Anti-hair growth cream - choice of products for depilation on the face, body, legs and bikini area, reviews of women on use

Unwanted body hair is an unpleasant problem that many women face.

Epilation and waxing are not suitable for everyone; these are quite painful procedures.

Anti-hair growth cream is an ideal solution for those who want to get rid of such a delicate problem painlessly and for a long time.

Depilatory products

Depilatory cream is a product that allows you to get rid of hair on your face and body without pain.

The active components of such products are alkali and thioglycolate. They aggressively destroy keratin, causing hair to thin and break. When using the product, the hair gradually brightens and becomes thinner, curling a little. After a certain time, the hair is removed using a spatula.

Choose products from well-known brands that have proven themselves in the market. Each product is intended for a specific area of ​​the body; you should not use them for other purposes.

Veet Naturals Depilatory Cream

To get rid of unwanted hair, apply the product evenly to your feet, using a spatula or simply with gloved hands. After the time specified in the instructions, you need to remove the cream with a spatula or simply rinse your feet in warm water.

There are also creams that slow down growth, but do not harm the hair itself. They just need to be rubbed into the skin and when used systematically they should slow down natural hair growth.

The products are called inhibitors; they do not remove hair, but make it colorless and invisible to others. They contain natural ingredients and nourishing oils.

After using the product, treat the skin with an antiseptic to avoid inflammation.

How much hair does a person lose every day?

The entire human body is covered with hair with the exception of the palms and feet. Each of them has about 5 million, of which 100-150 thousand are on the head. From 50 to 150 pieces are lost every day, and the same number begins to grow. This highly individual parameter is influenced by:

  • heredity;
  • number of follicles.

To determine the intensity of precipitation, a simple experiment is carried out. The hair is divided into strands and each of them is pulled forcefully, but gently. If you have up to 15 pieces left in your hands. - this is the norm, if their number exceeds 25-30 - pathology is obvious. But excessive hair loss is not the only problem. Active hair growth, especially in unwanted places, causes no less worry.

Anti-hair growth cream on body

Depilatory creams affect the hair follicles, weakening them and deforming them. And new hair growth slows down.

This procedure does not take long, and the remaining cream is easily removed from the body using ordinary water.

After using the product, there is no painful irritation left on the skin like with waxing or shaving.

This cream contains active components that affect the structure of the hair follicles, they deform it and reduce the lifespan of the follicle, which slows down the natural growth rate.

Among the disadvantages of this method: ingrown hair, specific aroma of the product, and not long-term results. Due to the fact that the product removes hair, not the follicle, but deforms it, the bulb does not leave the skin, so the effect lasts up to 2 weeks.

If the first application did not achieve results, you should not repeat the procedure on the same day, because this can cause a chemical burn. You should wait 24 hours and then repeat the depilation procedure.

Reviews - Maria, 19 years old

“I use Veet Suprem Essence to remove hair from my arms and linen.
Before the summer I carry out a mandatory procedure and am always satisfied with the mild effect of the cream - I never experience irritation or itching after use.

A 90 ml tube will last a long time, even if you use it on your armpits, legs and bikini area. The spatula is included in the kit; it is plastic and bends a little, making it even more convenient to remove excess product.

I leave the cream on a little longer than in the instructions - 5 minutes instead of 3, because my hair is quite coarse. I never felt any itching or irritation, just a pleasant coolness.

The essential oils in the composition perfectly soften the skin after exposure to alkali, and the pleasant aroma of rose remains on the body until the end of the day.”

Let's think about hardware

When the razor passes over the surface of the skin, its blade cuts off the visible part of the hair, leaving the follicle - the hair follicle - virtually intact. This means that the hair begins to grow back immediately - and the more actively, the more the razor irritated the skin and the follicles hidden in it. Hence the moral: it would be quite reasonable to start by reviewing the shaving procedure and shaving equipment. Perhaps it will be possible to optimize this process and thus somewhat slow down the growth of stubble.

After all, it is precisely in order to shave hairs as close to the root as possible and not irritate the skin that modern razor systems with many blades in one cassette were invented. The current record is held by Dorco Pace 7, which has exactly seven parallel blades in its head. Moreover, the design of the head with an open architecture and a floating attachment to the handle, and the presence of a softening aloe vera strip - everything works to reduce the irritating effect on the hair follicles. This means that they remain undisturbed, and the effect of “shaved - it grows back faster” is reduced to almost zero.

Pace 7

You'll know this razor is special as soon as you touch its ergonomic handle.

You can further soften the shaving procedure through the technique of this process: do not forget to soften the skin before starting the procedure, we will move the razor smoothly, without scraping movements. And under no circumstances do we shave against the grain of the hair, only “along the hair.” This catches two birds with one stone: the stubble slows down somewhat, and the irritation on the skin disappears like a nightmare. Complete benefits!

Facial hair removal products

An anti-hair cream on the face should leave behind smoothness and a feeling of freshness. It should contain cooling and moisturizing components. Extracts of medicinal herbs will do an excellent job of protecting the skin from chemicals in the composition.

After use, you should not have a feeling of dryness or tightness on your skin. This is the first sign that the product is not suitable for you. At the slightest burning sensation, you should immediately rinse the area with running water and then treat it with a moisturizer.

Avon Skin So Soft Facial Hair Removal Cream

The label of such a cream should indicate that it is suitable for sensitive skin. Carefully study the composition, for example, the composition of chamomile is suitable for these sensitive areas and will prevent the occurrence of irritation or itching.

If you need to go outside after removing facial hair, use foundation applied over moisturizer. The barrier will not allow the sun's rays to harm the sensitive area after depilation.

Inna, 38 years old

“A small noticeable mustache is an unpleasant decoration on my face; it has always been with me, as long as I can remember. But before they were thinner and lighter, and I didn’t pay attention to them. But with age they darkened more, so at 35 I decided it was time to do something about it.

At first I tried to shave, but I encountered severe irritation, the hair grew strongly into the skin, and the follicles began to fester. I started using antiseptic after shaving, but it didn’t help. After shaving, they only became rougher.

Desperate, I began to ask my friends how they deal with this problem, some shaved, some lightened, some removed with a laser, but all these methods did not suit me one way or another. As a result, I was advised to use an epilation cream.

This became my salvation - no irritation or inflammation, just a clean face and pleasant hydration after use.”

Peeling and other new words

If our goal is to make the stubble visually appear as late as possible, then another “mechanical” way to do this is associated with the greatest possible “exposure” of the hair follicles. So that they, like garden bulbs, almost stick out above the surface of the “soil”. This method - which boils down to exfoliation of the keratinized epidermis - is known as peeling. And there are many ways, from chemical to the use of pumice and abrasive scrubs. Peeling is done quite simply, you just need to know the basic rules for its use:

  1. Before starting the procedure, the skin needs to be steamed and moisturized. It is in such conditions that dead skin particles will be ready to leave you behind forever, and a fresh layer of epidermis will provide a cleaner shave.
  2. It's important to try hard when exfoliating, but it's even more important not to overdo it. Because it is, of course, possible to remove the extra layer of skin that is still quite alive and not keratinized, but the skin will turn red and hurt. Do we need it?..
  3. After completing the procedure, take pity and lightly pamper your skin - apply a moisturizing, softening cream. And only after half an hour or an hour can you start shaving.

Cream against hair growth on legs

Hair on the legs is coarser and thicker than hair on other areas of the body, so more aggressive means are needed to remove it. Due to the fact that the hair on the legs is coarser and darker, not all creams can cope with it.

Shaving your legs does not always bring results - dark stumps may remain on the skin, which are clearly visible on light skin. Waxing leaves behind irritation that goes away after a few hours.

Depilatory cream for legs Batiste

If you plan to go out in the morning, you will have to shave in the morning, because hair grows faster at night. By shaving in the evening before bed, you will fall asleep with smooth skin, but wake up with light stubble. If you wax, your skin will look red and irritated for a while.

The cream for removing hair on legs is convenient because it does not leave dark stumps or irritation. The method is the most gentle compared to waxing or regular shaving.

Leg hair removal creams contain more aggressive ingredients than other products, so protect your hands during the procedure. Use rubber or latex gloves to avoid irritation.

Anna, 24 years old

“Shaving my legs has been my least favorite process since I was 15 years old. Not only do you have to buy a new razor after every fifth time, but you also can’t go outside to shave right after - it’s irritating. And if you shave in the evening, noticeable stumps will already form in the morning.

Tired of fighting hair, I wanted to do laser hair removal, but the doctor did not allow it for certain reasons. That's when I first noticed depilatory creams.

Many people complain about the short-term effect, but for me it lasts longer than after shaving. The cream removes hair and its base, so it does not leave dark spots that are clearly visible on fair skin.

I use Veet cream for sensitive skin; natural extracts in its composition make the skin soft and pleasant to the touch. I suspect that the pleasant peeling effect is due to the very aggressive components that affect the hair.

After getting acquainted with such products, I am absolutely sure that I will never return to shaving.”

Even if you have luxurious and voluminous locks, you still need to additionally maintain their health. Vitamins for hair growth - reviews of treatment results, well-known drugs.

Read about positive and negative reviews about the use of kefir hair mask here.

And here you will learn how to create a unique look using hair chalks. Read tips on coloring strands and reviews on using crayons.

Is it possible to remove hair permanently?

It is impossible to get rid of all unwanted hair completely during one procedure, because some of them are in dormant (inactive) phases and are insensitive to hardware methods. For complete removal, you need to visit a cosmetologist several times. The exact number of procedures depends on the scale of the problem and how it is solved.

Epilation involves the destruction of the follicle, so hair growth from it becomes impossible. There are the following types of hair removal:

  • photoepilation involves the use of high-pulse light;
  • electrolysis – exposure of the hair follicle to an electrical discharge;
  • Elos hair removal is an intermediate option between electro- and photoepilation. The technique combines light energy and high-frequency current;
  • laser hair removal – is carried out using a laser and is considered the most effective.

But the most painless and reliable option is regular use of Rivanol. Constant exposure of the follicles to its 1% solution leads to their complete destruction - hair stops growing.

Excessive hair growth and excessive pilosis are not dangerous to health, but they do not change your appearance for the better. There are many ways to solve the problem - from a regular razor to laser hair removal. It is very important to find out the cause of the cosmetic defect - it may require serious treatment. So that it doesn't hide behind it, a bottle of Rivanol in your home medicine cabinet won't hurt.

In the bikini area

The bikini area is sensitive, so it is necessary to choose a gentler product for it than for other areas of the skin. This area is more prone to allergic reactions, so make sure that the composition does not contain allergens.

Anti-hair growth cream in the bikini area is suitable for the bikini area or armpits; these places are considered the most delicate and sensitive and not every girl is able to withstand waxing in these areas.

Depilatory cream for bikini area and armpits

The mild effect of this product is due to the many moisturizing and nourishing components that prevent the occurrence of chemical burns or allergic reactions. But despite this, the product still cannot be applied to the mucous membrane.

Another advantage of using this product on the bikini area is that after systematic use, hair growth will significantly slow down, and the growing hair will be thinner and lighter than the previous one.

Never allow the product to come into contact with the mucous membranes - this can result in chemical burns and severe irritation.

Svetlana, 27 years old

“In the summer, my husband and I always go to the seaside; his family has their own house on the seashore, in which we live for a couple of summer months, enjoying a well-deserved vacation. What always spoiled such vacations for me was the vegetation in the bikini area, because when you live by the sea, you have to shave every day.

When I finally got fed up with the terrible irritation, I switched to depilatory cream. A 90 ml tube is more than enough for my entire vacation, so when I take one package of product, I don’t worry about running out of it in time and having to look for it in local stores.

What attracts me most with these products is the ease of application and quick effect, and when I want something special, I buy depilatory creams in the shower. They are easy to apply while you shower and rinse off automatically, making the process easier and more enjoyable.”

Hair loss can indicate various diseases. What to do if your hair is falling out a lot? Professional help is necessary when treating alopecia. Read about ways to combat hair loss.

Read about the features of choosing a styler for automatic hair curling in this topic.

What are inhibitor creams?

As the name suggests, products labeled “hair growth inhibitor creams” are designed to slow down the process of the appearance and development of vegetation on the skin.

Inhibitor (lat. inhibere - to delay) is a general name for substances that suppress or delay the course of physiological and physicochemical (mainly enzymatic) processes.

But you should know: hair growth inhibitor creams are only an addition to popular depilatory methods. These remedies only slow down the appearance of new vegetation, but do not get rid of it!

When should you go to a trichologist?

You should contact a trichologist if you had problems with your hair before the coronavirus and if your hair loss lasted for several months. “If we talk about seasonal hair loss, it does not require special treatment. This is a natural process that regresses on its own. As for post-Covid hair loss, we are trying to stabilize the condition and help patients. It is clear that “acute” hair loss, as a rule, goes away on its own, but this is a huge stress for our hair. Therefore, recovery may take 6–8 months. The doctor will select the appropriate treatment, these could be vitamin complexes, and it is also possible to prescribe mild growth stimulants externally,” notes Vavilov.

Disadvantages of inhibitor creams

Despite the positive reviews and good quality of hair growth inhibitors, it should be borne in mind that they have a number of disadvantages.

  • After the first use, the skin may peel and itch. Don't worry, next time applying a hair inhibitor cream shouldn't cause such problems. If peeling and itching recur, then use of the product should be discontinued.
  • Inhibitor creams do not get rid of hair; they are not able to completely destroy the hair follicle.
  • Creams that slow down hair growth do not get rid of ingrown hairs. On the contrary, sometimes they provoke their appearance.
  • Allergic reactions to creams and lotions with inhibitory properties are possible.
  • Very sensitive skin sometimes shows a reaction to inhibitor creams.
  • Not all products are suitable for use on the face.
  • Prolonged redness, rash, increased skin sensitivity, pain - these adverse effects are possible, although rare. If they appear, use of the cream or spray should be discontinued.

It is believed that if therapy with the chosen drug does not have a noticeable effect within a year, treatment tactics need to be changed.

Nothing extra! How to finally get rid of unwanted hair

What an injustice with this hair! There are always not enough of them on the head, but in various other places, on the contrary, there are plenty! How to finally get rid of them?

Elena Gavrilova, gynecologist-endocrinologist, candidate of medical sciences, head of the department of rehabilitation and aesthetic medicine of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "National Medical Research Center of Endocrinology" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Maria Lebedeva, cosmetologist

Are you tired of shaving your legs with a machine and pulling out hairs with tweezers and an electric epilator? And rightly so, because science has long invented a remedy that can permanently rid you of unwanted hair on your face and body.

Tradition with deep roots

Having smooth skin is the dream of many women. But by nature, few can boast of this. Especially Southern women, whose hair is thicker, darker and fuller than that of Northern and Asian women. It is not for nothing that it was in Arab countries that such methods of getting rid of excess hair as sugaring and threading, which are still in demand today, originated. What women do not do to remove hair in beauty salons and at home: hot and cold wax, resin, thread, pumice, sugar, caramel... And, despite the existence of long-term methods of combating excess hair, various methods of depilation (mechanical removal of the visible part of hair) -still find fans. Well, to each his own. After all, as cosmetologist Maria Lebedeva explains: “With constant mechanical removal, the hair becomes thinner, becomes softer, lighter and less frequent, and grows more slowly. But depilation also has significant disadvantages. After such exposure, the hairs begin to grow into the skin, and subsequently we have to deal with the problem of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.” In addition, this method is unlikely to be suitable for removing hair on the upper lip. “When you pull out hairs on your face,” says Maria Lebedeva, “they can, on the contrary, become stronger and their growth becomes more intense. This is due to the development of collaterals in the microcerculature after damage to the vessel that feeds the hair.”

Miracle cream or electric needle?

Unlike depilatories (hair removal creams), which last for a maximum of a week, there are hair growth inhibitors. There are a huge number of them, but only one cream, which contains eflornithine hydrochloride, has an officially proven effect. It does not remove hair, but it significantly slows down its growth. This remedy can be used on its own or in combination with other methods. In folk medicine, turmeric and unripe walnuts have long been used for the same purpose, but, of course, their effect has not been officially proven. An effective method for removing single hairs (especially blond or gray hair) is electrolysis. The method is based on the action of electric current (a needle through which the discharge passes is inserted into the hair follicle and destroys it). However, it is impossible to use this method on large areas of the body - the process is too long. And besides, it is painful; few can withstand it for a long time. In addition, this point technique requires highly qualified, virtuoso skill and experience from the master, otherwise you can get burns, scars and pigmentation.

Everyone will die, but I will remain

“Removing a hair follicle permanently is an almost impossible task. But with the help of a laser, you can ensure that the hair remains in an inactive state for a long time,” says doctor Elena Gavrilova. “In the 21st century,” she continues, “it is simply indecent to resort to some other, less effective, more complex and dangerous methods.” By the way, in most cases, when mechanically removing hair, you have to deal with its ingrowth into the skin and inflammation of the follicles (folliculitis), and the laser method not only does not increase this risk, but also protects against it, since the light radiation itself also has an additional aseptic effect. Electrolysis can lead to hyperpigmentation, and laser, on the contrary, is specifically used to get rid of it. Over the past five years, there have been huge changes in the field of laser hair removal. The effect that modern lasers help achieve is unimaginable to those used ten years ago. And although even the most powerful laser is unable to order hair to completely stop breaking through smooth skin, nevertheless, a full course of procedures can make you forget about this annoying problem for five years.

Myths about laser hair removal

Myth #1
: It's ineffective.
You need to undergo laser hair removal for years to see results. In fact.
This myth has very clear origins. There is a lot of non-professional equipment on the Russian aesthetic market. Beauty salons purchase low-quality or outdated lasers. A good European device costs from 2.5 million rubles, and Chinese analogues cost 200–300 thousand rubles. Their effectiveness is quite consistent with the price. There is another point. In some salons, in pursuit of profit, patients are asked to come for treatments at least once a month. And this is wrong. There is no need to go to the clinic once a month, but when the hair grows back, you need to plan your next visit. The fact is that effective laser hair removal is not possible at any time. There are only three phases of hair growth: anagen (active growth phase), as well as telogen and catagen (resting and dying phases, during which there is no longer any pigment in the follicle). Only hair in the anagen stage can be treated with laser. There are about 15–20% of these on the body. That is why it takes six to eight procedures to reach the winning end. Therefore, the decision when to come for the next procedure must be made individually. It depends on the individual hair growth rate, as well as on the specific area: hair grows faster on the face than on the legs, and faster on the legs than on the stomach. On average, after hair removal they grow back within one to three months. Then - even less often. It is undesirable to skip the next procedure - this reduces the effect. Before laser hair removal, you need to shave your hair so that the laser energy is not sprayed onto the entire hair, but is concentrated only at the root.

Myth No. 2.

Photoepilation is more effective and safer.
In fact.
Photoepilation is also good, but it is a more labor-intensive procedure (requires the application and further rinsing of the gel), and after it is performed, there may be swelling and redness on the skin. In addition, it usually requires a larger number of sessions. After all, this is not selective, but high-intensity light. Moreover, its effect is transdermal. If you set the parameters correctly, there will be no burn, but, nevertheless, there is such a risk. And laser hair removal is based on selective photothermolysis. The laser beam is selectively absorbed by the pigment of the hair follicle. The skin is not involved at all, and therefore is not injured. Laser hair removal requires minimal effort from the patient. To prepare for the procedure, you only need to remove hair from the surface of the skin. Between procedures, they can also be shaved or cut (but not pulled out!). After the first session, from 20 to 70% of hair falls out.

Myth No. 3.

The result of hair removal depends on which laser is used.
In fact.
There are only four types of lasers: ruby, alexandrite, neodymium and diode. But there are two gold standards for hair removal: alexandrite and diode (but only from global manufacturers and the latest generations). They are highly selective (act only on the hair pigment and not on the skin) and work close to the infrared spectrum (800 nanometers). Thanks to this, even if you set the strongest parameters, you cannot cause burns or even redness of the skin. Therefore, such lasers can remove the thickest hair, including in intimate areas. But it is important to focus not just on the type of laser, but also on its technical characteristics (long wavelength and high power). European devices have a power of at least 2500–3000 W, while Chinese devices have only 800 W.

Myth No. 4.

The laser will not help if your skin is dark and your hair is light.
In fact.
If the laser operates in the infrared spectrum, then even the patient’s belonging to the Negroid race is not an obstacle. But it really won’t remove blond or gray hair—they don’t have pigment. Only electrolysis can handle this.

Myth No. 5.

Laser procedures cannot be done in the summer.
Otherwise, you can develop hyperpigmentation. In fact.
A high-quality laser acts selectively only on the hair pigment, and not on the skin, and therefore does not cause hyperpigmentation. But the lighter the skin, the less painful and more effective the procedure will be. Therefore, you should not sunbathe for two weeks before and the same amount after. After the session, it is also better to refrain from visiting the bathhouse and sauna. Firstly, the sun and heat exposure themselves stimulate the hair follicles, and secondly, tanning the skin is inflammatory, and therefore the procedure on tanned skin will be more painful.

Myth No. 6.

Laser hair removal is painful and expensive.
In fact.
Minimal discomfort during the procedure is possible, because the destruction of the hair follicle occurs through intense heating. The nerve endings also receive some of the heat, so a slight tingling sensation is felt during the process. But these sensations cannot be compared with the pain from electrolysis. As for the price, this service is not cheap. But in the long run it will be more profitable than any mechanical methods of hair removal. After all, six to eight procedures will allow you to get rid of hair for years (for some, five, for others, seven or more).

Myth No. 7.

If the excess hair is due to hirsutism (excessive male pattern hair growth in women), the laser will not help.
In fact.
Laser hair removal is included in the medical standards for the treatment of hirsutism. But first, it is important to find out what causes hirsutism. If it's a family history or idiopathic hirsutism with no specific cause, that's one thing. But if it is associated with some disease, then you first need to take control and compensate for the underlying disease, and only then engage in hair removal. Then you can achieve good results. Therefore, before hair removal, the doctor must collect anamnesis and exclude (or confirm) endocrine causes.

Myth No. 8.

Laser provokes cancer.
In fact.
Over the 25 years that laser hair removal has been used in the world, not a single piece of evidence has been recorded confirming the danger of the method. However, there are contraindications to laser exposure. These are any acute conditions (including herpes), pustular diseases, skin wounds and exacerbations of chronic diseases. Light exposure can worsen their course.


Before having your hair removed by a cosmetologist, you must visit a gynecologist-endocrinologist. A possible connection between hirsutism and the disease is indicated by symptoms such as:

  • increased hair growth in old age (this may raise suspicion of androgen-dependent tumors of the ovaries and adrenal glands);
  • signs of virilization, including deepening of the voice, enlargement of the clitoris and muscle mass, acne, male pattern hair loss;
  • irregular menstrual cycles, obesity, infertility (often occurs with polycystic ovary syndrome);
  • thinning of the skin, rounding of the face, stretch marks on the abdomen (with Cushing's syndrome).

For a correct diagnosis, you may need a blood test for hormones, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, thyroid gland, MRI or CT scan of the adrenal glands and other studies. Possible causes of hirsutism

  • PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome).
  • Congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
  • Cushing's disease.
  • Tumors of the ovaries and adrenal glands.
  • Excess growth hormone.
  • Insulin resistance.
  • Taking certain medications.

To choose a treatment strategy for hirsutism, it is necessary to confirm this diagnosis and determine the extent of the disease. For diagnosis, it is enough to calculate the points according to the special Ferriman-Gallwey table. Hair growth needs to be assessed in nine androgen-dependent areas: upper lip, chin, chest, shoulders, hips, upper and lower back and abdomen. If there are no coarse terminal hairs there, 0 points are given. The minimum hair growth is estimated at 1 point, the maximum at 4 points. From 0 to 8 points - no hirsutism, 8-15 - moderate degree of the disease, everything higher - moderate severity, more than 25 points - severe hirsutism. A severe degree is the basis for not only cosmetic, but also drug treatment (oral contraceptives, antiandrogens and other drugs can be used). In addition, lifestyle modification is also important - losing excess weight, quitting smoking (tobacco increases the risk of side effects from the medications used), avoiding thermal procedures and tanning.

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