Makeup as one of the ways to hide nasolabial folds on the face

Nasolabial folds are a problem that every woman faces sooner or later. If you remove this drawback, then you can visually “look younger” by 5&minus.10 years.

Many people resort to plastic surgery or cosmetic procedures using “beauty injections.”

But, if you are not yet ready for radical measures, then the “right” makeup will help. It is based on the special application of light and dark shades to problem areas. The former seem to lift the sunken area, and the latter “flatten” the excess volume, which helps remove the relief.

Reasons for appearance

Despite the fact that deep “nasolabial lines” are considered a sign of age, the reasons for their appearance may not only be due to mature years. Wrinkles and folds in this area may result from:

  • care errors: lack of care procedures, improper cleansing, lack of deep peeling procedures;
  • facial structure;
  • age-related skin sagging – ptosis;
  • excessive completeness.

This is why it is so important to take care of your face from a young age. If there is a predisposition to early sagging (facial structure, excess weight), then nasolabial folds will appear very early. Therefore, you should strengthen your skin care and start losing excess weight.

Age-related drooping, sagging of the face (ptosis) is caused by the fact that in the upper part of the face the muscles are more prone to thinning and loss of elasticity, since they act less than the rest of the facial muscle corset. With age, muscles become weaker and hold the skin worse, leading to sagging.

If a young face has clearly defined cheekbones, raised eyebrows, lips, and a tucked chin, then after 35-40 years the corners of the lips sadly droop down. Unsightly “jowls” appear, which are almost impossible to correct except with the help of a plastic surgeon.

In addition, subcutaneous fat in the area of ​​the cheekbones, cheeks, and forehead is very thin. On an older face, it almost completely disappears, so the face looks flatter, and the cheeks droop limply. This leads to the formation of a deep skin crease between the nose and lips.

What can be done

Is it possible to somehow prevent the appearance of nasolabial folds? Unfortunately, the arsenal of available tools is very small.

First of all, you need to take care of your skin regularly. Scrubs help prevent the formation of early skin wrinkles and delay visual aging, and after thirty years - regular chemical peels. Removing the upper layer of skin and stimulating the production of collagen and elastin fibers help delay the appearance of pronounced “nasolabial folds” and remove fine wrinkles.

From the age of thirty, you should pay attention to deep skin hydration. One day care cream is clearly not enough. The use of age serums and masks with hyaluronic acid is required.

An excellent means of correcting and preventing ptosis is massage. Deep treatment of problem areas helps to quite successfully combat existing and emerging expression wrinkles. Japanese, honey, and pinch massages have a beneficial effect not only on the skin, but also on the facial muscles, which means they can stimulate those muscles that are responsible for the appearance of deep folds in the nose and lips, strengthen and tighten this area.

After thirty-five, you should seriously think about beauty injections. Mesotherapy, injections with hyaluronic acid, as well as the hardware introduction of moisturizing and nutritional cocktails can, if not eliminate, then delay the appearance of nasolabial folds as far as possible.

There are also more radical methods - the introduction of fillers, for example. It is possible to remove skin creases in this way, but the risk of side effects is quite high; not every woman decides to undergo surgery. Only a surgeon’s knife can guarantee to get rid of nasolabial folds.

Folk recipes

If you don’t trust the “chemistry” in branded cosmetics, find out how to remove nasolabial folds with masks made from natural ingredients.

To make such masks, you will need the simplest and most affordable components that can be purchased at a grocery store or pharmacy.

Egg mask.

  • You will only need one chicken egg (preferably homemade).
  • Separate the white from the yolk and beat them separately with a whisk.
  • Apply the protein to the nasolabial area and place pieces of a paper napkin on top.
  • You need to walk around in such an improvised fabric mask for about half an hour, then remove the napkin, wash and apply the yolk to the skin.
  • After 10 minutes, wash your face again and treat your skin with a tonic.

Garlic mask.

  • You will need one clove of garlic (mash into a pulp), a tablespoon of liquid or melted honey (if you are not allergic), a tablespoon of cosmetic clay and a tablespoon of milk (preferably homemade).
  • Mix the ingredients and apply to your nasolabial lips for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.
  • Which clay to choose depends on your skin type.

Aloe mask.

  • You will need a tablespoon of natural aloe juice, a tablespoon of softened coconut oil and a couple of drops of grapefruit essential oil (if you are allergic to citrus fruits, you can take rose essential oil).
  • Mix the ingredients and apply to the nasolabial lips, massage this area with upward movements, leave the mask for 20 minutes.
  • After the time has passed, massage the remaining mask into the skin and, if necessary, remove excess with a napkin.

Olive oil mask.

  • Mix a tablespoon of soft coconut oil, a teaspoon of olive oil, a tablespoon of honey and the yolk of one chicken egg.
  • Apply the mask to your nasolabial lips and massage, leave for 20 minutes, rub the residue into the skin, remove excess with a napkin.

Mask with turmeric.

  • Mix a teaspoon of turmeric powder and the same amount of cinnamon powder with three tablespoons of liquid honey.
  • Apply the mixture to the problem area and leave for at least 20 minutes - the longer the better. Rinse off with warm water.

Experiment with different components. Of course, to evaluate the result, you need about a month of regular use (1-2 times a week), but you can draw conclusions after the first use.

If you feel burning, itching or other discomfort in the areas where the mask was applied during or after the procedure, look for other recipes or visit a professional cosmetologist.

How makeup can help

Having discovered emerging nasolabial folds, many women try to disguise them with makeup. This must be done very delicately, since there is a high risk of not hiding, but emphasizing the fold.

Cosmetic products you will need:

  • moisturizing cream;
  • foundation;
  • corrector (highlighter);
  • dark and/or light powder;
  • bronzer

The sequence of makeup application is very important. You will have to work very carefully. The stages of applying makeup are as follows.

Expert opinion

Yulia Sinitsyna, makeup artist:

– If you have a lot of wrinkles, you will have to forget about thick foundation and switch to powder or a light transparent makeup base. The latter, by the way, is preferable. Such cosmetics not only smooth out “cracks”, but also, as a rule, contain moisturizing components. And try not to get carried away with cool-toned cosmetics: they make wrinkles more noticeable and brighter. From now on, beige, brownish, and peach shades should prevail in your cosmetic bag.

Makeup step by step

  1. Cleanse skin thoroughly. Apply moisturizer. This stage is very important. Softened skin seems to be saturated with moisture from the inside, wrinkles become less noticeable. In addition, it will be easier to blend the corrector or foundation over moisturized, soft skin.
  2. Apply makeup base to a clean, moistened face. Cover the area of ​​the nasolabial folds with pore grout.
  3. Apply foundation. For an older face, a product with a lifting effect is better suited. With regular use, it rejuvenates the skin and tightens it. To successfully camouflage nasolabial lips, you need to apply a darker foundation to your face. The main thing is to distribute it evenly over the skin.
  4. Apply a creamy corrector or concealer to the area of ​​the nasolabial folds, exactly matching your skin tone or half a shade darker, and blend thoroughly. The product should not contain shimmer. The transition between corrector and foundation should be seamless. Remove excess product.
  5. Use a light matte highlighter and a dark bronzer (without shimmer) to sculpt your face. A light tone is applied to the area above the cheekbone, the bridge of the nose, the upper lip, under the eyebrows, and to the center of the forehead. Visually, we seem to stretch out the face, emphasizing all the advantageous details, distracting from sad wrinkles and folds.
  6. Now you need to work with bronzer. To do this, I darken the outer edges of the forehead, draw the area under the cheekbone, and darken the “jowls” (sagging areas of the cheeks). The dark tone should be applied to the double chin area. This will help visually tighten the oval of the face and remove the double chin.
  7. Colorless powder will help to fix the work. If it contains reflective particles, you can get a stronger visual effect of rejuvenation. You should not apply tinting powder over concealer or bronzer: the sculpting effect will disappear.
  8. To complete your makeup, apply a refreshing lipstick or gloss of pink, caramel, or coral color to your lips.

Massage and exercise

A professional massage in a salon will give results faster, but you can save a lot with regular self-massage sessions.

It is important to perform all movements strictly in accordance with the recommendations of professionals:

  • Before starting the session, cleanse your face and apply a rich cream or oil so that your fingers glide over the skin and do not stretch it unnecessarily.
  • Fold your palms into a mouthpiece and bring them to your mouth so that your index fingers lie along your nasolabial lips and your thumbs are under your lower jaw. Using pressure on your face, slowly move your hands up to your hairline.
  • Place your right palm along the line of your right cheekbone, pressing your index finger to your cheek. Press and move your hand from the center of the face to the ear, while at the same time with your left hand, pull the skin above the cheekbone up to the temple.
  • Using your fingertips, move from the middle of the chin along the nasolabial lips to the wings of the nose, and then press on the points under the nostrils. Repeat three times, then massage your nose – wings and sides – for a few seconds. The movements must be confident - you are not just stroking the skin, but massaging the facial muscles.
  • Run your fingers from the chin to the nasolabial lips so that your middle fingers lie along the folds, and then, with strong pressure, spread your palms to the sides, stretching your cheeks towards your ears.

If you are wondering how to remove nasolabial folds on your face with a massage, you will be pleasantly surprised at how simple and fast it is.

Each movement must be repeated 3-5 times, so the entire session will take you no more than 5 minutes.

You can easily combine the process of applying night cream with self-massage, and the result will not be long in coming - you will form a beautiful and toned oval face.

Special gymnastics will help you get rid of nasolabial lips, which also won’t take much time.

The main emphasis is on working those facial muscles that are practically not involved during conversation and everyday facial expressions.

Remember how to quickly remove nasolabial folds with exercises, get toned facial contours and reduce wrinkles around the mouth:

  • Press your index fingers into the corners of your mouth. Relax your lips and stretch your mouth out to the sides with your fingers. Now try to purse your lips again, continuing to pull them to the sides with your fingers. Maintain tension for 10 seconds. Repeat 15-20 times.
  • Press your nasolabial lips with your index fingers and try to smile, raising your cheeks. Hold the smile for 10 seconds, repeat the exercise 20-30 times.
  • Open your teeth wide, while keeping your lips closed. Now try to smile widely without opening your lips. Alternate positions, repeat 10-20 times.
  • Smile as wide as possible, while keeping your teeth tightly clenched. Hold the smile for about 10 seconds, repeat 15 times.
  • Take a deep breath and puff out your cheeks. Hold the position for about 10 seconds, then puff out your cheeks several times in turn, as if you were rinsing your mouth with water. Relax your facial muscles and repeat the entire exercise 10-15 times.

For such gymnastics to give visible results, do not forget to perform it daily.

Also remember that gymnastics alone is not enough; it is important to use the right skin care products and protect your skin from the sun.

What mistakes should you avoid?

On an older face with pronounced nasolabial folds, “aging” lipstick colors look very bad: dark plum, burgundy, plum brown. They highlight the problem instead of masking it.

Other common makeup mistakes with pronounced nasolabial folds are the following:

  • choosing the wrong shade of foundation. If the tone is too light, then instead of masking, the effect will be of deliberately emphasizing the problem. In this case, using a bronzer will only aggravate it, highlight nasolabial folds and other facial wrinkles, and give the face an awkward appearance;
  • generous application of foundation and corrector to the area of ​​the nasolabial folds. No matter how carefully the makeup is shaded, if there is a lot of product, it will certainly form wrinkles. Instead of removing them, make-up will highlight imperfections on the skin;
  • incorrect application of blush and bronzer will highlight the nasolabial folds, make the face even more “sad,” and emphasize sagging.
  • It is very difficult to disguise the area of ​​the nasolabial folds with makeup. In some cases, you need to abandon such an attempt so as not to aggravate the problem.
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