Expression wrinkles on the face: causes of appearance and methods of correction

Expression wrinkles are a consequence of your emotions (joy, laughter, surprise, anger, dissatisfaction, disgust) and basic needs (eating, drinking, talking, blinking, squinting in the sun).

The face may begin to become covered with a superficial mimic mesh as early as 25 years of age. To prevent it from turning into “corrugated paper” in the form of deep folds and creases, start taking care of yourself right now.

Expression wrinkles are erased easily and quickly, all you need is your hands and self-control.

What are expression wrinkles

Expression wrinkles are folds, grooves or creases that appear on facially active areas of the face. Most often they are noticeable only at the moment of expression of emotions. When the face takes on a neutral expression, they disappear.

Typically, expression lines appear between 25 and 30 years of age. In people with particularly active facial expressions, they may appear earlier, even in adolescence.

Stand in front of the mirror and try on different emotions.

  • Smile or laugh. Do you see the nasolabial folds and crow's feet near the eyes?
  • Roll your eyes in surprise. These are your horizontal forehead wrinkles.
  • Now frown. Do vertical folds appear on the bridge of your nose and between your eyebrows? Maybe they have already crawled into the areas above the eyebrows and onto the upper eyelids?
  • The next task is to purse your lips in anger. Already noticeable vertical grooves above the upper and under the lower lip - purse-string wrinkles? And from the corners of the mouth to the chin there were folds - marionette wrinkles?
  • Finally, try the signature number - the mask of disgust. To do this, you need to wrinkle your nose and purse your lips. This emotion holds the record for the number of muscles involved. From one of them, hare wrinkles appear on the nose, crow's feet near the eyes, folds on the lower eyelids, purse-string wrinkles around the mouth, and nasolabial folds.

I experimented once, and that was enough. Active facial expressions are the root cause of the appearance of facial wrinkles. I have studied the problem clearly - now try to strain your facial muscles less without reason.

Clinical manifestations

Wrinkles can form at any age, but more often after 40 years. At first they appear in the form of thin lines, gradually deepening to large furrows. Expression wrinkles (dynamic) usually become noticeable between the ages of 40 and 50, while static wrinkles begin to form after the age of 50.

Classification of wrinkles (functional classes according to Panova):

  • Class 0 - no wrinkles.
  • Class 1 - superficial facial or static wrinkles that disappear when the face relaxes.
  • Class 2 - medium-deep facial or static wrinkles, the presence of small superficial wrinkles, changes in skin texture, pigmentation disorders.
  • Class 3 - deep facial and static wrinkles, the presence of pronounced changes in skin texture, pigmentation disorders, and the possible presence of excess skin.

The very first facial wrinkles that bother some women even after 30 years are the forehead and eyebrow wrinkles. They become especially noticeable when frowning. Subsequently, wrinkles appear in the eye area (“crow’s feet” or “crow’s feet”), the visibility of nasolabial folds (“marionette lines” or “marionette lines”) increases, static wrinkles appear on the cheeks, neck and other areas ( Fig. 2 ).

Rice. 2. Expression wrinkles on aging skin

Causes of facial wrinkles

Facial expressions are the transmission of emotions using a certain facial expression. What makes this expression possible? Thanks to the work of the facial muscles. They especially try:

  • orbicularis oculi muscle,
  • orbicularis oris muscle,
  • frontalis muscle,
  • pride muscle (on the bridge of the nose),
  • nasal muscle.

Every time we change our facial expression, some facial muscles are activated, and after them the skin is forced to move.

This continues day after day, year after year.

Some muscles work continuously even when there is no emotion. Here the record holders are the orbicularis oculi muscle and the orbicularis oris muscle. Just imagine how much they have to work to maintain basic physiological processes! A person blinks 15-20 times a minute, talks constantly, and chews for several hours a day.

What happens to muscles from constant work? They overexert themselves and spasm. Muscle spasm is a condition in which a muscle becomes shorter and loses its ability to stretch to its natural length (due to loss of elasticity).

At the same time, the skin area is preserved and even increases over the years (from constant movement back and forth following the contracting muscles).

Now solve a simple example. Shortened muscle plus stretched skin equals...The correct answer is: wrinkles.

For example, the orbicularis oculi muscle is so active that it gets tired in just one day: the eyes look older in the evening, and crow's feet become more pronounced.

And with age, the skin develops its own problems, the main negative consequence of which is loss of elasticity. A cavalcade of processes leads to this:

  • deterioration of blood supply to cells,
  • reduction in the production by fibroblasts of components responsible for elasticity and strength (collagen, elastin), hydration and protection (hyaluronic acid),
  • disruption of the structure of collagen and elastin fibers (stretching, fractures, tears),
  • thinning of the hydro-lipid mantle on the stratum corneum.

What kind of skin do you think is more likely to succumb to wrinkling, following the facial muscles shortened from hypertonicity - elastic or flabby? Of course, flabby.

How long can botulinum injections be administered?

If we do everything correctly (no more than 3 times a year, the dose is correctly selected by the doctor), then even after 17 years there will be no addiction to the drug, and the dosage, if it increases, will not be “manifold”. There are patients with high sensitivity who, after several injections of botulinum drugs (2-3 years), stop wrinkling their forehead and we, in the future, do not perform this procedure. But there are clients who develop tolerance (addiction) to the drug, even when used correctly. These are people with genetically low sensitivity to botulinum therapy; men in this group are more common than women. This group also includes lovers of strong alcohol and saunas, since botulinum therapy “does not like” high temperatures and alcohol. When we detect a decrease in sensitivity to a drug in a client (according to our data, 5%), we slightly increase the dosage, then switch to another drug from this group. There will definitely be an effect. The main thing is to choose the right strategy.

Types of facial wrinkles

In which areas of the face are facial expressions most involved?

This is where the main facial wrinkles are formed.

Type of wrinklesEducation zoneReason for formation
Forehead wrinklesOn the foreheadHypertonicity of the frontal muscles
Brow foldBetween the eyebrowsHypertonicity of the proud muscles
Crow's feetAround the outer corners of the eyesHypertonicity of the orbicularis oculi muscle
Wrinkles under the eyesOn the lower eyelidsHypertonicity of the orbicularis oculi muscle

Swelling, under the weight of which the thinnest skin of the eyelids quickly loses elasticity and stretches

Purse-string wrinklesAbove the upper and below the lower lipHypertonicity of the orbicularis oris muscle
Rabbit wrinklesOn the back of the noseHypertonicity of the nasal muscle

Preventing the appearance of facial wrinkles

Probably the best way to prevent the appearance of expression lines is to walk with a frozen face. Don’t express emotions, and it’s better not to blink, don’t speak, don’t chew.

These are, of course, comic fantasies. Self-control is possible and necessary, but only within certain limits.

What actions that overload our facial muscles can we safely avoid:

  1. from bad facial habits: raising eyebrows (wrinkling forehead), frowning, squinting, pursing or curling lips, etc.,
  2. from chewing gum,
  3. from drinking drinks through a straw.

Think again about what basic actions will help you relieve your facial muscles.

You can also delay the appearance of facial wrinkles using various devices. For example, glasses. Have you ever wondered how they affect wrinkles?

  • Prescription glasses or contact lenses are necessary for people with visual impairments to avoid squinting.
  • Sunglasses are a salvation from overstrain of the orbicularis oculi muscle in the sun.
  • Computer glasses – protect the thinnest and most vulnerable eye skin from harmful radiation.

And eliminate all factors that lead to premature loss of skin elasticity:

  • smoking,
  • excess ultraviolet radiation: sun and solarium,
  • “food waste”, overeating/undereating, unbalanced diet,
  • shortage of clean drinking water (less than 2 liters per day),
  • physical inactivity,
  • stress, overwork, lack of sleep,
  • habit of stooping, taking incorrect postures during work, rest, sleep,
  • "punitive" cosmetology,
  • insufficient or improper skin care,
  • abuse of cosmetics.

If facial wrinkles are not noticed in time, this fine surface mesh will eventually turn into static folds - permanent and deep. Fighting them is much more difficult.

Are you already noticing expression lines on your face? Don't miss the moment. You can erase expression lines with your own hands in just 2-3 weeks, and then maintain the result for years.

Table of contents

  1. Ethology and pathogenesis
  2. Clinical manifestations
  3. Principles of treatment

Expression wrinkles (wrinkles on the face, mimetic wrinkles , expression lines) are visible bends in the relief of the skin of the face that appear during contraction of the superficial muscular-aponeurotic system. Expression wrinkles can be superficial (fine lines) or deep (folds). An important pathogenetic condition for their formation is the presence of dermal elastosis.

In our company you can purchase the following equipment for the correction of facial wrinkles:

  • M22 (Lumenis)
  • AcuPulse (Lumenis)
  • UltraPulse (Lumenis)
  • Fraxel (Solta Medical)

How to get rid of facial wrinkles? Without exaggeration, we can say that facial wrinkles appear in all people over time, but more often they become visible after 40 years. Smoking aggravates the situation, and women are more susceptible to these changes compared to men.

The time of appearance of facial wrinkles largely depends on the race and phototype of a person’s skin, his genetics, nutrition, physical (and facial) activity, place of residence and other factors. For example, Europeans (phototypes I–III) are more prone to wrinkles on their faces. At the same time, Asians and African Americans can maintain smooth skin for a long time. This is partly due to the protective effect of skin melanin against sunlight and subsequent photoaging.

Salon treatments against expression wrinkles

The beauty of expression lines is that they are just the beginning of age-related changes, so you can easily remove them yourself using simple self-massage techniques and exercises.

But the problem is that the cosmetology industry, from a young age, instills in women a dependence on injections, threads, scalpels, and hardware techniques.

How do cosmetologists suggest dealing with facial wrinkles?

First of all, with the help of Botox injections and fillers - they promise the most pronounced effect.

In fact, botulinum therapy and contour plastic surgery

– these are the most radical cosmetic options for removing facial wrinkles, which are detrimental to youth.

Other salon methods are less dangerous, but often they either give a weak effect or do not give it at all.

What are these techniques?

  • Biorevitalization, mesotherapy, plasma lifting.
    All these are techniques based on multiple injections of the face with drugs that supposedly activate the physiological processes necessary for youthful skin. How do they actually work? Look for the answers in the next chapter.
  • Hardware techniques.
    With their help, the skin is exposed to lasers, radio waves, electric currents, infrared rays, light, cold, etc. It is stated that hardware techniques trigger skin renewal processes and tighten the collagen-elastin framework. But, as a rule, they are based on controversial principles of influence, have a weak effect and are associated with risks.

We have compiled a kind of anti-rating of cosmetic methods for eliminating facial wrinkles. Cosmetologists call them the best, and we talk about them without embellishment.

Ethology and pathogenesis of facial wrinkles

A distinctive feature of the face is the presence of the superficial muscular aponeurotic system (Superficial Musculoaponeurotyc System, SMAS ). It forms a three-dimensional network with strands of connective tissue that connect to the dermis. These bands are made up of collagen and elastin fibers that are attached to the skin (but not to the bones) in many places. By contracting, the muscles pull the skin along with them, as a result of which the facial expression changes - the eyebrows frown, the forehead wrinkles, the lips stretch into a smile, etc.

This anatomy provides a variety of human facial expressions, but at the same time creates the prerequisites for the formation of wrinkles and folds ( Fig. 1 ). Firstly, when muscles contract, they constantly stretch the skin, which negatively affects its elasticity and gradually leads to sagging. Secondly, due to the fact that SMAS is not connected to the bones of the face, when the content of collagen and elastin in its connective tissue cords changes, the skin becomes flabby over time and begins to partially sag. This creates the preconditions for the visualization of facial wrinkles, which become more noticeable.

the epidermis play a certain role in the appearance of facial wrinkles . Here, there is a slowdown in cellular renewal, a decrease in the activity of natural moisturizing factor and an increase in transepidermal water loss, which overall makes the skin drier and more fragile.

In the dermis, the amount of collagen decreases (by about 2% per year) and the activity of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) increases, as a result of which collagen fibers are damaged. Elastin degrades more slowly, so aging skin often exhibits elastosis, which overall increases the visibility of facial wrinkles.

Smoking greatly contributes to the appearance of visible wrinkles . Tobacco smoke increases the activity of MMPs, which destroy dermal collagen, and at the same time triggers the synthesis of tropoelastin. As a result, against the background of skin elastosis, the visibility of facial wrinkles worsens.

Finally, last on the list, but not least important factor is sunlight . Ultraviolet B (UVB) induces the production of MMPs, which promote collagen degradation and extracellular matrix remodeling. In this case, elastin fibers try to compensate for the destruction of collagen through hypertrophy.

Expression wrinkles increase under the influence of stress, diseases of internal organs, alcohol abuse, reduced body weight, environmental pollution, etc.

Rice. 1. Changes in skin texture: A - fine mesh, B - facial wrinkles, C - deep furrows (Lemperle G., Holmes RE, Cohen SR, Lemperle SM A classification of facial wrinkles. Plast Reconstr Surg 2001; 108: 1751–1752)


Top 10 “best” cosmetic methods for eliminating facial wrinkles

The first five positions are injection methods, from 6 to 10 are hardware methods.

  1. Botox injections
    The facial muscle is paralyzed by the powerful poison botulinum toxin. It loses mobility, lengthens and stops breaking the skin. The effect lasts 4-6 months.

    This is the most aggressive way.

    Botox is:

    • A blow to beauty.
      The face turns into a lifeless mask, devoid of the ability to express emotions. Common side effects are terrible swelling, asymmetry, bumps, numbness, ptosis (tissue drooping). Injected Botox into the forehead - the eyelids and eyebrows “fell” into the eyes; I wanted to remove purse-string wrinkles above my upper lip - my mouth became distorted and “floated” down on one side, etc.
    • A blow to youth.
      By “disabling” one or more muscles on the face, Botox creates an unbearable load on other muscles and provokes their spasm. The face ages before its time: new wrinkles and creases appear, old ones worsen, the skin becomes flabby and sags. Her condition worsens under the weight of lymph, the outflow of which is disrupted due to the aggression of botulinum toxin.

  2. A blow to health.
    The strongest neuroparalytic poison lingers in your body for years, wanders wherever it pleases, and can cause paralysis of any organ. The list of complications includes blindness, speech and swallowing dysfunction, osteoporosis of the skull, disruption of the cranial nerves and nerve centers of the heart. And such “little things” as migraines and persistent headaches are not even considered a “side effect”.
  3. Filler injections (contour plastic surgery)
    Unlike Botox, fillers work not at the muscle level, but at the skin level. Essentially, these are fillers for the dermis, which in the form of a gel settle in it for several months. They forcefully invade the skin, literally push it, push it apart.

    Fillers turn beautiful women into identical “muckles” with bloated, disproportionate, ugly faces. In addition, the gel migrates beyond the injection, can become inflamed, “kill” tissues and blood vessels, and cause many other complications.

    What happens when the filler dissolves? The skin stretched by it will become even more wrinkled and flabby, and will also be dehydrated. Molecules of hyaluronic acid (the active ingredient of the most popular filler) will draw all the moisture upward, which is why the skin will seem moisturized for some time, but in fact, in the deep layers it will dry out like a lake in abnormal heat.

  4. Mesotherapy
    This is torture with injections. During one session, 200-300 injections are given to the face. At this point you look like a bleeding bubble wrap. This is a powerful attack on the face, hundreds of gates for the penetration of infections, the development of inflammation, the appearance of rashes, and ulcers.

    Moreover, you need to endure the torment for several months, about once a week. One course includes up to 20 sessions.

    Mesotherapy is a life sentence. It is “recommended” to take such courses 1-2 times a year, and between them come to the cosmetologist for maintenance sessions.

    How does mesotherapy work?

    Cosmetologists will say that the meso-cocktails they inject you with activate the production of youthful skin components.

    In fact, the main effect is achieved through multiple needle injuries. Because of them, the skin becomes scarred from the inside. These fibrous compactions create a connective tissue framework that prevents the skin from folding. If you stop regularly injuring your face with needles, your skin will stretch and become wrinkled even more than before.

  5. Biorevitalization
    This is almost the same as mesotherapy. It differs only in the composition of the substance administered. In the case of biorevitalization, there is only one active substance – synthetic hyaluronic acid.
  6. Plasmalifting
    The procedure belongs to the same category of techniques as biorevitalization and mesotherapy: multiple punctures of the skin, which creates an unhealthy fibrous framework due to scarring of injury areas.

    Only here your own plasma with a high concentration of platelets is injected into your face.

  7. Thermolifting (thermage)
    Due to exposure to radio frequencies, the temperature in the dermis increases. With the help of such a thermal jump, the old “stretched” collagen is destroyed and the process of forming a new one begins.

    But you must understand that your skin will warm up to 60˚C. Have you ever tried to put your hand in water at this temperature? Try it - it’s hard to endure even a few seconds. Facial Thermage lasts on average 45 minutes.

    Are you ready to get burned, that is, to literally destroy and kill your cells? There are such risks. Complications of tarmage also include bruising, swelling, and intradermal scars.

    Thermolifting is a more aggressive technique than the similar RF lifting.

  8. RF lifting
    Like Thermage, the mechanism of action of RF lifting is heating using radio wave radiation. But here the temperature is lower: up to 40˚C, that is, the procedure is softer. On the other hand, not 1-2 sessions are required, as with thermage, but much more. An RF lifting course can consist of 10-20 procedures, and then you need to come back for maintenance sessions a couple of times a year.

    If during Thermage there is a deep effect, right down to the subcutaneous fat and even muscles, then RF lifting affects only the dermis.

    A more gentle approach is not a guarantee that your skin will begin to function as it did in youth.

    Firstly, the problem of muscle spasms has not been solved. The only possible effect of the procedure is a short-term improvement in the condition of the skin, and this is not enough to eliminate facial wrinkles.

    Secondly, what will happen to your skin later? Will she be able to work without such shocks, at least at the same level, or will she begin to age faster? And if you regularly give her such heat attacks, then until what point will they have an effect, and then stop?

    There are too many unknowns and risks.

  9. Fractional thermolysis
    As in the case of Thermage and RF lifting, there is an impact using high temperatures: the skin is damaged, and cell renewal is stimulated in these places. Only it is not radio waves that work, but lasers.

    Burns, swelling, internal scars - everything is valid, as well as the dubious future of your skin.

  10. Laser or chemical peeling
    This is a strong polishing of the skin. Wrinkles seem to be peeled off along with the top layer of skin. The effect is weak.

    Regardless of whether peeling is done with laser or acid, the skin gets burned. The procedure has a long healing period (several weeks), there is a danger of infection and pigmentation.

  11. Ionopheresis
    Cosmetic preparations are applied to the skin, then they are exposed to very weak galvanic currents, which help deliver substances to the skin. As explained, the molecules of cosmetic preparations are ionized and penetrate cells more easily. In fact, this is an ineffective remedy in the fight against expression wrinkles.

Principles of treatment and correction of facial wrinkles

How to get rid of facial wrinkles? As a preventative method of combating facial wrinkles, it is recommended to limit the time spent in the open sun . For clothing, you should choose floor-length skirts or pants, blouses and shirts with long sleeves, and wide-brimmed hats. You should regularly apply sunscreen cosmetics with SPF 30+ to your face. If the patient smokes, it is necessary to give him recommendations on how to get rid of this habit.

To reduce the severity of facial wrinkles, facial massage . It prevents the development of sagging skin, improves local blood circulation and increases the tone of facial muscles, which helps to visually reduce facial wrinkles. The main benefit of this approach is prevention, while on skin with significant age-related and other changes, the massage effect will be relatively weak.

Muscle relaxant peptides can be used to correct unwanted facial wrinkles . In advertising, they are often called “peptides with a Botox effect,” although not all of them have a mechanism of action similar to botulinum toxins. It is important that muscle relaxants reduce the severity of only facial wrinkles - they do not affect static wrinkles that appear as a result of age-related skin changes.

The most famous of the muscle relaxants is the peptide argireline . It competes with one of the proteins that is involved in creating the complex necessary for the release of acetylcholine into the synaptic cleft - as a result, the complex is inactivated and the muscle stops contracting. The negative point is that for the full effect to develop, it is necessary to use the product for at least 30–35 days.

Since elastosis plays a certain role in the formation of expression lines, its treatment methods are also suitable in this case. Topical retinoids, antioxidants, and chemical peels will be helpful.

The most popular procedure for correcting facial wrinkles is the injection of botulinum toxins into the “problem” area. Botulinum toxins block the release of acetylcholine into the synaptic cleft of the neuromuscular junction, which promotes relaxation of the target area of ​​the face. When selecting patients for the procedure, choosing dosages and correction regimens, the individual characteristics of the patient should be taken into account, since they directly affect both the aesthetic result and the safety of the correction. The effect of this procedure is short-lived, and after a few months the botulinum toxin injection should be repeated.

Hardware techniques do not affect the causes of expression wrinkles (in particular, muscle tone), but can reduce their severity by launching cellular renewal processes, increasing the activity of growth factors, and the synthesis of new collagen and skin microvessels. All this improves the condition of the face, removing facial wrinkles, making them less noticeable.

Ablative fractional lasers are suitable for solving the problem - typical representatives are the Ultrapulse and Acupulse devices. They intensively impact the surface of the skin with many micro-rays, evaporating its top layer to a certain depth. Intact areas remain between treatment zones, which allows the skin to use their “building materials” to activate powerful regenerative processes and rapid healing. Since the impact is quite strong, the procedure is followed by a period of rehabilitation for the patient. Moreover, the effect appears in just one session.

Non-ablative fractional lasers act more gently on the skin, so the effect appears after several sessions. But after each procedure, no rehabilitation is required, and the patient can immediately engage in normal daily activities. Typical representatives of non-ablative fractional lasers are M22 ResurFX and Fraxel.

Since laser techniques do not block facial activity, which is one of the most important reasons for the appearance of facial wrinkles, hardware treatment is recommended to be combined with courses of botulinum toxin. In this case, the achieved effect will be maximally pronounced and lasting.

Is it possible to remove facial wrinkles with cosmetics?

To erase expression lines from the face, cosmetic care is necessary. But it will only work effectively as an addition to the main anti-aging method - facial exercises. You also need to watch your posture, lead an active and healthy lifestyle, develop good habits instead of bad ones - remember?

Don’t expect a Photoshop effect from cosmetics, even if the cream packaging says “filler.” But don't ignore her either. Regular cosmetic care (twice a day) is one of the prerequisites for youthful skin.

It is easier to overcome expression wrinkles than age wrinkles. Connect cosmetics:

  • Morning and evening, moisturize and nourish the skin with creams, oils, squalane, and balms. Make sure that they contain anti-aging components: fatty acids, vitamins A, B, C, E and other “catalysts” for dermal renewal.
    Go to the online store and choose natural Beauty365 cosmetics there: coconut oil, camellia sasanqua oil, squalane (sugar cane oil), Verbena hemp balm (contains oils and oil extracts of hemp, coconut, shea butter, pistachio, calendula, carrot seeds). All these remedies help fight expression lines.

  • Make sure that cosmetic care does not dry out the skin. Usually this danger is fraught with cleansing and bleaching products. Be careful in choosing them.
    It copes with its tasks perfectly and at the same time acts carefully as natural cosmetics. It does not take away moisture, but, on the contrary, moisturizes the skin, even when it needs to be cleansed and whitened.

    So, to cleanse your skin, choose hydrolates (plant distillates). They perfectly remove makeup, dust, excess fat and at the same time moisturize. You apply the product to a cotton pad, wipe your face with it, and no tap water is needed. Try Beauty365 lavender, sage and mint hydrosols (sold at

    You can whiten age spots using Beauty365 camellia sasanqua oil, which also has a rejuvenating effect.

Anti-wrinkle massage

There is an opinion that peeling is very good at removing wrinkles, but it’s not the only thing. Against the appearance of wrinkles, you need to carry out regular preventive procedures: facial massage, cleansing peels and moisturizing masks, use high-quality caring cosmetics - this will significantly delay unpleasant age-related changes. The best solution in the fight for young skin is to turn to a professional. Don’t skimp on your own health; for example, the price of a professional anti-wrinkle facial massage is low, but it will be much more effective and safer than doing it yourself.

How to get rid of facial wrinkles using folk remedies

No one has canceled folk remedies against facial wrinkles: masks and compresses.

Do you have eggs, milk, cream, kefir, lemons, grapefruits, cucumbers in your refrigerator? Are there carrots and potatoes in the vegetable drawer? There will probably also be various oils, cereals, yeast, herbs (chamomile, mint, yarrow, etc.), honey, gelatin?

Did you conduct an audit? Then let’s get down to business: grate, beat, boil, infuse, mix - in general, we “conjure” in every possible way, based on recipes.

We will just set the vector, and then you can follow the endless routes of folk wisdom.

What mask recipes for facial wrinkles can you try:

  1. Cucumber slices.
  2. Strongly brewed green tea + gauze/handkerchief.
  3. Whipped white of 1 egg + half a teaspoon of lemon juice.
  4. Any grated fruits and berries, you can add sour cream/cream.
  5. 1 tbsp. l. ground oatmeal + 1 tbsp. l. honey + 1 egg white.
  6. Mashed half a banana + 1 egg yolk + 1 tbsp. l. honey + 1 tbsp. l. sour cream.

Apply the mask with your fingers or a cosmetic brush/cotton pads. Keep it on for 20-30 minutes. Fruit and berry masks can be layered over and over again as the first layer dries. Wash off with water or remove with a napkin/cotton pad.

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