How to use a scrub correctly: all the secrets are revealed!

Updated: 05/23/2021 14:24:05

Expert: Arefieva Elizaveta Aleksandrovna

Scrubbing is a cosmetic procedure, the main advantage of which is that it can be performed at home. The products used for this purpose may have different compositions and principles of action. It is necessary to choose scrubs taking into account the effect you want to achieve.

However, a seemingly simple manipulation often causes difficulties. How often can you use body scrubs? What should be the composition of an ideal cosmetic product? And how, in fact, to carry out the procedure at home?


Types of scrubs

All scrubs are divided into 2 types. The classification is based on the composition.

  • Oil-based products. Abrasive particles: ground grape seeds, olives, coffee beans, salt, sugar. Natural and synthetic oils are used. Consistency in the form of a paste or lotion. Often used for additional skin nutrition during treatments in spa salons.
  • Water-based products. Synthetic abrasive particles: cellulose, silicone. Contains essential oils. Consistency of gel, lotion, emulsion.

In addition, there is another classification of cosmetic products:

  • Clay scrubs are intended for oily and combination skin. Quickly removes oily shine and tightens pores.
  • Cream – suitable for hypersensitive, dry skin.
  • Gel - universal, for all skin types.

The third division by type is regarding body parts:

  • for face;
  • legs;
  • hands;
  • of the whole body;
  • lips;
  • hair.

Each of these means is used according to certain rules. It is necessary to select based on the individual characteristics of the skin.

How often can you use the scrub?

The action of the scrub is based on exfoliation of dead epidermal cells, removes dirt, cosmetic residues, sweat, and plugs of sebaceous ducts. The softening base prevents scratches and inflammation. As a result of this effect, metabolic processes are activated, skin cells are saturated with oxygen, and blood circulation improves. The skin becomes smooth, soft, clean.

However, frequent use leads to negative consequences - dehydration. Since the process of moisture release during scrubbing accelerates, the skin becomes thinner, dry, and the water-salt balance is disturbed. The protective barrier is destroyed, the skin becomes sensitive to infections and external factors. You need to use the scrub wisely.

For dry skin, experts recommend doing the procedure 2 times a month. For oily skin types – once a week. People with hypersensitive skin are better off using a scrub made from synthetic abrasive particles. They do not have sharp edges and cause less damage to the skin.

How to use it correctly on your face

First of all, the scrub must be used for its intended purpose. Do not use products intended for cleansing the body, legs, or hair on the face. Otherwise, the rules are simple:

  • The procedure is carried out in the evening, since at night the processes of cell division in the skin are activated and metabolism accelerates.
  • The face must be cleaned of cosmetics and contamination in the usual way. You should wash your face with warm water to steam the skin. In this state, it will be easier to exfoliate epidermal cells and cleanse pores.
  • Apply a small amount of scrub to damp skin. Apply with light massage movements to the forehead, nose, chin, temples, and cheeks. It is forbidden to scrub the skin around the lips and eyes.
  • Massage the treated area for 1-3 minutes. Wash off well with warm water.
  • Since the dead layer of the epidermis has been removed and the pores are cleared of dirt, it is advisable to use a nourishing cream. Active substances will more easily penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis.

Cosmetologists recommend using a scrub from a line of cosmetic products that you are used to using. If during the scrubbing process or after the procedure, burning, irritation, or inflammation appears on the skin, the product is not suitable, or the frequency of use needs to be reduced.


This is a type of lymphatic drainage massage. Thanks to the procedure, excess fluid is removed from the body, metabolism and blood circulation are enhanced, and skin tone increases. Now it’s easier for her to cope with cellulite and swelling. In addition, pressotherapy allows you to smooth out the dermis and relieve muscle tension.

During the session, the patient puts on an inflatable suit, then it is filled with air from the inside and the procedure itself is performed. The body is exposed to air waves that are constantly changing. It is thanks to such mechanical pressure that a person is provided with the desired result.

Just one procedure will remove a few extra centimeters. As for contraindications to pressotherapy, they are standard - diabetes, kidney disease, tuberculosis, pregnancy.

Rules for using lip scrub

The skin on the lips is extremely sensitive. If the product is not chosen correctly, it can be easily damaged. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure if there are cracks, jams, herpes, or other inflammations. Lip peeling is carried out in beauty salons. You can easily prepare the product at home.

  • Olive or sunflower oil (1 teaspoon) is mixed with brown sugar (50 g). Apply the finished product using a soft toothbrush and massage for about 2 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
  • Coffee grounds are mixed with kefir, cream, sour cream. Apply to lips, leave for 2 minutes, massage lightly, rinse.
  • Sugar in the amount of 7 g is mixed with 5 ml of liquid honey. Add 1 drop of mint essential oil. Massage for several minutes.

Rules of application:

  1. Steam the skin of your lips. To do this, moisten a napkin with hot water and apply it to the surface of the lips. They do this several times.
  2. Direct application with light movements. Massaging is allowed with a soft toothbrush.
  3. Hold for 2 minutes.
  4. Rinse with warm water.

Remaining moisture is removed with a napkin. After peeling, the skin on the lips becomes elastic, soft and smooth. The sponges themselves increase somewhat in volume.

Using a body scrub

To make your skin smooth, even, and silky, it is recommended to use a scrub for the entire body 1-2 times a month.

  • The procedure is carried out when the skin is well steamed - in the shower, bath, sauna, bathhouse.
  • Distribute with light movements over the entire surface of the body. Avoid places where the skin is especially thin and sensitive.
  • Lightly massage.
  • Leave for 1-2 minutes to distribute the nutritional components. Every cosmetic product contains them.
  • Wash off well with water at a comfortable temperature.

When should it not be used?

Of course, a scrub, like any cosmetic product, has its contraindications. First of all, it should not be used if you are individually intolerant to the components. In addition, scrubbing is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • in the presence of dermatological diseases;
  • in the presence of infectious rashes, all kinds of inflammations, ulcers, wounds and scratches;
  • you use self-tanning or lightening cosmetics (may cause pigmentation);
  • your skin is sunburned (in this case, it cannot be torn off, you need to use special healing and soothing agents);
  • you had surgery (the scrub will interfere with the normal healing of scars);
  • you are going to do a chemical peel (pre-scrubbing can irritate the skin so much that after peeling a burn or inflammation forms);
  • in the presence of insect bites (the scrub can spread the affected area throughout the body).

We recommend: An excellent hair care product – scalp scrub. The best brands and home recipes

The scrub perfectly helps to cleanse and exfoliate the skin, but you need to use it wisely: do not overuse procedures, treat different areas of the body with care, and do not forget about possible contraindications.

How to use foot scrub

The skin on the feet is rougher, and corns often appear. Scrubbing will bring it back to normal. It should be remembered that the procedure cannot be carried out with open calluses, painful cracks, or inflammation. The product can be chosen in the form of soap, gel, paste, cream. For massaging on rough areas of the skin, you can use a pumice stone. Typically, a foot scrub contains antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and nutritional components. Removes unpleasant odor and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. You can prepare the product yourself.

  1. Mix 1 tbsp. spoon of oatmeal, 2 tbsp. spoons of cream, the same amount of ground nuts - walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds.
  2. 1 teaspoon of sugar is mixed with 1 tbsp. spoon cocoa, 2 tbsp. spoons of milk.
  3. Mash one tomato well with a fork, add 1 tbsp. spoon of sea salt.

Apply the composition for 5 minutes, massage well with a brush and pumice stone. Wash off with water and apply nourishing cream.


Here, heat affects the cells with low frequency pulses. When using the device, many air bubbles are created in those areas that are considered problematic. That is, the process of cavitation begins. Then the bubbles burst and the fatty tissue is destroyed, while the muscle tissue is not affected.

The result will be visible after several such procedures. The skin is not damaged during cavitation, so after the procedure there will be no need to mask hematomas and wait for recovery. There are not many contraindications for this procedure - osteoporosis, diabetes, lactation, pregnancy, exacerbation of chronic diseases, intolerance to ultrasound.

Hand scrub

You can use the scrub once every 7 days. Apply a cosmetic product to the steamed skin, massage for 2 minutes, rinse, and moisturize with cream. It’s very easy to prepare a hand scrub; if you don’t have a store-bought one, you can make it yourself.

  • Apply honey to the skin of your hands, sprinkle sugar on top. If the honey is candied, use only that.
  • Sea salt is mixed with sour cream in equal proportions. Add 5 drops of your favorite essential oil.
  • Grind apricot kernels and mix with cream.

The best recipes for home care products

Homemade scrubs are good in two ways: they are effective and inexpensive. We invite you to try the following recipes and choose the best one.


Our mothers and grandmothers also used coffee grounds scrub, so the recipe can be considered a true folk classic. To prepare it you will need only two ingredients:

  • Ground coffee or coffee cake - 2 tbsp. l. (quantity can vary depending on needs).
  • Shower gel – 2 tbsp. l.

Mix the components in equal proportions and begin the procedure.

An anti-cellulite scrub will be more effective if applied to steamed skin, so use it after taking a hot bath or warm shower.


The procedure of scrubbing the skin with a honey-based product causes very specific tactile sensations. Honey sticks to the palms and skin, forcing you to make an effort and do a deep massage. Honey scrub works in several directions at once:

  1. Tightens the skin (the effect is similar to cosmetic lifting procedures).
  2. Normalizes water-salt balance, accelerating the process of fat breakdown.
  3. Saturates tissues with macro- and microelements.

To prepare the composition you will need:

  • Candied honey – 1 tbsp. l. (it contains more abrasive particles).
  • Oatmeal – 3 tbsp. l.

Reference! If the honey is too thick, dilute it with cream. Full-fat dairy products are good at moisturizing dry skin that is prone to flaking.

Mix the ingredients. Massage the problem areas thoroughly, and if there is a need to moisturize the skin, leave the composition for a few minutes. After the procedure, it is better to rinse the honey scrub with warm water or take a contrast shower.


Regular table salt is an excellent tool for exfoliating dead epithelial particles and massage. Sea salt not only scrubs, but also saturates the skin with iodine, magnesium and iron.

There are several options for salt scrub for cellulite:

  • Honey salt – used for pronounced cellulite.
  • Sea salt and coffee cake - perfectly tightens sagging skin.
  • Salt Sugar Oil – Suitable for sensitive skin prone to irritation.
  • Salt lemon zest olive oil – exfoliation and aromatherapy. Excellent for relaxing muscles and calming nerves. Use with caution for people with sensitive skin and open wounds.

A sugar scrub works similarly to a salt scrub, but do not rush to empty the sugar bowl - cane sugar is best suited for the procedures. It is he who can not only exfoliate the skin, but also nourish it with vitamins and microelements.

In the process of applying the scrub to the skin, its grains melt, which allows you to create a smooth transition from hard peeling to a soft range. If you don’t need the transition, wear gloves or apply the composition using a massage glove/brush.

The standard composition of a homemade sugar scrub includes:

  • Cane sugar – 1 cup.
  • Base oil (sunflower, olive, grape seed) – half a glass.
  • Orange essential oil – 10 drops.

All of the above ingredients must be mixed and applied to prepared skin. The effect will be especially obvious if you first massage the problem areas with a dry brush along the lymph flow lines.

Now let's move on to less popular, but no less effective components for preparing an orange peel scrub at home.

  • Grains and cereals. Oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, fruit and berry seeds - just pass them through a coffee grinder or brander to get an abrasive base.
  • Dried medicinal plants. Grinding dry plants cleanses the skin and normalizes lymph flow. They should first be crushed and mixed with fine salt.
  • Dry seaweed. A real storehouse of vitamins and microelements. They prevent swelling and also promote active weight loss by removing excess fluid.
  • Fruit puree. Acts like an acid peel. For this purpose, grapefruit and pineapple, which contain bromelain, an enzyme that breaks down fat deposits, are most often used.
  • Cosmetic clay. Makes the skin dense and elastic, saturating it with oxygen and removing decay products. White clay is suitable for sensitive skin, blue - for problematic and oily skin, green - for age-related and puffy skin, red - for dry and allergy-prone skin, and yellow - for skin that has lost its tone.
  • Cocoa powder. Stimulates natural collagen production, prolonging youth. Contains valuable acids that have a tonic effect: linoleic, stearic and oleic.
  • Spices. Mustard powder, cinnamon, vanilla, ground pepper - almost every housewife has all this in her kitchen. As abrasive additives, they make the skin firm and elastic.

A scrub made at home has a number of advantages:

  • it contains no preservatives or chemicals;
  • budget;
  • prepared from any available products.

There are many recipes for every taste, the most effective ones are listed below:

  1. Anti-cellulite. Add 20 ml of olive oil and a couple of drops of orange essential oil to the brewed coffee cake. Mix everything thoroughly and apply with massage movements.
  2. Cleaning. Mix 1 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt and the same amount of carrier oil (for example, almond), add 2 drops of rosemary oil and 1 drop of orange oil.
  3. Coconut for the body. The abrasive particles will be coconut flakes, which the skin loves very much. It gives soft peeling. It is suitable for sensitive skin. Chips crushed in a coffee grinder should be mixed with 3 tbsp. l. almond oil and 1 tbsp. l. Sahara. You can add a drop of mint oil.
  4. Honey. Take 3 tbsp. l. honey, 2 tbsp. l. olive oil and 1 tsp. ground coffee. Mix and heat slightly in a water bath.
  5. Sugar for the body. Sugar is a universal exfoliant. You will need: 4 tbsp. l. 25% fat sour cream, 3 tbsp. l. Sahara. Mix the mixture thoroughly before use.
  6. Solyanoy. It is better to use sea salt without dyes. In 3 tbsp. l. oil (olive or almond) add 2 tbsp. l. salt and 1 drop each of bergamot and clove oil. Mix the scrub and apply to the body.

Hair scrub - instructions for use

The product is used to improve the condition of the scalp. Under the influence of the scrub, blood circulation improves, epidermal cells receive oxygen, and metabolic processes occur faster. As a result, the hair becomes strong, vibrant, and shiny.

  1. You are allowed to use a hair scrub 1-2 times a month.
  2. Before application, the head should not be washed.
  3. Moisturizes hair well and steams the scalp.
  4. Apply the product intensively to the head.
  5. Massage for 5 minutes, without much effort.
  6. The scrub mask is left for another 5 minutes, in other cases, washed off after the massage.
  7. Wash your hair in the usual way.
  8. Be sure to apply balm.
  9. Dry your hair without a hairdryer.

Do not apply the scrub to the skin if there is damage.

Is it possible to use a scrub after professional peeling?

The cosmetic procedure is carried out in salons and clinics. Its purpose is to remove the dead layer of the epidermis, activate cell function, renew, and rejuvenate. There are superficial, medium, and deep peelings. The first type is practically no different from regular scrubbing. Repeating the procedure after a short period of time is inappropriate and harmful to the condition of the skin. Medium and especially deep peeling is an aggressive procedure that significantly injures the skin. You can use the scrub after the skin is completely restored.

Mandatory hydration

Any scrub, no matter how soft and delicate it may be, dries out the skin and deprives it of its protective layer. Even if you apply it as carefully as possible and follow all the rules for using this cosmetic product, you must complete this procedure by applying nourishing and moisturizing products. Serums, creams and lotions are suitable for this purpose. This is the only way the skin will receive the moisture it needs and nutrients. Moisturizing products will soothe the skin, eliminate redness and give freshness.

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Sugar scrub is the best folk remedy

There are a huge number of recipes using sugar among people. Can be used on any part of the body.

  • The easiest way is to mix sugar with a little water. Distribute evenly on the skin and massage. After drying, rinse well.
  • Sugar is turned into powder. The sponge is soaked in hot milk, then dipped in powder. Apply to the skin.
  • Sugar is mixed with olive and vegetable oil. Use while showering.

Sugar scrub is suitable for all skin types.

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