Pine nut oil for the face: properties and use in cosmetology, reviews

Cedar oil for the face is the key to youth, freshness and elasticity of the skin for many years. Cedar is considered the main feature of Siberian forests and taiga nature reserves. Since the formation of the first civilizations, cedar quickly found application in healing, cosmetology, construction and many other areas of human life. The properties of cedar are truly amazing, as confirmed by centuries-old legends. The air in the cedar forest is especially clean, saturated with the soothing smell of cedar resin.

All components of the oil are indispensable for ensuring proper regenerative processes in the skin structure, restoration at the cellular level, adequate nutrition and rejuvenation

general description

There are 3 options for cedar oil:

  1. A food product less commonly used in cosmetology, it is obtained by cold pressing of nuts. The substance turns out to be greasy, has a light yellow tint, and a pleasant gastronomic aroma.
  2. Cedar essential oil is extracted by steam distillation during wood processing. The product is characterized by a rich amber color and a pleasant woody smell.
  3. Aromatic oil is also squeezed from pine needles. The substance has a bright “forest” odor and a greenish-brown tint.

The plant's woody ether has become widespread in cosmetology. This option contains a lot of beneficial properties for the skin. You won’t be able to do this kind of butter on your own.

By the way. At home, you can try to make a squeeze of nuts and pine needles. The options are not highly beneficial for cosmetic purposes, but are useful for food and aromatherapy.

In aromatherapy

Aromatherapy sessions will help restore emotional stability, find peace of mind and a positive mood. The cedar aroma with a rich resinous smell can be used in bath procedures to aromatize the air.

Aromatherapy sessions with cedar oil have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. By adding 4-5 parts to the aroma lamp, you can quickly relieve fatigue, relax, and forget about the stress and troubles that plagued you during the working day. An aroma pendant with 1-2 parts of cedar essential oil will help you stay calm during the day.

A little history

They began making cedar essential oil from wood quite recently. In ancient times, resin, pine needles, and plant seeds were used. Various products: squeezes, tinctures were more often used for medicinal purposes. Pine nut oil with resin (a mixture of seed squeezed with tree resin) was popular. The variant is still credited with miraculous properties in folk medicine.

True cedar ether is obtained from the wood of a plant growing in Morocco and Algeria. Real Lebanese cedar, which is called the progenitor of all existing species, has long been on the verge of destruction, and is prohibited from cutting down and processing. In addition to Atlas cedar, they use Himalayan cedar, which is found in the mountainous regions of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India. Juniper, cypress, pine, and thuja are often passed off as cedar.

To strengthen hair

A mask made of burdock oil (2 tbsp) and cedar (5-6 tbsp) will help prevent hair loss and strengthen its roots. The mixture is applied to the roots, then the head is covered with a plastic bag and wrapped in a towel. After an hour, it is recommended to wash your hair with shampoo.

Note: For enrichment, you can use a mixture of essential oils: lemon (2 ml), cedar, ylang-ylang, rosewood (1 ml each)

Composition and beneficial properties

The unique external effect of essential cedar oil on fabrics is due to the composition of the substance. Among the components are:

  • polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, linolenic, oleic);
  • vitamins A, D, group B;
  • phosphorus, calcium, manganese;
  • essential amino acids.

All components ensure proper, uninterrupted operation of the skin structures. There is adequate nutrition, regulation of sebaceous secretions, moisture balance, and cell restoration. Cedar oil has increased antibacterial properties and has a good astringent, antifungal, and antioxidant effect. The substance will be useful for those with oily, problematic, damaged, aging skin.

In the bathhouse and sauna

Decoctions of medicinal herbs were traditionally used in steam rooms. Essential oils completely replace them. They simplify the procedure and make it more effective. Cedar oil, used in a bath or sauna, actively affects the respiratory system, is quickly absorbed into the skin and has a maximum healing effect on it. It is recommended to dilute 5 parts of ether in water (at least 5 liters) and use it to create healing steam (spray wooden walls with it, for example). You can mix cedar, lemon, and chamomile oils in equal proportions and get a whole bunch of natural remedies.

Indications for use

Cedar oil is valued in cosmetology and dermatology. The product helps relieve eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis. With the right comprehensive approach to caring for problem skin, the use of ether will help get rid of acne and pimples. The substance perfectly regulates the oiliness of the epidermis.

Cedar extracts are successfully used to treat tissue integrity problems (scratches, scratches). The oil will soothe insect bites, allergic manifestations, and reduce inflammation.

Regular external use of cedar ether to improve the quality of oily skin at a young age delays the manifestation of age-related changes. The skin remains fresh and youthful longer. However, it is not recommended to regularly use the substance as a rejuvenating agent for dry skin.

Cedar is perfect for caring for thick men's skin. The product is often added to hair or after-shave cosmetics. The substance promotes the healing of microcracks, regulates the secretion of sebum and sweat. The woody smell stimulates the nervous system and has aphrodisiac functions.

With the right approach to using ether, cosmetologists approve the substance for caring for different types of facial skin. The product can be added in minimal quantities to various cosmetic products at a time or on a regular basis.

Attention! Frequent use of cedar squeeze is indicated for owners of oily, problematic tissues. Negative manifestations are at risk of being noticed by people with thin, sensitive, dehydrated skin.

Application of cedar oil

The amazing composition allows you to use cedar oil for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. This remedy helps with stomach ulcers, tracheitis, acute respiratory infections, increases the elasticity of blood vessels and is used to prevent varicose veins, cancer, articular rheumatism and polyarthritis. In addition, it strengthens the immune system and improves a person’s mental and physical condition. But it is especially popular in cosmetology. Women have already seen that cedar oil helps preserve beauty and youth. However, only the highest quality oil is selected for the face, hair, hands and nails, which is indicated by the integrity of the bottle, color, aroma of the oil and its constituent components.

The quality of cedar oil is determined by its aroma and appearance. The best oil is dark, but not cloudy, with a sour odor.

Features of purchase and storage

You can buy cedar essential oil at a pharmacy, specialty store or hypermarket. The product is often presented in the cosmetics or bath products department.

When purchasing, it is important to pay attention to storage conditions and packaging. The ether should be kept at room temperature no higher than +25°C out of direct sunlight. The product is placed in glass vials made of darkened material. The container must not have any violations. When using the substance regularly, the lid must also be screwed tightly after taking the ether.

When purchasing, it is recommended to pay attention to the composition and type of oil. Wood, nuts, and pine needles are used to prepare marc. Various plants are used as raw materials.

Not only the expiration date will help you understand that a substance is spoiled. The product loses its brightness and attractive aroma. The butter may darken, acquire sediment, and lose its normal texture.

Characteristics of cedar oil

Pine nut oil is made from pine nut kernels. People learned to extract cedar trees and make oil a very long time ago.

There are main production methods:

  • The cold-press method involves squeezing the oil out of shelled, dried and sorted nuts under heavy presses. This is the most environmentally friendly method, but the presses should not be metal, since the peculiarity of cedar oil is that it easily oxidizes and loses its beneficial and healing qualities when in contact with metal;
  • hot extraction method, the essence of which is to prepare a homogeneous mass from crushed nut kernels, and then heat it to high temperatures (about 200 degrees Celsius) and wash it. The oil extracted from the nuts accumulates on the surface of the water; all that remains is to collect it and evaporate the excess moisture. This production method is cheaper, but at high temperatures, irreversible processes of destruction of useful compounds occur in the oil;
  • The chemical extraction method is used by unscrupulous manufacturers, because in this case the resulting product can be harmful to health. Chemical reagents are used to extract oil from crushed nut kernels. Under no circumstances should this oil be used internally, and it will not bring any benefit when used externally. Most often, this method is used by Chinese companies.

The cold pressing method involves squeezing the oil out of pine nuts under heavy presses.

For the residents of our country, the most useful oil will be cedar oil from the nuts of the Siberian taiga, because virgin forests produce an environmentally friendly product. But you also need to pay attention to the manufacturing company and the manufacturing method.

Useful properties and chemical elements in the oil

The chemical composition of pine nut oil is represented by the most beneficial vitamins for the skin, essential amino acids, fatty acids, and trace element compounds.

This set of components determines the benefits of the product for the skin:

  • increases the immune response of tissues to the negative influence of environmental factors;
  • retains moisture in the cells, thereby the skin remains hydrated and receives nutrients;
  • relieves peeling;
  • acts as an antioxidant, fights free radicals, and therefore prevents aging;
  • creating a microfilm, reflects hostile ultraviolet radiation;
  • activates regenerative processes in tissues;
  • eliminates itching, soothes irritated and reddened skin;
  • helps in the complex treatment of skin diseases;
  • prevents collagen loss, ensuring skin firmness and elasticity.

In ancient times, Siberians believed that only cones collected from the ground, voluntarily “given” by the tree, were suitable as raw materials for making oil. Those that are torn from the cedar lose their positive energy and along with it their healing properties.

Due to the fact that cedarwood oil causes almost no allergic reactions, it is suitable for sensitive skin types. For dry skin, the oil helps restore and maintain the moisture balance at the desired level, while for oily skin it helps regulate sebum production and prevent inflammation of the skin pores.

What criteria to choose and how to store correctly

To choose the right natural pine nut oil, you should pay attention to the following signs:

  • the color should be amber;
  • the aroma is barely noticeable, reminiscent of the aroma of pine nuts;
  • the structure is easy to flow.

Natural cedar oil has a pleasant amber color and a subtle nutty aroma.

In order not to come across a counterfeit, you can ask the sellers for a quality certificate. Also on the label, the responsible manufacturer must indicate the address and method of production of cedar oil. The greatest number of useful components is contained in cold-pressed products.

In ancient times, it was believed that cedar oil should be made directly at the place where the cones were collected, away from cities and large human settlements filled with bad thoughts and negative energy.

The natural product, which does not contain preservative additives, has a short shelf life of eight months. Therefore, it is better to buy it in small containers. Also, the lid should not be made of metal, and the container should be glass, preferably dark glass. Opened butter should be stored in the refrigerator.

What precautions may be taken?

To conduct an allergy test, you need to apply a little oil to the inner bend of the elbow and do not wash it off for a day.

The only contraindication to the use of cedar oil is individual intolerance or allergies. A precaution in this case would be to conduct an allergy test before the first use. A couple of drops of oil are applied to the skin on the inside of the elbow or behind the ear. If no irritation appears after a day, then the product can be used.

Pregnant women should be careful when using cedar oil, as they are especially prone to allergies, even if they did not have any before pregnancy.

Harm from cedar oil can only occur with uncontrolled, excessive application, so you should follow the recommended dose and duration of courses, between which breaks are needed.

Terms of use

Pure cedar essential oil is allowed to be applied only locally to active inflammation. In all other cases, it is better to dilute the concentrate with other components. Perfect for this purpose: wheat germ or avocado oil, diluted clay, dairy products.

You can enrich finished cosmetics with cedar ether or add the substance to any suitable home remedy. Oil is rarely used on an ongoing basis. Typically, the product is useful situationally or as a maintenance product no more than once a week.

Those with dry, mature skin can add ether drop by drop to any anti-aging products. You can use pine nut oil as a base, which is also useful as a tanning agent.

How is oil used for cosmetic purposes?

Essential oil, or aroma oil, is a highly concentrated and highly volatile combination of fragrant components isolated from different parts of a plant by pressing, water-steam distillation or extraction.

In appearance, this mixture is usually a colorless or slightly colored liquid that is poorly soluble in water, but soluble in alcohol, resin, milk, cream, and honey.

Since the content of biologically active elements in such a product can be tens or even hundreds of times higher than in the source material, aromatic oils are often called the soul of the plant. For the same reason, the beneficial qualities of raw materials (flowers, leaves, bark, wood, roots or fruits) manifest themselves more clearly in oil than in any other pharmacological form.

It is not surprising that aromatic oils have long been used by cosmetologists. Their common property is the ability to enhance the effect of any body care product. In addition, most of them have pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic, wound healing, antispasmodic, mucolytic, as well as soothing, moisturizing and nourishing effects.

Important! Aroma oils obtained from bark and wood are considered warming. The pomace extracted from the leaves, on the contrary, cools, the flowers of the plants provide a soporific effect, the nuts, seeds and fruits provide an invigorating effect, and the roots, as a rule, provide strength.

Adding essential oils to cosmetic products not only guarantees rejuvenation and relief from various skin problems, but also relieves the symptoms of certain diseases, such as a runny nose or headache.

However, you need to remember that such a potent component is almost never used in its pure form - otherwise you can get serious burns on the skin. The basis is usually taken ordinary vegetable oil (linseed, olive, sesame, burdock, etc.), to which a few drops of a concentrated drug are added. The only exceptions to the general rule are a few mild aromatic oils, such as lavender or tea tree.

By the way, oil can also be obtained from pine nuts, and it should not be confused with essential oil extracted from pine needles and wood. The first option of oil is suitable as a base for preparing body care products, the second - as a valuable addition to them.

Another structurally similar product obtained from cedar, which must be distinguished from more expensive and useful analogues, is resin, or turpentine. Outwardly, it looks like a viscous substance, similar to hardened plasticine or cream (depending on the degree of purification) with a characteristic smell of pine needles.

Did you know? In Rus', cedar resin was used to treat coughs. The frozen resin was mixed with beeswax, set on fire, and the hut released in large quantities was fumigated.

But in essence, resin is the resin of a coniferous tree. It also has numerous healing properties (heals wounds, disinfects, etc.), but, for obvious reasons, is valued much lower than real essential oil, extracted through complex technological processes.

Methods of application

Cedar oil is most often used in the form of ether. The concentrate is added to various skin care products in the amount of 1–10 drops. A minimal amount of the substance can be applied pointwise to inflamed areas. The ether is popular for enriching cosmetics for oily skin and aromatherapy. The substance can be taken orally for medicinal purposes in limited quantities.

Beauty recipes for the face

In addition to the fact that a drop of ether can be applied to acne, it is recommended to add the product to your regular lotion and cream. This will help you achieve results faster. It is also useful to do a course of drying masks:

  1. Intensively cleansing. To prepare you need 10 g of blue clay, a couple of tablets of activated carbon, 2-3 drops of cedar ether, 5 g of dried chamomile flowers. The coal is crushed until smooth and mixed with clay. The dry ingredients are diluted with a pre-prepared infusion of medicinal chamomile. Ether is added to the creamy mass. The mask is evenly distributed over clean, steamed skin. After 20–30 minutes, wash. The cleaned surface can be additionally rinsed with a cool decoction of chamomile, plantain or water with a drop of cedar, grapefruit or tea tree ether. It is recommended not to use the cream and allow the tissues to rest.
  2. Nutrition and hydration with an antiseptic effect. To prepare the mask you will need the juice of 2-3 fleshy aloe leaves, 2-3 tsp. natural yogurt or low-fat sour cream, 2-3 drops of cedar ether. The components are combined and applied in an even layer to the surfaces. After half an hour, the face is cleaned, rinsed with cool water or wiped with an ice cube. In the absence of inflammation, it is permissible to nourish the tissue surface with a low-fat base oil or suitable cream.

Important point! Mattifying masks with cedar oil are not applied to the area around the eyes or eyelids. The lack of sufficient “fat floors” and sebaceous glands can result in excessive dryness and tightness of the tissues of these areas.

For dry, mature skin, you can make nourishing masks with the addition of 2 drops of cedar ether. Honey, full-fat sour cream, oatmeal, and eggs are suitable for the base. Warm compresses with base oil and a couple of drops of cedar ether will have a good effect. A gauze napkin is simply moistened in the heated mixture and applied instead of a mask to the face. A quarter of an hour a day 2-3 times a week for a month will get rid of fine wrinkles. Such courses are repeated at intervals of 1–3 months. Regular exposure will also relieve swelling and help break down excess fat deposits.

Effect on eyelashes, eyebrows, lips

Cedar oil is often used to eliminate dandruff and combat baldness. The product strengthens hair roots, cleanses the skin, and enhances the richness of natural pigment.

Adding a drop of ether to the base oil when caring for eyebrows and eyelashes will give the hairs strength, shine, and a bright dark shade. The product is applied only to the tips of the eyelashes, avoiding contact with the eyes and the skin near the organ of vision.

It is useful to use cedar ether for lip care. The substance is dripped into base oil, honey, aloe juice. The mask is applied to the surface for 15–20 minutes and washed off with water. Procedures are performed as needed or for preventive purposes 1–4 times a month. Wrinkles on the lips are smoothed out, the skin is strengthened and does not crack.


Internal use is indicated when trying to obtain an antiseptic, antifungal, diuretic, expectorant, regenerating, antiputrefactive effect. The substance is added dropwise to 1 tsp. honey, jam, it is acceptable to use a bread “capsule”. After internal use, it is recommended to drink a fermented milk drink or tea.

Can be used up to 3 times a day. To achieve a sedative, insecticidal, aphrodisiac effect, aromatherapy with ether is sufficient.

Important Tips

You can get the most benefit from essential and base oils of cedar if you take into account some subtleties:

  1. All procedures are carried out on cleansed facial skin - it can be steamed if there are no contraindications.
  2. If acne worsens or damage is present, manipulation will have to be postponed.
  3. Ingredients for masks and scrubs must be fresh.
  4. Use only genuine products: high-quality pine nut oil can be washed off even with cold water, it will not become cloudy or thicken after placing the container in the refrigerator, and the essential oil, when it hits the surface of the paper, will evaporate in a few minutes, leaving no greasy residue.
  5. Cedar ether should be stored in the refrigerator, in a dark glass bottle.
  6. The mixtures are applied with cotton pads or special brushes.
  7. The applied oil can be slightly heated beforehand by rubbing it with clean fingers - this way it will be absorbed faster.
  8. To prepare mixtures, it is better to use ceramic, glass, wooden or plastic dishes - metal enters into oxidative reactions with the ingredients and negatively affects the preservation of their beneficial properties.
  9. We rub in the healing compounds with light movements, following the direction of the massage lines.

    By making ordered massage movements, you can achieve a lymphatic drainage effect - the oval of the face will become clearer, the skin will tighten, swelling will go away, and wrinkles will straighten out.

  10. Masks and scrubs are applied, avoiding the area around the eyes.
  11. Oil applications to the eyelid area are permissible, but try to avoid stretching the integument.
  12. All products are kept on the surface of the skin for no more than fifteen minutes - facial expressions should remain calm during this time so that the adhesion of the masks to the skin is not disturbed, and all the beneficial substances are better absorbed.
  13. Exfoliating formulations can be used once every two weeks for two months, after which it is necessary to take a break for at least four to six weeks.
  14. Such a pause is also necessary when using soft nutritional mixtures so that the skin does not become lazy, because, as you know, you quickly get used to good things, but they need to be used more often - twice a week.
  15. It is better to carry out cosmetic procedures at home before going to bed, remembering to wash off your home-made healing products.
  16. Despite the miraculous properties of oils, no one has canceled factory-made moisturizing creams for skin care - oil can retain moisture in tissues, but in itself is not water.
  17. Do not forget about the test for allergic reactions and some restrictions: cedar ether cannot be used during pregnancy, taking potent medications, kidney disease and epilepsy.

Precautionary measures

It is not recommended to use cedar ether in its pure form. Situational spot application is acceptable. The undiluted product should not be ingested. The packaging must contain a note indicating that the substance can be taken with food.

It is necessary to abandon the internal and external use of cedar ether if:

  • emotional overstrain;
  • pregnancy;
  • acute course of bronchial asthma;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

The drug is not recommended for children under 12 years of age, persons receiving chemotherapy, antibiotic treatment, or drugs that stimulate erectile function. Before starting the procedures, you must make sure that you are not allergic to the product.

With excessive (abundant, frequent) use of cedar, insomnia, dizziness, and itching may occur. Excessive drying of the skin has been observed when applied externally.


There are practically no contraindications to the use of products based on pine nut oil. The exception is cases of individual intolerance.

Before using purchased or homemade cosmetics with the addition of cedar oil on your face, you should test it on your wrist. Apply 1-2 drops of oil to the skin on the inside of your arm and rub it in a little. If no problems arise within 20 minutes, then the product can be used without fear. If itching, redness, swelling, or a burning sensation occurs, it is better to avoid using cedar extract.

Before using cedar oil for the first time, you should make sure that there is no individual intolerance

Advantages and disadvantages

Cedar oil will be an excellent helper in caring for oily skin. The substance will have an antiseptic, matting, rejuvenating effect. When used externally, the beneficial cosmetic effect is complemented by aromatherapy.

Irrational use of oil can cause harm to the body and give an unfavorable cosmetic effect. The substance has contraindications and requires careful handling. Careless manufacturers often produce products of insufficient quality.

Cedar oil for hands and nails

You can determine a woman's age first of all by her hands. If you do not pay proper attention to caring for them, your skin will lose its elasticity and healthy tone. The role of oil in caring for hands and nails is simply irreplaceable! The main purpose of use is to nourish, restore and protect the skin. To achieve good results, you should not limit yourself to one month of regular use of the oil. It’s better to make it a rule to constantly lubricate your hands and nails with it, and then they will look well-groomed and neat at any age!

It is especially important to take care of your skin in winter, so lubricating your hands with cedar oil moisturizes chapped skin. The presence of antioxidants stops the process of aging and wilting, with minimal effort required from you! To care for the skin of your hands, it is enough to lubricate it with oil at night. Already in the morning the result will be stunning!

If you lubricate your nail plate with cedar oil, it will become stronger and your nails will grow faster. Now you won’t need extensions or artificial nails for a beautiful manicure, as you will have your own healthy, long and strong nails! When lubricated, the cuticle softens, so you will need a manicure much less often.

Feedback on effectiveness

Cedarwood oil gets mixed reviews. In most cases, owners of oily skin are satisfied with the effect of the product. People with dry skin rarely notice the positive effect and see the negative aspects of the product.

I like the effect for oily skin.

I didn’t like the effect of drying out the fabrics.

Benefits for facial skin

Cedar oil for the face has found its use in cosmetology as a powerful component of nutritional products, and its use is recommended for all skin types, because the composition of this ingredient is truly unique. Oil extracted by cold pressing, that is, by pressing, is added to creams, masks or scrubs, so during processing it does not lose its vitamins, minerals and healthy fatty acids. These substances make cedar oil a valuable component of skin cosmetics. Its beneficial properties:

  1. Actively fights the signs of aging, activating the regeneration of cells and tissues.
  2. Normalizes blood microcirculation.
  3. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  4. Relieves swelling, signs of inflammation or peeling.
  5. Eliminates itching, burning.
  6. Promotes the resorption of scars.
  7. Improves the appearance of age spots by whitening them.
  8. Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  9. Removes oily shine, reduces the number of blackheads and acne.
  10. Moisturizes the skin, tightens and makes it more elastic.
  11. The skin acquires a more even color and smooth texture.
  12. Leads to the reduction of deep wrinkles and the disappearance of small facial wrinkles.
  13. Increases local immunity.
  14. The skin becomes less susceptible to adverse environmental conditions.
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