Wen on the buttocks: symptoms and safe methods of removal

Lipomas are benign tumors with the usual name wen. They appear on any part of the body except the palms and feet. Wen are usually painless, but cause aesthetic discomfort. Surgery will fix the problem, but is it necessary? Before thinking about surgical intervention, you need to find out why lipomas formed, whether it is worth removing them and how effective the procedure is.

Rice. 1. Lipomas should be removed promptly

What is lipoma?

Lipoma is a benign formation consisting of adipose tissue that can increase in size over time. As a rule, lipoma grows slowly and may not make itself felt for even several decades. However, under the influence of many external and internal factors (for example, stress, exacerbation of a chronic disease, the development of an inflammatory process in the body), it has a tendency to degenerate into a malignant tumor.

What does a lipoma look like?

The wen is located under the skin and is a semicircular convex growth. A person can detect it by touch or visually (for example, while bathing). Do not press, press or rub the affected area too hard. If a tumor is detected, immediately seek help from a surgeon.

Where can a lipoma be?

Lipomas can occur in any part of the body for a variety of reasons. They are located under the skin and are often located in the neck, shoulders, back or abdomen. Sometimes formations appear on the arms and thighs. If you press the lipoma with your fingertips, you will feel its mobility, softness and looseness.

Lipomas reach 5 cm in diameter. Therefore, they are difficult to distinguish from other equally dangerous neoplasms (lymphadenitis, hygroma or atheroma). Each subcutaneous tumor has its own treatment regimen. Only a doctor can diagnose a lipoma, in particular, by its type and location.

There are these types of wen:

  • perineural (located around the nerves);
  • lumbosacral (formed near the vertebrae, spinal canal);
  • vaginal;
  • muscular (grow through the muscles, can occur in case of incomplete removal of the formation).

There are also myolipomas of soft tissues, which consist of muscle and fat cells, angiolipomas, containing adipose and muscle tissue, epithelial cells and, as a rule, affecting the kidneys, rarely - adrenal glands, pancreas and adenolipomas, which contain glandular elements and vascular cells, similar to atheroma.

The most common places where lipoblastomas occur are:

  • Head
    . The pathology affects different areas of the face and neck.
  • Torso
    . Tumors appear on the chest, abdomen, and back.
  • Limbs.
    Nodules may appear on the arms or legs.
  • In the chest
    . Lumps appear inside the chest, affecting the internal organs.
  • Near parenchymal organs
    . They affect different parts of the stomach, kidneys, and surfaces of the abdominal organs.

Lipoma - causes

The causes of lipomas have not yet been scientifically established. In most cases, doctors and scientists agree that their appearance is associated with the action of genetic factors. Some people may inherit a defective gene from their parents that can cause lipomas. This phenomenon is called familial multiple lipomatosis.

Risk factors that increase the likelihood of formations include:

  • age-related changes (wen most often occur in men and women who belong to the age group from 40 to 60 years);
  • metabolic disorders (lipomas can occur in case of metabolic disorders, in particular due to a lack of enzymes).

Lipomas can arise as a result of injury, which has a significant impact on the area where the formation is localized (causes irreversible changes in tissues). The growth of a fatty tumor is inextricably linked with a post-traumatic event. The formation of lipomas can be caused by obesity, alcohol abuse, liver disease, and glucose intolerance.

Why do lipomas form? Typically, lipoma occurs when metabolic processes in adipose tissue are disrupted. This mainly concerns the process of destruction of subcutaneous fat deposits - lipolysis. Other reasons for the formation of a wen may be diseases of the pancreas and liver, hypofunction of the pituitary gland and thyroid gland.

How to prevent relapse

Prevention of the appearance of wen in the buttocks area is directly related to lifestyle adjustments in the direction of increasing:

  • physical activity - regular and moderate physical activity;
  • the amount of fluid consumed is within normal limits to optimize water balance;
  • water procedures - to ensure cleanliness of the skin and prevent inflammation;
  • medical examinations - scheduled and unscheduled examinations by specialists in the event of characteristic symptoms;
  • vitamins in the daily diet - the menu should be balanced to ensure normal stool and metabolism. If there is an excess of fats in the diet, their amount is reduced to normal.

A healthy lifestyle will reduce the likelihood of wen appearing on the buttocks and will definitely affect success in treating the disease in adults and children.

Treatment of lipoma with folk remedies

People often treat lipomas at home with folk remedies (birch decoction, ointments made from garlic, onion or ginger) and do not seek help from a doctor. Self-medication can lead to the degeneration of the growth into an oncological formation. If there is a tumor under the skin, it may be a lipoma, which dermatologists do not recommend treating using traditional medicine. Only a doctor can confirm or refute the suspicion of a lipoma and its nature (benign or malignant tumor).

What treatment to take

Some patients, before turning to a surgeon to solve their problem, try traditional methods to get rid of lipoma. Self-treatment of a wen often does not bring any results, and sometimes, on the contrary, it provokes rapid growth of the tumor. By examining the condition of the tumor and determining its size, the attending physician decides on the method of removal. Subcutaneous growths usually develop slowly, and it is often not recommended to touch them at all. Especially if the seal is located in a closed area of ​​the body. In such cases, the doctor prescribes observation with regular ultrasound and histology studies.

Is lipoma dangerous or not?

Treatment of lipoma involves removal, but only in cases where its location causes inconvenience or it poses a threat to the health or life of the patient. If there are no complaints, the wen is not removed. To relieve inflammation and pain, your doctor may prescribe steroid injections.

It is important to distinguish lipomas from liposarcoma. They have similar external features. But unlike fatty tumors, liposarcoma is classified as a group of mesenchymal tumors, the cells of which can degenerate into cancerous formations. In all cases, even if the lumps are painless, the patient should consult a doctor for advice. After diagnosing the lipoma, the doctor will give an opinion on the advisability of its removal. If the mass involves joints, nerves, organs, muscles, or blood vessels, it may not be possible to remove it.

Reasons for the appearance of a wen on the buttock

A lump on the buttock can occur for various reasons, and their development is accompanied by different symptoms. The following types of tumors on the butt are common:

  • a wen that develops in the thickness of the muscles is an intermuscular lipoma. Middle-aged and older people are susceptible to pathology. The formation develops slowly, which is the reason for the initiation of the disease. The patient notices the problem when it becomes large;
  • subcutaneous lipoma is a superficial neoplasm and is a movable wen with a round shape. More often it does not reach large sizes up to 1.5-2 cm and resembles a knot. It is removed surgically under local anesthesia. Subcutaneous wen does not show any other symptoms other than an unaesthetic appearance.
  • Erythema nodosum represents inflammation of blood vessels in the skin and fat cells. The disease manifests itself in the form of nodular formations in the shape of hemispheres, which become red in color and give the patient painful sensations when pressed. The cause of the appearance of pathology on the skin is a whole list of diseases: tuberculosis, scarlet fever, tonsillitis, histoplasmosis, ulcerative colitis, leukemia and others.

Medicine today can name the exact causes of the accumulation of fat cells and their pathological growth. Factors contributing to their development:

  1. Genetic predisposition.
  2. Immune system dysfunction.
  3. Wrong diet.
  4. Hormonal imbalances during the restructuring of the body during age-related changes.
  5. Taking certain hormonal medications.

Many have encountered the problem of a lump forming under the skin on the buttock at the injection site. The cause is the inflammatory process in the wound from the needle. The swelling is not dangerous and is often ignored by the patient. However, there is a reorganization of the injection wound into an abscess. The reasons for the pathological development of compaction after injections may be the following factors:

  • incorrect position of the needle, in which the medicine is injected not into the muscle, but under the skin;
  • puncture of a blood vessel, the inflammatory process begins in the resulting hematoma;
  • disruption of blood flow at the site of multiple injections;
  • weak immunity of the patient;
  • prolonged bed rest.

To prevent inflammation and abscess, you need to consult a doctor who will take measures to eliminate the compaction and inflammatory process after injections.

How is a lipoma removed?

Wen is removed surgically, laser or radio wave. The most common procedure is surgical removal of the lipoma (a small micro-incision is made at the site of the wen formation, after which a scar may remain). The minimally invasive procedure takes place on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia and does not affect healthy tissue. The risk of blood loss and rehabilitation period are also reduced (after the procedure the patient can go home).

To speed up the healing of the lipoma removal site, you need to regularly change the bandage and prevent it from getting wet and dirty. During this period, the patient is not recommended to play sports, visit the bathhouse or solarium.

Removal of atheroma

If there is a large amount of sebum in the capsule, the atheroma can become inflamed, which leads to pain and itching. The doctor opens the growth, clears the contents, and prescribes medications to relieve inflammation. After this, the atheroma is excised along with the capsule in which the pus was located. The most common procedure is surgical removal of atheroma. If this is not done, a relapse is possible. Prevention of atheroma is aimed at preventing blockage of the sebaceous glands through a series of cosmetic procedures to cleanse the skin (scrubs, gentle masks).

Advantages of treatment at the International Health Care Center:

  • All services in one place
    . Our medical center is a place where wen removal can be done quickly and painlessly. Additionally, you can undergo instrumental and laboratory diagnostics; we have a hospital and operating rooms.
  • Qualified medical staff
    . Our doctors are trained in Russia and abroad. Junior and nursing staff undergo training and internship to master the skills of creating a favorable environment in the clinic.
  • High precision equipment
    . For diagnosis and operations, we use endoscopic equipment; you can undergo examinations using an orthopantomograph and tomograph, ultrasound machines, and advanced laboratory equipment.
  • Beneficial comprehensive and deposit programs
    . We offer health insurance and have discounts and promotions. Working with voluntary health insurance policies and installment plans make the prices for our medical care affordable.
  • Convenient location in the center of the capital
    . We are located 5 minutes walk from the metro. There is secure parking nearby.

To eliminate lipoblastomas, we use modern methods that eliminate relapses and provide the desired cosmetic result. You can get a consultation or make an appointment by phone.

Lipoma removal with laser

Removing a lipoma with a laser allows you to avoid the appearance of hematomas and swelling in the affected area. The doctor carefully dissects the skin, after which he removes the wen, without leaving its fragments at the edges, which helps to avoid the formation of a new wen at the site of exposure). The edges are coagulated (sealed using a laser) and stitched with a cosmetic suture. Laser removal does not require hospitalization or a long rehabilitation period.

Timely consultation with a doctor will help avoid the development of complications (the appearance of cancer).

How does the removal process between the buttocks work in women?

Lipoma can appear on any part and organ of the human body. More often the neck, head, face, limbs, and buttocks are affected by pathology. It happens that a wen appears in a completely inconvenient place: between the buttocks. Inconvenient due to the piquant location of its formation, problematic removal for large sizes, postoperative treatment and dressing. The rectum is located nearby and surgical intervention threatens to damage it. There have been cases when complete removal of a large lipoma in such a place was not possible; most of the formation was localized deep in the body, near the rectum. Such a location of the wen is rare, and if a tumor appears between the buttocks, you should not delay a visit to the doctor.

Contacting a specialist at an early stage of the disease will prevent subsequent possible complications in treatment.

Popular questions

1. How to get rid of wen on the body?
Lipoma removal is performed surgically under local anesthesia. The lipoma is removed through a small cut in the skin, which heals within two weeks. Wen excision is performed on an outpatient basis (without hospitalization) under local anesthesia.

2. Is it possible to squeeze out wen on the face?

Subcutaneous wen on the face should not be squeezed out or mechanically injured. Mechanical trauma leads to disruption of the integrity of the skin and increases the risk of bacterial infection.

3. How to remove wen on the face?

A fatty tissue (lipoma) on the face is subject to surgical removal. Large lumps are not able to resolve on their own, so they are treated by surgical excision.




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Author: Novikova Anna Igorevna

Dermatovenerologist, trichologist, cosmetologist. Highest qualification category. Work experience 23 years.

The danger of localization on the butt

The danger of formation is the occurrence of negative consequences of an advanced pathological process:

  1. Lipomatosis is characterized by frequent relapses. Removal does not guarantee complete recovery.
  2. Inflammatory changes occur after mechanical irritation. Inflammation of the wen is accompanied by pain, redness, and the appearance of pus.
  3. The damage ends with the addition of bacterial flora. The occurrence of a pathological process is associated with a violation of the integrity of the wen on the butt. The contents of the capsule provide a favorable environment for the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

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