Dull complexion: reasons for how to get rid of it at home

Causes of dull complexion

The appearance and condition of the skin depend on the state of local blood circulation and the level of hydration of the skin, therefore the presence of a dull complexion will be a consequence of an unhealthy lifestyle. Causes of dull complexion such as lack of sleep, physical inactivity, strict diets or fasting, excessive tanning, as well as addictions adversely affect the condition of human skin.

  1. Chronic lack of sleep leads to pallor, deterioration of complexion and activation of the process of premature aging of cells. Dietary restrictions mean that the skin does not receive the required nutrients, vitamins and microelements, which are considered the basic material for the formation of new cells. Staying in one position for a long time leads to spasm of the muscles of the collar-cervical area, disrupting the blood circulation in the head and neck area, which affects the appearance of the skin.
  2. A visit to a solarium or prolonged exposure to sunbathing contributes to a violation of the hydro reserve, photoaging of the skin, loss of elasticity and the formation of hyperpigmentation. Improper or lack of skin care, unfavorable environmental conditions and insufficient fresh air can lead to changes in skin tone.
  3. In winter, skin health is negatively affected by low outside temperatures, strong winds, frost, dry air in offices and apartments, as well as vitamin deficiency and lack of sunlight. Therefore, by spring, the skin loses its freshness and becomes dull. An unhealthy complexion can be caused by the accumulation of dust and dead cells that cover the skin. Oily facial skin is most prone to rapid contamination. With age, the restoration of the epidermis slows down, the exfoliation of dead cells stops, which will also cause dullness of the skin layer.
  4. Toxic substances that are included in tobacco smoke lead to spasm of skin capillaries and an increase in carbon monoxide, which provokes poor blood supply and oxygen enrichment, as well as changes in the structure of the skin.
  5. Sometimes a dull color reflects a violation of a person’s general condition. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, long-term use of medications, osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebra, menopause and other disorders of the body can cause changes in the color and condition of the skin.

Anti-dull skin cream

The most difficult period for the skin usually occurs in early spring. At this time, the skin is tired from the lack of light and air, and the body’s vitamin supply is also running out. To restore freshness and radiance to your face, as well as “charge” your skin with beneficial substances, you need to use cosmetics daily.

Here are the top 10 creams that help your face gain a healthy, radiant look:

  1. Dior Life. This sorbet cream with a light gel structure helps to refresh skin tired during the winter months, nourish it, and give it radiance. The gel is easily absorbed without a sticky feeling. You need to wait three minutes, then apply tinting cream or powder. Manufacturers are confident that if you use their product for a month, you will be able to do without cosmetics, since there will be no need for them;
  2. Valmont Deto2X Cream. After winter, facial skin needs not only saturation with moisture, but also a lot of fresh air. To get the same effect as a two-week stay at a mountain resort, use Valmont Deto2X, which is an effective oxygen cocktail. It is very quickly able to revive even excessively dry, colorless skin. Under the influence of the components present in the weightless cream, beneficial substances go directly to the cells that are “starved” during the winter;
  3. 3Lab Hydrating-vita cream. This moisturizer is simply an “inexhaustible” source of vitamins and minerals. The anti-aging cream saturates aging skin with vitamins E, C and A. However, the “heavy artillery” is hyaluronic acid. The light texture of the effective product is suitable for oily and combination skin;
  4. Givenchy Hydra Sparkling. In this series, manufacturers presented two positions at once. One is needed for extra-dry skin, the other for mixed and normal skin types. The texture of these creams is different, but they are equally effective at moisturizing dehydrated layers of the skin. The composition also saturates cells with oxygen and nutrients;
  5. Shiseido Bio-Performance Glow Revival. This line was created in order to restore a radiant and healthy look to dehydrated, dull facial skin. Thanks to this intensive corrective product, facial tone is evened out, tone is improved, wrinkles are smoothed out, and signs of fatigue are completely erased;
  6. Erborian Bamboo Creme Frappee. This frappe cream with an airy structure can quickly restore the face, restoring youth and radiance to the skin. The beneficial substances included in the composition saturate the cells with life-giving moisture and microelements. The cream penetrates the deepest layers of the skin, evening out the complexion and increasing turgor;
  7. Kiehl's Pure Vitality. The cosmetic product includes only natural ingredients that trigger regeneration processes in the deep layers of the skin, filling it with the necessary components to restore velvety, freshness to the face. The composition includes ginseng extract, which provides the upper layers of the skin with protective properties. Manuka honey from New Zealand gives it elasticity and smoothes out wrinkles;
  8. Phformula Vita C Cream. The nourishing cream contains a large amount of vitamin C, which gives the skin elasticity, silkiness, and evens out its color. In addition, it has strong antioxidant properties, reduces inflammatory processes;
  9. Weleda. Restoring ampoules help you get through the off-season with “minimal losses.” Compared to other regenerating cosmetics, the smoothing concentrated substance contains a huge amount of nutritional components necessary for rejuvenation. The result after use will exceed all expectations. The skin becomes younger before our eyes, acquiring youthful elasticity and velvety;
  10. Vichy Aqualia Thermal. The creators of this cosmetic product call it a day spa treatment. It is enough to apply a small amount in the morning to feel a qualitative change in your skin in the evening. Even after a grueling day of work, there will be no dullness or feeling of tired skin.

Characteristics of dull complexion

Healthy skin color is considered the basis of female attractiveness and external beauty. This skin has a uniform color, a matte surface and a pinkish tint. Healthy skin feels silky and smooth to the touch, and also has sufficient firmness and elasticity.

Throughout life, under the influence of various factors, the condition of the skin changes. Dull skin color occurs in those with combination, dry and oily skin and is characterized by a grayish tint, rough and uneven surface. This cosmetic problem is accompanied by contaminated enlarged pores, dark circles under the eyes, peeling, pigmentation and increased skin sensitivity.

The presence of a dull complexion is considered a reason to seek a recommendation from a dermacosmetologist, obtain consultations from an endocrinologist and gastroenterologist, and, if necessary, undergo an in-depth medical examination. These steps will help you correctly determine the cause of a dull complexion and select qualified methods for improving the structure of your skin.

Many people have a question - dull complexion: what to do? The answer to this will be compliance with such basic rules as:

  • rejection of bad habits;
  • periodic facial peeling;
  • limiting the consumption of alcohol and coffee;
  • healthy sleep;
  • skin hydration;
  • Sun protection;
  • skin care;
  • use of cosmetics with reflective particles.

Strobe of Genuis Illuminating Palette, NYX Professional Makeup

The NYX Professional Makeup brand has made the dream of highlighter lovers come true and released a large palette with seven shades of this product. The palette was created specifically for strobing. A variety of shades is necessary in order to obtain a more voluminous, embossed result. Having highlighters of different colors in your arsenal will make it easier for you to choose the one that suits your skin tone. Plus, this palette allows you to mix and match multiple shades to get the one you want.

© nyxcosmetic.ru

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Features of care for dull skin

You can return a vigorous and radiant appearance to your facial skin by analyzing and changing your usual way of life and increasing skin care. It is necessary to choose the right cosmetics and face creams, taking into account age characteristics and skin type, and also do not forget about protecting the skin from ultraviolet rays.

Everyday home care for a dull complexion should consist of cleansing, toning and moisturizing. In case of this problem, at least once a week it is necessary to carry out deep exfoliation of the skin using a cream scrub, which will exfoliate dead particles of the epidermis and eliminate excess impurities and sebum. The final step in such care is covering the facial skin with a nourishing mask.

To eliminate a dull complexion, professional cosmetic procedures are indispensable, which have a wide range of treatment methods and are selected for each patient individually, taking into account the form of the disorder, development factors and the established diagnosis.

There are such cosmetic procedures aimed at eliminating dull skin tone:

  • chemical lifting, based on enzyme and fruit acids, which allows you to even out the relief and tone of the skin, as well as increase its elasticity and tone;
  • mesotherapy - saturating the skin with nutrients through injections;
  • biorevitalization - injection of hyaluronic acid into the skin;
  • laser peeling is a procedure that is aimed at stimulating the collagen product, eliminating minor skin imperfections and creating a rejuvenation effect;
  • fractional photothermolysis: the therapeutic effect and healing are achieved using an intense pulse of light;
  • ozone therapy - saturating skin cells with oxygen, which helps improve skin respiration;
  • plasmolifting - improving the general condition of the epidermis at the expense of its own reserves;
  • photorejuvenation is a procedure that activates the process of skin rejuvenation and regeneration;
  • mesotherapy and biorevitalization - saturation of skin cells with nutrients and life-giving moisture;
  • gas-liquid and ultrasound therapy.

An effective professional technique for combating dull skin tone is therapeutic massage. It gives the skin a natural color, eliminates minor defects, evens out the relief and tone of the skin, restores proper nutrition, accelerates the recovery process, and also increases the elasticity and tone of the skin.

Lumi Magique Pure Light Primer, L'Oréal Paris

If using a highlighter only adds shine to the skin, then a base with pearlescent particles will provide radiance to the entire face. To prevent the noble shine from turning into a greasy one, it is still better to cover the primer with a layer of foundation on top. Thanks to Lumi Magique Pure Light Primer, the skin will softly glow as if “from within”. By the way, for a more natural result, makeup artists recommend mixing such a base in a small amount with foundation. Lumi Magique Pure Light Primer is also convenient because it can be used separately - like a liquid highlighter. For example, for facial sculpting.

© L'Oréal Paris

Prevention of dull complexion

The main preventive recommendations to prevent the appearance of dull skin color will be to follow the following instructions:

  1. Dedicate enough time to sleep at night;
  2. Sports (exercise) and an active lifestyle;
  3. Taking a walk in the fresh air;
  4. Eating healthy foods rich in minerals and vitamins necessary for the body;
  5. Introducing more vegetables and fruits into the diet;
  6. Quitting bad habits (coffee, smoking and alcoholic drinks);
  7. Avoiding hypothermia and overheating;
  8. Mandatory adherence to skin care rules at home (cleaning with scrubs, using nourishing creams and masks, as well as facial skin massage);
  9. Avoidance of stressful situations;
  10. Use of emollients and moisturizers;
  11. Drinking enough fluids (clean drinking water).

Using cosmetics for dull complexion

Depending on the level of dullness in your skin, cosmetics and makeup can give your complexion a radiant appearance. There are special serums and decorative products that can eliminate dull skin color:

  • serum with vitamin C: aimed at lightening age spots and protecting cells from the influence of ultraviolet rays;
  • moisturizing serum is a universal skin nourishing option that consists of peptides and hyaluronic acid;
  • the use of a highlighter is a cosmetic product that visually evens out the skin color, the use of which is not recommended if there is redness on the skin.

If you find that your complexion is becoming lifeless and dull, do not neglect or leave this problem for later. You need to seek help from specialists, rethink and change your way of life, and also follow preventive measures, because the beauty and health of your skin depends only on you.

Makeup removal

Cleansing the skin is the basis for a healthy complexion.

The face needs to be cleansed twice a day: morning and evening. Even if you don’t use cosmetics, dust, dirt, and oil accumulate on your skin and need to be removed.

And if makeup also comes into play, the harmful load on the skin increases. Overuse of makeup and poor cleansing lead to clogged pores, rashes, and dull color.

Going to bed with makeup not washed off is like putting your face in a trash can and walking around without washing off the dirt.

What you need to know about cleansing? It should be gentle and not dry out the skin. Instead of washing with tap water and special products (gels, creams, foams), try a more modern option - hydrolates.

Have you heard anything about them?

Hydrolates are obtained by steam distillation of plant materials. They contain nothing but clean water and plants. They retain the benefits of natural ingredients while effectively cleansing the face. The skin after them is soft and moisturized.

To cleanse your face with hydrate you do not need water. Morning and evening, wipe your skin with a cotton pad, after moistening it in the product. Throughout the day, tone and moisturize your skin as needed.

Excellent hydrolates are presented in the Beauty365 line. Go to www.beauty365.ru and choose Beauty365 mint, sage or lavender hydrosol based on your skin type.

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