Sperm to fight wrinkles: the benefits of semen for facial skin

Face masks made from sperm have been known since ancient times. The beauties of ancient Egypt, including Queen Cleopatra, noticed that they had excellent rejuvenating properties. But nowadays this natural remedy is rarely used for cosmetic purposes. Most ladies are squeamish about seminal fluid and do not know how to use it correctly at home. Many fables and speculations are made about the seed as a natural cosmetic product. After all, a man’s ejaculate has a specific smell. However, it can be easily repelled by other components added to the mask. In addition, the remedy taken from your sexual partner will not cost any money.

Composition of seminal fluid

Sperm contains many useful substances. It is famous for its high protein content and the presence of vitamins important for the body. It is a source of essential nutrients for the skin. Seminal fluid is highly concentrated and in some cases causes allergies. Therefore, it is important to dilute the main ingredient with other beneficial ingredients.

There are more than 40 components in male sperm, here are the main ones:

  • protein, during ejaculation forms amino acids;
  • carbohydrates;
  • keratin;
  • fructose;
  • healthy fatty acids;
  • minerals (magnesium, sodium, iron, potassium, calcium);
  • enzymes that break down proteins;
  • hormones.

All these components have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Based on the chemical composition of the semen, there is no reason to wonder whether a face mask made from sperm is useful - this is obvious. But remember that the calcium included in the composition is not always perceived by the skin.

Origin of the practice

Whatever you say, there are countless methods for using natural cosmetics and women try to find the most inexpensive and pleasant ingredients for their sacraments of rejuvenation and beauty preservation. Why sacraments, rites and rituals? This all comes from ancient times, when every unknown phenomenon was perceived as the wrath of the gods, a gift or a curse, and those who managed to keep themselves young and beautiful were considered witches, because they loved to prepare special herbs and ointments in small mortars.

And, of course, it could not have happened without the intervention of the force whose energy gave us life - the seed. And someone realized that it was worth trying it on yourself and appreciating all the wonderful properties of this substance. Naturally, no one will ever be able to tell anything in detail how it was used then and what came of it. Here we will describe purely scientific facts that will allow us to reliably identify and dispel all myths about sperm.

Every well-mannered young lady will never be the first to talk about her man’s seed, but we’re interested!

Has anyone tried it, is it disgusting at all, and is it even worth bothering with?

Here's what doctors say:

“Sperm has an anti-aging effect due to its high content of various amino acids - this alone is enough to make a mask (like a face mask with mayonnaise)” to cleanse the skin. But this must be done with caution - sperm in its pure form can cause skin irritation, so it should first be diluted in water or mixed with honey.”

It is also worth noting that many salons offer such a procedure, but we warn you - it is unlikely that you will receive exactly human semen - most likely it will be replaced with bull semen, although the effect will also be pleasing to the eye. It is also worth remembering about creams with the supposed addition of male semen - either they contain bull sperm, or simply a substitute. Therefore, take your beloved man as the highest quality seed bearer. But wait! It is also worth saying that the quality and composition of sperm depends on what a man eats!

If you don’t think so, then try feeding him ripe apples and other fruits all day - the result will greatly surprise you, and even allow you to enjoy this secret ingredient...

What about face masks?

What is the benefit

Sperm used as a facial mask has great benefits for the female body:

  • moisturizes the epidermis;
  • improves and evens out complexion;
  • tightens enlarged pores;
  • rejuvenates and tightens facial skin, creates relief;
  • reduces pigmentation and whitens;
  • helps in the fight against acne.

Proteins and acids in seminal fluid help get rid of acne, and calcium gives the skin a natural color. The result is: face masks with sperm are a storehouse of useful substances and a real elixir for preserving beauty and youth.

What is this

A man's semen is a viscous, grayish-white mass that is released when a man ejaculates. It consists of seminal fluid and sperm. Male ejaculate contains a large number of useful substances. A seed consists of more than seventy components.

Protein substances found in sperm, during ejaculation within thirty seconds, under the influence of enzymes, are decomposed into amino acids (glutamic, lysine, serine, histidine, aspartic, leucine, isoleucine, glycine, tyrosine). Ejaculate fats are represented by: cholesterol, fatty acids, phospholipids. There are also free amines in the seed: spermine and spermidine. Citric acid, rich in vitamin C, is present in semen in an amount of 0.5% of the total content.

Banana face mask

How sperm is used in cosmetology

The main property of male fluid is the fight against skin aging. Cosmetologists do not recommend using male semen for girls under the age of 25, as it can cause harm by causing acne.

Semen-based products sold in stores are expensive. However, their composition differs from masks prepared at home, because they are made based on the semen of bulls or pigs. Masks made from animal ejaculation products for the face bring the same good results as products consisting of male semen.

Purchased products are the safest, as they undergo the necessary tests and inspections. But homemade masks, although they don’t cost a lot of money, have some disadvantages:

  1. Face masks are made only from the semen of a healthy man.
  2. The liquid must be used on the same day, as it cannot be stored. Even if you store the seed in the refrigerator, it will lose its beneficial properties.
  3. Requires the addition of additional ingredients.
  4. Before use, it is necessary to test for the absence of an allergic reaction. To do this, apply the product to the bend of your elbow and track changes in the skin.

A facial mask with sperm is very useful, the main thing is to decide whether you will buy a ready-made product or prepare it yourself.

Is it worth it?

Now many will say that “wow, how can you put it on your face and taste the sperm? and, oh God, swallowing it??? how can this be???? it’s harmful!!” But no. Sperm is not poison or other surrogate that a man simply dumps to relieve tension. Even doctors loudly claim that sperm can prevent breast cancer (although it is worth noting that if the process is not done for pleasure, then your body is unlikely to be happy with such a life-giving ingredient).

Therefore, do everything to have fun and if you want to try sperm on yourself, then you will not only purely psychologically strengthen contact with your man, but also get a variety of impressions from something new and so mysteriously passionate


Homemade face masks based on male semen

Before applying the product to the skin, you must first clean it. The mixture is distributed with massage movements, slightly rubbed into the skin. When applying, avoid the area around the eyes and mouth. To distribute the product, use a cosmetic brush, sponges, or simply apply with your fingers. It is recommended to use such products up to twice a week.

Recipes for homemade masks based on male seminal fluid:

  1. For dry skin. You will need 10 ml of sperm, 5 ml of olive oil, 5 ml of liquid cream and honey, melted in a water bath. All ingredients are mixed and applied to the face for 15 minutes. Afterwards it is washed off with water.
  2. For sensitive skin prone to dryness. It is necessary to mix kefir and male semen in a 2:1 ratio. Leave the mixture on your face for 15 minutes and rinse gently.
  3. For oily skin. Add one part seminal fluid to two parts aloe juice. The mixture is kept for 15 minutes and washed off with warm water.
  4. Rejuvenating. Mix egg white and 1 tsp. sperm. The mask is applied to the face and left until the skin feels tight (about 20 minutes). The mixture is washed off with cool water, then the face is moisturized with cream.
  5. For acne. Mix honey and sperm in a 1:2 ratio. Apply the mixture carefully with light massage movements. Leave for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

What should sperm be like?

Sperm is a concentrated biologically active substance on a hormonal basis. If used incorrectly, it can have negative consequences for the skin. It is especially harmful for the thin epidermis of young women (up to thirty years old). In them, the seed can cause acne and allergic reactions.

In modern beauty salons they make masks with male sperm. But their quality is questionable. It is unknown from which sperm donor she was taken. Instead of human sperm, you may be given bovine or artificial sperm.

The ejaculate for masks must meet certain requirements. Everything in our body is interconnected; the quality of seminal fluid depends on the food a man eats for several days before ejaculation. The sperm donor's diet a week before ejaculation should be healthy, rich in vitamins and free of irritating substances (such as hot pepper). Fatty, salty, and canned foods are also excluded from the menu. A man should not drink alcohol, smoke or take medications at this time. Contagious diseases can be transmitted through the seed. It is recommended to taste the ejaculate before use. It should taste salty or bitter, but not overly bitter or sweet.

10 best recipes for face masks and scrubs using baking soda

When preparing masks with male seminal fluid, proportions must be strictly observed. A large amount of semen can cause a burn and severely tighten the skin.

Contraindications for use

It turns out that seminal fluid is a miraculous remedy for facial care on a par with salon procedures. But this substance also has contraindications:

  • You cannot use seminal fluid if you are intolerant to calcium or protein, otherwise, instead of benefit, the result will be disappointing - burns of the upper layer of the epithelium may occur;
  • Do not use sperm on thin, very dry or sensitive skin, as it can cause severe allergies or irritation;
  • It is undesirable to apply seminal fluid to a face that does not have visible defects and wrinkles, because it thins young skin and causes acne and irritation.

How is sperm good for the skin?

The specific benefits of sperm for facial skin are its following properties:

  • narrowing of pores;
  • rejuvenating and tightening effect;
  • Relieves inflammation, which helps reduce acne and acne;
  • alignment of facial tone;
  • whitening and reduction of pigmentation, which especially manifests itself with age;
  • moisturizing the upper layers of the epidermis, which is especially important when caring for skin in winter.

Based on all this, we can conclude that the rich composition of male semen is the secret of a beautiful and youthful face.

Effect of the mask

Reviews from representatives of the fair sex who performed procedures with sperm at home showed that in a short time they were able to obtain the following effect:

  • cleansing and exfoliating;
  • nourishing and smoothing wrinkles;
  • lifting;
  • tightens pores;
  • bleaching;
  • increasing skin tone.

However, there are a number of disadvantages. Seminal fluid should only be used from a healthy man who leads a healthy lifestyle. They are intended to be used exclusively for mature skin. The product must be extremely fresh; storing it for several days is not recommended, otherwise the beneficial substances will be lost.

In concentrated form, the mask can leave burns, tighten the skin and cause harm instead of benefit.

What determines the quality of seminal fluid5

First of all, good sperm can be called the one that contains active sperm in the largest quantity. This factor, as well as the general composition of semen, is influenced by a man’s eating habits, his emotional and physical state.

Alcohol, stress and a sedentary lifestyle negatively affect the amount of minerals, amino acids and vitamins in sperm. In addition, this also affects the taste of the ejaculate for the worse.

You should eliminate too salty or spicy foods, alcoholic drinks, increase physical activity and get more rest.

What are the beneficial properties of the main ingredient?

Malafia is a unique ingredient of youth and beauty. She will make your body:

  1. soft;
  2. will increase its elasticity;
  3. moisturizes;
  4. smooth out wrinkles;
  5. It will even help get rid of acne.

This is all thanks to the ejaculate, which is a component of the stronger sex of the seed. It also contains the following elements:

Also, thanks to this chemical composition, the seed whitens, tightens pores, and relieves inflammation and rashes. That is why many manufacturers use this ingredient to make cosmetics.

However, when buying cosmetics for rejuvenation with youthful discharge after sexual intercourse, you need to understand that it most likely contains an animal element or a substitute. But only those whose donor did not use drugs, drink, smoke, and ate properly, that is, did not eat non-spicy or high-calorie foods, have beneficial properties.

The donor must abstain from sexual intercourse and masturbation for one week before donating his sperm. Many beauty salons offer their clients anti-aging skin treatments using sperm. The effect of a mask whose active substance is the stronger sex can be compared to peeling.

What do spermaceti creams include?

Industrially produced products in most cases contain bovine ejaculate, which is similar in composition to human sperm and is considered the most beneficial for the skin. This is explained by the fact that many men are addicted to such bad habits as smoking, drinking alcohol and eating fast food. The wastes and toxins that these products contain enter the seminal fluid, which reduces its beneficial qualities to nothing.

Additionally, industrial creams include beeswax, vegetable oils, lanolin and other beneficial substances.

The most popular sperm creams

The most popular are spermaceti creams produced by domestic brands “Nevskaya Kosmetika”, “Classics” and “Green” pharmacy.

Popular sperm creams

Nevskaya cosmetics produces a product that, in addition to the main component, contains olive oil, beeswax and lanolin. The cream has excellent moisturizing properties, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and also promotes the natural production of collagen in the dermis.

The cream, produced by pharmaceutical companies, is intended for those with dry and thin skin. It perfectly nourishes, moisturizes the dermis and helps relieve irritation.

“Green Pharmacy” includes coconut oil, fruit acids and other ingredients that help fight the first signs of aging of the dermis.


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  3. José Manuel Puga Arriaga, Tatiana Poznyak, Laura Martínez Tabche, Elena Kiseleva. EFECTO DEL CROMO HEXAVALENTE SOBRE LA CINÉTICA DE MUERTE DE ESPERMATOZOIDES HUMANOS [Electronic resource] // VERTIENTES Revista Especializada en Ciencias de la Salud, 2002.
  4. Ashok Agarwal, Ahmad Majzoub, Saradha Baskaran. Sperm DNA Fragmentation: A New Guideline for Clinicians [Electronic resource] // The World Journal of Men's Health, 2022.
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