Face masks in cosmetology: types and effectiveness

From this article you will learn:
  • Why are face masks more effective than creams and other skin care products?
  • How do face masks differ in composition?
  • What substances form the basis of face masks?
  • Do professional face masks contain natural ingredients and which ones?
  • How to choose and apply a mask to your face

What products do women use in skin care, trying to prolong its beauty and youth? But face masks have been considered the most effective since ancient times. In cosmetology, they are the basis of many procedures. The main thing is to choose the right components of the medicinal composition according to the type of dermis. We will tell you how to use masks to the greatest benefit in our article.

Types of Face Masks

Face masks are classified according to three criteria:

  • release form;
  • expected effect;
  • suitable skin type;

The assortment by release form allows you to choose the following options:

  • with a cream or gel structure;
  • paraffin;
  • fabric;
  • film;
  • alginate;
  • collagen;
  • gypsum;
  • biomatrices;
  • silicone.

Products with a gel or cream structure are considered common. Intended for use at home or in beauty salons. Different effects: cleansing, moisturizing, toning, nutrition.

The paraffin composition moisturizes and tightens, tones, and is used immediately before cleansing.

A fabric face mask is made in the form of a textile-based plate that follows the contours of the face. Impregnated with a special composition with active components. It is used depending on the purpose of the ingredients: for moisturizing, toning, cleansing.

The film is used for cleaning and obtaining a smooth surface. Before application, the consistency resembles a gel, and after use it dries for some time and forms a film that must not be washed off, but carefully removed, moving from bottom to top.

The alginate mask is made in the form of a powder composition. Before use, the powder is mixed with water or a special activator, after which it turns into a gel. After drying, the gel is removed in the same way as the film, leaving behind a smoothing, moisturizing effect.

The biomatrix contains biologically active components in combination with seaweed and collagen. Outwardly it resembles a sheet of paper. To use, pieces of the required size are detached from a single sheet and applied to the face, after which they are treated with water.

A collagen face mask resembles a fabric mask, however, the sheets contain collagen, vitamins, fruit acids, and plant extracts. Before application, the sheets are soaked in water.

Gypsum compositions are used only by professional cosmetologists in special conditions, since they have the appropriate knowledge and apply and remove mixtures according to the rules. They give a thermoplastic or modeling effect. The expected results are achieved in the fight against skin aging.

In a professional environment, a classification of face masks is used regarding the effect they give:

  • cleansing;
  • hydration;
  • nutrition;
  • whitening;
  • reassurance;
  • combating problem areas;
  • anti-aging effect.

Classification is possible depending on the type of skin they are intended for:

  • normal;
  • prone to allergies, sensitive;
  • fat;
  • dry;
  • with pigmentation;
  • combined.


  1. Face masks are a powerful auxiliary artillery that helps eliminate various skin imperfections.
  2. The result of the procedure will depend on the form of the product, its active components and correct application.
  3. Under no circumstances choose plaster masks or products with a high acid content (aggressive with acids) for home use. Such compositions are used under the strict supervision of a qualified cosmetologist.
  4. And, finally, remember that an excess of cosmetic procedures, as well as a lack of them, can harm the health of your skin. Follow moderation and take a short break between courses.


Before performing a cosmetic procedure, the face needs preliminary cleansing. The cleanser revitalizes, gives a radiant appearance and a feeling of freshness.

It is applied to eliminate clogged pores, get rid of dirt and dead particles. Some types of cleansing products give the effect of a sauna - they increase the temperature, steam, opening the pores.

Thanks to the open pores, it is much easier to get rid of impurities. Peeling acts as a type of cleansing mask.

The moisturizing mixture is suitable for every skin type, regardless of age. Saturates with moisture, due to which the first wrinkles appear much later, the feeling of tightness and dryness disappears.

The purpose of the nutritional composition is to saturate the skin with useful substances that ensure its health and youth. Suitable for all types.

Pigmentation and uneven color require the use of bleaching agents. They even out the overall tone, remove blue circles under the eyes, age spots, and freckles.

A cosmetic product with a calming effect is intended for irritable and overly sensitive skin. Neutralizes the effects of aggressive environments and ultraviolet radiation.

Owners of problem skin are advised to use a separate category of facial products. These cosmetic substances are aimed at combating oily shine and clogged pores.

Mixtures with a rejuvenating effect tighten, smooth the skin, make it firmer and more elastic, prolonging youth. Biomatrices and modeling substances tighten and emphasize the oval of the face.

Anti-aging cosmetics promote recovery and renewal.

Composition of face masks

The main component of a cleansing cosmetic product is clay. Acts as an absorbent substance as it quickly absorbs sebum. Other absorbents include peat, therapeutic mud and sea silt.

The peeling contains abrasives or chemicals , depending on how it affects the face. With mechanical influence it consists of pumice and apricot kernels, which have a polishing effect.

Chemical peeling contains acids (in small quantities), under the influence of which the top layer is cleansed. Do not use cleansing mixtures for skin diseases, cuts, wounds on the skin, or allergies.

The main component of the moisturizing mixture is hyaluronic acid. The list of ingredients includes plant or animal collagen, lactic acid, and plant extracts.

Nourishing face masks are based on vegetable oils , which form a light oily base. It is possible to use plant extracts, honey, vitamins A, E.

The composition of whitening face masks is selected by manufacturers in such a way that the active ingredients stimulate metabolism at the cellular level and affect the formation of melanin in the body. Among the whitening ingredients are vitamins E, C, white clay, sulfur, and retinol.

Use is contraindicated in the presence of skin diseases, injuries, multiple rashes, in the case of any cosmetic procedures over the past month, or in thin, dry skin.

Soothing face masks contain mineral water. The main active ingredients are plant extracts: jojoba, lavender, chamomile.

Use is contraindicated for skin diseases, injuries and allergic reactions.

Formulations for problem skin use therapeutic muds, types of clay and seaweed.

These components restore normal levels of sebum, tighten pores, provide an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminating rashes, acne, and also prevent their occurrence. Salicylic acid, plant extracts and oils are the main components.

The category of anti-aging face masks combines anti-wrinkle, modeling and lifting products. Cosmetologists resort to collagen-based products.

This substance, which effectively fights existing wrinkles, allows you to “push back” the moment of their appearance as far as possible. Any form of release: in the form of sheets, creams and gels.

Not recommended for use for dermatitis, inflammatory processes on the skin, intolerance to certain ingredients, open wounds, during pregnancy, and under the age of 25-30 years.

Depending on its type, the mask includes the following components:

  • main composition or ingredients for the mixture;
  • mixing container;
  • tools for application (sponge, brush, spatula);
  • liquid for impregnation (complete with alginate, tissue, paraffin products, biomatrices);
  • cosmetic wipes.

Accessories required for the use of cosmetic preparations:

  • makeup remover, cleanser;
  • cleansing tonic;
  • napkins or soft towel;
  • cotton pads;
  • cap or hair band;
  • moisturizing cream with a light texture.

Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits of regularly using face masks:

  • returns a healthy glow to the skin;
  • eliminates characteristic problems (rashes, dryness, blackheads, acne, oily shine, uneven tone);
  • maintains healthy skin and slows down its aging.

The mixture is applied no more than once or twice a week (some varieties - twice a month). This eliminates problems with storage, lack of free time, and saves money.

The advantage over other means is the immediate appearance of results. The cream is used as a universal remedy and keeps the skin healthy with constant use, and the mask is aimed at combating a specific problem.

After the cleansing procedure, the effect of freshness immediately appears, the moisturizing mask gives a feeling of softness and tenderness. The mask does not replace the rest of your daily care, as it eliminates a specific deficiency.

It has a heterogeneous texture and an unpleasant odor due to the content of natural active substances, so it is applied for 15 minutes, and all ingredients are selected only to achieve a specific result.

The main advantage lies in speed and efficiency.


  1. Difficulty in choosing – it is difficult for owners of problem or combination skin to make the right choice on their own, without the help of a cosmetologist.
  2. Store-bought mixtures consist of synthetic ingredients that cause dryness, oiliness, and allergies.
  3. In addition to useful substances, the composition includes dyes, flavors, and preservatives.
  4. One package is designed for repeated use or completion of a full course. This makes it impossible to experiment with mixtures.
  5. There may be an addictive effect on the skin due to prolonged contact with the active ingredients.

Selection rules

First of all, a cosmetic mask must match the type of face, otherwise its use may cause a negative effect. The high cost of a product does not mean that this product is the best and that after using it all problems will disappear. Big money is paid for a well-known brand. In addition to the type of face, the application should be selected for a specific problem. This could be acne, high oil content or excessive dryness, age spots and other defects and imperfections. What daily facial skin care should be like is described in the article.

Problems that a good face mask should solve.

How to choose a face mask

A face mask does not belong to the category of universal cosmetic care products. Each variety acts in several related directions, but there is only one main effect.

In addition to personal use products, there are professional cosmetic products. They differ in their composition from several useful components, which are mixed immediately before application.

Such substances are used only by professional cosmetologists. To choose the right face mask, you must proceed from the following criteria:

  • age;
  • skin type;
  • desired effect or specific problem;
  • preferred form of release (as an additional factor).

Each package indicates the name and purpose, composition, age restrictions, indications for use for a particular skin type, contraindications.

If you have difficulty determining your skin type or choosing the right product, you should contact a professional cosmetologist.

Shelf life and shelf life are an important criterion when choosing. Expired substances do not bring the desired result, but contribute to the appearance of problems: redness, rashes, itching.

Based on their effectiveness and affordability, face masks are divided into three additional categories:

  • salon;
  • purchased;
  • homemade.

used only by a cosmetologist. The advantage is that the cosmetologist will select the appropriate composition individually, depending on the client’s skin type and existing problems.

Before the application procedure, cleansing is carried out, and after removal - nutrition and hydration. Masks are used regularly, otherwise the desired result will not follow. The frequency of application depends on the degree of the problem, age and characteristics of the skin.

Salon mixtures are effective, the procedure is performed by a cosmetologist according to all the rules. The disadvantage is the high cost.

The packaging of purchased products indicates a composition rich in numerous ingredients, including clay, extracts, oils, and vitamins.

Unlike salon products, they emit a pleasant aroma and have a uniform consistency, but this does not have any effect on the result. The advantage is that you don’t have to spend a lot of time preparing and using.

Masks that bring the maximum expected effect are expensive. The product, made from natural ingredients, is also useful and effective. But the result cannot be compared with professional mixtures.

The main condition is the choice of safe, fresh and environmentally friendly products as ingredients. Advantages: availability in terms of cost, content of natural vitamins, variety.

However, the effectiveness is much lower; you need to take the choice of components seriously due to possible allergic reactions.

If ready-made purchased products indicate instructions for use, including duration of use, and a cosmetologist is involved in applying a professional mask, then the home remedy should be handled with caution.

The main thing is not to overexpose the composition to avoid redness, itching, peeling, rashes, and dryness.

Cost of the procedure in the salon

Alginate mask - from 200 to 2000 rubles Collagen mask - from 400 to 2000 rubles Other masks - from 200 to 3000 rubles The cost of the service depends on the status of the salon, the class of cosmetics used, as well as the use of branded cosmetics.

Tags: face masks

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Reviews about the procedure Face masks in beauty salons

  • Tamara | 2014-02-12 23:04:21 I regularly visit a beauty salon and make sure to get a facial massage and a mask once a week. I really like the effect of the alginate mask, which hardens like rubber, gives a good lift and a fresh complexion.

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Which mask is better

Universal mixtures for different skin types (provided there are no contraindications for use):

  • clay;
  • moisturizing;
  • leafy;
  • nocturnal

Clay masks contain cosmetic clay, which acts as an astringent component. Absorbs skin oils, impurities, toxins. If the composition contains oils and honey in addition to clay, the mixture brings an additional moisturizing effect.

For oily skin, white and pink kaolin-based formulations are suitable. For dry ones - green mixtures with bentonite. The product is left on the face for no longer than half an hour.

It is not recommended to wait for complete drying, which indicates maximum absorption of sebum.

Water- or oil-based moisturizers promote moisture absorption. The surface acquires additional smoothness. Apply for the time indicated on the package.

Washing off occurs before the layer becomes dry - in this form it does not bring any benefit.

Sheet - water-based masks using thin cotton, hydrogel, silk. They are impregnated with a special composition and placed in a sealed foil bag.

Holes are pre-cut into the sheet for the nose, mouth and eyes, or cuts are made for adjustments during the application process. The sheet is applied for 10-30 minutes, after which it is carefully removed. No additional washing is needed.

Overnight face masks are designed to enrich the skin with moisture throughout the night. The principle of operation is not in rapid absorption, but in the formation of an airtight film that protects the skin from drying out.

Application is preceded by complete cleansing of makeup, cream, cosmetics and impurities. Third-party substances prevent the penetration of beneficial components into the inner layers of the skin.

For cleansing, lotion, tonic, gel, foam, soap - cleansers are used. In order to achieve an additional effect, cosmetologists recommend taking steam baths. They will help open pores and prepare for cleansing, moisturizing, and absorbing nutrients.

The skin “lives” according to its own biorhythms, so to apply the mask you need to choose the right time of day :

  1. From 8 to 10 – formulations with any effect, a favorable time for cosmetic procedures.
  2. From 10 to 12 – the effect is brought by products that remove excess fat.
  3. From 12 to 14 – hydration.
  4. In the period from 14 to 18 – refusal of procedures.
  5. From 18:00 to 23:00 is the period for cleansing products.
  6. From 23 to 5 am - nutritional compositions.

The mask is applied to the face or specific areas of it according to the instructions. The hair is first removed using a special cap or bandage.

As a means of application, specially designed spatulas, brushes are used, or the product is carefully applied to the face with your hands. The thickness of the applied layer is about 2-3 mm.

The procedure is carried out in accordance with massage lines: from the chin to the hairline. During the procedure, it is not recommended to stretch the skin or make sudden movements that harm it.

With the exception of special formulations, the facial mixture is not applied to the lips, eyebrows and area around the eyes. The person must remain at rest during use.

It is not recommended to walk or perform any activities; the active ingredients will bring the best effect only in case of complete relaxation.

Keep the mixture on your face for at least 10 minutes and no longer than half an hour. If the instructions indicate a specific time, do not neglect it. On average, beneficial substances penetrate deep within 15 minutes after application of the composition.

Long-term use will not produce greater results, but may cause problems. If during use there are unpleasant sensations, skin tightening or discomfort is felt, it is necessary to wash off the mask, regardless of time.

How to properly wash off a face mask:

  1. Clean water is used for rinsing without additional use of detergents or soap.
  2. The water temperature depends on your skin type. Dry skin needs warm water, oily skin needs cold water.
  3. Washing is done very thoroughly.
  4. For convenience, a special sponge is used to remove cosmetics, which is moistened with water.
  5. After removal, you need to wash your face again with water and lubricate the skin with a cream with a moisturizing effect after 15 minutes.

Basic principles of application

Before application, it is necessary to cleanse the facial skin of accumulated impurities and decorative cosmetics using a cleansing gel. The resulting effect will depend on how well the face is cleansed. For deep penetration of active ingredients, it is recommended to pre-steam the epidermis by taking a regular bath or making a steam bath based on essential oils and herbs.

Keep the mask on your face for exactly the same amount of time as indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. Then vary the allowable exposure time based on your skin's reaction. After the procedure, use a moisturizer if necessary.

Precautionary measures

Regardless of the quality, composition, ingredients and effect, a face mask may not be suitable for a particular skin type or may cause an allergic reaction due to the use of some ingredients in the composition. In this matter, everything is individual.

Before starting to use, the effect of the product is tested on a small area (in the area of ​​​​the bend of the forearm). If after 5-10 minutes redness, itching, burning, and allergic symptoms do not appear, the product can be applied to the face.


  • With the exception of special formulations, the product is not left on the face longer than the allotted time, and is not applied overnight. The beneficial substances remain in effect until the product dries.

Too long use causes the formation of fine wrinkles.

  • The clay-based composition cannot be kept longer than the time specified in the instructions.

A substance called kaolin, with prolonged exposure, can dry out the face, cause a feeling of tightness, irritation and cause peeling.

  • The facial composition is not applied to the area around the eyes, as this is fraught with redness, fine wrinkles, and irritation due to the sensitivity of this area.
  • It is not recommended to apply peeling with an exfoliating effect more than 2 times a week.

The active components in the composition have a strong effect on the hydrolipid mantle - the outer layer of the epidermis in the form of a thin film, designed to protect against the negative influence of the environment.

It takes at least 72 hours to completely restore this layer.

  • After removal, cosmetics (foundation, powder) are not applied to the face for two hours. It is not recommended to go outside to avoid exposure to ultraviolet radiation.


Manufacturers of face masks produce cosmetic products in three segments:

  • professional;
  • luxury;
  • mass market.

Professional products are popular among cosmetologists. These include brands:

  • Collistar;
  • Holy Land;
  • Oligodermie;
  • Mediderma
  • Keenwell;
  • AmaDoris;
  • Janssen;
  • Laboratories Hevicosm.

Manufacturers of luxury segment mixtures include the following companies:

  • Dior;
  • Valmont;
  • Shiseido;

Cosmetic care products from the mass market category are cheaper, but they bring less effect, and in addition, they often cause side effects.
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