Correct sculpting of a face of any shape - Step-by-step photos

Today we will talk about face sculpting; we will present step-by-step photos below. Professional makeup artists know how to properly highlight your assets using cosmetics.

Models on the covers of glossy magazines evoke envy because they are considered standards of beauty. But in fact, not many people know that it is facial correction that makes them desirable.

Correcting your face shape involves using the right base for evening makeup. The play of light and shadows helps make the face visually thinner, and the lines of the cheekbones and chin softer

How to choose cosmetics for face sculpting

Correcting your face shape involves using the right base for evening makeup. The play of light and shadows helps make the face visually thinner, and the lines of the cheekbones and chin softer. In daylight, sculpting is inappropriate. Thanks to cosmetics, fashionistas create the illusion of a perfectly oval-shaped face, highlight cheekbones and make the nose attractive.

Face sculpting is done using foundations. The main thing is that the highlighters, bronzers or powder palette are of high quality and do not crease after a short period of time.

The choice of cosmetics for facial correction depends on the type of sculpting. There are two of them:

  • Dry is used for daytime makeup. Blush, powder and shadows are blended with a brush.
  • Oily skin involves the use of thick creams and foundations, which are appropriate to use in the evening. The method requires attention to detail and concentration, as shading the lines incorrectly will lead to failure.

To highlight the curves of your face as naturally as possible, the main thing is to choose the right shades. Cosmetics manufacturers offer users palettes with a choice of colors. With their help, you can complete your flawless makeup yourself. The main difficulty remains in careful shading.

Photos before and after sculpting

Makeup artists' recommendations for choosing a palette

  • Do not buy palettes that contain red and orange shades. They give the skin an artificial appearance;
  • matte products look better on the skin than correctors with shimmer or pearlescent shine;
  • the dark corrector in the palette should be 2-3 shades darker than the skin;
  • large reflective particles are inappropriate in a highlighter;
  • The highlighter should give the skin radiance, so it should be 1-2 shades lighter than the skin.

In professional cosmetic lines you can find special contouring kits. They are expensive, but the quality is completely justified. These sets include 3–8 shades. Light ones eliminate excess shine, and dark ones give a tanning effect. To obtain the desired color, shades can be mixed together. Facial correction products may contain nutritional vitamins and antioxidants (this is written on the packaging).

When choosing a sculpting blush, it is important to remember that applying it completes your makeup. You can overload the look if the texture of the blush is too dense. Matte products are the best choice for perfect makeup.

In professional cosmetic lines you can find special contouring kits. They are expensive, but the quality is completely justified

Advice! Carefully shade all the lines so that the transitions are not visible. The main goal of sculpting is to create ideal natural facial contours. Overloading with cosmetics leads to the effect of a doll mask, which is not welcome.

Your own sculptor

All people have a nose, cheekbones, chin, eyes, mouth. Their sizes and proportions are individual. Only a few can boast of ideal facial features. Others have to resort to little tricks to hide their flaws and highlight their strengths.

The contouring technique, which is easy to master, will help with this. With the help of 1-2 cosmetics you can “sculpt” a face without flaws. Applying strokes, a woman is like a sculptor: somewhere she “cuts off”, somewhere she adds (in a figurative sense). This is achieved by playing shades. By darkening some areas and highlighting others, a woman gives her face a certain expressiveness.

To achieve this, it is enough to have 2 tones on hand. When choosing a contouring palette, consider the following points:

  • girls with fair skin are better off using cool shades with a grayish base;
  • For dark-skinned people, warm versions of brown tones are suitable.

Basically, sculptors (also called contouring products) are produced matte. Although some manufacturers add tiny particles of glitter. They are invisible on the face, but give depth to the shades.

Step-by-step correction instructions

To achieve a positive effect and do self-correction of the face, it is important to adhere to the order of applying cosmetics to certain areas of the facial skin.

When shaping the cheekbone line, you need to draw in your cheeks as much as possible. The bronzer is applied below the most prominent line so that the darkest area is near the ear. The cheek remains light. Highlight the area above the cheekbone.

Bronzer is used to darken the hairline, facial contour and double chin (if there is one).

Eyebrows are treated with highlighter on both sides. You can get rid of an overhanging eyelid by highlighting the area above the eyebrow with a thin strip.

The highlighter also brightens the middle of the forehead, the bridge of the nose and the area under the eyes (if there are bruises).

To achieve a positive effect and do self-correction of the face, it is important to adhere to the order of applying cosmetics to certain areas of the facial skin

Daytime contouring begins with forehead treatment. The dark corrector is used to highlight the temporal zones and hairline. A light highlighter is applied in a vertical stroke to the center of the forehead. The key area of ​​the face is the cheekbone area. Apply a dark corrector from the ear to the mouth with a brush (on the hollow area formed after the cheeks are drawn in). The bone is treated with powder or a light highlighter.

Evening sculpting is more intense than daytime sculpting and is performed step by step:

  • Eyebrow shaping and eye makeup.
  • Apply a light concealer to the area under the eyes, above the cheekbones, upper lip and between the eyebrows.
  • The wings of the nose, temples, cheekbones and the line along the jaw are treated with a layer of dark corrector.
  • Contour lines should be shaded with smooth movements, starting with light lines.
  • Contouring is secured with transparent mattifying powder and a thin layer of blush.

Advice! Expression wrinkles are visually reduced with the help of a highlighter, which is applied into their depths and carefully shaded.

The photo shows lines for applying cosmetics

Useful video

For information on nose correction using cosmetics, watch this video:

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Color correction according to face shape

You can harmoniously correct your face shape only if you determine it correctly. In total, makeup artists distinguish seven types:

  • An oval face is considered the standard of beauty, so its adjustment should be minimal. To make bright accents, you can highlight the center of the face with a light color and treat the cheekbone area with a dark corrector.
  • An elongated face, similar to a rectangle, needs to soften the corners and make the shape as close as possible to an oval. A wide forehead and jawline are corrected with foundation. To widen a narrow face, highlight the cheekbones with blush.
  • The square shape is characterized by equal proportions of the length and width of the face. You need to darken the lines under the lower jaw and soften the contours with a dark corrector.
  • The round face shape is narrowed by dark tones along the contour. Blush is applied in a triangle pattern.
  • An inverted triangle or heart shape needs to soften the chin with a dark tone. The purpose of sculpting is to balance the upper zone with the lower. In this case, darkening the chin should be done as carefully as possible so as not to make it narrower. The situation is saved by a light highlight of the highlighter.

You can harmoniously correct your face shape only if you determine it correctly

  • The shape of the diamond needs to be corrected in the widest part of the face, going into the temporal zone. The forehead and chin are lightened. Blush is applied in the form of a triangle.
  • A trapezoidal or pear-shaped shape should be softened by a narrowing of the lower chin area. The dark corrector is distributed on the sides of the cheekbones and cheeks, and a light accent is added to the forehead. Blush is applied in the form of a triangle.
  • For those with too thin and narrow faces, makeup artists recommend applying highlighter with horizontal strokes. Then it will visually expand and look more attractive.

Advice! Before applying bronzer or highlighter, shake off the brush so as not to overdo it with cosmetics.


The oval shape is slightly elongated due to the wide forehead and chin. The chin is not sharp, but smoothly arched.

An oval face is considered the closest to ideal. This shape does not need strong correction; it is only worth emphasizing the cheekbones and working out the highlight areas.

Hiding the imperfections of a round face

Most often, chubby girls resort to sculpting. The owner does not necessarily have excess weight, but a wide forehead and a weakly defined chin suit few people. Therefore, when color correction it is important to achieve the effect of reducing the cheeks and lengthening the face.

Dark powder is applied to the sides of the cheeks and cheekbones, and the corners of the lower jaw. Blush should be applied in the shape of an inverted triangle, with the tip pointing towards the mouth.

On a wide face, highlighter is applied with vertical strokes. The center of the chin, bridge of the nose, forehead and areas around the eyebrows and eyes are lightened.

To perfectly sculpt a round face, it is important to follow the rules:

  • Darken areas that need to be hidden using a dark corrector. It is applied to the cheekbones, nose and facial contour.
  • Pay attention to your neck. A face treated with cosmetics looks inharmonious in tandem with a natural neck. A dark corrector will save the situation.

Contouring a round face step by step Contouring a round face step by step. Step 1-4 Contouring a round face step by step. Step 5-8

Advice! Darken the wings of the nose and highlight the bridge of the nose to make the nose thin.

Highlighter palette

Highlighter sets help give the skin a soft glow that always attracts attention. You use one of the colors in the palette as the main one, and the rest can play a role, for example, as blush.

Hyper Real Glow by MAC

This palette contains three pink highlighters that will suit you no matter your skin type. They apply very easily and are not felt at all, all you will notice is a slight shine. Just apply a little highlighter on your face with a brush in the right places and blend it out a little.

Brightening Brick by Bobbi Brown

Here, as you can see, there are as many as six highlighters for every taste. The shades may seem too saturated, but there is nothing to fear, you won’t look like Marfushka from the old movie “Morozko”, Bobbi Brown knows the secret that will make your skin glow very naturally even with the brightest colors.

What to do with a full face?

The appearance of Slavic girls and Asian women is characterized by a wide face. Therefore, recommendations for visually reducing width and emphasizing the relief are suitable not only for obese women. Also, with the help of sculpting, skin defects are masked.

To make up a full or wide face, you need to purchase light and dark foundation, powder or cream blush, concealer, corrector, highlighter of a neutral shade, bronzer without reddishness, and transparent powder. Don't forget about eye makeup and lipstick.

When using cream textures to apply cosmetics, you will need sponges and brushes to shape your face. To apply powder you need a rounded angled brush.

When sculpting a full face, you need to visually draw an oval and cover everything behind it with dark products. The main work will take place inside the oval

You can contour your face with cream textures yourself if you follow the instructions:

  • Moisten face and prepare before treatment.
  • Soak a sponge in water, squeeze it well and apply a thin layer of a light base.
  • Hide imperfections with concealer and mask under-eye circles with concealer.
  • Darken the contours of the face with foundation, shade the lines.
  • To visually narrow the cheeks, you need to draw an oblique strip in a dark tone along the depression that is formed due to the retraction of the cheeks. The line is shaded towards the temples with light movements of the brush or fingers.
  • Gently spread blush onto the apples of your cheeks. Do not place them close to the wings of the nose, so as not to visually expand it further.
  • Narrow the large nose with highlighter, darkening the wings with a dark shade.
  • Apply cream highlighter evenly to the top of your cheekbones.
  • Complete the correction with eye makeup.

Contour lines for a full round face
Correction of a full face is a real salvation for overweight girls. Makeup preserves individual features and adds attractiveness without surgical intervention. In order not to overdo it with cosmetics, makeup artists recommend visiting the salon for the first time. This will allow you to see the features of sculpting a full face.

Advice! Avoid rough dark eyeliner, vulgar bright shadows and unevenly applied lipstick, so as not to visually age your face.

Emphasizing the eyes

Corrective makeup doesn't end there. Changing the shape of your eyes with the help of cosmetics will help you create a complete look. It is important to correctly identify their features in order to avoid future mistakes.

If the distance between the eyes is too large, you need to apply darkening shadows to the inside of the upper eyelid. This will visually shorten the distance. For the same purposes, when using mascara, you should most carefully paint over the eyelashes, which are located in the center of the eyelid. It is recommended to start drawing a line with eyeliner not from the innermost corner, but also from the middle.

The opposite situation occurs with narrow-set eyes. The inner part of the eyelid, on the contrary, needs to be lightened. You can also apply highlighter to the corner of your eye. The outer part of the eyelid is darkened. In addition, the arrows should be made longer and thicker.

Excessively rounded eyes can also be corrected. Correction is made by drawing elongated arrows, visually lengthening the lines. Shadows should be chosen in darker shades.

As for small and rather narrow eyes, experts recommend not using eyeliner to correct them. Dark shades of shadows are also excluded; the choice should be made in favor of light ones. In addition, to visually enlarge the incision and give an open look, you need to slightly raise the eyebrow line.

We recommend reading about facial strobing. From the article you will learn about facial strobing products, the stages and techniques of their application, and recommendations for improving the result. And here is more information about how to choose a foundation.

Using your usual cosmetics, you can easily and quickly correct the shape of your face. It is important to objectively evaluate the available natural data in order to avoid significant mistakes. Also, when sculpting, reasonable limits should be observed: too much application of cosmetics will ruin the entire image, leaving no trace of naturalness.

Features of measuring the area of ​​different figures

When determining the area of ​​different shapes using a palette, it is worth considering some subtleties:

  • if you need to calculate the area of ​​a triangle, then the lower edge of the palette is aligned with the base of the triangle;
  • if you need to measure the area of ​​a quadrilateral, align the bottom edge of the palette with the bottom side of the figure, and its right edge with the rightmost point of the figure;
  • If the area of ​​a circle, oval, or curvilinear figure is calculated, the instrument is positioned in a way that is convenient.

Sometimes the size of the figure may be larger than the palette. In such cases, the figure is simply divided into several parts, the area of ​​each of them is calculated separately, and then the results are summed up and the finished result is obtained.

Choosing a corrective composition

You need to select a corrector for each girl individually. Just because a particular remedy works for someone doesn’t mean it will necessarily work for you.

First of all, pay attention to your skin type. This is one of the most important criteria for determining the appropriate texture of the product. If in the areas that will be corrected the skin is not smooth, there are inflamed areas, acne marks or fresh rashes, then this is the case when dry corrective compositions are ideal. Wax products will not lie smoothly on raised areas and can only emphasize the presence of imperfections. Therefore, give preference to dry textures, apply them on top of powder, with light movements, when the makeup is already completed. Fat correction is more suitable for processing before photo or video shooting.

Dry corrective products are the best option if your skin is prone to oily skin, it is shiny and has enlarged pores that will only absorb liquid formulations. If you have a dry skin type, then you need to choose concealers with an oily soft texture.

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