Tar soap for the face: how to wash your face correctly, benefits and harms

Composition and properties of tar soap

Tar soap got its name due to the fact that it contains about 10% birch tar components. It is because of this that this soap has such a specific smell. An extract is obtained from birch, which is then squeezed to extract essential oils. This is what this product is made from. Various products are also made from tar, for example, disinfecting ointments or creams.

Due to its composition, tar soap can be called almost universal. It contains sodium salts, water, palm oil and sodium chloride. This soap foams wonderfully and is very popular for cleansing the skin. Due to the fact that it contains essential oils, the soap has a very mild effect. However, it is still advisable to use a nourishing or moisturizing cream after washing your face.

Washing with tar soap is an excellent and very inexpensive alternative to professional peeling. During the process of washing, blood flow to the face increases and thereby affects the restoration of the outer layers of the epidermis. After washing your face with this miracle product, you will notice that your skin has become smooth and has acquired a fresh and even color. The properties of tar soap will be especially relevant in the following cases:

  • If there are small cracks or wounds on the skin of the face.
  • For problems with psoriasis, eczema and other skin diseases, it will also help cope with skin mites.
  • For oily facial skin types.
  • For problematic facial skin.
  • If there are pigment spots.

This remedy is also in demand for burns, frostbite and deep wounds. It prevents the risk of new infections on the skin and helps cope with existing ones. Tar soap is environmentally friendly and completely safe to use.

What are the benefits of soap?

Tar soap consists of 90% regular soap base and 10% healing birch tar. The main benefit comes from the natural component. It has the following positive characteristics:

  • natural natural antiseptic;
  • accelerates cell regeneration;
  • destroys parasites;
  • provides a slight face lift;
  • suppresses the activity of fungal diseases;
  • disinfects the skin;
  • stimulates cellular metabolism;
  • dries out acne and wounds.

Tar soap is used both to combat cosmetic problems and to treat functional skin disorders. Doctors say that tar is useful for the following pathologies:

  • psoriasis;
  • furunculosis;
  • dermatitis;
  • demodicosis;
  • large blackheads and acne.

Tar soap foam also helps with fresh burns or frostbite of the facial skin: the product disinfects the wound, accelerates healing and prevents the subsequent appearance of scars or pigmentation.

Tar soap for the face: benefits and harms

Before you start using tar soap, it is important to weigh all the pros and cons, since it is not suitable for everyone. So, what are the benefits and what are the harms of such a remedy?

Benefit Harm
It is one of the best natural remedies that help cleanse the dermis of hardened cells.It dries out the skin too much, causing flaking.
The best peeling for the face.Not suitable for sensitive skin.
Helps regulate normal production of sebaceous glands. Thanks to this, it removes unwanted oily shine on the face. You will be able to see the effect after a long time, since it can only be achieved with regular use.
Helps tighten even the most enlarged pores.In parallel with it, you need to use various moisturizing and softening products for your facial skin.
Actively fights blackheads.It has an unpleasant and pungent odor that not everyone can get used to.
Activates recovery processes.Not suitable for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
Preserves the youth and blooming appearance of the skin by ensuring good blood flow and nourishing it with useful components.After use, rashes and redness may appear on the skin. A burning sensation may also be observed.
Helps get rid of itching and inflammation. However, if you use it very often, it can lead to sagging, flaking and dehydration of the skin.
Contains regenerative properties and helps restore skin tissue.
Suitable for use as a preventive and therapeutic agent for various facial skin problems.
It has a good effect on blood circulation, thereby improving the condition and color of the skin.
Contains absorbable and antiseptic properties.
Actively helps in the fight against parasites.
It is a budget product that can be easily purchased at any store or pharmacy.

Is it possible to wash?

According to cosmetologists, tar soap is suitable for the face, as it is a universal remedy. It is used not only for the body. It is believed that it is used only for medicinal purposes. But it has not only healing effects. You can simply wash your face with tar soap. Reviews confirm that it is used like regular skin care products.

According to dermatologists, the product is suitable for washing with dermatitis, itching, and inflammation of the skin. If you use it regularly, it perfectly relieves irritation, makes the complexion even, tightens pores, eliminates pimples, blackheads, and oily shine.

This soap is safe; it is used for bathing children whose bodies have wounds, abrasions, and scratches. It quickly heals cracks and injuries and restores cells. Soap for facial skin care is especially highly valued. Its regular use can eliminate many problems.

How to wash your face with tar soap - 4 rules

To get the greatest effect from washing with tar soap, it is important to know how to use it correctly. At first glance, it may seem to you that everything is very easy, but you need to adhere to the following simple rules:

  1. Do a thorough cleansing of your face. Wash with cool water and do not use any additional products.
  2. Moisten tar soap with water and lather it.
  3. Apply the soap foam with massage movements. Be careful not to get soap in your eyes. If you cannot avoid getting soap into your eyes, rinse them thoroughly with water.
  4. If you have dry and sensitive skin, you need to rinse off the product with warm water. If you have oily skin, then cool. Complete the procedure by applying cream to your face. Apply the cream most suitable for your skin type.

Important! Do not overdo it with tar soap, as the birch tar in its composition can affect dry skin and also create the feeling of a mask.

Before you start washing with this soap, do a sensitivity test. You will need to lather a small area of ​​the inside of your elbow with tar soap. If you see redness, rashes or feel a burning sensation, do not use this product on your face under any circumstances. Also pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • If you have oily skin, it is recommended to wash your face with this product twice a day;
  • if you have combination skin, three washes per week will be enough for you;
  • For sensitive and dry skin, we recommend using this product less. They need to wash their face no more than once every 7-10 days.


  • Composition of tar soap and its use
  • Benefits and harms
  • Benefits of tar soap for the face:
  • Harm and contraindications of tar soap
  • How to wash your face with tar soap
  • Tar soap for acne
  • Tar soap against blackheads
  • Tar soap against acne
  • Tar soap in the fight against age spots
  • Tar soap for problem skin
  • Tar soap for oily skin
  • Birch tar for dry skin
  • Tar soap for facial cleansing
  • Prophylactic masks
  • Homemade tar soap recipe


Homemade recipes using tar soap

Self-prepared products with such soap help to independently get rid of various problems associated with facial skin. You can independently prevent the occurrence of inflammation and even carry out a complete cleansing of the epidermis. The recipes below will become your “magic wand”. After all, they are simple, understandable, and most importantly, accessible to everyone!

Against acne and blackheads

Against acne Against blackheads
This mask will help to thoroughly cleanse the ducts, rid the facial skin of sebaceous plugs, and also perfectly helps in narrowing enlarged pores.
For this recipe you will need: 5-10 g. tar soap and several tablets of white coal.

Grind the sorbent into powder and mix it with the foam that appears from the soap. Once your mask is ready, wipe your face with a cleansing toner, soak for 5 minutes in the herbal bath and begin applying the prepared mask. Apply only to the chin area, sides of the nose and forehead. After 10 minutes, remove the mask with cool water. For the most effective result, wash off the mask using natural acidic juice, it will help in narrowing enlarged pores.

This homemade mask will relieve your face of inflamed formations and reduce their redness. This method should be used only in combination - once a week.
For this recipe use: 6 gr. tar soap, 7 ml of calendula oil and 8 gr. pea flour.

Mix all the ingredients and dilute the prepared mixture with regular green tea. Afterwards you can start distributing the finished mask. Don't forget to cleanse your face first. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes and rinse with cool water.

Anti acne

This recipe will help you fight acne. To create it you need: 7 gr. tar soap, 15 gr. gray clay and 5 drops of essential oil (oregano is best). Then start preparing the product. Combine soap foam with gray clay, and then add essential oil to this mass. Before distributing the mask on your face, steam your face in a water bath. Apply the mask in a thick layer and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse off the mask with cool water. Also, do not forget to wipe the problem areas with a cotton swab soaked in boric alcohol.


Important! If you are afraid of drying out your facial skin too much, but you really want to get rid of pimples, then you can apply soap foam separately to the pimple. Then the foam must be left until completely dry.

Against age spots

After using this mask, you will solve the problem with pigmentation and return your face to a beautiful and even shade. Due to the active composition of the mask, it should be used no more than three times a month. To prepare it you will need: 7 gr. tar soap, 15 gr. sour cream and 7 gr. natural cottage cheese.

Grind the cottage cheese thoroughly and mix with sour cream until a single mass is obtained, pour in the soap foam. Wait until the soap suds become hard. Start applying the mask to your previously cleansed face. Apply the mask in a small layer; it is not recommended to overdo it. Remove excess mask from your face with cool water after 25 minutes. Don’t forget to treat your face with a special tonic after removing the mask.

For facial skin tightening

With this product you can tighten your facial skin no worse than a professional cosmetologist. After using this mask, you will see quick results: your skin will tighten, wrinkles will smooth out a little and a clear facial contour will form. To prepare this recipe you will need:

  • A little tar soap.
  • Boiled water.
  • Nourishing/moisturizing cream.

Once all the ingredients have been collected, proceed to the following steps: you will need to grate the tar soap on a fine grater and then mix it well, while adding warm water. After the foam thickens and becomes hard, start applying the mask. Let the foam dry completely on your face. Later, apply more foam to the first layer and wait until it dries completely. Do not leave the mask on your face for more than 15 minutes; on average, 10 minutes will be enough for your face to tighten. Rinse off the mask with cool boiled water. After the mask, do not forget to apply a cream with nourishing or moisturizing ingredients to your facial skin so that the skin is not tight and you do not have the feeling of a mask on your face. This product dries out the skin very much, so do not overuse it.

Important! If you don’t have time to prepare a recipe, but you need the result as soon as possible, then there is a way out! Lather tar soap and spread on face. Once the foam dries, rinse it off with cold water.

For problem skin

This recipe will help you take care of your facial skin. It will be especially relevant for those whose skin is prone to inflammation and purulent formations. The prepared mask according to this recipe will contain antiseptic and cleansing properties. To prepare it you will need: 7 gr. tar soap, 7 gr. dry thyme and 14 gr. buckwheat flakes.

Then grate the soap on a fine grater and pour in warm mint solution, while adding buckwheat flakes and thyme herb. After preparation, you can begin distributing the mask. Cleanse the epidermis in advance and spread the mask on your face. After 20 minutes, wash your face with cold water and treat your face with toner.

We make tar soap ourselves

In order not to worry about the naturalness of the product, it is best to prepare it yourself at home. Since the main healing component is tar, first you will need to purchase it. The entire process of preparing this product is creative and will not take much of your time. While cooking, you will notice a pungent and unpleasant odor in the room. It is best to start making this product when you are alone in the house.

Pros of homemade tar soapCons of homemade tar soap
There is no need to worry about the composition, since you select it yourself and mix all its components.Doesn't foam as well.
Self-prepared soap does not have such a strong effect on the epidermis on the skin of the face.Making your own soap is more expensive.
You can prepare it immediately in reserve.The cooking procedure takes a long time.

If you can’t stand the smell of this product, then when making it yourself, you can use essential oils or natural substances, for example, cinnamon or vanilla. To create tar soap you need:

  • Baby soap.
  • 25 gr. tar.
  • Prepared container

Important! Since this product dries out the skin too much, we recommend adding a little sour cream to the recipe when making it.

After all the ingredients have been collected, start creating tar soap. Just grate the baby soap on a fine grater. Grate it into a deep cup. Then make a water bath over low heat and heat the grated soap on it, while simultaneously adding water to the bowl. As soon as your mass resembles thick sour cream, add 25 grams. tar. Pour the entire mixture into a container prepared in advance. Then leave it to harden.



Tar soap is not harmful to the skin and does not have a negative effect on the body. But due to the smell, it is not suitable for pregnant women. If you experience nausea during use, it is advisable to put the detergent aside and replace it with something else that does not lead to unpleasant sensations.

The product should not be used if you are hypersensitive. It can increase skin sensitivity to UV rays, so it is better not to use it in hot weather. It is not advisable to use soap for asthmatics, sensitive, dry, thin skin. If there is dryness after this, moisturizing your facial skin with a nourishing cream is required. The soap should be rinsed off well, otherwise a film will form that prevents air from reaching the pores.

Reviews (from comments on the site)

Irina Dolmatova, 24 years old

I was desperate and couldn't find suitable care for my problem skin. I struggled with inflammation for a long time, but nothing helped, and I didn’t have money for expensive products. Then they advised me to use tar soap. I used it several times a week, the smell is very unpleasant, but it is tolerable. The soap helped me cleanse my face and no more inflammation appeared.

Alevtina Ushakova, 35 years old

For a long time, a product containing birch tar has helped me cleanse my face. My grandmother recommended it to me. With my skin type, I can only use this soap 2 times a week, but this is enough for me to get the same results as after visiting a professional cosmetologist. What makes me especially happy about this product is that it has a completely environmentally friendly and safe composition.

Anna Kolesnichenko, 27 years old

I've been using this product to cleanse my face since high school. It rids my skin of blackheads, redness and acne. It also helps to perfectly tighten the face and give it a fresher look. This remedy has been the most effective for me for many years. Recently I started mixing foam with my skincare masks, it makes my skin perfect. I don't have any irritation or other troubles.

What else is it used for?

The product is intended for external use. Most often it is used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. But you shouldn't abuse it. Tar soap is used for:

  • intimate hygiene;
  • body washing;
  • washing your hair;
  • washing;
  • prevention of skin diseases.

Even if there are no rashes or acne on the skin, soap can be used to protect against their appearance. Wash and all the indicated masks are suitable for this. Only after using any recipes should you use a moisturizer or nourishing cream.

Using soap to wash your hair is effective, as it perfectly eliminates dandruff. Rub it in with light movements, leave for a few minutes and rinse thoroughly with warm water. A few regular procedures are enough to see the effect.

Before application, the soap is foamed. Using a body washcloth is suitable for this. You can wash your face with your hands or sponges. Tar soap is an effective and cheap product for facial skin care, which almost always leads to a positive result.

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