Reviews from cosmetologists about Libriderm cream with collagen for face, neck and décolleté

  • 2176
  • 09-10-2020
  • Author: Mysekret Team
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All girls and women want to find a way to stay young as long as possible, maintain the elasticity and firmness of the skin. But it is very difficult to find a product whose use will have the desired effect on your skin. In addition, a cosmetic product must be completely natural, nourishing, effective in the fight against wrinkles, smoothing out every wrinkle!

All these qualities are inherent in LIBREDERM “Collagen” face cream with a rejuvenating effect. It is also suitable for the neck and décolleté area. The active complex of the product composition is capable of providing tightening and restorative effects, is excellent against wrinkles and can greatly slow down their appearance.

Collagen rejuvenating cream for face, neck and décolleté

Collagen rejuvenating cream for the face, neck and décolleté was created specifically to improve the condition of the skin. After the first use, it will become softer, more moisturized, a reduction in wrinkles and an increase in skin elasticity will be observed.

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It is formulated with a special paraben-free that is also suitable for men. Librederm has developed a composition that has an effective lifting effect . It is able to prevent aging and the appearance of even small wrinkles.

In addition to the facial product, there is librederm (libriderm), a rejuvenating hyaluronic filler 3D eyelid cream, which is very good at smoothing the epidermis. It is usually sold in 15 ml bottles, which is enough for several months.

Description of Collagen librider: composition, method of application and effect

The main component of the cream is collagen , which is a structural protein found in our skin. With age, its fibers become stiff and unable to retain moisture . Therefore, the skin begins to lose its well-groomed appearance, healthy color, become dry and fade. It also contains matrikins Pal-GHK and Pal-GQPR , elastin , vitamin E and so on.

Method of use: apply it to the face, previously cleansed (you can use tonic, lotion or foam for washing), neck and décolleté with massage circular movements. Apply morning and evening (several hours before bedtime so that the product is completely absorbed).

Everyone knows about the effect it has on the skin. Thanks to its healing properties, the elastin product eliminates visible signs of aging, visibly removes wrinkles and restores its former elasticity. The manufacturer Libriderm took good care of its customers!

Anti-aging face cream at home

Instead of buying anti-wrinkle cream , it is easier to make it yourself. It will contain only natural ingredients that you carefully select for it. You can prepare it with your own hands at home not only for the hands and face, but also for the neck and décolleté. It will be no worse than the store-bought analogue Labriderm “Collagen”, but will also have an anti-aging effect . Even though homemade cosmetics will be cheaper, they will provide incredible care for your face. To preserve youth, the following components are suitable: aloe, avocado, essential oils, cottage cheese, sour cream, honey, milk, recipes with iodine, and so on.

How to make your own anti-aging face cream

To prepare it you will need: olive and almond oils, 5 drops of each. of avocado pulp to them . Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply to face for 10 minutes. After the time has passed, remove the residue with a cotton pad.

This homemade cream is very similar to the purchased product “Zdorov” , but it has very weak properties. It can be completely replaced with a cucumber mask. The effect is the same. Also, for these purposes, you should not buy a rejuvenating facial product with collagen and elastin youth asset from Avon . The company's products are good, but it doesn't happen every time. It is good only for making the skin smooth and velvety, but there can be no talk of any smoothing. Despite the collagen in its composition, it cannot cope with this function.

Anti-aging face cream with hyaluronic acid at home

To prepare a product for the face and décolleté at home, watch the following video, which explains very well how to prepare such a mixture:

Super anti-aging face cream at home

Libriderm has released a cream for the skin around the eyes with hyaluronic acid . We will tell you how to prepare a similar remedy yourself. Hyaluronic filler has a similar effect to “Collagen”, has elastin, and is a phyto-moisturizer.


The anti-aging cream contains a full range of effective components that provide anti-aging effects:

  1. Elastin. This is a substance responsible for cell renewal and regeneration. It always accompanies collagen, functioning with it simultaneously. Elastin helps increase elasticity and is responsible for normalizing the formation of sebum.
  2. Collagen. This is the main component of the cream. It has rejuvenating and smoothing properties. If there is not enough natural collagen in the skin, this will lead to a decrease in vitality and tissue turgor. This component perfectly replenishes collagen deficiency and activates its natural formation. In addition, collagen has a moisturizing effect, normalizes water balance and saturates cells with moisture. It forms a protective airtight layer on the surface of the skin, reducing the evaporation of fluid from cells.
  3. Tocopherol. This component is characterized by antioxidant effects. It minimizes the activity of free radicals, keeping the skin youthful and fresh. This vitamin is responsible for activating microcirculation of components in the skin, saturating cells with oxygen and nutrients.
  4. Matrikins. This is a complex of patented peptides. Their structure is very similar to collagen molecules. They help activate skin regeneration and the synthesis of elasticity components, directly affecting the affected areas. Matrikines have an active smoothing and regenerating effect, eliminating wrinkles and toning the skin.
  5. Rice oil. This component has a rejuvenating effect. The oil affects the first signs of skin aging, preventing it from further aging. In addition, rice oil perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin, preventing it from dehydration.
  6. Camelina oil. It is a nutritional component that contains large amounts of fatty acids. It has antiseptic and antibacterial effects, and also helps improve cell metabolism.

The best anti-aging face cream: rating

Undoubtedly, Libriderm Collagen ranks first in our rating of anti-aging creams . But there are many equally good analogues. Some were even a little more attractive to many women. If you order one from the official website, it will cost a lot, about 1000 rubles . There may also be a delivery charge. Therefore, we present to you a list of analogues that can easily be found even in a regular pharmacy.

Creams for women after 30 years

Libriderm Collagen has excellent analogues that give the same effect, but contain other components . They are in no way inferior in quality to this excellent product. One of these products with a lifting effect is “The Secret of Nefertiti” based on whale seminal plasma . It gives a visible moisturizing effect after just a few uses. Wrinkles will be smoothed out after the first use, and we are talking not only about facial wrinkles, but also about those deep ones, which you have already stopped hoping to get rid of. It is well suited for both the face, neck and décolleté.

A good analogue that restores the skin in 7 layers is cream - con serum . It provides excellent protection to the epidermis and deeply nourishes skin cells.

If you need not just a rejuvenating product, but also a tonal effect, then a good choice would be a tonal cream - a serum with a rejuvenating effect “The Secret of Youth” . Faberlic did an excellent job developing this cosmetic product. It not only evens out skin tone, disguises minor unevenness and pimples, but also helps in the fight against wrinkles.

If libriderm collagen is too expensive for you, don’t worry - it can be perfectly replaced by an anti-aging lifting cream - natura siberica neck and décolleté cream . According to reviews from Internet users, this tool copes with its functions very well.

Planet Organika rejuvenating face cream is excellent for use against wrinkles not only on the face, but also on the neck. It will smooth out even deep ones perfectly. But for better results, regular use is required. It is better to use this product in the summer, it saturates well with moisture.

Anti-aging face creams after 40 years

After 40 years, your skin needs special care. Some ladies prefer more expensive cosmetics than Libriderm collagen. For example, anti-aging corrector cream from Teoxan with sun protection function SPF 30+ . Its innovative formula provides special care, hydration, structure and is ideal for this age group. But the price is appropriate - 5,000 rubles. Dermatologists have developed a composition with hyaluronic acid, which is an excellent activator for the skin and creates a special shell on it that retains moisture.

rejuvenating goji face cream was also popular at one time. But its properties became worse with each new batch. Previously, people bought it because the effect was on the face, but now its properties leave much to be desired.

Vegetable oils and extracts of Astin face and neck cream support metabolic processes in the epidermis, saturate with moisture, and have antimicrobial and bactericidal effects. Yes, the compositions of it and Collagen are different, but the effect they provide is almost equal.

Revital anti-aging mousse is designed to transition from one rejuvenation step to another. It will receive quite flattering reviews, despite the price of almost 1,000 rubles.

Teana “Azure Dream” for the eye area with blue retinol removes toxins from the skin and has a very fast and visible lifting effect.

Reviews about the product

Reviews of the Collagen Libriderm face cream indicate that it is an excellent rejuvenating and tonic product. It perfectly smoothes the skin and prevents its withering. This cosmetic product contains collagen and a complex of special peptides. They are the ones responsible for careful facial care.

If you decide to use products from the “Collagen” series from “Libriderm”, you can also use other products from this brand. This will help achieve an amazing effect.

Libriderm anti-aging cream “Collagen”: reviews

Vlada, St. Petersburg, Russia:

“I found no flaws in this product at all! It makes the skin denser, has a light texture, and can be used as a night or day cream. This is the best product to combat sagging! Not only did it last for a long time, but there are additional products from the same collection to keep your entire face fresh!”

Kristina, Moscow, Russia:

“I am allergic by nature. It is very difficult to find the right cosmetics, not to mention skincare. This product did not cause any allergic reactions; if you apply it to your face at night, you can confidently go to bed without thinking or fear of waking up in the morning with puffy eyes. I use it as a cream and for eyelids. Libriderm Collagen knows how to make you look younger! Suitable for ages 35 and up.”

Anastasia, Grodno, Belarus:

“First of all, I would like to note that the main component – ​​collagen – helps not only to preserve beauty, but also to create it anew. I use this age-related product for the neck, face and décolleté area. I read reviews on the Internet and bought at my own risk! And I have never regretted it! Not a means, but a dream!”

When preparing the material, consultation was carried out by:

Olga Kirilova (cosmetologist). A specialist with higher medical education and extensive work experience. Helped hundreds of patients cope with various skin problems. Conducts non-hardware and hardware procedures. Proficient in laser and phototherapy techniques.

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Types of creams

Today we offer not only Collagen Libriderm face cream for people over 40 years old, but also a lifting serum, night cream for the décolleté, neck, and eye contours.

Day and night creams have been developed to improve the appearance of the face. Some nuances of cosmetics:

  1. The composition contains a unique molecule of plant origin, which has a rejuvenating effect and provides a radiant effect to the skin. According to reviews of the Collagen day face cream from Libriderm, in just two weeks, fine wrinkles are erased, dryness is eliminated, and the skin looks fresh and youthful.
  2. The cream is quickly absorbed and has a luxurious texture and delicate aroma. It can act as an ideal base for makeup.
  3. The product contains sun protection factor SPF15.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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