Roller facial massager – How to use? +Top 5 best

The main hit in the beauty industry of 2022 was the 3D roller massager for the face and neck, which simultaneously strengthens, models, relaxes and rejuvenates. If you haven't heard about this Japanese miracle gadget that blew up Instagram and YouTube, it's time to tune in to the wave of beauty with UniLook. Today we will tell you: what a 3D facial roller is, what benefits it has for the skin and how to use it correctly to wake up without swelling and greet each new day with radiant, ruddy skin.

What are the benefits of a roller facial massager?

A roller facial massager helps in rejuvenation, tones and helps smooth out wrinkles. With its help it is easier to maintain a healthy color and a beautiful oval. What effect does it have?

  • Improves blood microcirculation and, accordingly, nutrition
  • When performed correctly, it has a lymphatic drainage effect.
  • Helps reduce swelling
  • Smoothes wrinkles and makes them less noticeable
  • Outlines the oval and helps highlight cheekbones
  • Helps reduce pigmentation and maintain healthy color.

The roller massager relieves tension, muscular and emotional. Allows you to smooth out facial wrinkles. Massage helps saturate cells with oxygen, stimulates lymph flow and removes toxins.

It also stimulates regeneration, promoting rapid renewal and smoothing out unevenness. That is why it is so effective against wrinkles of varying depths and scars.

Carrying out a facial massage with a roller massager helps in solving several problems at once:

  • lymphatic drainage
  • toning
  • relaxation

It is believed that home self-massage, when used regularly, can significantly rejuvenate and keep the skin healthy, elastic and resistant to age-related changes. To obtain a noticeable effect, you must use the roller massager correctly.

Indications for hardware massage

Universal indications for hardware massage:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • respiratory pathologies;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • gynecological pathologies;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • swelling;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • muscle spasms;
  • circulatory disorders, hematomas;
  • sagging and sagging skin;
  • wrinkles;
  • stretch marks and scars.

Hardware massage allows you to achieve effective and lasting results in weight loss and complex anti-cellulite therapy. In addition, each technique has specific indications.

Vibromassage is effective for polyarthritis, bronchial asthma, chronic gastritis, intestinal dyskinesia, postural disorders, and helps to recover from injuries.

Vacuum massage is recommended for:

  • imperfections of the figure (to correct volumes);
  • disruption of lymph flow;
  • radiculitis;
  • neuralgia;
  • signs of hypoxia.

Hydromassage is prescribed for:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • insomnia;
  • venous insufficiency;
  • reduced immunity;
  • depression and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Charcot's shower is indicated for decreased immunity, muscle and vitality, as well as arthritis.

Myostimulation is effective for muscle atrophy in areas that are difficult to work out during physical exercise.

How to use a facial roller massager?

When using a roller facial massager, you need to follow only a few rules.

  • Clean your skin, hands and massager before the procedure
  • Move the massager along the massage lines (See figure below)
  • Adjust the level of pressure. It shouldn't be excessive. It is recommended to start with minimal pressure. And act completely without it in the areas around the eyes.

Using a roller massager does not require special knowledge. It is available by following the rules above and knowing the massage lines below.

It is recommended to make at least 3-5 movements along each line. And in total spend 5-10 minutes per session. The greatest effect is achieved by girls and women who use a roller massager daily or every other day. This way, wrinkles are smoothed out and the skin can constantly remain toned.

After 2 weeks it is recommended to take a break. Assess the effect and its duration in your case.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Cleanse skin, hands, massager
  2. Apply facial massage product
  3. Massage along the lines
  4. Blot any remaining product with a dry paper towel
  5. Apply moisturizer according to skin type
  6. Wipe the massager

Massage pillows for cervical vertebrae

This type of massager promotes relaxation. It is enough to lie on the pillow for 10-15 minutes. With the help of heating and vibration, the neck muscles are thoroughly worked out. Nerve bundles are concentrated in the cervical spine, redistributing impulses to the arms. If you get tired when working at a computer and your upper limbs go numb, you need to start solving problems from the neck.

RUOKEY BT052 – relaxation pillow

The design is similar to a pillow. Material: ABS plastic and breathable fabric. There are two rollers mounted inside the case, each of which has 4 fingers. The working elements rotate clockwise and also counterclockwise. You can use the massager at work, at home, on vacation, and even in the car. Controlled by buttons.

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  • relieves muscle tension;
  • stimulates blood circulation;
  • ergonomic design;
  • Fast shipping;
  • affordable price.


  • No.

JINKAIRUI R7mini – for home and car

Universal 3 in 1 model. The design has an ergonomic design. Massage balls (16 pcs.) are mounted inside. There is a warm-up function. Penetrating movements relax muscle tissue well and increase blood flow. After switching on, settings are performed (5 modes). After 15 minutes the device switches off automatically.

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  • Ideal for car seats;
  • easy to use;
  • quick effect.


  • delivery is not always fast.

RUOKEY BT052 – electric pillow with a therapeutic effect

The electric massager has a power of 30 W. Movable rollers with fingers are built into the body. There is a heating option. The rollers rotate clockwise and vice versa. The device can be used for different parts of the body.

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  • memory option for last mode setting;
  • simple controls;
  • quickly relieves muscle tension.


  • there is a slight smell.

JINKAIRUI RP2 – portable and versatile

The design is made of ABS plastic and breathable fabric. A massage pillow relaxes, relieves pain, spasms, and tones muscles. Works in several modes: hot compress, vibration. Weight – 1.5 kg. Controlled by buttons (6 pcs.). Power indicator – 24 W.

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  • warms up the back and neck well;
  • The kit includes regular and car chargers;
  • turns off automatically after 15 minutes.


  • not enough power.

Litfly Neck Massager – massage + magnetic therapy

Parameters: 30x19 cm. The kit includes a regular and car charger. There are 2 control buttons (ON/OFF) on both sides of the case. Works in modes: vibration, magnetic therapy and heating. The speed is adjustable in three positions. Heat is provided by powerful LEDs. Three magnets are built into the massager, which carry the healing power of Tibetan monks.

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  • work from the network, cigarette lighter;
  • a light weight;
  • affordable price.


  • not always fast delivery.

OGAMACIRUS C-311 – massage with double impact

The rectangular model consists of two elements. At the same time, the muscles of the neck and back are worked on. Can also be used for the waist, hips, calves. Modes: warming up, vibration. Parameters: 32x32x9 cm.

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  • automatic shutdown after 15 minutes;
  • network connection and car cigarette lighter;
  • adjustable roller height;
  • quality of materials (ABS plastic, cotton).


  • no significant ones.

How to make the movements?

Although today there are several types of roller massagers, massage with their help is carried out according to general rules with several nuances. So, to get a lymphatic drainage effect, we recommend starting from the décolleté and neck area and moving up. Then walk again along the sides of the neck, draining the lymph. It is important not to create excessive pressure or put pressure on the thyroid gland area. Do it easily, effortlessly. Follow 2 basic rules of movement:

  1. from center to periphery
  2. down up

Pay attention to the arrows

  • on the sides of the neck we move down
  • from the chin and corners of the lips - to the earlobe
  • from the nose to the center of the ear

There are 2 schemes for wrinkles on the forehead

  • one as in the photo above - from the center to the temples and in the middle up
  • the second – from bottom to top across the entire forehead

To enhance smoothing, first make several upward movements, and then to the periphery.

In general, a slight deviation from the diagram will not be critical. Below is our rating of massagers with videos of use.

You may also be interested in learning about gua sha massage for the face.

Contraindications and precautions

Despite its safety and ease of use, the facial massager has contraindications. Among them:

  • acne
  • presence of wounds, cuts, cracks
  • all types of dermatitis
  • inflammatory processes (especially in the lymph nodes)
  • rosacea or close proximity of blood vessels to the surface of the skin
  • fragility and fragility of blood vessels
  • individual intolerance
  • recent cosmetic injections or peels
  • colds

When using a roller massager, be sure to follow safety precautions. If there is any doubt, seek specialist advice.

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Massagers that combine several functions are classified as multifunctional. They have collected the best capabilities of each individual device, so they help achieve maximum results.

Cozcore Florecer MR-HD-211A

The Korean manufacturer has released a device that combines the functions of the following devices:

  • vibration;
  • microcurrent;
  • LED;
  • electric.

Thanks to these functions, the device is able to preserve the shape of the face, improve color, reduce wrinkles, whiten the face and maintain water balance.


  • unusual but convenient design;
  • 4 useful functions;
  • safety;
  • efficiency.

Cons : high cost.

Gezatone m1605 RF Lifting

The massager has 3 functions: radio waves, microcurrents, heat therapy.

The device is aimed at skin rejuvenation using three techniques at once: lifting, heating and microcurrents.

Thanks to the use of the device, the level of collagen increases, due to which the contour is tightened and the depth of wrinkles is reduced.

The product has 5 operating modes: smoothing, warming, strengthening, massage. After the first use, the result is visible: the skin becomes fresh, a healthy tone appears, fine wrinkles disappear.

The device is contraindicated for certain diseases, so you should consult your doctor before use.


  • efficiency;
  • multifunctionality;
  • ease of use;
  • Suitable for any skin type.

Cons: there are contraindications

Gezatone Superlifting m356

Another representative of the French brand Gezatone. The device combines the following functions:

  • ultrasound;
  • light therapy;
  • vibration;
  • galvanic current.

For such a number of options, this massager costs a penny, which does not affect the quality of work.

Thanks to the influence of galvanic current, inflammation and pustules disappear; vibration and ultrasound fight puffiness and restore a healthy skin tone, light waves soothe the skin.

The massager is equipped with a display that displays the corresponding operating mode. Includes instructions, adapter and safety glasses.


  • quality;
  • multifunctionality;
  • price.

Cons: no information about the frequency of procedures in the description

Which roller facial massager should you choose? – Top 5 according to

All the roller massagers presented below are effective for the face. And all give tangible results with constant use. But they have different intensity and depth of impact, which affects the speed and quality of the result. But even the most ordinary roller massager without any frills will help to significantly improve the condition of the skin at any age.

Below is a rating of the best massagers according to the website in order of increasing intensity of impact.

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Roller facial massager made of stone

This type of roller massager has been known for a long time. In folk methods, great importance is placed on the effect of natural stone on the skin.

  • Rose quartz is considered a stone of beauty. He is credited with the ability to preserve youth, attractiveness and beauty. It heats up a little during massage.
  • Jade is famous for its healing properties. It does not smooth out wrinkles and takes care of nutrition. Heats up during the massage procedure.
  • Today, roller massagers made from other stones are also available. When choosing, rely on your taste; a nice tool will allow you to get more benefits. It is the intuitive choice of stone that is considered the most correct. Even if you choose from a photo in an online store.

By the way, don't be afraid of fakes. Natural stones are really inexpensive and there is little point in counterfeiting them. Although, of course, it is worth purchasing products from trusted stores. Be sure to check for cracks and chips. They are often present on natural materials.

The main thing is that they are not on the massage surface and do not injure the skin. If there is a small chip on the handle or on the side where the surface will not come into contact with the skin, there is no need to replace it. It's not a fact that the other one will be better. Natural stones for roller massagers are quite fragile, both quartz and jade. Therefore, they often crack during processing.

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Is it possible to massage a Schmorl's hernia?

Schmorl's hernia differs from other types of hernias. With this pathology, the cartilage of the plates falls into the vertebral body, which consists of spongy tissue. People rarely complain of pain, but the area where the hernia has formed becomes fragile. It may be damaged if subjected to a strong impact. Massage strengthens the muscles around the diseased vertebra, makes the ligaments more elastic, which helps avoid injury.

Is it possible to have a massage after hernia surgery?

Yes. Massage is an important part of rehabilitation. It is prescribed on the 14th day after surgery, when the spinal nerve roots have begun to recover. The procedure improves the conduction of nerve impulses, the mobility of the vertebrae eliminates numbness and weakness of the limbs.


  • Levit, K. Manual medicine / K. Levit, J. Zahse, V. Janda. - M.: Medicine, 1993. - 512 p.
  • Bialosky, JE Placebo response to manual therapy: something out of nothing? : [English] / JE Bialosky, MD Bishop, SZ George
  • Roberts M.P. Lumbar disc herniation. Standard approach. // Neurosurg Clin N Am. — 1993 — V.4 — P.91-99
  • Belaya N.A. Guide to therapeutic massage. - M.: Medicine, 1983.- 287 p.
  • Belogolovsky G. G. Human anatomy (for massage therapists). - M.: Medicine, 2007. - 635 p.

Intervertebral hernia, Spine, Pain, Treatment without surgery Date of publication: 12/28/2020 Date of update: 03/16/2021

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3D facial massager

The so-called 3D massager has two rollers. The skin is stimulated between them. Many facets additionally affect the skin, accelerating micro blood circulation. The massager gives a lymphatic drainage effect, helps to tighten the oval and smooth out wrinkles. The video below shows the effect of the massager on one side of the face and provides a before and after comparison. The video is posted for clarity purposes only, not for advertising purposes.

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Which massage is better: manual or hardware?

All modern devices and techniques are based on classic manual massage. Therefore, it is considered the “gold standard”. The massage therapist works on subcutaneous fat, skin and muscles.

Hardware massage works according to a given algorithm, but thanks to additional effects, it is possible to work on the deep layers of tissue. All this only enhances the effect of the massage and allows you to achieve better results. Therefore, the course of treatment is shorter.

The manual massage procedure lasts 30-120 minutes, the massage therapist uses creams and oils that have a cosmetic effect. Hardware massage lasts 15-45 minutes and is performed on “dry” skin.

The best result is achieved by a combination of manual and hardware massages. This technique helps to quickly get rid of cosmetic and medical problems.

Mesoscooter for face

A mesoscooter is a roller massager with needles. It stimulates regeneration, blood circulation and rejuvenation. Contraindications: pimples and inflammation, close proximity of blood vessels to the surface of the skin. After the procedure, sunbathing is not recommended. Also avoid piercing the skin.

Pros - using with serum allows the product to penetrate deeper. And the patient gets a double effect. From the remedy and from mesotherapy. Check out the video and don’t forget the next item – the Lyapko massager.

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Lyapko roller massager for face

This is the same mesoscooter, but with precious metals. The composition of needles includes iron, copper, zinc, and silver. And all this at a very affordable price. By the way, this roller is more hygienic and there is no need to change it every six months.

The editors of highlight this particular roller massager as the most natural, effective and high-quality. Tested based on personal experience using Lyapko applicators. But he does not recommend using a roller for the eye area. By the way, it is also suitable for other parts of the body. It triggers natural regeneration processes throughout the body. Massage of the palms and feet is also useful for healing the whole body.

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Roller massager with myostimulation

This type of roller massager combines a roller and electric shock. Deeply massages and triggers regenerative processes. Helps against fat deposits, smoothing wrinkles and improving color.

A roller facial massager is a real find of our time. It is relatively inexpensive, easy to find and buy, and will help maintain the tone, youth and beauty of your skin. Do you already use a roller massager? Share your impressions and what model you use in the comments. Leave your review.

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