Shiatsu acupressure: rules and features of doing it at home

Gynecological massage – what is it?

Like regular body massage, gynecological massage is a manual (or hardware) effect on the pelvic organs. The method is aimed at improving blood supply and lymph movement in the female organs of the reproductive system. However, despite the rather narrow focus of the procedure, it affects not only the area of ​​application, but also the entire body, providing a general healing effect.

A massage from an experienced gynecologist will normalize blood circulation in the arteries and veins, relieving the problem of blood stagnation. Helps cope with urinary problems, for example, strengthens it, and can improve metabolic processes. Of course, this brings great benefits to the female reproductive system and helps eliminate many gynecological difficulties. In particular, uterine massage is used for conception when its stimulation is necessary.

The history of Shiatsu

The founder of the Shiatsu or Shiatsu massage technique is the physician Tokuiro Namikoshi, originally from Japan. He began using his technique in the first half of the twentieth century, and then published the manual “Shiatsu - Japanese Finger Pressure Therapy,” which describes in detail the scheme for correctly performing a massage and provides detailed information about the advantages and capabilities of the technique.

In the middle of the last century, an educational institution was opened in Japan, where specialists were taught all the intricacies of Shiatsu massage. Since then, famous actors, athletes and public figures from Western countries have begun to turn to this therapy.


Why gynecological massage is needed in each specific case is decided by the doctor. The main indications for prescribing this manipulation will be the following:

  • if menstruation is painful;
  • if a woman suffers from chronic inflammatory diseases (can be carried out only if there is no exacerbation);
  • weak, non-standard, contraction of the uterus during the period after childbirth;
  • pregnancy that was terminated;
  • if there are disruptions in the menstrual cycle;
  • in case of infertility and during the period when a couple is trying to conceive a child;
  • if a diagnosis such as fibrosis and/or dystonia is made;
  • if the uterus is positioned incorrectly;
  • if there are problems during sexual intercourse (in particular vaginismus).

Pelvic massage in a woman can also be performed if it is necessary to normalize the condition of the intestines or bladder. This manipulation also helps eliminate problems that arise after pregnancy and childbirth.


How effective is Japanese acupressure for the face against wrinkles? Performing acupressure at home requires at least a little skill. It is quite easy to learn this technique , and in return you will receive beautiful and well-groomed skin.

Regular shiatsu massage procedures give a tremendous effect :

  1. The skin aging process slows down.
  2. The overall tone of the facial skin improves.
  3. The production of collagen and elastin increases, as a result of which existing wrinkles are reduced and new ones do not appear.
  4. Facial muscles become stronger.
  5. Blood circulation becomes better.
  6. The shape of the face is restored.
  7. Skin color improves.
  8. The secretion of sebum is regulated, which helps reduce acne.


Taking into account the specifics of how gynecological massage is performed, contraindications to it can be either permanent or temporary. It is prohibited to conduct sessions under the following conditions:

  • if you are pregnant;
  • during menstruation;
  • with oncological pathology in the body;
  • during any disease (especially inflammatory) in the acute stage;
  • if a woman is breastfeeding;
  • in the presence of confirmed sexually transmitted diseases;
  • in the presence of varicose veins;
  • when body temperature is elevated.

Pain that appears during the procedure will definitely be a contraindication.

Preparation and technique

Where to perform a gynecological massage, the doctor and the patient decide together: it can be performed both in a medical center and at home. In fact, the most important condition is the woman’s physical and psychological health, her readiness and normal emotional state. From medical nuances: before starting the procedures, it is necessary to take a general blood test (to exclude inflammatory phenomena) and a smear for vaginal flora. It is recommended to abstain from sex on the days of the massage. After eating, if a session is planned, at least an hour and a half should pass.

The massage is carried out on a couch (table) with foot rests or in a regular gynecological chair. Immediately at the beginning of the session, the woman is advised not to tense her abdominal muscles and breathe a little to relax.

During the session, the doctor uses both of his hands: with one of them he presses through the abdominal wall to the internal organs of the small pelvis, and the second (only two or three fingers) through the vagina massages and lifts those parts of the uterus that are accessible for palpation. The doctor is obliged to carry out actions slowly and very carefully so as not to cause harm. When the uterus is bent, the specialist uses a gentle massage to move and bring the organ to the required position.

Sessions last from a few minutes to half an hour and are usually scheduled once every two days.

Click on the dots

Using three fingers - index, middle and ring - press on the points indicated in the figure. We hold our fingers in each place for 5–7 seconds (points 1).

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At the same time, with three fingers we press on the points located on the eyebrow line. Then, with your index finger, press on a point near the outer edge of the eye, then near the inner edge (points 2, 3, 4).

We connect the same three working fingers together and press quite firmly between the eyebrows (points 5).

Using three fingers, press on the upper eyelid just below the eyebrows, but without touching the eyeball (point 6).

Using the same fingers, we press on the points located on the lower border of the eye socket (points 7).

We press on the points under the cheekbones - again using three fingers at the same time (points 8).

Using the pad of your thumb, press on the symmetrical points at the wings of the nose (points 9).

With your thumb, press on the point located in the middle between the upper lip and the nasal septum (point 10).

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We press with our thumbs on the points located in the corners of the lips (points 11).

Use your thumb to press on the hollow under the lower lip (point 12).

At the same time, with three working fingers of both hands we press on the points located on the lower jaw, then with our thumbs we press the paired points under the jaw (points 13, 14).

Simultaneously press paired points on the sides of the neck with your right and left hands. Press lightly, no more than 3 seconds (points 15).

Using the pad of your thumb, we very lightly press the point located in the jugular cavity. Hold for 3 seconds and release (point 16).

Using the pads of the index, middle and ring fingers, press on symmetrical points under the earlobes. Hold for 5–7 seconds (points 17).

Recovery period

Immediately after the session, it is advisable for the woman to lie down in a completely relaxed state for another 15-20 minutes. And in the case when the uterine massage was carried out at home, you can roll over onto your stomach to enhance muscle contraction.

Also, while the course of procedures is being carried out, it is necessary to carefully protect yourself, since when conceiving immediately after a gynecological massage procedure, there is a risk of ectopic pregnancy.

How to carry out the procedure safely

If you decide to perform a massage yourself, then first of all you should take care of the safety of the session. Cosmetologists recommend visiting a professional master for the first time in order to properly master the Shiatsu technique, and then begin home procedures.


Carrying out the Shiatsu technique is prohibited if:

  • viral and infectious diseases;
  • acute stage of chronic diseases;
  • decreased intracranial pressure;
  • skin lesions and diseases;
  • allergic and inflammatory manifestations on the face;
  • vascular network;
  • neurological diseases;
  • decreased blood clotting.

Avoid massage if you have recently undergone chemical peeling or cosmetic injections: in this case, you can start sessions after at least a month.

Possible consequences

Although this type of self-massage is one of the most gentle methods, performing the procedure incorrectly can lead to negative consequences:

  • with excessively intense pressure on the skin, hematomas can form;
  • if the procedure is carried out in the presence of identified contraindications, there is a risk of severe adverse consequences associated with circulatory disorders and damage to the facial nerves;
  • Pressing the area for too long can cause numbness in the treated area;
  • When you scroll your finger while pressing on the working point, there is a high probability of stretching the skin.

Remember that there should not be severe pain during the session: the appearance of unpleasant sensations indicates excessive pressure on the area.

Security measures

The session will be safe if you adhere to the following requirements:

  • trim your nails and remove rings to avoid scratches;
  • press strictly on the biologically active point without displacing the skin;
  • follow the recommended breaks between courses;
  • do not sunbathe or visit the solarium immediately before and after the procedure;
  • try to relax your facial muscles as much as possible during the session.

Do not exhaust yourself with physical activity before a massage, so as not to cause muscle strain.

It is advisable to trim your nails before a self-massage session so as not to accidentally injure the skin.

Table: pros and cons of Shiatsu massage

  • ease and speed of execution;
  • the effect appears after the first session;
  • no additional tools - you only need your own hands;
  • saving money - the procedure can be done at home;
  • the ability to solve a wide range of cosmetic problems without surgical intervention;
  • beneficial effects of the procedure on the entire body.
  • the need to study the location of points and proper preparation;
  • presence of contraindications;
  • the risk of incorrectly performing the procedure for the first time;
  • the likelihood of negative consequences if the technique is not followed;
  • To achieve long-term results, a course of procedures is required.

What is the Norbekov system

Intimate massage according to Dr. Norbekov’s system is also called automassage. It includes both manual influence on the patient’s internal reproductive organs and psycho-emotional influence, which is intended to attune the woman. The patient must be sure that she is in fact completely healthy.

Norbekov’s gynecological massage is distinguished by the fact that it can be performed in the comfort of your own home, without strangers. According to this system, gynecological massage for women will be most useful and effective when the patient can find a certain balance of soul and body. In a word, the psychological component is a feature of Norbekov’s system.

Royal points

There are areas on the surface of the skin, pressure on which can replace a full-fledged lifting performed in beauty salons. Such points are called royal, and they include:

  • Tenyo - makes the complexion healthy, relieves the face and neck from swelling.
  • Koryo – eliminates sagging cheeks, smoothes out unwanted wrinkles.
  • Sokkoku – has a skin tightening effect.

The principles of pressing the royal points are practically no different from the standard ones. Using the pads of three fingers, synchronously press the two royal points for 7 seconds. You can also use your little fingers.

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