top of the cream. Using your fingertips, lightly press the moisture into the skin.
  2. Additional moisturizing - the product is applied to the face after cleansing, then massaged with gentle movements of the fingers. Next, use your usual care product.
  3. To get the effect of freshness, splash water on your face every time you feel dry.
  4. You can reduce the intensity of the powdery layer, which emphasizes wrinkles, by spraying thermal water on your face. The dull matte look will be replaced by a radiant look.

When pressing the sprayer, hold the valve for 3-5 seconds.

Homemade Recipes

If you can’t buy real thermal water, you can always prepare a product with a similar effect and content. For the base, choose a bottle of mineral water, preferably still.

Products from deposits in the Caucasus would be ideal, since thermal springs are also located in the same area. Decoctions of herbs or petals will also be useful.

Select oils and infusions that are best suited to your skin type:

  • Dry requires delicacy, careful handling, softening and moisture. Give your face a bouquet of flowers from chamomile, lavender, rose, linden and jasmine;
  • Oily and problematic skin types love soothing, drying and anti-inflammatory ingredients, such as citrus fruits, pine oils, tea tree, St. John's wort;
  • Sensitive people often react to any external troubles, be it the weather, harmful exhausts or poor nutrition; it should be strengthened and restored with spices and herbs, such as anise, basil, fennel.

Add to the resulting base the elements necessary for your skin characteristics: essential oils, infusions. It is also recommended to dissolve honey, it will help the infusion retain its freshness for a long time.

Cosmetic brands offer a wide variety of products from natural resources, it is important to understand where they are obtained from and how. You can make thermal water at home; with the right approach, the composition and effect will be similar to the natural solution.


These include more active components - essential oils and vitamins. For 300 ml of the finished base you will need up to five drops of aromatic product:

  • dry skin responds well to esters of lavender, chamomile, ylang-ylang, sandalwood and geranium; in winter, you can add a few drops of retinol and tocopherol;
  • for oily skin, products with antiseptic and bactericidal properties are suitable - oils of bergamot, orange, ginger, grapefruit, lemon, tea tree, cedar; if there is a lack of nutrition, which usually occurs in the off-season period, add up to eight drops of vegetable oil of pomegranate seeds or wheat germ;
  • for the lucky owners of a normal type, geranium, rosemary, patchouli, rosewood, and neroli esters are suitable;
  • for sensitive dermis, choose calamus, basil, anise, fennel and sweet orange, also add six/seven drops of pantothenic acid, vitamin B5 perfectly soothes irritated skin.

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