Fine network of wrinkles: age-related changes that cannot be ignored

From a certain age, every woman begins to notice various cosmetic defects in the mirror, which are commonly called age-related changes. An example is fine wrinkles and skin creases localized around the mouth, eyes, and forehead. Initially, this defect appears as barely noticeable fine lines, but over time the wrinkles deepen and become pronounced.

Small wrinkles appear first in women with thin, dry skin and an asthenic body type. An insufficient level of natural hydration of the skin, a small amount of subcutaneous fat, combined with excessive tanning and incorrectly selected daily care products, become the first causes of the formation of a network of wrinkles. In cosmetology, this type of aging is usually called fine-wrinkled: ladies belonging to this morphotype rarely encounter deformation of the oval of the face and drooping tissue, but skin creases and folds become their main problem. As a rule, the first age-related changes in owners of thin, dry and sensitive skin begin to appear after 25 years, and in the future the situation only gets worse. Therefore, measures aimed at correcting such defects should be taken as early as possible.

Causes of fine wrinkles

With age, a number of changes occur in the body, which cannot but affect the skin. First of all, a gradual slowdown in metabolism leads to a decrease in the synthesis of new cells and a significant reduction in the natural regeneration of the skin. In addition, hormonal changes and decreased estrogen production reduce the number of fibroblasts, cells involved in the synthesis of essential substances such as collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. The latter ensures a normal level of skin hydration from the inside, attracting and retaining fluid in the intercellular space, and collagen and elastin are protein compounds that form the natural framework of the skin and are responsible for the level of elasticity of the epidermis. Thus, the reduction in the production of these elements becomes the first reason for the formation of a network of fine wrinkles.

One of the common causes of skin folds, furrows and creases is facial activity - contraction of the facial muscles. Helping us demonstrate emotions, the facial muscles contract every time we smile, frown, or squint our eyes. These actions are almost impossible to control, and over time, wrinkles appear on the skin, which are commonly called expression lines.

Other common causes of the formation of a network of fine wrinkles are:

  • excessive insolation
  • insufficient skin hydration
  • sudden change in body weight
  • impact of negative external factors
  • unfavorable ecology
  • smoking and drinking alcohol

It is worth noting that insufficient sleep, frequent stress and unhealthy diet, which are constant companions in the lives of most modern people, also have a negative impact on the condition of the skin, provoking the early manifestation of age-related changes, including wrinkles of various localizations.

Types of wrinkles

Folds and creases are classified according to location. Early wrinkles on the forehead occur due to excessive facial expressions. Self-control or a Botox injection will help you overcome the habit of wincing: it will relax the muscles in the problem area for several months, during which time you will get used to controlling your facial movements. To prevent and visually reduce the problem, anti-aging creams are used.

Early wrinkles around the eyes (“crow’s feet”) are caused by the habit of squinting. The skin here is very delicate, practically devoid of pores and sebaceous ducts. Do you have wrinkles under your eyes? Start using an anti-aging cream designed for the periorbital area. Do not apply facial product under the eyes. Since such cosmetics are too oily and nourishing for delicate skin, this will only aggravate the problem.

Where else do the first wrinkles appear? Problem areas are:

  • corners of the mouth;
  • nasolabial area;
  • neck.

The simplest and most radical way to solve the problem is to make an appointment with a cosmetologist for injections of fillers with hyaluronic acid. However, the drugs can be addictive and inhibit the natural production of skin moisturizing components. A more conservative and long-lasting option is a moisturizer with a lifting effect. It has a cumulative effect - you will see lasting results no earlier than after 4 weeks. This is exactly how much time the skin needs to naturally renew the stratum corneum under the influence of the active ingredients of the cream.

Correction of fine wrinkles at the Ego Estetic clinic

Modern aesthetic medicine offers a number of different methods to combat the network of fine wrinkles. Most procedures successfully complement and enhance each other’s effectiveness, so choosing an individual program for each specific case will not be difficult. Dermatocosmetologists at the Ego Estetic clinic use the latest and most effective developments in aesthetic medicine, successfully using them to correct age-related skin changes. Let's name some of them.

  • Biorevitalization. An innovative procedure aimed at restoring and rejuvenating the skin through the injection of special compounds containing highly purified hyaluronic acid - the main component that moisturizes and rejuvenates our skin. The effectiveness of biorevitalization is based on the launch of natural biological processes occurring in skin cells and contributing to the normalization of metabolism.
  • Mesotherapy. An injection procedure that involves the introduction of special mesotherapy cocktails into various layers of the skin using multiple superficial injections. Such formulations contain a complex of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other elements essential for improving the overall condition of the skin.
  • Photorejuvenation. This technique is based on the use of broadband pulsed light (IPL), devoid of the ultraviolet spectrum. Flashes of a certain frequency and brightness stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin, accelerate metabolic processes in all layers of the skin and the breakdown of old protein chains. This effect provides a lifting effect, increases skin elasticity and significantly reduces fine wrinkles.
  • Polyrevitalization. An injection procedure involving the introduction of the latest generation of drugs developed in the French laboratory Filorga into various layers of the skin. In addition to a cocktail of vitamins, minerals, coenzymes, antioxidants and nucleotides, these products contain high concentrations of hyaluronic acid. After the first session of polyrevitalization, a pronounced lifting effect is noticeable, a reduction in the number of fine wrinkles and an improvement in the general condition of the dermis, and skin radiance.
  • Botox/Dysport. The procedure involves the injection of drugs based on highly purified botulinum toxin type A into the facial muscles. By blocking the activity of the facial muscles, it provides a skin tightening effect, smoothes facial wrinkles and prevents their reappearance.
  • Plasmolifting. The procedure involves injecting into various layers of the skin a drug obtained from the enriched plasma of the patient himself. Due to the high content of platelets, such injections help accelerate cell division, significantly tighten and smooth the skin, and increase its overall tone. The procedure has no contraindications even for chronic allergy sufferers.
  • Microcurrent therapy. Based on the use of minimal electric current discharges, the procedure triggers natural rejuvenation processes, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, and improves skin tone.

Doctors at the Ego Estetic clinic will be happy to select products for your daily skin care at home. We practice an individual approach to each client, so specific procedures and duration of treatment are selected taking into account the patient’s general health condition and the presence of specific cosmetic defects.


Facial muscles hold tissues, preventing them from sagging and forming wrinkles. To maintain tone, they do special exercises - facelifting. For example:

  1. For nasolabial folds - inflate several balloons; smile with the left and right corners of your mouth in turn.
  2. For crow's feet - close one eye at a time, squinting tightly; make a sad face, and after 5 seconds smile.
  3. For creases around the mouth - open your mouth wide and move your tongue as far inward as possible, then press your lips tightly and repeat the sounds “A”, “U”, “I”.
  4. For wrinkles on the forehead - place your palm above your eyebrows, lift them, overcoming the pressure of your hand.

The technique strengthens facial muscles, improves blood circulation and becomes an excellent prevention of early wrinkles. But if you do the exercises incorrectly, then facelifting, on the contrary, will accelerate the appearance of creases. Therefore, you should first consult with a cosmetologist, and immediately before exercise you need to generously lubricate the skin with cream or base oil.

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All articles Quality and skin problems

  • Dehydrated skin
  • Loose skin, weakened turgor
  • Fine mesh of wrinkles
  • Photoaging
  • Problem skin (acne, post-acne)
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Cuperosis and capillaries on the face
  • Forehead

    • Forehead wrinkles
    • Eyebrow wrinkles and folds
    • Replenishment of the volume of the temporal region


    • Wrinkles around the eyes
    • Hernias of the eyelids
    • Drooping eyelid skin
    • Dry eyelid skin
    • Correction of the nasolacrimal trough
    • Dark circles under the eyes
    • Swelling of the eyelids
    • Correction of the nasal bridge
    • Enlargement and reshaping of cheekbones
    • Age-related volume deficit on the face
    • Nasolabial folds
    • Rabbit wrinkles


    • Lip augmentation and reshaping
    • Correction of drooping corners of the lips
    • Elimination of dry lips
    • Purse-string wrinkles around the lips
    • Marionette wrinkles

    Prevention of early wrinkles

    Usually a woman is not yet 30 years old when the first wrinkles appear. This means that the body is young and capable of rapid self-healing, and our task is to help it renew itself:

    1. Visit an endocrinologist once a year to check your hormonal levels.
    2. Try to lead a healthy lifestyle: exercise regularly, walk in the fresh air, get enough sleep, eat right.
    3. Use high-quality skincare products strictly designed for your skin type 2 times a day. The minimum set is delicate products for cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing.
    4. Apply beauty products carefully, along massage lines, without excessive pressure.
    5. Be sure to use a UV protection product before each time you go outside. The sun is the main enemy of healthy skin.
    6. Drink water. You can find out your daily portion based on the following calculation: 30 ml * weight (in kg). For example, 30 ml * 60 kg = 1800 ml of water per day.

    Wrinkles at a young age often appear due to excessive facial expressions, so you can try to keep this item under self-control.

    Deformation of the oval of the face, sagging - how to solve the problem?

    This problem will greatly depend on heredity. However, this problem appears with age for everyone. The lines of the lower jaw and chin begin to descend. They aren't as clear anymore.

    If you want to avoid this problem, then opt for facial gymnastics. It is worth visiting the microcurrent procedure, as well as myostimulation. You can start attending these procedures at a fairly early age, so you can prevent the problem. However, if the problem is already quite serious, then you will have to attend the procedure of strengthening with threads and administer lipolytics.

    Expression and age wrinkles

    Wrinkles can appear not only from age, but also from very active facial expressions. Wrinkles will always make you look older.

    If you want to eliminate wrinkles, then you should visit the Botox procedure. This is the best drug to get rid of wrinkles. It is best to attend this procedure on time, not to wait until the moment when the problem becomes as serious as possible.

    Aging lips - loss of their attractiveness

    Lips are a very attractive area. However, they lose their beauty. This area is very dependent on hormones, so it ages much faster. If you want to keep this area young and beautiful, then don't smoke. Constantly scrub your lips, moisturize them, and nourish them. If the problem is quite serious, then you should consult a cosmetologist. There they can apply peeling and inject fillers into your lips. Fillers are designed not only to enlarge lips, but also to make them more hydrated, youthful, and beautiful.

    First wrinkles. Why do they appear and what to do?

    I often receive letters with the question: “I am 25 (or 30) years old, the first wrinkles have appeared. I would like to take some serum and peeling from you. Please advise which ones,” and I answer: “None.”

    Or like this: “I’m 25 (or 30) years old. I got my first wrinkles. Could you make products with components that stimulate collagen production: Matrixil, syn-coll, Idealift,” to which I answer: “At your age, the problem of wrinkles is solved in other ways, but I don’t work with these components because I don’t believe in them.” effectiveness in solving this problem.”

    Then I write a long letter on the topic of why wrinkles appear at 30, why they shouldn’t exist, and why the methods chosen by girls are not suitable...

    The most important thesis of the article:

    The appearance of wrinkles before perimenopause is the result of skin dehydration.

    This is why stimulating skin renewal with peptides or peelings without moisturizing and restoring will not give the desired result.

    You already know that hydration also varies. And here, first of all, you need not to attract moisture, as serums do, but to retain it. And this is the task of alginate and sour cream masks, and corneotherapeutic creams that “repair” the stratum corneum.

    What about elastin and collagen?

    Cosmetics advertising screams that you need to speed up the production of elastin and collagen and then wrinkles will smooth out, and is silent about the fact that the skin is a hormone-dependent organ. As long as female sex hormones are produced in sufficient quantities, elastin, collagen and other components of the intercellular matrix of the dermis are also produced in sufficient quantities.

    Hormone production begins to decline during perimenopause and drops sharply during menopause. It is during this period that it really makes sense to begin to stimulate their synthesis. The only problem is that the process of skin renewal also depends on hormones. And when their content has dropped, it becomes extremely difficult to stimulate the synthesis of anything. It turns out to be a vicious circle: when the skin is young and you can use cosmetics to influence renewal, it can cope on its own; when the skin becomes mature and you need to stimulate renewal, it becomes impossible to do this effectively and with a significant visible effect.

    Therefore, they have not yet come up with a cream that would return the skin to its youthful appearance.

    And the only radical means of getting rid of wrinkles during menopause is plastic surgery.

    Premenopause occurs at the age of 35-50, which means that before this age, wrinkles do not appear due to problems with a decrease in the production of elastin and collagen. This means there is no need to stimulate it with peelings and peptides (the aforementioned Matrixil, syn-coll, Idealift, etc.)

    In fact, the problem is lack of water.

    What does water have to do with it?

    Let's look at what skin processes water takes part in and how wrinkles form due to its lack.


    1) Exfoliation

    The skin is constantly renewed, dead scales, or corneocytes, are sloughed off, and new ones take their place. When this process proceeds normally, the skin has a healthy color and even texture. The described process of desquamation, or sloughing, involves hydrolytic enzymes and requires a large amount of water for their activity. This can be clearly illustrated by the fact that at a reduced relative air humidity of 44%, the rate of exfoliation drops five times compared to the optimal air humidity of 50-60%. The accumulation of dead scales with the constant “pressure” of cells growing below leads to the appearance of folds on the surface of the skin, forming a wrinkled microrelief. The skin becomes rough, dull and dry.

    2) Formation of natural moisturizing factor

    It is known that the stratum corneum can hold a significant amount of water - 3-5 times its mass. An important role in this is played by the skin's natural moisturizing factor (NMF), which is a mixture of substances that capture water and retain it in the skin. Part of NUF are free amino acids that are formed from filaggrin protein. Its breakdown into amino acids is controlled directly by the amount of water in the stratum corneum, i.e. With a lack of water, NUF, and with it the overall hydration of the skin, suffers. We again get a wrinkled microrelief and rough, dull, dry skin.

    It is on the increase in the amount of NUV in the skin that the so-called “moisturizing” effect of peelings is based: old cells, poor in NUV, are exfoliated, and new cells, rich in NUF, are urgently formed to heal skin trauma. Whether the skin will be able to properly restore itself and produce new healthy cells is a big question, the answer to which largely depends on its immunity. But we can say for sure that simply by moisturizing the skin we help it produce NUF without peeling.


    1) Formation of healthy collagen

    Newly produced collagen (which makes up about 70% of skin proteins) contains a lot of water and is called “soluble.” As we age and are exposed to ultraviolet radiation, collagen loses water and becomes less soluble and flexible. As a result, the skin texture is disrupted and wrinkles appear.

    How to restore a youthful appearance to your skin by moisturizing?

    To fully cover the topic of skin hydration, I needed 15 sheets and ended up with the brochure “2 Keys for Youthful Skin,” which is available for free when you subscribe to the news.

    Her resume:

    1) Cleanse your skin with mild products and good quality water. During traumatic cleansing, the skin becomes dehydrated.

    2) Forget about the tanning salon if you go there. If you have not yet developed wrinkles or your skin has not begun to peel, pinch your cheek with your thumb and forefinger. And remember how much more elastic she was before visiting the solarium became part of her life. Why? See above about young collagen in the dermis.

    3) When you are under active sun, use creams with SPF protection.

    4) Use corneotherapy creams as your main care products. The combination of “One jar of cream created according to the principles of corneotherapy plus three jars of ordinary industrial” is better than using exclusively industrial products. Although one cannot expect serious results with this approach.

    This is the same as eating fresh homemade food twice a week, and the rest of the days eating fast food and wondering why gastritis does not go away.

    5) Using moisturizing masks. Precisely masks, since you need a dense coating that retains water, which only a mask can provide. I recommend alginate and impregnated non-woven fabric masks.

    6) Use of nourishing masks. I am still in favor of using dairy products - sour cream and yogurt masks. No industrial fat mask can replace them.

    7) Nourish the skin from the inside with lecithin, omega acids and antioxidants.

    Serums, peels and creams with stimulating peptides can only be an addition to this program. But without it there will be no good result from them.

    To be continued.

    Marina Kazarina.

    Cosmetologist, expert in the field of corneotherapy

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    Nasolabial folds - how to get rid of them

    When we communicate with people, they look at our facial expressions, how we speak, how we move. Most of the information is given out by our face. Only 10% of the information comes from our body movements and voice. Nasolabial folds give away a woman's age very strongly. Naturally, how pronounced they are will not depend on how many years a person has lived. However, when we read information about a person, we determine his age. Masonry begins to appear at the age of 25–30 years. It's best to fix this problem right away. This way you will achieve maximum results.

    If this problem is still in its infancy, and it is not too pronounced, then biorevitalization can help you. This procedure involves the introduction of gels into the required area. However, if the problem is already quite serious, then you will have to introduce fillers, which are made from hyaluronic acid.

    Do you want dull, uneven skin?

    Of course, when we are young, our skin looks very beautiful. She literally radiates health and youth. This skin is velvety and has a very even tone. But, with age, cells begin to divide much more slowly, peeling appears, and the skin becomes dry. Such skin no longer has radiance, pigmentation begins to appear. If you do not want to have such skin, then you should contact a cosmetologist. Of course, creams can support the condition, but they will not relieve you of existing problems. You can perform photorejuvenation and other useful procedures. In addition, use creams that contain high SPF.

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