Cyclim face cream for boto effect. Instructions for use, reviews from cosmetologists. How to use

“Qi-Klim” is a product that was created to preserve women’s youth.

Many health problems are associated with disruption of the hormonal system, a lack of hormones, which is especially acute during menopause.

The listed factors directly affect the condition of facial skin.

“Qi-Clim protects the skin from aging caused by hormones. It is based on natural ingredients that will not harm women's health.

“Qi-Clim protects the skin from aging caused by hormones. It is based on natural ingredients that will not harm women's health.

Composition of the product

Cyclim is a face cream that contains the following active ingredients:

  • Phytoestrogens isolated from a plant of the buttercup family, Cohosh (Black cohosh), which have a modeling effect on estrogen receptors.
  • Motherwort extract produces a calming effect, reduces pores, and treats acne.
  • Magnesium orotate: saturates with magnesium; enhances cell regeneration; improves memory; increases resistance to stress.
  • Water - whatever the positive properties of the cream, if there is little moisture in the skin, the positive effect of the cream on the skin will be minimal due to the difficulties in the flow of necessary substances into the cell and their absorption by the body;
  • Soybean oil is rich in: vitamins (E, B, K, F); polyunsaturated fatty acids, which regenerate the skin and cleanse it well from the effects of polluted environment;
  • Glycerol: enhances metabolism in the skin; deeply nourishes; moisturizes.

  • D-panthenol: soothes the skin; produces the following effects: antibacterial; anti-inflammatory; regenerating.
  • Hyaluronic acid: fills the upper epidermis; deeply saturates with moisture and minerals; eliminates wrinkles; enhances skin elasticity.
  • Ethanol.
  • Liposentol multi is a vitamin complex designed for the skin.
  • Wild yam extract (Dioscorea): protects the skin from harmful environmental influences; rejuvenates; affects the skin similarly to hormones; anti-stress effect; treats acne, acne; nourishes; moisturizes; heals wounds; restores the epidermis;
  • enhances blood microcirculation;
  • improves the quality of hair on the head, whitens the skin;
  • is an immunomodulator;
  • helps with psoriasis, rosacea;
  • has antiallergic properties.
  • Lipoderm 4/1 is the basis of the cream, it has pronounced softening and moisture-retaining properties, and combines well with fats, oils, and esters.
  • Allatoin - used to: soften the top layer of skin; improved exfoliation; enhancing skin regeneration; tightens pores; heals chapped and sunburned faces.
  • Emulgate.

What composition

Cream Qi Klim contains the following active substances:

  1. Black cohosh plant extract is the main active substance. Its phytohormones are an analogue of the female sex hormone estrogen, the level of which begins to fall before the onset of menopause. By replenishing the body with phytohormones, the level of estrogen in the blood increases and the natural synthesis of elastin and collagen in the body is activated. These substances are important components of the skin and are responsible for its elasticity. In addition, by raising the level of estrogen to normal levels, metabolism and regeneration processes in the skin are restored. The process of wrinkle formation slows down.
  2. Wild yam extract. It contains silicon - a very important microelement that takes part in the synthesis of collagen. Thanks to this component, the product supports the normal course of all processes in the skin during hormonal changes.

  3. How to use the Qi Clim boto effect.
    Dexpanthenol. This important component activates regenerative processes in the skin, metabolism and has a healing effect.

  4. Hyaluronic acid. Replenishes the deficiency of natural hyaluronate, which takes part in the production of collagen. The skin is elastic only when the level of hyaluronate is normal. In addition, this acid has moisturizing properties that are very important for good skin condition.
  5. D-panthenol. Significantly improves skin elasticity and also moisturizes it.
  6. Lecithin. By accelerating blood circulation, it promotes faster penetration of nutritional components into skin cells.
  7. Peptides. They regulate processes occurring in cells, including regeneration. Therefore, they help restore facial skin.
  8. Vitamin A (retinol). Affects collagen production and reduces the upper stratum corneum of the skin. This opens the pores through which the active substances penetrate. This helps restore metabolism.
  9. Vitamin E. An irreplaceable natural antioxidant that is necessary for healthy skin.
  10. Grapefruit oil. Has a refreshing effect. It improves blood circulation and thereby accelerates the supply of vitamins and other beneficial substances to the skin.

The composition of the cosmetic product includes the following additional substances:

  • glycerol;
  • argireline;
  • triethanolamine;
  • soybean oil;
  • water;
  • ethanol;
  • emulsifiers.

Of all the components, I would like to dwell on the properties of argireline and soybean oil. The substance argireline acts on the facial muscles. As a result, they relax and the skin smoothes out. Thus, the number of wrinkles is reduced. Soybean oil – softens and smoothes the skin, removing fine wrinkles. The lady's face looks much younger from the effects of these components.

As you can see, Qi Klim cream contains many substances that are present in one form or another in a woman’s body. As a result of hormonal imbalance, which provokes a decrease in the rate of metabolic processes, their number decreases and provokes rapid aging of the skin. Using a product with these components allows the lady to look younger.

Since there are no dyes or perfume compositions in this anti-aging cosmetics, it has a specific smell that quickly disappears and does not accompany a woman throughout the day. The face cream is packaged in a 50 ml polymer tube.


Cyclim (face cream) is primarily necessary:

  1. People with aging skin and during menopause. It relieves symptoms. Restores skin that has undergone age-related changes, prolonging youth. Stimulates the body's production of collagen and elastin in the required quantities.
  2. Whitens.
  3. Fights against: rosacea, oily skin, acne, blackheads.

    Cyclim - face cream fights rosacea.

  4. Used in a complex of measures to combat: psoriasis, skin inflammation, allergies, age spots.

Cyclim cream has a cumulative effect. To obtain a pronounced effect, you must use it for at least 2 months. After stopping use, the cream will continue to work for a long time.

Indications for use of Cyclim cream for the face

Cyclim (face cream) is a natural remedy that eliminates the effects of menopause:

  • increased irritation;
  • hot flashes during menopause;
  • mood swings;
  • frequent headaches;
  • constant fatigue syndrome;
  • insomnia;
  • constant stress;
  • cardiovascular problems;
  • a sharp decrease in skin thickness;
  • the appearance of deeper wrinkles;
  • the appearance of pigment spots;
  • oily skin;
  • rosacea;
  • acne;
  • acne.

Contraindications and possible side effects

Cyclim (face cream) has the following contraindications.

Cannot be used:

  1. in case of individual intolerance to any component contained in the cream;
  2. if there are estrogen-dependent tumors;
  3. during pregnancy and lactation.

Use is permitted, but only under the supervision of a doctor in the presence of the following diseases:

  1. uterine fibroids;
  2. endometriosis;
  3. gastritis of the stomach, which is accompanied by increased secretion.

To avoid allergic reactions caused by overdose, do not use together with medications or teas that contain cohosh extract.

Side effects:

  1. allergic skin reactions;
  2. emerging pain in the stomach;
  3. shifting the date of the onset of menstruation, both in the case of their natural fading, and in the case if the drug is used when their fading has not yet occurred.

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Important information

Before taking the most effective remedy, you should familiarize yourself with its side effects and consult with an experienced cosmetologist. The face and body cream has no side effects. Sometimes women experience hypersensitivity to some component of cosmetic products. As a rule, it manifests itself in the form of an allergic reaction.

Mode of application.

The manufacturer has identified contraindications for the following categories of women:

  • pregnant women;
  • breastfeeding;
  • having estrogen-dependent tumors;
  • suffering from intolerance to some component of the cream.

If a woman has endometriosis or uterine fibroids, then the cream can only be used on the recommendation of the attending physician. In addition, careful monitoring of the health status of the patient using Qi Klim cream will be required.

The lady will need to come for examination to the gynecologist at least every 2 months. In order to monitor whether there are any negative changes in the course of the disease.

Expert opinion

Roman Andreevich

Candidate of Medical Sciences, gynecologist-obstetrician, 14 years of work experience.

Since cosmetic products contain phytohormones and not artificial hormones, the result will be noticeable after approximately 2 weeks of regular use of creams.

Anti-aging cosmetics Qi Klim have no analogues and are patented. Cosmetics should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 0 C. The shelf life of creams is 2 years.

Is it possible during pregnancy?

Since the cream contains active substances that, in their effect on the body, act like hormones that inhibit the onset of menopause and accompanying signs of aging of the body, the cream can have an effect on the regulation of menstruation - you should not use the drug while bearing a child and breastfeeding.

No studies have been conducted on the use of Cyclima cream in children.

If it is necessary to remove defects from the skin that are a consequence of pregnancy, you can start doing this only after breastfeeding is completed.

Method of action of the cream on the skin

Effective prevention of wrinkles is the Qi-Klim face cream. Reviews from cosmetologists confirm this. Below is a list of how the product works on the skin.

Effective prevention of wrinkles is the Qi-Klim face cream. Reviews from cosmetologists confirm this.

So, the action of the cream includes the following:

  1. Mitigates the signs of menopause and its external consequences;
  2. Accelerates the process of cell renewal;
  3. Rejuvenates, moisturizes and normalizes water balance;
  4. Improves collagen synthesis;
  5. Stimulates the production of collagen and elastin;
  6. Is a powerful antioxidant;
  7. Saturates the skin with vitamins.

Using Cyclim cream for the face during menopause

To keep a woman’s well-being normal during menopause, proper nutrition and plenty of vitamins are necessary. But the most rational and proper nutrition will not replenish the amount of vitamins that a woman needs during menopause.

The function of vitamins during this period:

  • comprehensively influence metabolic processes and cell regeneration;
  • during the metabolic process, hormones are produced, which become smaller during this period; vitamins help maintain the body’s production of hormones at the required level;
  • directly affect the symptoms of aging, saturating, moisturizing cells,
  • strengthen cell structure;
  • have a beneficial effect on intercellular connections and blood vessels.

Extracts from Cosimifuga and Motherwort produce effects similar to hormones. If their natural production in the body is limited due to menopause, and you don’t want to take hormonal drugs, then the action of Cosimifuga and Motherwort produces a very mild effect on the body, replacing the work of hormones that the body has produced in insufficient quantities.

As a result, not only the appearance of the skin is restored, but also the general condition improves:

  • vascular system;
  • nervous system;
  • brain activity;
  • cardiac activity;
  • general well-being;
  • metabolic processes;
  • general increase in mood;
  • increased energy;
  • improving the body's resistance.

The drug improves the absorption of calcium by the body. Removes toxins from the body.

The effectiveness of the rejuvenation cream

Cyclim is a face cream that is very highly effective due to the most balanced complex of vitamins and minerals, polyunsaturated acids in quantities designed for aging skin.

The introduction of moisturizing components into the cream and the use of herbal preparations that replace the action of hormones that the body produces in smaller quantities after the onset of menopause makes the drug completely safe for the female body.

There is no danger of harming your health by oversaturating the body with synthetic hormones, since there are no hormonal drugs in the composition. Natural components act on the body similarly to hormones and produce a simulating effect on estrogen receptors.

Since each person has his own genes, unlike others, everyone lives life in their own special conditions, which affect health and the time of onset of the body’s withering processes. For some people, menopause comes later and is easier, for others it begins quite early and is very painful.

Cyclim face cream affects each woman with individual effectiveness. Modern cosmetologists advise starting to take the cream at the earliest signs of aging after 30 – 35 years.

When starting treatment, you need to check whether you are allergic to the components of the cream. To do this, you can lightly spread it on the crook of your elbow and wait for a reaction for several hours. In some cases, with minimal signs of skin irritation, irritation no longer appears upon repeated use.

This cream is not intended for permanent use. They use it for 2-3 months, and then take a break of several months. In order to look good you need to take 2 courses within 1 year. The timing of application is very individual. If you use more than is necessary for each specific organism, the effectiveness of the cream will decrease.

The cream is based on a cumulative effect. Immediately its effect may be almost imperceptible, but as the skin is constantly saturated with necessary substances, the positive effect becomes more noticeable. The product lasts for several months after the end of treatment.

What does Qi-klim anti-wrinkle cream consist of?

Anti-wrinkle cream with boto effect Qi-Klim includes the following useful components:

  1. Cohosh (phytoestrogens).
  2. Hyaluronic acid.
  3. Retinol.
  4. Argireline peptide.
  5. Panthenol.

All these beneficial substances contribute to the production of elastin and collagen. In addition, Qi-Klim cream from the Evalar company relieves dryness from the skin, removes age spots, and increases the elasticity and firmness of the skin on the face and body. The components included in the cream are a kind of Botox substitute. And hyaluronic acid helps in the regeneration of cellular tissue and excellently retains moisture. Instructions for use are inside the package. Before you start using it, you should definitely consult a cosmetologist. Positive reviews also concern the cost of the drug, it is approximately 250 rubles. The drug is available in cream and tablet form.

What is the boto effect of the cream?

Cyclim face cream is a good soft substitute for botulinum toxin injections. It contains the peptide argireline. Innovative molecules are widely used in cosmetology. They fill the cells and reduce the depth of facial wrinkles. They act more gently and are safer for health than botulinum toxin. especially good results around the eyes and on forehead wrinkles.

The first changes can be seen on the 10th day of using the cream. If you continue to use it, it will prevent expression lines from appearing later. At the same time, there will be no externally unpleasant consequences of immobility of certain areas of the facial muscles, as with botulinum toxin injections. This effect is not provided by the drug.

Qi-Klim price, where to buy

The price of Qi-Klim in tablets No. 60 in Russia is 165-335 rubles, and the price of Qi-Klim face cream (Evalar) is 205-250 rubles. In Ukraine, the price of such a package of tablets is 43-87 hryvnia.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Qi-Klim Alanine tablets 400 mg 40 pcs Evalar ZAO
    450 rub. order
  • Qi-Klim vitamins for women 45+ 60 pcs. Evalar JSC

    460 rub. order

  • Qi-Klim Botoeffect cream for expression wrinkles 15 gEvalar JSC

    407 rub. order

  • Qi-Klim face cream 50 mlEvalar JSC

    RUB 322 order

  • Qi-klim tab. 20mg 60pcsEvalar JSC

    RUB 336 order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Qi-klim for hormonal skin aging cream boto effect 15gEvalar JSC

    450 rub. order

  • Qi-Clim for hormonal aging of the body tablets No. 60 Evalar ZAO

    RUB 335 order

  • Qi-klim alanine tablets No. 40Evalar JSC

    RUB 423 order

  • Qi-clim vitamins for women 45+ tablets No. 60 Evalar ZAO

    427 RUR order

  • Qi-klim for hormonal skin aging cream 50gEvalar JSC

    RUB 352 order

show more


  • Qi-klim Botoeffect Cream for the correction of expression lines 15ml Russia, Evalar
    190 UAH order
  • Qi-klim Anti-aging face cream with phytoestrogens 50ml Russia, Evalar

    156 UAH order

  • Qi-clim Bio tab. 0.2g No. 60 Russia, Evalar

    133 UAH order

  • Qi-Clim Body cream with phytoestrogens 100ml Russia, Evalar

    181 UAH order

show more

Instructions for using the cream

The cream is used during menopause, as well as before its onset. Early use of the cream will strengthen and prepare the skin for the changes that lie ahead. Women who have undergone reproductive organ surgery experience menopause earlier than those who have not undergone surgery.

On average, you can start using Cyclim at 30-35 years of age. Around the age of 40, most women begin to experience hormonal changes. The cream is used twice a day.

To obtain a positive result, it is important to use the drug correctly and regularly:

  1. First you need to cleanse your skin of makeup, oil and dirt.
  2. A small amount of cream in the morning and evening should be applied to the skin of the face and décolleté with gentle massaging movements. In this case, you can use special types of massage. You don’t have to make any special efforts, since the texture of the cream is light and it is absorbed quite easily and quickly.

  3. The cream is applied no more than 2 times a day. It can be used as a makeup base and also as a night cream.
  4. Various types of Cyclim creams, as well as tablets for strengthening the health of the body during menopause, have an identical composition. But the tablets are more concentrated. If several products are used at once, the concentration of active ingredients will add up and may exceed the norm that is necessary. As a result, an allergy or a decrease in the positive effect of taking the drug may occur. For this reason, you must first apply the cream, and after a short break you can start using the tablets. Then after a break apply cream again.

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What does advertising promise?

"Evalar" positions this cream as an effective and modern means of combating skin changes caused by hormones.

Hormonal aging manifests itself after 40 , when the amount of estrogens, the most important hormones for women's health, decreases in the blood.

This product promises to solve problems with hormonal aging, restore beauty and youth to the skin, eliminate defects and even out the skin. The above changes and problems can be prevented by “Qi-Clim”. In reviews , cosmetologists specify that you need to use face cream from the age of 35.

Hormonal aging manifests itself after 40, when the amount of estrogens, the most important hormones for women's health, decreases in the blood.

People have differing opinions about what actually causes aging. Some argue that the main reason for loss of elasticity and firmness is a lack of hyaluronic acid. Others are of the opinion that the skin ages due to the fact that the facial muscles are constantly contracting.

There are also adherents of the theory that says that hormones are the main cause of wrinkles. After all, women's health depends entirely on the activity of hormones in the body.

The creators of the cream take the latest theory as a basis and prove the veracity of their words by the changes that occur in women after 40 years.

The creators of the cream take the latest theory as a basis and prove the veracity of their words by the changes that occur in women after 40 years.

There is no panacea for wrinkles, but it is possible to properly care for your skin, preventing or delaying problems that will inevitably arise over time.

Reviews from cosmetologists about the cream and cost

According to cosmetologists, the cream is very effective during menopausal changes in women.

If you start using it during the period of preparation of the body for menopause, and then during menopause, act according to the instructions, courses, between which you take breaks, do not overload the body, but use the required dose, you can delay as much as possible the time when serious medical measures are needed to restore youth faces.

The product has a pleasant, non-pungent herbal scent; immediately after use it leaves the skin a little sticky, but this feeling will go away in a couple of minutes. Absorbs completely, easily, and does not leave the skin feeling covered with an oily film. There will be no poisoning in case of an overdose, but the positive effect will decrease and itching, redness and allergic rashes may appear.

The cream is not intended for internal use, therefore, in case of accidental ingestion, it is necessary to rinse the stomach and take adsorbents. Shelf life is 2 years from the date of its production. You don't need a prescription to purchase it. Most often, this drug is prescribed by gynecologists to suppress the negative manifestations of menopause.

If you have decided to use Cyclim cream, you must remember that when preparing the skin for the menopausal period, the result of use will be mainly moisturizing and nourishing the skin. Women over 50 have deep wrinkles in their skin, so it takes time to see real results.

Cost 50 gr. Cyclim face cream from Evalar – 255 rub. The course lasts 3 months. On average, 3 tubes of 50 grams are spent.

Such drastic measures as surgery, Botox injections, hormonal therapy give immediate and very noticeable results, but in case of failure the consequences are dire. Not all women can afford expensive surgeries for financial and health reasons.

Cyclim face cream, with constant use, and also if you start using it without waiting for a very advanced state of facial skin, gives a result that can replace facial plastic surgery, Botox injections and the use of hormones.

Article design: Oleg Lozinsky

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