Rules for treating acne on the face with Acyclovir

Pimple is evil! This is what both the average teenager and adult think. In addition, inflammatory processes on the face are unsightly, unaesthetic and indicate a metabolic disorder in the body. Various methods are used in the fight for clear skin, including Acyclovir ointment. Anyone who has treated colds with this remedy believes in the effectiveness of this drug for acne vulgaris.

Does Acyclovir help with acne? How to use this medicine?

Description and composition of the drug

You have all heard about the drug under the trade name Zovirax, it is worth mentioning right away that there is absolutely no difference between Zovirax and Acyclovir. The minimal difference is that Zovirax is a proprietary trade name and Acyclovir is an international nonproprietary name. And, of course, there is a difference in price, which can reach several hundred rubles. Therefore, Zovirax for acne, at a price of 174 rubles, will not be inferior in its effectiveness to an ointment for 25 rubles.

Zovirax cream and tablets

This product is available in the form of tablets, 5% cream or ointment for external use, as well as an eye ointment with a concentration of 3%. All types of products contain one active ingredient - acyclovir. Various form-building and complementary components are used as auxiliary means.

For example, tablets contain:

  • Milk sugar;
  • Potato starch;
  • Aerosil;
  • Medium molecular weight polyvinylpyrrolidone;
  • Calcium stearate.

Acyclovir tablets are much cheaper than Zovirax

Acyclovir ointment, in addition to the active ingredient, contains other excipients:

  • Lipid component of poultry fat (LIPOCOMP-S);
  • Emulsifier;
  • Propylene glycol;
  • Macrogol 400;
  • Methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • Propyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • Purified water.

The price of the ointment, as a rule, ranges from 20 to 40 rubles

The cream contains fewer fatty components. The concentration of acyclovir in this form is 5%. The ointment contains the same amount of active substance.

How does Acyclovir work?

The main component of the drug is an analogue of thymidine nucleoside, a natural component of DNA, of a synthetic nature. When acyclovir enters the body, it is converted to the state of acyclovir monophosphate. The substance continues to undergo transformation. Acyclovir monophosphate is converted to diphosphate and then to triphosphate. This metabolite exhibits the highest activity against viral particles.

The advantage of the drug is its selective action. Acyclovir has no effect on healthy (uninfected) cells. This is due to the lack of enzymes in the body that could help convert this component into acyclovir triphosphate. The active substance penetrates only into cells infected with the virus.

The mechanism of action of the drug is based on the ability to inhibit the activity of the virus, which is achieved by inhibiting the DNA synthesis of pathogenic particles. When acyclovir triphosphate is incorporated into a virus-infected cell, it interferes with chain synthesis. This prevents the infection from spreading.

Indications for use

Acyclovir is intended to eliminate rashes caused by a viral infection. The drug exhibits the greatest activity against herpes. It is used for infection by different strains (types 1 and 2), herpes zoster, chicken pox, and also when signs of immunodeficiency and super-infection appear. The instructions do not contain recommendations on the use of the drug in cases where acne develops. However, it is still often used for this pathological condition.

This is due to the ability of the drug to in some way influence the immune system. As a result of stimulation with the drug, the body’s ability to independently suppress the infection that provoked the occurrence of subcutaneous pimples and acne is restored. An increase in local immunity is the main reason explaining the inhibitory effect on pathological processes.

If the rash on the skin of the face is of unclear origin, doctors prescribe medications that contain acyclovir. It is worth noting that if peeling appears on the skin, then there is a possibility that it is caused by a viral or fungal infection. In this case, the use of this drug in the form of an ointment or cream will have a beneficial effect on the affected area.


There are few restrictions when using Acyclovir:

  • Lactation period;
  • Individual negative reaction to any component in the product;
  • Age up to 3 years.

Relative contraindications include pregnancy. This means that it is permissible to use the product in this condition of a woman, but it should be used only according to strict indications, if the possible benefit outweighs the possible harm. If negative reactions occur, treatment should be stopped.

Other relative contraindications:

  • Dehydration;
  • Neurological disorders;
  • Severe kidney damage.

These restrictions apply to the drug in tablet form.

Contraindications for the product in the form of ointment, cream:

  • Lactation period;
  • Hypersensitivity;
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the product.

Such drugs can be prescribed for treatment to children and pregnant women. When applying a cream or ointment to damaged outer skin, the intensity of absorption of the active substance increases. For this reason, many dermatologists recommend using acyclovir ointment to treat chickenpox rashes not only in children, but also in adults.

Complications of ophthalmoherpes

If treatment for herpetic eye lesions is started in time, the effectiveness of therapy is usually high, since the infection is located on the surface of the cornea. If the deep structures of the eye undergo changes, then clouding of the cornea and vitreous substance occurs, which leads to a decrease in visual acuity. Sometimes even corneal blindness occurs.

If the infection is chronic, symptoms of cataracts and glaucoma may appear. With necrotic changes in the retina, hemorrhages and detachment (complete or partial) occur.

Side effects

When using this drug in tablet form, you need to take into account that this drug can provoke the development of various negative reactions from the body:

  • From the digestive system : pain in the abdominal area, stool disturbances, vomiting due to nausea, changes in liver indicators (hyperbilirubinemia develops, increased enzyme activity);
  • From the side of the central nervous system : headache, general weakness in the body, hallucinations, tremors occur less frequently, fatigue increases, dizziness appears;
  • From the hematopoietic system : impaired production of blood cells (leukopenia, erythropenia);
  • Other symptoms : allergic reaction, alopecia, changes in creatinine, urea levels, fever.

The ointment cannot cause any other side effects other than skin reactions.

Effect of use

It is permissible to smear pimples with Acyclovir or Zovirax, since the drug has a versatile effect on the body and the outer integument:

  • Thanks to the influence of the main active substance, intracellular processes are restored, the activity of the infection that provoked the development of inflammation in the areas where acne has formed is inhibited, redness is eliminated, the outer skin becomes smoother;
  • The drug also provides a positive effect in cases where an error was made in making the diagnosis. Externally, the manifestations of acne vulgaris resemble the symptoms of herpes. Accordingly, if additional studies were not carried out, the doctor could assume the development of acne, and formations on the skin are a consequence of the development of herpes; in this case, Acyclovir will quickly eliminate the signs of the pathological condition;
  • When applying an ointment or cream, the inflamed areas of the skin dry out, the symptoms of inflammation are relieved, and the intensity of pain decreases - this is a consequence of the influence of the auxiliary components contained in the preparation;
  • The topical preparation cleanses the skin, thereby preventing the formation of new acne.

Zovirax cream, as a rule, costs more than 150 rubles, but in terms of effectiveness it is absolutely no different from its cheaper analogue

This remedy can also be used as part of complex therapy. For example, if a rash appears, the pimples are quite painful, an inflammatory process develops, additional products can be used that dry out the acne and relieve the symptoms of inflammation.

Relying on Acyclovir alone for this condition is not recommended.

This drug will not provide the required result even with intensive treatment over a long period. On the contrary, drugs of this pharmacological group are means of auxiliary therapy, and the use of an inappropriate drug can cause deterioration of the skin condition.

When treating with Acyclovir, it must be taken into account that it is an antiviral agent. The development of rashes and purulent pimples is often promoted by a bacterial infection. This means that in such a pathological condition, Acyclovir will not provide the required effect . It can only be used as an aid. At the same time, drugs with antibiotics are prescribed locally, or by combining external use and drug therapy with oral forms, if the condition of the external integument worsens.

Why does the drug help with acne vulgaris?

Why, despite the lack of indications, do women use antiherpetic drugs for acne vulgaris? The positive effect of using Acyclovir is as follows:

  1. The drug locally stimulates the production of interferon. This small amount may be enough to suppress pathogenic microflora and the inflammatory process subsides.
  2. It is a mistake in self-diagnosis, since herpetic eruptions are similar in appearance to acne vulgaris.
  3. The placebo effect is triggered.
  4. Additional components of the ointment have a cleansing effect on the skin. The pimple dries out and the inflammatory process subsides.

Methods of use for acne

Acyclovir eliminates redness, itching, and pain when herpetic rashes occur. At the same time, the rash also goes away. A similar effect is achieved when treating acne skin.

Various methods of influencing the lesion are possible:

Cream or ointment will get rid of internal pimples and acne. The product is applied to the affected areas every 4 hours. In total, acne treatment is carried out up to 4 times a day. Before use, the outer skin is cleaned with skin care products. Then the drug is applied. The course of therapy varies from 5 to 10 days, depending on the cause of the rash, its intensity, and the general condition of the body.

The tablets are recommended for use as an antiherpetic agent. And they are used if the cause of the rash is the herpes virus. Single dose - 200 mg. The drug is taken 4-5 times a day.

The exact treatment regimen is determined by the doctor, taking into account the condition of the external integument and the body.

Ways of infection with ophthalmoherpes

The human eye is protected from microorganisms, since the tear fluid contains immune complexes, interferons, and T-killers.

If there are disturbances in the body, the eye becomes susceptible to infection, including herpes. These changes include decreased immunity, chronic stress, eye injury, overheating or hypothermia. In addition, when taking certain medications (prostaglandites, cytostatics, immunosuppressants), the risk of developing ophthalmic herpes increases. Pregnant women are also prone to infection.

The initial exposure of the virus occurs through contact with a sick person. The virus then multiplies and spreads in the body. The favorite location of the herpes virus is nervous tissue. There, the virus lies dormant throughout the patient’s life, and becomes active under unfavorable conditions.

With exogenous infection with ophthalmoherpes, the virus penetrates from the outside. Usually, newborns (through contact with herpetic eruptions on the mother’s genitals) and preschoolers (due to the characteristics of their stay in kindergartens) become infected in this way.

Additional Information

It is worth noting that pharmaceutical companies are constantly developing new, more effective medications. Not long ago, a new generation of drugs entered the market, which are a much more effective form of Acyclovir.

  • Famvir is an antiviral drug whose active ingredient is famciclovir. After entering the body, it quickly turns into penciclovir, which has higher activity against human herpes viruses.

Famvir is a more powerful, but also expensive analogue of Acyclovir

  • Valtrex - valacyclovir, which is the main active ingredient of the drug, has a powerful antiviral effect and is an L-valine ester of acyclovir.

Valtrex is a more powerful, but also expensive analogue of Acyclovir

Famvir, like Valtrex in the fight against acne, has a similar effect to the drug Acyclovir. Both drugs will be most effective if your skin rash is caused by the herpes virus. However, there will be no effect if acne on your skin appears due to hormonal imbalance, seborrhea, pathogenic bacteria entering the skin or demodicosis.

Do not self-medicate under any circumstances and before using Acyclovir, Famvir or Valtrex for acne, be sure to consult a dermatologist!

Does the medicine help?

The appearance of acne vulgaris is the result of blockage of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands on the face and body. Fatty secretions accumulate in the gland and when pathogenic microflora penetrate, an inflammatory process develops. A pimple appears.

Facial acne products contain anti-inflammatory ingredients. In addition, the components of ointments regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands, which helps reduce sebum production.

Acyclovir is an antiviral and antiherpetic agent. The active ingredients of the drug do not have an anti-inflammatory effect on the affected sebaceous gland and do not reduce the secretion of sebum.

Acyclovir only helps against acne of herpetic origin. Acne vulgaris and milia are not treated with this remedy.

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