Starch for the face: the benefits of a mask, 13 recipes at home

Hello, my dear readers! I have long wanted to write this post and talk about starch for the face.

It turns out that this well-known product is widely used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology...

Cosmetologists have long noted that starch has a positive effect on the face.

This simple and very inexpensive remedy has a very powerful rejuvenating effect.

Read more below...

Beneficial features

Carbohydrates, sugars, proteins and dietary fiber are what starch is made of. It also contains vitamins PP, B, C. A, together these substances regenerate cells, renewing and restoring them. And calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron and other microelements enrich the dermis with oxygen and maintain cellular moisture at the required level.

Starch is a natural substance and is therefore safe to use in most cases.

When cooking on your own, you should not use potatoes that have green skins. Because such tubers contain a poison of plant origin - corned beef.

Composition of the product

In 100 gr. banana contains 89 kcal, which is approximately 5-6% of the daily calorie intake for an adult per day (1684 kcal).

Nutrients per 100 g. product:

  • protein 1.5 g;
  • fat 0.5 g;
  • carbohydrates 21 gr.;
  • amount of water 74 g.

Table. Nutrients per 100 g. product

VitaminsAmount per 100 g of product (banana)
IN 10.04 mg
AT 98 mg
AT 20.02 mg
AT 50.25 mg
AT 60.38 mg
E0.4 mg
A20 mcg
WITH10 mg
Minerals and trace elementsAmount per 100 g of product (banana)
potassium348 mg
phosphorus30 mg
magnesium40 mg
iron0.6 mg
zinc0.15 mg

Benefits of banana for the body:

  • vitamin B6 participates in the transformation reactions of amino acids, improves the external condition, increases skin elasticity;
  • vitamin C is a component of redox reactions, increases turgor and eliminates inflammation in the skin;
  • Potassium is an active intracellular ion that ensures the appearance and elasticity of the skin.

Indications for use

When wrinkles, expression lines, and age-related wrinkles begin to appear, the skin has lost its radiance and youth, its dull color is upsetting, it shines from excess sebum and sebum, or begins to peel off - then it’s time to try masks made from potato starch. In addition, the use of such home cosmetics will be appropriate if small inflamed areas appear, other signs of irritation, or the shape of the face changes due to sagging skin.

Indications for use of a starch face mask.

What effect does banana have on wrinkles and skin?

A nourishing, rejuvenating composition is used to achieve tightening and healing, cleansing the skin. Application provides rejuvenation of the skin, it is given turgor and plasticity. Nutrient components, a complex of microelements found in the ripe fruit, nourish the epidermis. Vitamins A and C are involved in regulating the functioning of the sebaceous glands, helping to forget about acne and acne.

Supplemented with active ingredients, the face mask gently smoothes expression lines and deep wrinkles. Thanks to vitamin E present in the pulp, the blood supply to the skin is activated. The nutritional value of the home remedy is complemented by its versatility and the ability to be used on different skin types. The dermis is actively renewed, looks much younger and cleaner after light scrubbing.

There are several types of face masks using banana

Instead of Botox

Starch can be used at the first signs of aging. It can even replace Botox, as it fills wrinkles and evens them out, thereby making the skin visually younger. The potato processing product has no contraindications.

If minimal itching or mild irritation appears on the dermis after use, this may be a reaction to other components of the mask. Therefore, before using any medications, dermatologists always recommend testing for an allergic reaction.

There are no contraindications to the use of pure starch. But there is one for Botox injections. Therefore, before going to the doctor for help, it may be better and safer to try masks based on starch on yourself and, thus, independently help your skin look younger and healthier.

Homemade mask recipes

Homemade masks will solve many problems that arise on the skin of the face. You need to choose the right ingredients and products, and use them regularly. Only then will it be possible to observe the effect of the masks:

For wrinkles

The skin will be cleansed and fine wrinkles will be eliminated if you apply a honey-milk mask twice a week. But the main component in it will still be starch. Mix in a small container 50 ml of warm milk of any fat content and a teaspoon of starch and uncandied natural honey. Buckwheat or heather would work well. The mask also includes two pinches of salt. Apply the first layer, after a quarter of an hour the second. Keep the mask on your face for the same amount of time and then wash it off.

From starch and tea tree oil

This is an effective product for oily skin with blackheads. It's easy to prepare. Take the egg white and beat it a little with a whisk. Add ten drops of tea tree oil and two level teaspoons of starch. Make the mass homogeneous, and then carefully apply to warm skin. Wash off the mask first with warm water, and then you can walk along the massage lines with an ice cube.

From starch and banana

This is a good remedy for aging skin, aimed at its rejuvenation. To prepare the mask, you will need a small heaped tablespoon of potato starch, the same amount of mashed banana and five grams of homemade cream. Mix the ingredients thoroughly until the mass becomes homogeneous and apply to the face for 10–12 minutes. Rinse off and then use your favorite nourishing cream.

From starch and eggs

To get rid of oily shine on your face and tighten pores, you can try making a mask consisting of ingredients such as starch (a level tablespoon), the white of a chicken egg or two quail eggs, and juice from half a lemon. Cooking will take a minute and no more. Add water at room temperature to the starch. Just enough to form a creamy substance after mixing. Pour lemon juice and protein into it. Mix well and can be applied for a quarter of an hour.

Vitamins and minerals contained in eggs.

From starch and honey

When the dermis is dull, black spots appear and wrinkles appear, you can use a mask of starch and honey to improve the situation. You will need a teaspoon of fresh honey. Add as much starch, table salt and a little warmed milk. We determine the quantity visually, but the mixture must become mushy. Gently apply the mask and wash off after 12-15 minutes.

If the product begins to burn the skin a little, you can wash it off a little earlier.

From starch and carrot juice

According to some reviews, a mask made from these products is more effective than Botox. So it's worth trying and seeing the results. First you need to prepare the base. To do this, pour 100 ml of water into a container and add a tablespoon of starch. Stir so that there are no lumps. At this time, put a saucepan on the fire, pour half a liter of water into it and boil. Pour the starch solution into it in a slow stream, continuously stirring the “jelly” with a spoon.

After a minute, remove from heat and wait until it cools down. Add 100 ml of freshly squeezed carrot juice and a tablespoon of sour cream or cream. Mix well and apply to face for 15–20 minutes.

If the top of the carrot intended for making juice turns green, then it must be cut off.

From starch and kefir

A mask made of starch and kefir will help problematic skin, eliminate wrinkles and minor inflammations.

Mix the white of a chicken egg or two quail eggs with the same amount of kefir. Add a small heaped tablespoon of starch. Mix thoroughly so that no lumps form and can be applied to the face. 12-15 minutes is enough.

For acne

The product, with regular use, will help get rid of acne. To prepare the mask, you will need one tablespoon each of chopped oatmeal and potato starch. And also chicken egg white. All ingredients must be combined and the porridge-like product applied to the skin. It is enough to keep it on your face for twenty minutes.

With Botox effect

The mask is effective for aging skin, but requires a certain regularity of use. Only then will the result be noticeable. You will need half a medium-sized red tomato (it must be grated, first doused with boiling water to make it easier to remove the skin). Add 5 ml of cold-pressed olive oil and a level tablespoon of starch to the tomato pulp. Mix until smooth and apply to skin. After fifteen minutes, the mask can be washed off.

For dry skin

A starch product for dry skin can be prepared from a set of products that are in the refrigerator of any housewife. In a bowl, dilute a tablespoon of starch with milk until semi-liquid. Place a saucepan on low heat, first pouring a glass of milk into it. Before it boils, pour the starch solution into it in a thin stream, stirring continuously and thoroughly. Remove from heat, let cool slightly, add any oil. Better olive, almond. Apply to face with a brush and leave for 10-12 minutes.

For fatty

On oily skin, you can prevent the appearance of blackheads and various rashes, eliminate oily shine, and regulate the functioning of pores using a special mask. Squeeze a teaspoon of juice from aloe leaves, add whipped egg white and a tablespoon of starch to it. After the mass becomes homogeneous, apply to the face. It is enough to keep the product on the skin for 10 to 15 minutes.


One of the most effective tightening masks. Take a tablespoon of starch and kefir or whey and one protein. The mixture is applied for 15–20 minutes to a previously prepared face.

The effect of application will become even more noticeable visually if, after removing the nourishing product, you wipe your face with an ice cube.

For sensitive skin

For this type of dermis, it is necessary to regularly make soothing masks. Starches are especially good for this in combination with other products. Such as milk and vegetable oils: olive, peach, almond. To create a nutritional mixture, these products are taken in equal quantities. It is better to warm the milk a little. The product is applied for a quarter of an hour.

For hair thickness

Starch can also be very beneficial for hair. Girls use it calling it dry shampoo. Just sprinkle the partings on your head with powder, leave it on for five minutes, comb your hair or blow it with a hairdryer, then wash your hair. A corn or potato product is suitable for removing fat.

If you want to increase the volume of your hair , use this remedy: mash the tomato pulp, add 4 tsp. potato product, pour in 1 tsp. oils Apply to strands, leave for half an hour, rinse with warm water.

Dear friends, a simple, safe product is available in every home, so why not use it? Many women have already looked younger with the help of the masks listed above, try it too, to amaze your surroundings in the spring!

Also on our website you can read: how to properly use salicylic acid for acne.

How to cook properly

The main ingredient of starch masks can be easily prepared yourself:

  1. Peel the potato tubers and grate them on the finest grater.
  2. Prepare a piece of gauze or cotton fabric. Lay out the potato mixture, tie the cheesecloth so that the grated tubers are in a knot.
  3. Pour cold water into a saucepan.
  4. Place the knot in it. The end of the fabric can be tied to the handle of the saucepan.
  5. A white precipitate will begin to form at the bottom of the container. This is starch. To speed up the process, the bag can be slightly crushed.
  6. When the turbidity settles, the water is drained. The resulting starch can be used for masks by adding other necessary ingredients.

Before applying the nourishing composition, the skin must be cleansed. This will enhance the effect.

General rules and tips for application and use

There are no special rules for using starch masks that differ from others:

  • Regularity of application 2-3 times a week. Courses of up to 15 procedures. Then they take a break;
  • keep on the skin of the face, depending on its type and the expected result, from 10 to 20 minutes;

  • Before applying the nutrient, the skin is thoroughly cleansed, and after the procedure, rinsed with water at room temperature or slightly warmed;
  • The composition must be applied very carefully to the area of ​​the lower and upper eyelids.

You can take not only potato starch, but also corn starch. This will give almost the same effect.

The benefits of starch for inflammation

Inflammation and acne are the result of the fact that the products of cell metabolic processes, dust, and dirt are retained on the surface of the skin.

Starch affects acne in the following ways:

  1. Smoothes out fine wrinkles, making them barely noticeable.
  2. Renews skin cells.
  3. Helps accelerate the healing of wounds and cracks.
  4. Normalizes sebum production.
  5. Tightens and cleanses pores.

Homemade starch-based masks are an indispensable tool for fighting acne and other rashes. And the cooking time will take more than 5 minutes.

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