The best oxygen face mask recipes with photos and videos

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Oxygen is the basis of life on Earth. Without it, we cannot breathe and function fully. It is precisely because of polluted air and poor pore cleansing that we see more and more wrinkles on our faces every year.

However, regular use of oxygen masks can stop aging by restoring and enriching our skin with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

It is possible to saturate cells with oxygen using purchased modern cosmetics, but it often happens that we do not have extra funds to purchase them, and then we begin to look for cheaper natural analogues to solve a particular problem.

Today I would like to talk to you about the benefits of oxygen face masks, which can be easily and simply prepared at home. Homemade masks are prepared using hydrogen peroxide, which is able to absorb the required amount of oxygen and enrich the skin cells with it.

Rules for preparation and application

  1. Apply the mask at night or stay at home after applying it.
  2. Girls need to use the mask at least twice a week, and women over forty are allowed only one procedure per week.
  3. Before applying the mask , use a scrub to open the pores to absorb the nutrients contained in the mask.
  4. The ingredients used must be fresh and at room temperature.
  5. Strictly follow the dosage and instructions indicated in the mask recipe.
  6. Remove the mask solution with warm boiled water.
  7. After removing the mask, use a toner or your usual nourishing cream.
  8. Alternate masks with each other to achieve the most positive results. Don't forget to take breaks so that the skin on your face has a chance to rest.

Improved use of three-way infusion stopcock

In the video I showed the possibility of connecting oxygen tubes to this tap, but it is obvious that there is an oxygen leak. Bill Murphy, physician extraordinaire, wrote to me on how to improve this connection. Cut off the thick part of the oxygen circuit. You will need to work with the oxygen circuits that your hospital has to find the best location for the cut. Once you have the leak sorted out, you can make a sealed connection without a universal tube to the Luer lock adapter.

Classic oxygen mask


  • 30 g oatmeal;
  • 15 g dry chamomile or lavender;
  • 15 g white clay;
  • 20 ml hydrogen peroxide (3%);
  • 100 ml of still mineral water or decoction of medicinal herbs.

For those with dry skin, I recommend adding a teaspoon of cream or sour cream to this recipe - you will need to somehow soften the effect of hydrogen peroxide. In addition, if you have problem skin, then replace white clay with green clay.

Preparation and application process:

  1. Grind the oatmeal and chamomile flowers using a blender to a powder state.
  2. Sift the clay through a fine sieve to get rid of lumps.
  3. We combine the above ingredients and fill them with a decoction of herbs or mineral water.
  4. After thorough stirring, add peroxide and bring the solution until smooth.
  5. We cleanse the face of makeup using a scrub, and apply a thin layer of baby cream around the eyes.
  6. Carefully spread the solution for 5-7 minutes.
  7. Remove the mixture using warm boiled water.
  8. Don’t forget to use a toner or your favorite nourishing cream afterwards.

This oxygen mask is ideal for all facial skin types. It helps improve blood circulation and provides the skin with adequate nutrition, and also restores protective functions that prevent the appearance of acne and unwanted flaking.

Oxygen therapy indications

Oxygen therapy appeared about 200 years ago, and is considered one of the ways to increase blood oxygenation. The oxygen content in the tissues of the human body also partially increases.

The indications are:

  • adaptation of people to conditions existing at an altitude of 4000 m above sea level
  • hypoxia resulting from the development of diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems
  • rehabilitation after chemotherapy
  • oxygen deprivation caused by acute carbon monoxide poisoning
  • flatulence that occurs after surgical manipulation of the intestines
  • prevention of hypoxia in people living in densely populated regions.

Oxygen mask with cottage cheese


  • 50 g hard cottage cheese;
  • 5 drops of hydrogen peroxide;
  • 1 egg yolk.

Preparation and application process:

  1. Beat the yolk with a whisk and thoroughly knead it with the cottage cheese.
  2. Add peroxide, stir the mixture until smooth.
  3. Apply the mask and after 5-7 minutes remove it with warm boiled water.

An excellent combination of peroxide and cottage cheese perfectly whitens oily skin, and also cleanses it of excess oil and returns it to a spectacular appearance. In addition, the mask helps smooth out wrinkles, which is very important for older women.

Virus filters

  • All of the above sections mention filters.
  • In our clinic, we use Intersurgical Filta-Guard filters with a viral filtration rate of 99.999%.
  • Your department should have similar filters.
  • You must be confident that the virus filters used in your hospital are effective against COVID-19.

This is a potentially risky moment. Follow the instructions of the “observer” to avoid re-contamination after successful respiratory support. Use the buddy protocol.

Oxygen mask with yeast


  • 18 g dry yeast;
  • 20 ml of decoction of medicinal herbs or still mineral water;
  • 15 ml hydrogen peroxide (3%).

Preparation and application process:

  1. Pour the yeast with a decoction of herbs and set it aside to ferment for 15-25 minutes.
  2. Add peroxide and mix thoroughly until smooth.
  3. Gently spread the solution over the entire surface of the face or on individual problem areas for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Remove the mask with warm boiled water and use a tonic or nourishing cream.

This mask helps to gently cleanse and combat rashes on the face, and it evens out skin tone - the face looks fresh, smooth and several years younger.

What result

As a result of taking into account all the indications for use, contraindications and rules for applying drugs to the surface of the dermis, you can expect a colossal effect. Just like a high-quality turmeric face mask sold at home, any preparation with a high content of perfluorocarbons and aquaftem will give you:

  • Improving the overall well-being of the skin due to oxygen saturation.
  • Increased regeneration. Systematic use of drugs eliminates various inflammatory processes, tones cells and promotes rapid rejuvenation.
  • Production of a number of useful microelements, including hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin. All these substances help increase the smoothness and elasticity of the dermis.

Oxygen mask with protein


  • 1 egg white;
  • 10 g shaving cream;
  • 15 ml hydrogen peroxide (3%).

Preparation and application process:

  1. Beat the whites into foam using a mixer.
  2. Mix shaving cream thoroughly with peroxide.
  3. Gently mix the peroxide solution into the protein mass and immediately apply to the face.
  4. We rest for 5-7 minutes and remove the solution with warm boiled water.

This mask is ideal for toning the skin, lightening freckles and age spots. In addition, it is an effective means for clearing facial pores and maximizing wrinkle smoothing.

Optimal preoxygenation

The first video shows pre-oxygenation using nasal prongs, the second - without them (virtually no leakage).

In the 2nd picture - SetUp with a 22 mm connector and a corrugated extension cord


Wilson Lam talks about the assembly of this device in his video.

Reviews of oxygen masks

While searching for new recipes for anti-aging face masks, I came across an interesting website for traditional medicine connoisseurs, which was holding an online conference with the participation of cosmetology stylist Anton Rybakov. It was quite interesting to read comments about purchased cosmetics from a specialist. I made a selection of the most interesting expert answers.

Nina, 25 years old:

First, I would like to say that I really love the cosmetics of the Facezine company from Korea, and especially their innovation - oxygen face masks. The mask is excellent, everything that the manufacturers promised was fulfilled.

However, how difficult it is to apply it to your face! You have to struggle for a long time to get it right over the entire surface of your face!

Expert's answer: Yes, you are right, certain skills are required to lay out this mask. I can advise you to write a complaint to the manufacturer. By the way, why don’t you try a sample of the oxygen face mask from Lumene cosmetics? The composition is applied to the face very easily, since this mask has a gel-jelly consistency. The result will be the same as with Facezine, but the cost will be slightly higher. If you have extra funds, I highly recommend giving it a try.

Natasha, 43 years old:

In the old fashioned way, I used homemade oxygen masks to get a rejuvenating effect. The results are positive, there are no complaints.

However, I would like to spend as little time as possible on preparing solutions, as well as on applying them.

Besides, I'm ready to experiment with store-bought masks. Please tell me some effective cosmetic product with anti-aging results.

Expert Answer: I've heard a lot of positive reviews about Beauty Style's Oxygen Facial Mask. It is quite easy to apply and wash off, and can also be used on the neck and décolleté. The oxygen mask of this company makes the skin soft to the touch and helps smooth out fine and shallow wrinkles, and also completely removes peeling. In addition, regular use of this mask will eliminate sagging and laxity over time. Good luck!

Angela, 27 years old:

I have always used store-bought cosmetics and have never known grief. However, a moment came in my life when I did not have extra material resources, and I decided to try homemade recipes for facial skin care.

The first mask I applied was an oxygen mask with almonds. Unfortunately, immediately after applying it to my skin, I felt a burning sensation and had to wash the solution off.

On top of everything else, my face was covered with red spots, which did not improve my mood at all. Therefore, I advise everyone not to save money and use only store-bought cosmetics.

Expert Answer: When preparing the solution, it is very important to consider your skin type. For example, those with dry skin need to add lavender oil to the oxygen solution - it has a softening and moisturizing function. It is also possible that you are simply allergic to any of the components in the mask. I recommend that before applying any homemade mask, you test it for an allergic reaction. Good luck and health!

Rules of application

If you want to achieve the best effect from using an oxygen composition, be sure to take into account the fundamental principles of application. Directed positive effects on the surface of the dermis can only be achieved with responsible control. In the same case, if you want to achieve your goal, we recommend taking into account the following nuances:

  • Use oxygen formulas only for problematic, aging skin . Each such composition has a directional effect. For prevention, it is better not to use it, as it can cause unwanted harm to the normal dermis.
  • If you have any skin diseases , be sure to consult a dermatologist. There is a high probability that more aggressive formulation options will not suit you. Only an experienced specialist will be able to choose for you harmless and effective mask options that solve certain problems.

  • Follow the instructions . Do not under any circumstances increase the period of application of the selected composition and do not neglect its proportions. Any changes can lead to enormous consequences, especially for your problematic dermis.
  • Test the product . Before using the drug on your face, be sure to test it. To do this, smear your wrist with the mixture once a day for a week. If a rash, redness, itching or other effects appear on it, we recommend putting the product aside. There is a high probability that it is not suitable for you. If there are no negative effects, then you can begin targeted application directly to the problem area.

  • Pre-cleaning . Before making a medicinal product, thoroughly clean the skin and steam it to open all the pores. Only after this can you start applying the composition and expect it to be effective.

Oxygen mask on video

Homemade oxygen masks, when used correctly, will allow you to achieve amazing results that you never dreamed of. They are available for preparation at any time of the year and are ready to carefully and safely care for even the most sensitive and problematic skin.

This video will tell you about all the intricacies of preparing, applying and washing off solutions. Happy viewing!

So our conversation has come to its logical conclusion. I hope you try at least one of the masks I suggest and will be as delighted with the results as I was when I tried an oxygen mask for the first time.

If you have any questions while reading the article, feel free to ask them, I will definitely answer. I would very much like to know about your victories and successes in this field. Also, maybe you use other recipes - don't be greedy, share the information with me. Write, don’t be lazy - I’m all waiting!


Like any Korean face masks, the oxygen compositions discussed in this post have a number of contraindications. You must take them into account, because otherwise you may encounter complications and even diseases that can cause discomfort.

In order to prevent such an unpleasant outcome of events, before applying the selected mask, visit an experienced cosmetologist or dermatologist. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the prohibitions. It is not recommended to use oxygen formulations for:

  • Individual sensitivity.
  • Presence of cracks, burns and cuts.
  • Infectious diseases of the skin.
  • Purulent formations on the treated surface.
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