Fine network of wrinkles: age-related changes that cannot be ignored

From a certain age, every woman begins to notice various cosmetic defects in the mirror, which are commonly called age-related changes. An example is fine wrinkles and skin creases localized around the mouth, eyes, and forehead. Initially, this defect appears as barely noticeable fine lines, but over time the wrinkles deepen and become pronounced.

Small wrinkles appear first in women with thin, dry skin and an asthenic body type. An insufficient level of natural hydration of the skin, a small amount of subcutaneous fat, combined with excessive tanning and incorrectly selected daily care products, become the first causes of the formation of a network of wrinkles. In cosmetology, this type of aging is usually called fine-wrinkled: ladies belonging to this morphotype rarely encounter deformation of the oval of the face and drooping tissue, but skin creases and folds become their main problem. As a rule, the first age-related changes in owners of thin, dry and sensitive skin begin to appear after 25 years, and in the future the situation only gets worse. Therefore, measures aimed at correcting such defects should be taken as early as possible.

Reasons for the formation of wrinkles

Natural skin aging, unfortunately, is very rare nowadays. The skin is exposed to a number of negative influences and few people use the necessary preventive measures to prevent early aging.

The most common causes of wrinkles on the cheeks are:

  • Exposure to ultraviolet rays, i.e. tanning abuse. UV rays dry out the skin, leading to dehydration and contribute to the destruction of collagen fibers. A special term is used - photoaging. Characteristic signs are early wrinkles, deep wrinkles, dry and rough skin. Dark spots.
  • Working at a computer or spending a long time in front of the screens of a smartphone, laptop, etc. The skin is exposed to blue light, which is no less harmful than ultraviolet rays. They activate the production of free radicals, the mechanism is similar to the action of ultraviolet radiation, only the penetrating ability of the rays is much higher. The term is digital aging.
  • Bad habits. Smoking provokes spasm of small blood vessels, skin nutrition is disrupted, and there is a lack of oxygen and active microelements. In addition, nicotine destroys Vitamin C. According to research, smokers have 60% less Vitamin C than non-smokers.
  • Abuse of sweets leads to the process of glycation of dermal proteins. This is the gluing of collagen threads by sugar, which causes it to become stiff and the skin loses its firmness and elasticity. But worse than that, these glued fibers do not undergo natural disintegration and replacement with new fibers, which occurs normally in the skin. The term is glycoaging.
  • Lack of sleep. Our body in general and skin in particular live according to circadian rhythms. Adequate sleep is necessary for renewal; it is at night that the synthetic processes of collagen production and cell renewal occur. During the day, the main function of the skin is protective. With disturbed and short sleep, the body wears out, which also affects the condition of the skin.
  • Characteristic facial expressions. In the case of wrinkles on the cheeks, a certain structure of the facial muscles can cause the early appearance of facial wrinkles. Remember the famous comedian... but this is rather an exception. Usually this factor is superimposed on the others, the proof is that children do not form facial wrinkles, but they express their emotions and make faces with pleasure.

Natural cosmetic

We hope it is already obvious to everyone that no creams or masks can smooth out wrinkles if you do not fight the root of the problem and remove muscle tension. But in combination with facial gymnastics, properly selected skin care will help remove fine wrinkles and reduce deep ones.

We advise you to pay attention to natural remedies that fight wrinkles. We check that there are eggs, milk, cream, and kefir in the refrigerator. We buy carrots, potatoes, cucumbers, lemons, bananas, and grapefruits from the vegetable gardener. Honey, oils, cereals, yeast, and various herbs (chamomile, mint, yarrow, etc.) will also be useful. And we mix (of course, we focus on recipes). The simplest options for anti-wrinkle masks are cucumber slices or a gauze napkin soaked in strongly brewed green tea. Keep on face for 20-30 minutes. Don’t forget to cleanse your skin before the mask, and after the procedure, apply a nourishing and moisturizing cream.

For oils, we recommend trying Beauty 365's Squalane (light sugarcane oil), which is rich in vitamins and nutrients. It smoothes out small wrinkles on the face, just apply it with massage movements, or even better, do a massage with it using Beauty 365 vacuum MIRACLE cans. They erase wrinkles like an eraser: they increase blood flow and launch the process of elastin and collagen production!

Do you want something unusual? Try the Beauty 365 Relaxing Eye Pad. This pad contains flax seeds, which when heated gently release an oil that helps fight wrinkles. Bonus: the scent of lavender that fills the pillow.

How to get rid of wrinkles on cheeks

The presence of wrinkles on the cheeks indicates, first of all, a lack of dermal matrix components (collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid).

When working with wrinkles in the cheek area, it is necessary to select medications for home care and professional procedures aimed at affecting 2 parts:

1. Restoring the normal structure of the dermis

Slow down degradation and enhance the synthetic activity of dermal and epidermal cells. For example, signaling molecules and complexes of peptide origin that trigger the synthesis of dermal matrix components by fibroblasts.

2. Elimination of the negative influence of external environmental factors

An example of the necessary products and ingredients: protection from light exposure - rem with SPF and Blue light filters, antioxidants, carnosine and alpha-lipoic acid. The latter are necessary for those with a sweet tooth to prevent “sweet aging” - glycation of collagen molecules by sugars.


To determine the most effective methods of maintaining beauty and health, you need to learn how to determine the type of aging of facial skin. This will determine what to pay attention to when preventing and restoring the skin. One of the most negative factors is considered to be an excessive amount of UV radiation. Therefore, it is so important to systematically protect the dermis in the summer.

Without proper care, wrinkles, spider veins, and exacerbation of dermatosis may appear. To avoid this, try not to go outside in the middle of the day during the greatest solar activity, move your walks to the morning or evening. You can learn more about how to combat aging facial skin caused by ultraviolet radiation and consolidate the resulting effect from a cosmetologist or dermatologist. To prevent harmful consequences, exogenous photoprotectors are used that screen light. Another group includes organic compounds that can absorb ultraviolet rays.

Home care against wrinkles

Retinoids are recognized as the most effective - substances that work on all stages of the pathogenesis of the formation of wrinkles on the cheeks.

The effect of retinol on aging skin

  • Accelerate cellular renewal. Retinoids diffuse easily through membranes, bind to a specific protein, which leads to activation of the synthesis of new cells, and dead cells are exfoliated.

Important: retinoids thin the stratum corneum due to the effect of a mild surface peeling, and the overall thickness of the epidermis increases by accelerating the rate of skin cell division.

  • Activate the work of fibroblasts: collagen and hyaluronic acid are produced in larger quantities. As a result, the number of wrinkles decreases and the skin becomes more elastic.
  • Blocks the work of metalloproteinases, in particular collagenase .
  • Stimulate the formation of new vessels in the papillary layer of the dermis - improving skin nutrition, normalizing microcirculation.
  • Antioxidant effect and slowdown of cell aging by inclusion in their membrane and protection from the damaging effects of toxins and free radicals.

The use of retinol is guaranteed to tighten the skin of the face, make it more even and smooth, and smooth out wrinkles.

Serum with retinol and peptides against age-related changes DermaQuest

Powerful anti-aging serum with Retinol 2%, peptide complexes and plant stem cells. Actively fights all signs of skin aging: increases skin elasticity and turgor, removes wrinkles, eliminates sagging, tightens and renews the skin.

An active agent, applied once a day at night according to a special scheme.

Prevention of facial skin aging

There are many inexpensive remedies and simple recipes for preserving youth. You can use traditional methods and prepare nourishing and moisturizing masks at home. But it is more effective to use lines of professional skincare cosmetics with active ingredients. When choosing, be sure to familiarize yourself with the composition. Signs of quality include a short shelf life and packaging that prevents air from getting inside. It is desirable to have a dispenser and detailed instructions for use.

Facial skin is very sensitive to various factors and is subject to age-related changes. And of course, the intensity of external influence matters. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation is especially dangerous - the sun literally dries out the skin. The degree of air humidity, temperature changes, air pollution and even hormonal levels also matter. Over the years, the skin loses elasticity and firmness, which contributes to the appearance of wrinkles. This is an inevitable process. But it can be controlled if you take proper care of your skin according to its needs.

Why do wrinkles appear? Some will say that the answer is obvious - from age. But it’s not the years that gather the skin into folds or pull it down. Let's look a little deeper for the reasons for the appearance of wrinkles.

They do become more pronounced with age. On young skin, even if a person has lively facial expressions, wrinkles form and are immediately smoothed out. But over the years, this ability to return to its original smoothness is lost. Why is this happening?

  • The skin loses moisture. Dry ones are easier to fold, and they turn out to be more durable.
  • Loss of elasticity, that is, there is less collagen and elastin proteins in it.
  • Loses the ability to recover quickly: in youth, a night's rest is enough for wrinkles to smooth out. The older we get, the slower the skin returns to its original smoothness. Or it doesn't come back at all.

Anti-age drugs

Bb Laboratories – Delicate oil for deep cleansing

Laennec – solution for injection

Bb Laboratories – Two-phase serum concentrate

Two-phase placental serum concentrate

To effectively combat aging, the products used must have the following properties:

  1. Create good skin hydration, because it needs a stable water balance, but with age it becomes more and more difficult to maintain it.
  2. Provide the dermis with nutrients. Age-related changes are accompanied by metabolic disorders.
  3. Protect from negative environmental influences. With age, it loses its natural protective properties.
  4. Restore. As age increases, the regenerative function of the skin decreases. To normalize, you need to activate cellular processes and blood circulation.

The dermal biocorrector CURACEN is fully capable of coping with all these tasks. The advantage of the biological product is its multi-component composition, which preserves the beauty and health of the skin in the most natural way.

Professional anti-wrinkle care

As stated above, the action of professional programs should be aimed at restoring the dermal layer of the skin and activating the production of skin collagen.

Injection procedures are not justified in this case. Recommended:


The selection is carried out individually according to skin type - superficial or medium with abundant exfoliation and smoothing of the relief.

DermaQuest peptide peeling – eliminates wrinkles and rejuvenates the skin, allows you to do without injections and peeling of the skin, maintaining the client’s social activity without compromising the effectiveness of the procedure.

The peeling is based on a unique combination of Peptides and Plant Stem Cells.

  • Eliminates hyperactivity of facial muscles - argireline ;
  • Restores the dermis of the skin, stimulating collagen synthesis, thickens and tightens the skin - Matrixil and Dermaxil .
  • Eliminates the negative effects of external factors - antioxidant protection
  • Moisturizes, eliminates dryness and dehydration of the skin

The course consists of 10 procedures with an interval of 1 time every 10-14 days.

Dermal Rejuvenation System SWiCH (Switch)

This is a new generation anti-aging professional procedure! Provides true rejuvenation due to the natural restructuring of the dermis and normalization of the cell cycle of the epidermis.

The rejuvenation process is launched not by banal stimulation of fibroblasts (as with conventional peelings), but by restoring the energy potential of cells . After all, fibroblasts are often no longer able to respond to stimulation, because they simply lack energy potential.

When mitochondrial activity is restored (namely, mitochondria are the “power stations” of cells for energy production), the synthetic and proliferative activity of all skin cells is restored.

The result is tightening, tightening and plumping of the skin, smoothing out wrinkles by pushing them out from the inside, eliminating sagging.

What to do to avoid wrinkles

Not a single representative of the human race has yet managed to avoid the appearance of wrinkles. But creating conditions under which wrinkles appear later and in smaller quantities is a solvable task.

You should start with the basics:

  • get enough sleep;
  • drink coffee in moderation;
  • increase the share of vegetables and fruits in the diet;
  • quit smoking (no matter how difficult it is);
  • increase physical activity in any way comfortable for yourself;
  • leaving the city more often for walks in nature;
  • spend less time in the sun (if this is not possible, use cosmetics with SPF protection and wear sunglasses);
  • reduce the time you use your smartphone;
  • use a humidifier in the rooms where you spend the most time;
  • change your pillowcase every three days, avoid high pillows.

Despite all the banality of these tips, the benefits of following them are very great.

Another important action on this path is the correct use of cosmetics. They should correspond to your current age, skin type and condition.

Don't get too carried away with cleansing your skin. Using a scrub more than once a week and constantly using cleansing lotions or toners leads to skin becoming too dry. Dry skin inevitably contributes to the formation of wrinkles. No need to squeeze pimples. This way you injure the skin and give rise to small wrinkles.

Wrinkle correction methods

Depending on the type of facial expression, you can choose an effective way to get rid of wrinkles.

The possibilities of modern cosmetology make it possible to correct any wrinkles in a minimally invasive way, i.e. without surgery:

  • Hardware techniques. This could be Doublo ultrasonic lifting , Picosure laser rejuvenation , Quantum Luminis photorejuvenation .
  • Injection therapy: biorevitalization, mesotherapy, contouring, botulinum therapy.
  • Professional care cosmetics, selected individually.

Without delving into the specifics of this or that method, we strongly advise you to contact our clinic to select the most suitable option for you to correct and get rid of wrinkles. You need to remember that it is unlikely that you will be able to deal with wrinkles using some one-time miracle procedure. You shouldn’t go to the other extreme, believing that defeating wrinkles is possible only through a long, grueling, endless struggle. Together we will determine the optimal sequence and frequency of actions and procedures that will definitely lead to success.

Three prohibitions

  • Wash your hands with too hot water. Our skin is covered with a hydrolipid mantle that protects it from drying out, viruses and bacteria. Hot water washes away natural protection.
  • Use antibacterial soap and wipes daily. Both dry out the skin. Therefore, after using such products, be sure to apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream to your hands.
  • Do not dry your hands after contact with water. Droplets of water, evaporating, further dry out the skin.

The problem is that the skin dries out, peels, and cracks appear.

What is the reason. Hands are the most unprotected part of our body. They are constantly exposed to detergents and have a lot of contact with water and cold air. All this gradually dries out the protective lipid membrane of the skin, so the hands age faster than the rest of the body. Excessive dryness leads not only to the appearance of wrinkles and cracks, but also to the formation of burrs, splitting and brittle nails. However, “external aggressors” are not the only culprits for dry skin on the hands. Peeling may indicate a lack of vitamins and microelements.

What to anoint. Cream containing urea or glycerin. Such cosmetics moisturize the skin well. If you need to relieve irritation and heal cracks, creams with allantoin or panthenol are suitable. Cosmetics with omega-3 fatty acids will help maintain the lipid membrane of the skin of the hands in good condition and additionally protect the hands from the adverse effects of external factors. Paraffin-based hand masks are also good (the paraffin should be special, not melted from an ordinary candle), and baths with essential oils. What else will help? Gloves that you will wear not only before going out into the cold, but also before you start washing dishes.

Misconception. Many people believe that you should not leave excess cream on your skin. Allegedly, the greasy film will prevent the skin from breathing. This rule does not apply to the hands, because there are practically no sebaceous glands there, which can become clogged with excess cosmetics. Therefore, you can apply the cream on your hands in a thick layer, and put on fabric gloves on top so that the cosmetics remain on the skin as long as possible. In general, the richer and denser the hand cream, the better.

Running from old age. How to care for your skin after 30 Read more

Purse-string and age wrinkles (before and after)

Barcode, this is what facial wrinkles on the lips are usually called. A softer name is purse string, but the essence does not change. They stretch from the red border of the lips to the nose, often leaving quite visible creases on the skin at a young age. In addition to the main disadvantage - adding age to the owner, they also cause a lot of inconvenience with makeup, foundation and powder collect in the folds, lipstick and gloss mercilessly spread along wrinkles from the lips.

It is a false belief that purse-string wrinkles occur only during menopause and in older women. In my practice, I regularly observe this picture on the lips, starting at the age of 30. Of course, not everyone has it, there are predisposing factors - smoking, lack of sun protection with frequent sun exposure, active facial expressions, skin characteristics (on dry skin), heredity.

Giving up on these wrinkles is not the best option, because it is these facial marks that create the appearance of an aged face.

What causes wrinkles

The origin of wrinkles lies deeper than the skin level and different areas of the face have different causes - excessive facial activity, anatomical features, sleeping on the face, drooping of facial tissues with age, decreased skin tone, photoaging (from sunlight).

What is a wrinkle?

A wrinkle is a crease in the skin where it is constantly subjected to mechanical compression and squeezing. Most often, wrinkles arise from the work of facial muscles. This mainly occurs on the forehead, in the area between the eyebrows, around the eyes and lips. Often, such creases form on the cheeks when the fibers of the laughter muscle are woven into the skin. Creases form on the face during sleep - such wrinkles differ from others in the direction of the rays and unusual location (vertical), more often they are one-sided, and can aggravate existing facial wrinkles, for example, nasolabial ones.

Wrinkles can be dynamic or static. Dynamic ones appear only when facial expressions are active, and with a calm face they quickly and completely disappear. This is typical for people with good skin tone, often up to 22-25 years old, or for older people, but with weak facial activity.

Static wrinkles can be seen without facial expressions; they remain in place for a long time or even forever, even if the face is motionless. They appear at any age with very high facial activity or when skin tone decreases for various reasons.

Cosmetologist about acne on the face

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Expression wrinkles (correction) – 1 Before and after

Botulinum therapy (botulinum toxin injections) is still precisely the prevention of the appearance of wrinkles. The drug does not affect the quality of the skin, it does not fill it out, it simply turns off facial expressions. This means that if there are pronounced creases on the skin, they will most likely remain even after the procedure; there will be only a slight smoothing due to the lack of facial expressions in this area.

That is why, in order not to have to use additional methods in the future to eliminate existing wrinkles, patients prefer not to let them form. As soon as you begin to notice that the lines on the forehead, near the eyes, in the area between the eyebrows remain for more than 2-3 hours or do not go away at all, then it’s time to go to a cosmetologist for a procedure.

In this case, the patient is on prevention. She has wonderful elastic skin, but it is very thin, which leads to early wrinkles in mobile areas. We treat these areas with Botox every 6 months and you can evaluate the results. Smooth skin without wrinkles. At the same time, it is noticeable that there is no complete absence of facial expressions, slight mobility of the eyebrows is preserved so that the face is “alive.”

Cosmetologist's work:
  • Smooth skin without wrinkles
  • Eyebrow mobility
  • There is facial expressions
  • "Live" face
  • Botulinum toxin injections
  • Prevention

Expression wrinkles (correction) - 2. Strains on the neck. Before and after

The cords on the neck, as well as the arms, very much show age. In women aged 35-40, they may not be so noticeable, thanks to the still good skin tone, but they still attract attention when moving, turning their heads to the sides, while laughing or just talking. Such bands appear due to increased tone of the neck muscle, which is called platysma. It is very thin and wide, covering the front and side surfaces of the neck, so the strands can be observed on the side of the collarbones and under the chin.

It is impossible to control the process of its tension, so if you don’t like the cords and it seems to you that they are “aging”, then you need to relax this muscle. The most effective method is microinjections of botulinum toxin preparations. The procedure is very well tolerated and takes just a few minutes. The effect begins on the 3rd day and increases until the 10th. The interval between procedures is usually 6 to 8 months.

In this case, we assessed the result after 2 weeks, the patient was satisfied with the effect obtained. The neck began to look much younger, although we just relaxed the platysma and have not yet worked on the quality of the skin.

Cosmetologist's work:
  • Neck is younger
  • Relaxed platism
  • result in 2 weeks
  • Microinjections of Botox
  • Interval up to 8 months

Expression wrinkles - 3. Purse-string wrinkles. Before and after

In this case, the task was precisely to smooth out purse-string wrinkles in order to smooth out the skin on the upper lip and visually rejuvenate the face. In order to quickly achieve results, it was decided to use a filler based on hyaluronic acid. A light lip beautification was carried out and purse-string wrinkles were stitched. We assessed the result after 2 weeks.

As a result, the lips did not increase in size, but simply became smoother and fuller, the contour became denser, due to this, new creases will not form during facial expressions. The same creases that were there were filled very delicately. Nothing betrays the intervention of a cosmetologist.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and takes about an hour with consultation and pain relief. It is tolerated comfortably, rehabilitation is 3-7 days, swelling and bruising are possible. The effect lasts up to a year on average.

  • Smooth lips
  • Tight contour
  • The cosmetologist’s intervention is not visible
  • Smoothed skin from wrinkles

Expression wrinkles - 4. Wrinkles on the forehead. Before and after

Wrinkles are traces of emotions

I guess, yes. But for some reason, when you see them in the mirror, they don’t make you happy at all. Especially when you are 30 years old. The option to control facial expressions is not suitable for everyone, since this facial expression is not called involuntary for nothing. A person often doesn’t even notice how his forehead shakes.

In this case, Botox or Dysport work well, a light block and the skin is much smoother both on the forehead and around the eyes. The eyes still “laugh” when smiling, there is no facial expression, and at the same time the look is fresh and rested. The procedure takes only one minute, is easily tolerated, the effect occurs from the 3rd to the 10th day, repeat the procedure every 4-8 months.

Expression wrinkles (before and after). Cosmetologist's work

Facial expressions are everything. We laugh, raise our eyebrows in surprise or indignation, frown at the sun or think about something. In youth, while the skin is young and elastic, wrinkles do not form on the skin after facial movements, just a couple of minutes and it is smooth and even again.

With age, often after 25-30 years, the fibers that make up the skin frame and are responsible for its elasticity become less and less, and after active facial expressions one can already see static wrinkles (those that do not disappear even in the absence of facial expressions for some time).

Creases can be superficial or quite deep, even at a fairly young age, it depends on the degree of activity of the facial muscles and the quality of the skin. Most patients seeking correction of facial wrinkles believe that they add at least several years to their face.

Most often, wrinkles from facial expressions form in the area:

  • forehead
  • between the eyebrows
  • contour plastic surgery (volume correction with fillers)
  • near the eyes (“crow’s feet”)
  • corners of lips

Now there is a great opportunity to prevent the formation of creases or, if they have already formed, to significantly reduce them.

Preparations based on botulinum toxin type A (Botox, Dysport, Xeomin, etc.) temporarily block unwanted facial expressions completely or partially, thereby preventing the muscle from contracting and forming wrinkles. There are thread lifting options

Before the procedure, the doctor must conduct a full consultation, find out the indications and possible contraindications, and answer all questions in detail.

The patient reviews and signs the informed consent. The procedure itself consists of injecting a botulinum toxin solution in microdoses into the desired muscle; it is well tolerated. The result increases from the 3rd to the 10th day. After 2 weeks, the result is assessed.

The frequency of procedures is on average once every 6-8 months.

Beauty treatment for facial wrinkles

Problem: age spots have appeared

What is the reason. Scientifically, age spots on the hands are called “solar lentigo.” From the name it is clear that the main culprit for their appearance is the sun. As a rule, such spots appear with age. This is not surprising - for the time being, the skin is able to resist the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, but over the years the natural protection weakens.

What to anoint. Cream with whitening components - vitamin C, fruit acids, lactic acid, mulberry extract. You can also try to get rid of age spots using home remedies, such as lemon juice. Just rub it into problem areas using a cotton swab. If you do this regularly, pigmented skin will peel off and lighten over time. Lactic acid has a similar effect, so various hand masks made from yogurt or kefir are at your service.

If home remedies do not work, consult a cosmetologist; the doctor will remove the problem using laser or phototherapy.

What else will help? A cream with a UV filter that should be applied to your hands throughout the year, not just in summer.

Misconception . Sometimes age spots on the hands are called “liver spots.” In fact, the appearance of spots has nothing to do with the functioning of the liver. Only the sun and age are to blame.

Bat wings. How to deal with sagging skin on your hands Read more

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