How the face changes with age: changes in proportions and details

  • September 17, 2019
  • Life style
  • Alina Pavlova

William Shakespeare wrote: “Nothing lasts forever under the sun.” No other quote describes a person's life so accurately. In particular, the process of his growing up and aging, which will be discussed in this article. Namely, how the face changes with age. This topic is unlikely to ever lose its relevance, especially in the age of high technology and the popularization of social networks.

Throughout life, a person is influenced by a variety of factors: environmental conditions, work environment, society, and much more. Surprisingly, the way we look is very often a kind of “canvas” on which everything we live is reflected. Let's find out how appearance changes with age, how these changes differ in men and women, what factors influence this and what helps to maintain health and youth longer.


From the age of 18, a girl’s facial features become more expressive: the folds of the eyelids are better defined, the muscles and bones of the skull become more noticeable, and the youthful softness of her features fades into the background. Lips become sensual. Until middle age, a woman’s face does not experience strong and noticeable changes. Provided that her lifestyle corresponds to a healthy one or at least close to it, but more on that later.

Flat forehead

Horizontal wrinkles on the forehead are removed using botulinum therapy. But regular injections can lead to atrophy of the fat layer, and the forehead will lose volume and become completely smooth. It seems, how can a flat forehead without wrinkles age? However, it changes the entire face pattern and makes it look older.

The deficiency is eliminated by introducing fillers with hyaluronic acid. This procedure can only be entrusted to professionals, especially if you are prone to swelling. The doctor accurately determines the areas and the required volume of the drug.


The eyebrows take on their final shape and move lower, causing the facial expression to change. The nose lengthens, while remaining slightly upturned. Muscle tissue and skeletal system noticeably increase. The first hair to appear, albeit faintly visible, is on the face: above the upper lip and chin. The skin, like that of girls, often becomes inflamed.

Facial proportions change with age

Many factors influence aging. This is a normal physiological process. At the same time, not only the face, but also the whole body ages. A 75-year-old compared to a 30-year-old has a maximum respiratory capacity of 43%, renal filtration of 70%, metabolism of 84%, and brain function of 92%. We lose about 1% of collagen per year, and the dermis thins up to 80%.

Some people age faster, others slower. It depends on genetics, which we have no influence on, and on factors that we influence: solar radiation (the most important factor), lifestyle, nutrition, working and housing conditions.

The influence of external factors has been studied many times in twins. An interesting case occurred with a man who worked for many years in conditions where one side of his face was constantly exposed to strong solar radiation, causing that part of the face to look older than the other. It has been proven that the external factor that has the greatest influence on aging is solar radiation.

Changing facial proportions is described by the inverted triangle principle. When young, the base of this triangle is at the apex, and then it rotates. This inversion of the triangle is determined by changes in fat and bone tissue. Fatty tissue almost completely disappears around the temples. Its amount varies greatly around the eyes and cheeks. This, combined with the reconstruction of the facial bones and their flattening, causes the skin not only to become thinner, but also to lose support.

Person's age

The most important changes that occur in the middle of the face are:

  • atrophy of fat under the eyes, in the orbital, suborbital and zygomatic areas;
  • atrophy of the orbicularis oculi muscle;
  • deepening of the nasolabial furrow;
  • sinking of the nose.

In the lower part of the face occurs:

  • skin subsidence to the lower edge of the lower jaw;
  • atrophy of the jaw bone in 3 dimensions;
  • puppet wrinkles appear;
  • formation of a double chin, a smooth transition from the face to the neck is formed;
  • lip discoloration;
  • lowering the corners of the mouth;
  • lengthening of the upper lip.

The presence of teeth is very important for maintaining the shape of the face.

Signs of aging

Old age and old age

And finally, how does a man’s face change as he reaches the age of 60? As with women, all the so-called “wrinkles of emotions” are finally fixed. Sagging skin causes the jawline to become more saggy. The facial hair is thinning and the man begins to go bald. Eye color fades. As a man gets older, his face becomes lean and thin. The lip line becomes thinner.

Here is a good and illustrative photo of how a person’s face changes with age.

Now that we are well acquainted with the age-related changes in men and women, it is also worth mentioning another important point. As mentioned above, not only the natural life cycle affects how we look at certain years. There are other factors that contribute to premature aging of the body. So, what else affects early skin aging and why does the face change with age, besides natural reasons?

Neck laxity

The main signs of neck aging are:

  • the appearance of wrinkles on the neck - “rings of Venus” (for more information about the “rings of Venus” see here);
  • decreased skin elasticity;
  • platysma bands.

A universal method for correcting age-related changes in the neck is biorevitalization. The technique provides instant results and a long-lasting rejuvenation effect. As a result, tissues are tightened, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the water balance in the deep layers of the skin is restored. Compositions with hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, and amino acids are widely used.

Factors of early aging

1) Ultraviolet radiation.

Cosmetologists call this “light aging.” The thing is that direct sunlight negatively affects collagen fibers, which, in turn, retain and accumulate moisture in the skin. This is why it is so important to use special moisturizers and sunscreens.

2) Bad environment.

It's no secret that the state of the air these days leaves much to be desired. Chemicals that pollute the air disrupt the functioning of skin cells, which cannot but affect it. For this reason, if not frequent, then at least periodic trips to nature, away from cities, are of great benefit.

3) Prolonged stress.

Being in a state of chronic anxiety and stress, adrenaline is released into the blood, narrowing the small capillaries on the skin of the face. Access to oxygen becomes difficult for her, which is why the face gradually loses its healthy tone, elasticity and attractiveness. Timely seeking professional help from a psychologist or a good vacation for a month are the first steps towards improving the quality of life.

4) Alcohol and cigarettes.

Fact: The skin of a heavy smoker ages much earlier and more actively than that of a non-smoker. And long-term consumption of alcoholic beverages can cause the face to begin to become covered with red streaks. Not to mention how severely alcohol dehydrates skin tissue.

5) Junk food and drinks.

Everything is healthy in moderation, including our favorite tea and coffee. It is also worth, if possible, reducing fatty, salty and sweet foods in your diet.

6) Rare physical activity or lack thereof.

The health of the body directly affects the condition of the face. The better physically prepared a person is and the healthier his weight is, the more attractive and younger his facial skin will look.

7) Poor sleep.

Frequent awakenings at night or, conversely, the inability to fall asleep disrupt the synthesis of proteins in the body's cells. This contributes to the appearance of bags under the eyes, premature wrinkles and overall sagging skin. This is one of the many reasons why healthy, regular sleep is so important.

At what age does the appearance of men and women change?

  • When does the appearance change?
    The appearance of nasolabial folds occurs in the period from
    20 to 25 years, after another 10 years they become a furrow, which after another 10-15 years becomes pronounced.
  • Wrinkles under the eyes begin to appear after reaching 25 years of age, the same applies to wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, which we call crow's feet.

Changes for men

  • As for pretragus wrinkles , they are visible on men’s faces after 30 years, on women’s faces after 40.
  • Wrinkles begin to appear on the neck after 25, and between the eyebrows much later, after 50. At the same age, the face changes in profile and becomes wider.
  • Eyelids can begin to deform at 30 years of age. This is how appearance changes with age.
  • Age-related (senile) changes include, in addition to the signs listed above, the appearance of pigment spots, yellowish skin lumps, bruises or bruises, networks of blood vessels, often located in the cheeks or nose, and vascular nodules.

Finely wrinkled appearance of facial aging

People with this type have very dry and thin skin, and there is little subcutaneous fat. Because of this, the first wrinkles appear at the age of 20-25. Girls age earlier than their peers and are upset about it. But an incomparable advantage is that the oval of the face will be clear even at 60 years old.

To delay the appearance of the first signs of aging as much as possible, you (if you are this type) need to be more careful about hydration. Skincare products should contain hyaluronic acid, lipids, vitamins B and E. Also watch your diet. It will be good if you have enough fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet. And don’t forget about the amount of water per day.

Remember that smoking, alcohol, sun and solariums artificially dry out the skin. Try to avoid these factors as much as possible, then wrinkles will not deepen quickly.

Try advanced intensives from Melannette. With their help, you can even get rid of deep wrinkles in the forehead, eyebrow area and nasolabial area.

Muscular type of facial aging

The skin remains dense and quite elastic even in old age. And all thanks to the muscles that do not lose tone. Wrinkles are in no hurry to appear and the oval of the face does not “float” anywhere. But here another problem arises - over the years, the fatty tissue becomes thinner and the facial features become rough, similar to those of a man.

This type is also prone to hyperpigmentation. Therefore, you should never forget about sunscreen, and you need to add products to your home care that help fight age spots.

Oval face shape

With this shape, the width of the forehead and jaw are approximately the same, and the length of the face is 1.5–1.6 times the width of the face. The angles of the jaw, cheekbones and chin in such individuals are well defined, but not pointed or overly pronounced. Examples: Svetlana Khodchenkova and Natalie Portman.

“Ovals” lose fat in the area of ​​the cheeks and temples with age. There may be premature appearance of crow's feet, sagging of the upper eyelids, flattening of the eyebrows and cheekbones, and depression in the under-eye area. Overall impression of a flatter, tired face

, having lost its sharpness and relief. Emaciated upper half due to the appearance of depressions at the temples and a blue venous pattern.

For correction, either fillers (hyaluronic acid, Sculpture, etc.) or lipofilling are used, i.e. do a fat transfer. First of all, fill the area of ​​the temples, eyebrows and under-eyes.

Skin care and choosing the right cosmetics for ovals is critical. Softening the “crow’s feet” visually makes the cheekbones appear higher and denser, and they reflect light better. When choosing decorative cosmetics, you can use silicone primers that fill wrinkles and optical diffusers that scatter light.

Mixed type of facial aging

The most common type, which combines signs of several types of aging. Wrinkles, jowls and pigment spots may appear here. At the same time, many people develop a double chin, and the oval of the face becomes unclear.

Therefore, an integrated approach is needed here that will collect funds to combat various problems (they must be selected individually, based on your observations).

Triangular shape (heart face)

Triangular faces have a wide top (forehead, cheekbones) and a delicate, pointed bottom. Characteristic “hearts” are Reese Witherspoon and Christina Ricci.

Triangular faces tend to lose frame support in the upper part of the face, especially around the forehead and temples. A receding forehead will contribute to drooping of the upper eyelids and distortion of the shape of the eyebrows.

The necessary correction is forehead and/or eyebrow lifting, upper blepharoplasty, eyebrow lipofilling. Well, if the result of the upper blepharo is the eyelids are small, then transplantation of fat grafts according to Meronk.

Cosmetics should be aimed at restoring and maintaining frame density. For example, phytoestrogens

C. With the help of shadows, you can try to add clarity to a sliding and smeared upper eyelid.

Anti-aging facial skin care

To slow down the aging process, you need to use the right care. Here are some great tools that can help you:

  1. Hydrolate Rose - will replace tap water and make the dermis more hydrated and nourished;

  2. Squalane serum - saturates the skin without harmful chemicals;

  3. Hemp verbena balm accelerates tissue regeneration.

The agony of choice

The concept of “sex symbol” appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century. This title is given to a person who is considered sexually attractive by most of the world's population. At different times, people completely different from each other fell under this description - this depended on the preferences of society under the influence of certain historical events. Thus, thanks to the main athlete of the Russian Empire, Ivan Poddubny, the first decade of the last century became the time of strongmen. In the Cossack family, all the men were tall and healthy: Poddubny himself claimed that the only person who was stronger than him was his father.

For several years of his life, Poddubny worked as a port loader on the Black Sea. After a 14-hour working day, he lifted weights every day and wrestled with his comrades, and in the mornings he ran and hardened himself with ice water. One day the famous Beskorovainy circus came to Feodosia. The strongman did not miss a single performance, carefully studying the tricks of the acrobats in the arena. However, there is a version that he went there for the sake of the only woman - the Hungarian gymnast Emilia.

And while towering heavyweights inspired men for a decade, they soon gave way to the European style of the elegant dandy - in an impeccable suit and with a neat curled mustache. The American actor Rudolph Valentino, a silent film star of the 20s, became the idol of millions of viewers around the world. Almost every man with slicked hair, languid eyes and a parting in the middle of his head, like the first sex symbol of Hollywood, automatically became popular with women.

Russian professional wrestler and athlete Ivan Poddubny

Photo: RIA Novosti

However, the sophisticated sexuality of the first quarter of the last century was replaced by the masculinity of the war years. The key image of a man during the Second World War was again a strong, stern, uniformed “hero”, without any facial hair. One of these heroes was James Stewart, a combat pilot who took part in World War II and the Vietnam War - the first among artists who voluntarily went to the front.

The end of the war and the beginning of peaceful life was marked by deliberate sexuality. The cult of the 1950s was the rockabilly style and Elvis Presley's hairstyle - a slicked top of the forehead. Fans even lined up for bundles of the musician’s hair: after Presley’s death, an auction was held at which his personal hairdresser sold a container of strands for $20,000.

A decade later, bold, tanned handsome men in tight jeans and leather jackets were considered the standards of male beauty. Their idols were Marlon Brando, who rode a motorcycle through the school corridors and was expelled from the military academy for hooligan behavior, as well as Alain Delon, whose career initially did not work out due to his outstanding external characteristics: the producers considered his face too handsome for a man.

The girls soon got bored with the liberated rebels and poets - and they again wanted to see a strong man next to them. For them, this was the seven-time winner of the Mr. Olympia title, actor Arnold Schwarzenegger - or simply Iron Arnie. Thus, a man of that time who wanted popularity had to work hard in the gym

In the 90s, everything changed at triple speed: both the symbols of the era and men's fashion. Naturally, the lead singer of the rock band Nirvana, Kurt Cobain, could be recognized as the ideal of that time - a man who did not care at all about his appearance: a casually dressed, unshaven and thin “eternal boy” with crazy eyes. At the same time, the completely opposite brutal image of Sylvester Stallone gained popularity. It is noteworthy that in his youth, due to a birth injury, as a result of which the lower left side of his face was paralyzed, the actor suffered from a speech impediment and considered himself a freak. However, in the future, Stallone's characters became not just sex symbols of the era, but national heroes of America.

The 2000s brought a new trend to the world - metrosexuality. Men began to take care of themselves almost more diligently than women. David Beckham, a professional football player with all the attributes of a gentleman's set of the new millennium: six-pack abs, salon styling, highlighted hair and expensive clothes, was considered the standard of attractiveness. This wave was picked up by more carefree hipsters, led by Ryan Gosling. Slight carelessness in style, vintage items, subtlety or, on the contrary, muscularity, checks or stripes, glasses, tattoos and a carefree look added up to the ideal image.

Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger, 1988

Photo: Rolf Konow / Sygma / Sygma with Getty Images

Finally, the time has come for the so-called Lambersexuals. Lumbersexual (“treesexual”, “lumbersexual”), or retrosexual, is a male city dweller who adheres to conservative views on relationships with women and a rough, masculine manner of dressing. Society demanded a return to masculinity. Probably for this reason, today one of the most relevant procedures in male cosmetology is augmentation of the angles of the lower jaw, which enhances brutality and emphasizes the categorical nature of the male character.

Russian experts told about this and other technologies that are popular among men


Earlobes get bigger

The earlobes are considered a kind of indicator of age, just like the skin on the arms and neck. Surprisingly, women take less care of them than other parts of the body.

Unfortunately, over time, the earlobes lose their thin layer of fat and elasticity. As a result, they stretch, and the love for large earrings only aggravates the situation.

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