The best recipes for face masks from flax seeds with photos and videos

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Flaxseed is a time-tested ingredient in many cosmetic products. They can be used for both body and facial hair. It is flaxseed that is often used for rejuvenating, nourishing masks.

Mixtures based on flaxseed can also be applied to the skin around the eyes , which is extremely delicate and sensitive - they will smooth out fine wrinkles , slightly lighten dark spots under the eyes, and refresh these areas.

Thanks to the unique composition of flax, such masks stimulate the production of natural collagen and allow you to regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands. Using various additives, you can choose exactly the recipe that will prolong the youth of your skin.

How to prepare products based on flaxseed? We'll talk about this further.

What is a flax seed mask used for and how does it work?

The effect of such masks primarily depends on the specific composition. As for flaxseed itself, it has a complex effect on the skin of the face:

  • soothing, which allows them to be used for sensitive skin;
  • whitening and toning;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anti-aging – due to its antioxidant effect;
  • normalizes the fat balance of the skin, helps get rid of acne;
  • allows you to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, retains moisture in the inner layers of the skin;
  • stimulates collagen production, smoothing out small wrinkles.

Thus, introducing such masks into the list of regular cosmetic procedures is worth it for those girls who want to get rid of the oily sheen in the T-zone and make their skin matte. It is also suitable for ladies “a little over thirty” who dream of delaying the appearance of the first age-related changes as much as possible.

Rules for preparation and application

In order for the mask to be as effective as possible, you first need to take care of quality components. It is best to buy flax seeds , since it is there that they are dried according to the rules and retain their beneficial properties as much as possible.

Try to minimize heat treatment, which destroys the beneficial substances contained in flaxseed.

  • Such compositions have proven themselves best for dry skin. But for oily skin they should be used only if it has become weathered or roughened.
  • Remember that this mask should only be applied to a thoroughly cleansed face. You can treat your skin with a scrub, but not right before applying the mask, but a day before the procedure.
  • While wearing the mask, take a break from work and lie down. Try to avoid active facial expressions and do not talk.
  • The masks should be washed off first with warm and then with cool water. Finally, you can wipe the skin with a piece of ice from a decoction of herbs - chamomile, mint.

Be sure to test for allergies - although it occurs extremely rarely, it is better not to take risks: prepare a small amount of the mixture for the mask, apply to the crook of your elbow, leave for the prescribed time, and rinse. Monitor your skin throughout the day. Redness appears - the mask is not suitable.

Indications for use

Flax seed masks are recommended for excessive dry skin and water balance disorders. They can also be used for problematic epidermis to eliminate acne, reduce inflammation, and also to prevent rosacea. Due to the large amount of vitamins in flax cosmetics, it is useful to use it in winter to protect cells, when the effects of external factors are most aggressive.

The component is also suitable for skin rejuvenation; most recipes are best used as an anti-aging product after 25-30 years. It is useful to use homemade masks for pigmentation and changing the natural complexion.

The first mentions of the benefits of flax seeds date back to Ancient Egypt; according to archaeological excavations, this component was actively used by the famous Queen Nefertiti. And Hippocrates was one of the first to describe the healing properties of flax for internal and external use.

Classic recipe for a face mask made from flax seeds

The most popular (and, by the way, the simplest) recipe for skin care cosmetics using flaxseed looks like this: take two teaspoons of seeds and pour 100 milliliters of boiling water over them. Let it boil, then simmer for about 12 minutes. Don't forget to stir the mixture so that the seeds don't stick to the bottom.

You will get a viscous mass that needs to be cooled to such a state that it is pleasant to the skin. Strain it thoroughly through a fine colander or double gauze, then apply it to your face. This can be done with a cotton swab.

It is also very convenient to take a natural piece of fabric (for example, linen), cut holes in it for the eyes and mouth, and then moisten it generously in the broth. You can keep such a mask from twenty minutes to half an hour.


As a result of the procedure, the skin is tightened and the number of folds is noticeably reduced. To achieve results, it is recommended to take a course of 15 applications.


  • flax seeds – 5 grams;
  • boiling water – 80 grams.

How to prepare and use:

1. Combine the components and mix. Shake for 10 minutes;

2. Cover with a napkin and let it brew;

If you prepare the composition for the mask in the morning, it will be ready for use by evening.

Apply the product with a cotton pad, in 5 layers after each layer, let the skin dry, it is advisable to avoid facial expressions. After half an hour, the mask must be washed off with boiled water and any nourishing cream applied.

Other Flaxseed Face Mask Recipes

  • From wrinkles. Take a teaspoon of seeds, pour it with a third glass of hot water. Cover with a lid and let sit for about six hours (at room temperature). Carefully strain off the upper part of the infusion (you can pour it out), and apply the mucus that remains at the bottom to your face. Repeat as it dries. There must be at least five layers in total. 10-15 minutes after the last layer has dried, rinse off the mask and apply nourishing cream to the skin. The course consists of fifteen daily procedures.
  • To refresh the skin around the eyes , take two dessert spoons of seeds and pour half a glass of boiling water. When the infusion has cooled, strain it and add a dessert spoon of cocoa, as well as half a banana, mashed into puree. After thoroughly mixing, apply the paste to the skin and leave for half an hour. Can also be used on the face if it is chapped or dry. Course – twelve masks.
  • Scrub mask . Grind flaxseed in a coffee grinder. Mix two dessert spoons of the resulting powder with the same volume of oatmeal. Pour it all over with half a glass of hot milk (water for oily skin). Leave for a quarter of an hour, stir thoroughly. When applying the mask, lightly massage the skin along the lines of its least stretch, then apply another layer. Keep the mask for twenty minutes, rinse with warm water, after which the skin is moisturized with cream.
  • Honey-linseed mask . Pour a teaspoon of seeds with half a glass of boiling water, let it brew until the infusion cools. Strain and mix two tablespoons of this mixture with a teaspoon of honey (preferably flower honey) and a tablespoon of olive oil. Mix thoroughly and leave on skin for twenty minutes.
  • Mask with cream. Prepare flax infusion as described in the previous recipe. After straining, take two tablespoons of liquid and mix them with a tablespoon of cream (it is better to take homemade). They can be replaced with high-quality butter - one dessert spoon. Apply the thoroughly mixed mixture to your face for twenty minutes. After rinsing, there is no need to lubricate your face with cream.

Let's restore youth to our skin

In cosmetology, very healthy flaxseed oil is used with great success.

The main thing is that this oil is suitable for all types of epidermis, but has a particularly beneficial effect on dry, aging, flabby, flaccid dermis of the face.

The easiest way to use an oil mask is to apply a thin layer of it to your face, wait 25 minutes, then wash with warm water.

The oil can be used as a base for making homemade creams.

And to enhance the effect of a store-bought cream, you need to add 5 or 6 drops of linseed oil to it.

Experts advise drinking 1 tbsp. flaxseed oil 20 minutes before meals to improve the functioning of the liver, digestion, and strengthen the nervous and immune systems. It is necessary to take into account that it has contraindications.

Precautionary measures

If you decide to apply a flaxseed mask to the skin around the eyes, first check whether the recipe you have chosen is suitable for this area.

Use masks with fatty ingredients with caution in the summer - they can clog pores and stimulate sebum production.

Those with oily skin should not be overzealous with such products. It is better for them to use flaxseed without additional ingredients or use other substances to prepare masks.


Flax seeds are gentle and gentle. But there are also contraindications. Do not use the product if you are allergic or hypersensitive to the ingredient. Face masks are not recommended for use in the presence of severe inflammation or comedones. It is highly undesirable to use cosmetic compositions for open mechanical damage to the epidermis: wounds, abrasions or cuts.

Flax seeds contain fatty acids, so you should not use this product if your skin is oily or has a strong sebaceous sheen.

Reviews of flax seed face mask

To test how effective such a remedy is, we conducted a small experiment: three women used flaxseed masks for two weeks, after which they shared their impressions. Their results are commented on by a cosmetologist.


I chose a classic recipe for a flaxseed mask and made it every day. Within a week I noticed that the acne marks had faded and no new rashes appeared. By the end of the experiment, the skin became noticeably cleaner and fresher.

Comment: Irina should regularly repeat the course of such masks, since she has combination skin with pronounced dry areas. I can recommend adding peeling procedures.


In general, I am happy with my skin, but for the experiment I chose a mask with olive oil. After two weeks, even my colleagues began to compliment me that I looked younger. The wrinkles around the mouth have become noticeably smaller and seem to have “lost” their depth.

Comment: Evgenia has oily skin, so it is better for her to choose other lifting masks made from flaxseed, for example with the addition of honey. At the same time, they will help narrow the pores a little.


My main problem is skin sensitivity - it constantly gets irritated. I chose a mask made from flaxseeds and cream, and after ten days I noticed that the redness had almost disappeared. I want to try peeling made from flax and oatmeal.

Comment: Lydia's skin has really improved, but she should still avoid peeling. But gentle procedures and masks based on flaxseed decoction are exactly what you need.

Beneficial features

This product contains polyunsaturated acids of the Omega group, which are part of the world's best brands producing anti-aging cosmetics.

Types of seeds

Also in the formula:

  • vitamins A, B, E;
  • saturated organic acids;
  • phylloquinone (produces a whitening effect, evens out the shade, hides age spots);
  • niacin (helps improve tone);
  • thiamine (increases firmness and elasticity);
  • choline (calms inflammatory processes);
  • alpha linoleic acid (improves cell regeneration processes).

Flax seeds are similar to film cosmetics; the beneficial components act under the film after removing the mask. Lifting lasts for a long time due to the cumulative effect.

It is also recommended to add this component to skin care products if you have acne and pimples.

For problem skin, the frequency of procedures ranges from 2 to 3 per week, but not more than 1 procedure every 3 days. To combat excessive dryness, 1 procedure per week is enough.

Find out how a face mask with mumiyo will help in the fight to preserve youth from the article.

Magic seeds

The best mask recipes for lightening hair are presented here. Masks for dry hair ends will help restore your hair to its well-groomed appearance.

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