Cinnamon in cosmetology – face masks with honey for wrinkles

Face masks with honey and cinnamon are a universal remedy for combating inflammatory processes on the skin of the face. They are suitable for any skin type and easy to prepare.

If you find an unpleasant surprise in the mirror in the form of a pimple (or even a whole scattering of them), and there are no special products at hand, do not rush to despair. There is a simple and effective folk way to cleanse your face of acne at home. The ingredients for this mask can be found in almost any kitchen, they are cheap, and preparing and applying it does not require much effort and a lot of time.

Honey for acne: beneficial properties of the product

The active components of honey have a beneficial effect on facial skin. It nourishes the skin, evens out the complexion, removes blemishes and irritations. Honey has a significant anti-inflammatory effect:

  1. Honey has an antibacterial effect. It relieves inflammation and stops the process of suppuration.
  2. Honey not only removes existing pimples, but also prevents the appearance of new ones.
  3. Honey cleanses and restores the epidermis, removing dead particles and other impurities.

Benefits of cinnamon for hair

Cinnamon for hair and scalp in any form has only a positive effect.
The beneficial properties of using this spice include the following:

  • prevents hair loss;
  • accelerates the growth of curls;
  • adds volume and shine to hair;
  • prevents dandruff;
  • fights split ends.

Cinnamon protects human hair from irritating factors: low temperatures, sun, stress, ultraviolet rays, chemicals. A pleasant smell gives a unique aroma to your curls and a pleasant infusion after the procedure.

The main purpose of such masks can be called restoration, so they are more indicated for thin and prone to breakage hair. But for thick hair, masks are recommended to be applied to strengthen and prevent hair loss.

In order for such procedures to be effective, they need to be carried out for 1.5 months, no more than twice a week.

Cinnamon for acne and honey: the effect of the combination

If individually these ingredients have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, then their combination gives an even greater effect.

  1. The combination of honey and cinnamon has regenerating properties: they help get rid of blemishes, scars, scars.
  2. Both honey and cinnamon have an antimicrobial effect, which makes acne ripen faster under their influence.
  3. Small particles of cinnamon serve as a gentle facial scrub. Combined with the anti-inflammatory effect of honey, this provides an excellent facial cleanser.
  4. Cinnamon improves facial tone and improves blood circulation.

Benefits of cinnamon

Cinnamon is added to face masks to quickly cleanse pores, relieve inflammation and activate biochemical processes. The benefits of this spice for the skin are due to the presence in its composition of such important microelements as:

  • Beta-carotene, necessary for the process of melanin formation.
  • Retinol (vitamin A) helps in the fight against expression lines and acne.
  • Thiamine (B1) allows you to slow down the process of withering, smoothes out the first age-related changes.
  • Riboflavin (B2) maintains healthy complexion.
  • Choline (B4) normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Pyridoxine (B6), recommended for advanced epidermal problems.
  • Vitamin K improves blood circulation and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • Vitamin E promotes regeneration.
  • Vitamin PP tones, increases resistance to external irritants (weather conditions, ultraviolet radiation).
  • Folic and ascorbic acids are needed to give velvety and natural shade.

Unrivaled nutrition

Find out the benefits of a face mask made from egg whites here. Read the article about whether face masks with starch will help against wrinkles.

Cinnamon and honey mask: general preparation recommendations

To ensure that the beneficial properties of these products are not lost during the preparation and application of the mask, the following rules must be followed:

  1. It is better to use liquid honey (ideally linden honey).
  2. Before applying the honey and cinnamon mask, thoroughly cleanse your face with a scrub. This way, the active elements of honey and cinnamon will have a more effective effect on the skin of the face.
  3. Before using a honey and cinnamon face mask, do an allergy test: apply a small amount of the mixture to the skin behind the ear and monitor the reaction to the mask. If there is a burning sensation, discomfort or redness, a mask of honey and cinnamon for acne is contraindicated for you.
  4. Very sensitive skin may react to such a mask in an unexpected and not the most pleasant way. For owners of such skin, the best option is to use the mask locally, on individual areas of the skin.
  5. The greatest effect will be from a fresh, just prepared mask.
  6. It is better to use natural products. If possible, make a mask from natural honey. Honey should not be pasteurized.
  7. After using the mask, rinse your face first with warm, then with cold water. This will improve skin tone.

Dermatocosmetologist Yuliana Shiyan believes that the main rule for those with problem skin is not to touch their face with their hands, except during cosmetic procedures. If you play sports or dance, then you need to make sure that you always have a clean towel and wet wipes with you during classes.

Honey secrets

In addition to some of the above-mentioned vitamins, honey contains all the microelements and amino acids necessary for beauty and youth:

  • potassium;
  • copper;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium, etc.;
  • fructose;
  • lactose.

Thanks to such a rich composition, this product is successfully used in skin care products. But you should keep in mind that honey is a strong allergen, so before using it in masks, you need to apply a little of the prepared mixture to your wrist to check the reaction to tolerance.

An overdose of cinnamon can lead to hyperemia (literally, plethora) of the skin.

The best recipes for face masks made from honey and eggs are presented here.

Sweetness to joy

Relief from acne - henna face mask.

Honey mask with cinnamon: contraindications

You should not use the mask in the following cases:

  1. If you have an allergic reaction to the ingredients of the mask.
  2. If acne is inflamed or breaks out. If particles from the mask get into these areas, they can cause irritation.
  3. Honey stimulates vasodilation, so if you have rosacea (dilated blood vessels on the face), it is not recommended to apply it to the skin.
  4. Thin and sensitive facial skin may react to honey and cinnamon with redness and other troubles.
  5. If there are scratches and wounds on your face, honey and cinnamon will most likely cause unpleasant painful sensations.
  6. It is not recommended to use honey if there is strong hair growth in the area of ​​the lips and chin.

Features of application

Masks with cinnamon and bee products are used with great care so as not to provoke irritation and redness of the skin, as well as problems with blood flow and vasodilation. Before applying the product to the face, be sure to check the reaction to tolerance to the components.

Thick pleasure for the skin

For best results, you must follow the following nuances and rules:

  1. Before using the product, the skin is prepared, cleansed, and lightly steamed.
  2. The mixture is not applied around the eyes.
  3. The ingredients are used exclusively fresh.
  4. Do not exceed the dosage of the main components indicated in the recipe.
  5. Honey must be liquid; the candied product is not suitable for masks.
  6. A one-time procedure will produce short-lived results. To eliminate serious problems such as acne, treatment with a course of 10 procedures will be required.
  7. The frequency depends on the auxiliary ingredients. On average, the mass is applied twice a week.
  8. Do not use for skin sensitivity, intolerance to components, rosacea, strong growth of facial hair.


The secret ingredient is face masks with castor oil. The benefits of a face mask with kefir are described in detail here.

Cinnamon and honey mask recipe: options for different skin types

  1. Anti-acne mask for oily and problem skin . To prepare it you will need: a third of a teaspoon of cinnamon, a third of a teaspoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of low-fat sour cream. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to the face. After 15 minutes, the mask is washed off with water. This mask can be made for both the face and body. It is most effective to carry out the procedure 2-3 times a week for a month. The mask smoothes the skin, removes acne and oily shine.
  2. Mask for dry and normal skin . Ingredients: half a teaspoon of cinnamon, one teaspoon of honey, one raw yolk. Mix and apply to face for 20 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water. The course of procedures is no more than 3 times a week for a month. In addition to its anti-inflammatory effect, this mask tones, rejuvenates, and nourishes the skin.
  3. Mask for spots and acne scars . To prepare it you only need 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and 1-2 teaspoons of honey. The main thing is to maintain the proportions 1:1. Apply mixed honey and cinnamon pointwise to problem areas. Keep the mask on your face for 25 minutes and then rinse with warm water. If you use this mask twice a week, acne marks will become less noticeable. But you need to apply it only locally, and not all over your face.
  4. Purifying face mask . Ingredients: 1 teaspoon honey, 3-5 drops chamomile oil, teaspoon sea salt, half a teaspoon cinnamon powder, 5 tablespoons white clay. Dissolve everything in a tablespoon of hot water. Apply to face for 10-13 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with warm water. A mask with honey and cinnamon for the face has a comprehensive effect: in addition to the already listed beneficial properties of cinnamon and honey, clay cleanses pores, chamomile soothes the skin, and sea salt disinfects.
  5. A purifying face mask that improves skin elasticity. The basis for this mask is the same cinnamon (1 teaspoon) and honey (2 teaspoons). And depending on the skin type, the following is also added to the mask:
      for dry skin - egg yolk;
  6. for oily skin - egg white;
  7. for normal skin - 1 tablespoon of low-fat sour cream or 3 tablespoons of yogurt.

Stir all ingredients until smooth. Apply the resulting mass to the face and leave for 10-15 minutes. Rinse first with warm, then cold water to improve facial skin tone.

  1. Anti-inflammatory mask of honey and cinnamon with milk and oatmeal . Mix 2 teaspoons of honey, 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon, 4 teaspoons of rolled oats, 3 teaspoons of warmed milk. Apply the mask to your face and keep it on for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with water at room temperature. The mask improves complexion and evens out the skin. After applying it, it is recommended to use a moisturizer.


Honey and cinnamon are natural products that are used in many homemade cosmetic products.

  • Alice: “I really love cleansing masks with cinnamon and honey, they smell amazing, after use my face glows, my pores noticeably narrow.”
  • Daria: “I first tried to use this remedy at the age of 32, when several wrinkles already appeared on my forehead. After about 2 weeks of procedures (carried out once every 3-4 days), I noticed how much the skin tightened, and wrinkles became almost invisible.”

A face mask with cinnamon and honey is a powerful way to deeply cleanse pores, smooth out fine wrinkles and improve skin tone. For a more effective result, the procedures are carried out in a course, acting strictly according to the instructions.


  • If you are dyeing your hair dark, you should not use this mixture on your hair, as it may lighten your locks unevenly.
  • Honey is a strong allergen, so if you suffer from this unpleasant disease, then you should not apply such compounds to your strands. Various oils can also act as allergens for people with hypersensitivity, so it is recommended to test: drop a little oil on your hand and wait a few hours. If everything is normal, then you can safely use the mixture without worrying about your health and well-being.
  • The mask should not be used by ladies who have done one type of coloring, highlighting, and girls who prefer to lighten their curls. Cinnamon can give your hair an unpleasant yellowish tint.

Useful tips and tricks

To ensure that the procedure does not cause allergies or unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to perform an allergy test . It is necessary to apply a small amount of the mask on your wrist and monitor the skin reaction after 5-10 minutes.

To enhance the effect of the procedure, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • apply the mask only when warm;
  • dry your hair naturally;
  • mix the ingredients for the mask in a glass or ceramic bowl;
  • stir the mixture with a wooden spatula;
  • take liquid honey;
  • do not overexpose the mask to women with dark hair;
  • Apply masks only to clean but dry hair.

You should not allow cinnamon to get on the mucous membranes, as a strong burning sensation may occur. In case of contact, rinse the affected area of ​​the body thoroughly.

Basic principles of selection and reception

In order to get the maximum benefit from using vitamin complexes, it is important not only to be able to combine them correctly, but also to take them taking into account some recommendations:

  • Reduce consumption of coffee, strong tea and dairy products;
  • Do not exceed daily intake;
  • Choose according to age and body needs;
  • Study the composition before purchasing and the expiration date;
  • If you have problems swallowing tablets, it is better to buy them in the form of drops or syrup;
  • Store according to instructions;
  • Drink with clean water;
  • At the first sign of an allergy, stop taking it.

To get the maximum results from taking multivitamins and reduce the risk of possible side effects, when purchasing, you need to pay attention to the absence of dyes and flavors and other allergens.

Buying a medicine containing all the necessary substances at a pharmacy is quite simple. However, they should not be perceived as a “panacea”; it is important to remember that the only useful source of all vitamin and mineral components is food and a healthy lifestyle. You should not take vitamin supplements thoughtlessly, as they can bring both benefit and harm. Ideally, you need to undergo the necessary examinations, determine the deficiency of one or another component, and only then, according to a preliminary medical prescription, carry out treatment or preventive measures. After all, self-medication can cause significant harm to health.

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