10 face masks at home - 5 soothing and 5 clearing for redness, rashes and acne

Facial cleansing is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures. It allows you to tone your skin, remove dead cells, and get rid of clogged pores, blackheads and acne. But even with the most gentle technique, the face is subjected to intense exposure - the skin becomes sensitive and cannot fully protect itself from external factors. To recover faster after the procedure and avoid complications, you need to provide proper home care after facial cleansing.

When is cleaning necessary?

The skin is constantly renewed, while many dead cells remain on the surface. With age, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, due to diseases or genetic characteristics, this process may intensify. When too many keratinized cells accumulate, the face becomes dull, flakes, inflammation occurs more often, and wrinkles become more noticeable. A visit to a cosmetologist allows you to solve all these problems.

Usually the procedure takes place in several sessions and does not cause much discomfort. After the first visit, the cosmetologist should give detailed recommendations on how to care after facial cleansing at home:

  • Do not expose your face to chemical or mechanical influences for the first 24 hours;
  • Postpone visiting the sauna, solarium and facial massage until complete rehabilitation;
  • Avoid drugs containing alcohol;
  • Use mineral water and decoctions of medicinal herbs for washing: chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula;
  • Provide intense hydration. Creams with aloe, panthenol, hyaluronic acid and other active hydro-components should be used several times during the day;
  • Make soothing and moisturizing masks.

In addition to general recommendations, depending on the chosen technique, specific care may be required after cleansing your face.

Understanding the problem: the key to the solution

Various conditions can cause irritated, red skin to appear on the face. We are not talking about a light blush that appears on the cheeks after jogging in the park, walking through frosty snow-covered areas of the city, or romantic confessions from a loved one that embarrass you.

The pathological condition of facial redness is a dermatological problem, the culprits of which are the following factors:

  • allergic dermatitis;
  • sunburn;
  • loss of the ability of skin cells to retain moisture;
  • side effects of deep salon peelings and cleansing;
  • eczema, etc.

Red skin is not just a matter of aesthetics. The face may become covered with uneven, bumpy areas, itchy and flaky. Such defects are difficult to hide with concealers, powders and correctors. But some home remedies do not mask imperfections, but eliminate them. You can try excellent masks that are made from ingredients found in every home.

Facial care after mechanical cleansing

The method effectively solves the problem of acne and comedones, but is also the most traumatic. The cosmetologist manually cleans problem areas, after steaming and thoroughly cleansing the skin. The procedure is completed with a soothing mask.

The main disadvantages of the procedure are the risk of inflammation and scarring. Therefore, facial skin care after mechanical cleansing should be especially thorough. Recovery takes up to 5-7 days. During this period, you should regularly degrease the skin with antiseptic preparations that do not contain alcohol. Soothing compresses will help reduce swelling.

Carrot with a mixture of oils

Carrying out aggressive cleansing on the sensitive dermis often results in unpleasant complications - irritation, the appearance of spots, inflammation. A homemade carrot mask will help get rid of defects, which at the same time has the ability to even out the shade of the skin.


  1. Boil one medium carrot whole, without removing the skin.
  2. Peel the root vegetable and turn it into a fine paste in a blender.
  3. Mix 5 ml of oils (essential, burdock).
  4. Add the oily liquid to the carrot puree.

Apply to the dermis; it is first recommended to clean the epidermis with a decoction or just warm water. The duration of the manipulations is 10-12 minutes. Complete the procedure by rinsing the skin with rich green tea.

Care after acid peeling

Cleaning with exfoliants is the main cosmetology trend in recent years. This is the most gentle procedure using high concentration fruit acids. They dissolve dead cells of the stratum corneum and cleanse the pores from the inside - they treat even complex forms of acne and tighten the texture of the face. In addition, dry cleaning helps cope with photoaging: it stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, smoothes wrinkles, and removes pigmentation.

Despite the absence of physical damage, specific facial care after cleansing and peeling is still required. AHA and BHA acids increase sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation—be sure to apply sunscreen with 30 SPF or more before going outside.

Cleansing face masks at home

Basic rules for home care:

  1. Before use, the skin must first be cleansed - with washing gel, natural tonic or herbal decoction.
  2. It is important to apply the composition correctly - with clean hands or a brush, the layer should be thin.
  3. Maintain the optimal consistency - you want a thick, homogeneous mixture. The mask should be warm at the time of application.
  4. Wash your face after a quarter of an hour - 15 minutes is enough for most masks to have the desired effect. Wash with herbal decoction or running water.

At the end, be sure to apply a gel or cream according to your skin type. recipes for creams that can be prepared at home can be found in this material. It is enough to do the masks themselves 2-3 times a week, every day is unnecessary.

Immediately after peeling, you should not make fruit or vegetable masks, as allergies are possible.

Soda for cleansing the skin (suitable for teenagers)

Take a teaspoon of baking soda and dissolve it in a glass of boiled water. In fact, the mask is ready - gauze is soaked in the composition and applied to the skin of the face, you can use the product as a tonic. There will be no side effects, the main thing is not to change the proportions. Despite its simple composition, this mask works perfectly. The recipe is suitable for daily use, after which you can wash your face or immediately apply a cream depending on your skin type. If the epidermis is very sensitive, carefully monitor the individual reaction and carefully select a mask.

This mask is included in the rating of the best masks for sensitive skin.

Carrot for acne

Can also be used in adolescents. The skin during puberty is problematic: acne is observed, it can become very prone to acne (blackheads), inflammation (rosacea, active stage of acne).

How to make: mix carrot juice with cottage cheese in a 1:1 ratio, apply to clean facial skin, leave for 15 minutes. For dry skin, it is additionally recommended to add olive oil - a dessert spoon will be enough. Before applying the mask, mix all ingredients thoroughly until you obtain a homogeneous paste. Since the cottage cheese may fall, do not walk around the apartment, but lie down and rest. There are no contraindications to the use of natural beauty products. They also use a honey face mask for acne and blackheads, the recipe for which you will find here.

From oatmeal against acne and redness

Grind the oatmeal until you obtain fine flour, add a little liquid honey and warm milk. The mass should be fairly homogeneous, viscous, and not too liquid. Take only fresh ingredients, apply the mask to your face immediately after preparing it, it is best to do this along massage lines. Keep for 15-20 minutes, rinse with water or chamomile and linden decoction. The recipe is ideal for dry sensitive skin, aimed at delicate exfoliation and cleansing.

Black with activated carbon

Activated carbon, like soda, is dissolved in water and then used to wipe the face or fabric-based masks. A couple of tablets are enough for half a glass of water. This mask can exfoliate dead cells and draw out sebaceous plugs from closed pores. The component effectively removes contaminants, does not dry out, and does not cause adverse reactions. You can add charcoal to other masks, but do not mix it with cottage cheese or sour cream. Charcoal cleansing is a trend among many cosmetic brands; you can do it yourself at home. Read about the features of the action of masks with activated carbon at the link.

Care after ultrasonic facial cleansing

Another painless and atraumatic technique. Sebum and impurities are removed from the pores using high frequency ultrasonic waves. The skin receives an additional massage and an incentive for self-rejuvenation - small wrinkles are smoothed out, and collagen and elastin are synthesized more actively. The only negative is that due to the shallow impact, the procedure is ineffective for skin with serious problems.

Skin care after ultrasonic facial cleansing boils down to using cleansers with a neutral pH, additional cleansing with alcohol-free gels and lotions, and moisturizing with face masks.


If peeling results in extensive painful irritation of the dermis, it is recommended to resort to fruit remedies. The use of melon, pumpkin, cucumbers, and strawberries will allow you to saturate the tissues with useful nutrients in a short time, effectively moisturize, and eliminate redness and stains.


  1. Grind homemade cottage cheese (25 g) into a homogeneous mass.
  2. Add pureed fruits or vegetables (20 g) to the curd mass.
  3. If the mass is poorly distributed over the skin, it is recommended to dilute the composition with fruit juice.

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The home remedy will take about 20 minutes to take effect. Remove with a damp cotton wool pad. Rinse the surface of your face with cool liquid (water, herbal decoction, infusion).

Care after laser facial cleansing

A laser beam of a given frequency penetrates deep into the dermis, completely removing the upper problematic layer along with comedones, acne and age spots. The procedure has a rejuvenating effect. Recovery takes 3-5 days. During this time, you should limit your exposure to the sun, avoid temperature changes and intensively moisturize your skin.

Care after combined facial cleansing involves following the principles prescribed for each procedure. Until complete recovery, you should avoid decorative cosmetics, do not use products with alcohol, and protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation and physical influences.

Honey exfoliating

Take a couple of tablespoons of liquid honey or melt candied honey and combine with a tablespoon of oatmeal. Apply with massaging movements, let sit for 15 minutes, rinse. This is an excellent homemade light peeling that does not injure skin cells and can exfoliate the stratum corneum of the epidermis. After honey and oatmeal there will be no irritation, microdamage, or redness. The main thing is to first make sure that there is no allergy to bee products, and it is not so rare.


Another excellent recipe recommended for owners of dermis that are too sensitive to external influences is a yeast-based mask. The procedures will help cope with red spots, inflammation, and uneven shade.


  1. Mash pressed yeast (20 g) with a fork.
  2. Combine the yeast mass and warmed yogurt (15 ml).
  3. Stir, pour in strawberry juice (10-15 ml).

The mixture is quite liquid, so it is recommended to use a wide brush for application. Spread in an even layer, rinse after 18-20 minutes.


The product is recommended for women whose skin reacts negatively to excess sun. It is advisable to carry out manipulations after each visit to the beach - the tan will be even, without spots. At the same time as evening out the tone of the dermis and eliminating irritation, the mask will tighten sagging areas and restore elasticity.


  1. Beat one egg white with a mixer into a fluffy snow-white foam.
  2. Add rice flour (20 g) in small portions.
  3. Mash the banana, first removing the peel.
  4. Combine both masses and stir vigorously.

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Cleanse your face (it’s better to use gentle homemade peelings) and rinse with cool liquid. To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, it is recommended to perform steaming - soak a compress with hot liquid and place it on the skin for a quarter of an hour.

Apply the prepared product and gently massage the surface of the skin. Leave for 35-45 minutes, remove.

Where do wrinkles come from?

There are two main types of wrinkles: facial (dynamic) and static. The first, as the name implies, are formed due to the fact that our face is in constant motion, even if we ourselves are not aware of it. We all frown, laugh, smile, wrinkle our noses, and cry from time to time. In the process, grooves naturally appear on the corresponding areas of our face, caused by muscle contraction, which disappear simultaneously with the “disappearance” of a certain emotion.

Over time, due to certain factors, such as age, dry skin, loss of elasticity, the structure changes, and then we have to talk about the appearance of static wrinkles that do not disappear anywhere and are visible even at rest. The problem is faced not only by older people, but also by fairly young people - after 35 years of age, or even earlier.

Deep wrinkles in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, cheeks, and chin may be a consequence of gravitational ptosis, that is, sagging of the oval of the face. The quality of the skin, and therefore the severity of wrinkles, can be affected by genetics, poor environment, bad habits, stress, insufficient care, constant exposure to sunlight and other unfavorable external factors.

Olga Guryanova explains that if a particular woman’s facial activity is very high, it is better to immediately seek advice from a cosmetologist and resolve the issue with botulinum toxin injections. At the same time, there is no need to be afraid of unwanted reactions - the specialist will conduct a thorough examination and tell you in detail about the indications and contraindications for the procedure. This cosmetic technique helps to relax the muscles without depriving them of activity. Thus, the doctor is able to simultaneously combat pronounced expression wrinkles and avoid the undesirable effect of the mask.

If we talk about static wrinkles, then methods of dealing with them also require mandatory discussion with a specialist. Olga Sergeevna explains that the presence of rough creases requires the mandatory work of a dermatocosmetologist.


Universal recipe with potatoes

Potatoes are a storehouse of vitamins for your skin. Moreover, masks with potatoes are universal and suitable for all skin types. This product contains a huge amount of B vitamins, including niacinamide, so it soothes, restores, regenerates and refreshes the skin.

How to cook:

  • boil the potatoes;
  • mash with a fork into puree;
  • add a tablespoon of cream;
  • apply to your face.

After 20 minutes, rinse off and enjoy soft and delicate skin. This mask has one cool side effect - it eliminates dullness and flaking of the skin. Use it not only as a calming option, but also to combat signs of fatigue. By the way, you can apply this puree to the skin around the eyes.

Mask based on honey and oatmeal

Grind oatmeal in a blender to give the mask a uniform consistency. Pour the crushed flakes with hot water for a few minutes to swell. Add a certain amount of flakes to two tablespoons of fresh honey to make a thick paste. Crystallized honey can be preheated in a water bath, but do not melt it, otherwise it will lose its beneficial properties.

The base of the mask is ready. This mask not only soothes the skin, but also nourishes it with microelements contained in oatmeal. You can include a little natural sour cream or olive oil in the mask to make it easier to apply.


The most effective soothing products for the skin are masks based on plant materials. A combination of herbs can easily eliminate a number of unpleasant defects - spots, rashes, inflammations.


  1. Chop plantain and nettle leaves (20 grams each).
  2. Squeeze the juice from two lemon slices into the herbal mixture.
  3. Stir, pour in oil (jojoba, almond), a few drops of aromatic liquid are enough.

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Apply the product for half an hour, rinse with warm water. Do not use herbal decoctions - a herbal mask will provide the epidermal tissue with the necessary elements.

For brightening and anti-redness

If there are spots, redness, inflammation on your face, here is a recipe that will remove it all. Grate one cucumber, mix the gruel with a spoon of honey, apply it all to the skin. After 20 minutes, the mirror will delight you with an even complexion and a rested look.

Photo by SHVETS production: Pexels

By the way, cucumber is generally an excellent way to refresh your face. If a grater is not available, you can simply peel the cucumber and cut into layers. Place these pieces on your skin, take a horizontal position and rest for 20 minutes while the cucumber does its job.

Alginate mask

This way to soothe the skin is not exactly DIY, but it gives an excellent caring effect. All you need is to go to the nearest cosmetics store and buy one alginate mask. Dilute it with cold water (cold is important!) and quickly apply it to your face.

Before doing this, take a horizontal position, since the alginate mask is heavy and tends to run away from your face. Relax with the mask for 20 minutes, enjoying the invigorating coolness that alginate gives. As a result, you will get a rested face, even skin tone, reduced irritation and redness.

With yeast

Despite the fact that yeast itself is not the most delicate product, it can perfectly soothe oily and problematic skin. The secret is that yeast masks restore your skin's microbiome and stimulate regeneration.

How to cook:

  • Pour a spoonful of live yeast with warm water;
  • after 5 minutes, add a spoonful of sour yogurt;
  • apply the mask to your face.

Bonus effects - elimination of inflammation, clean pores and a fresh look. However, before use, make sure that you do not have hypersensitivity to this product. To do this, apply a little yeast to the skin near the bend of your elbow and leave for at least an hour. If there are no signs of irritation, use to prepare a mask.


  1. After aggressive cleansing procedures (peeling, scrubbing, cleansing), the dermis needs additional care.
  2. Soothing masks at home relieve inflammation, reduce irritation, relieve itching and burning, moisturize and nourish the skin.
  3. Homemade cosmetic masks should include gentle products that do not contain acids or chemicals.
  4. To prepare a soothing mask, fruits, vegetables, oils and antiseptics are suitable.
  5. The duration of the cosmetic procedure should be 15-25 minutes, no more than 1-2 times a week.
  6. The course is at least 1 month, then a break is required.

With chamomile

Chamomile is one of the most effective remedies for irritation. These flowers can be used in different ways, but most often a decoction is prepared from them. To do this, pour a glass of water over a spoonful of the dried plant and cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Then cool and strain.

Photo by MART PRODUCTION: Pexels

How to use the decoction depends on your imagination. The simplest thing is to spray your face with it, walk around like this for 15-30 minutes, and then wash your face. True, this is not a full-fledged mask, but rather a soothing tonic. To enhance the effect, use chamomile decoction to dilute a blue or pink clay mask. Add a spoonful of honey to the clay and you will get a soothing mask.

How to cook properly

There are some rules for preparing homemade soothing masks that you need to adhere to and strictly follow:

  1. If you suffer from allergies, it is best to discuss the recipe with a professional cosmetologist.
  2. If acne, rashes or comedones appear after cleansing, you need to add natural antiseptics to the mask, for example, citrus essential oils.
  3. The mixture for sensitive skin should contain dairy products and vegetable oils (olive, lavender, etc.).

Read the link to learn how to make a spirulina mask.

Indications for use

The most important indication for using a soothing mask is redness and irritation of the epidermis. In addition, the cosmetic product is recommended to be used if:

  • rashes and pimples appeared after cosmetic procedures to cleanse the epidermis;
  • the skin becomes oily and dirty too quickly;
  • there are enlarged pores and blackheads, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is disrupted;
  • inflammation appeared in some areas of the dermis.

If inflammation does not go away after using soothing cosmetics, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist to identify the cause of its occurrence. Only a doctor can prescribe complete treatment and solve the problem.


In folk cosmetology, fruit products are popular, which, while eliminating defects, saturate the skin with useful substances, moisturize, and eliminate dryness.


  1. Peel a small apple or pear.
  2. Make a puree from the fruit.
  3. If the mass is quite liquid, wait a few minutes and drain off the excess liquid.
  4. Add one ampoule of vitamin B5 (another name for the drug is pantothenic acid, purchased at the pharmacy).
  5. Stir the mixture, do not insist.

Apply and leave for 18-22 minutes. Remove with a cotton sponge soaked in cool water and rinse the dermis.

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