Patchouli essential oil. Properties and uses for hair, face, magic to attract money, how to use in cosmetology

Oriental aromas envelop with a light haze, spicy sweetness fascinates, and characteristic musky notes add tartness to the composition. The unique combination is easy to recognize among hundreds of smells; it conquers or repels, but leaves no one indifferent.

Patchouli oil is traditionally associated with India; it was used for cosmetic, medicinal purposes, and rituals of offering to the gods. It is considered the best ether sculptor, restoring the contour of the oval, reanimating aging skin. It takes care of oily, porous dermis, thanks to its use it is possible to give a smooth structure and get rid of oily sheen.

Chemical properties of patchouli oil

Patchouli essential oil is a viscous, strong-smelling liquid of amber-red, brown or green color. The smell of patchouli is spicy, with woody notes and camphor.

The substance dissolves in 90% ethyl alcohol in a ratio of 1 to 10, in diethyl phthalate, benzyl benzoate, in vegetable and mineral fats. Glycerin and water are not solvents for extracting patchouli. The substance is resistant to mildly aggressive acids and alkalis.

general description

In the tropical regions of Asia and Indonesia, there is a perennial shrub reaching a height of 1 m. It is widely cultivated in Sri Lanka, Malaysia, the Philippines, and South America exclusively for the production of essential oil.

Obtained by steam distillation from fermented leaves. The process is complex and labor-intensive; in the first stages, the collected leaves are dried to increase the quantity and quality of the aroma oil. Steam distillation occurs under high pressure and lasts about 36 hours.

is not possible to make ether at home due to the complexity of the process .

Patchouli also grows exclusively in tropical areas; attempts to cultivate the plant in other climatic conditions, in particular in Abkhazia, were unsuccessful. The oil is found only in the form of ether; it is a viscous, dense liquid with an extremely rich aroma. The shades of the product are also varied; you can find green-brown, mustard, dark orange, red-brown.

The smell is highly persistent; sweet spice, woody balsamic notes, and herbaceous moldy-camphor aromas are discernible. The dense oil crystallizes in the cold ; when applied to paper , the trace remains for several months.

Widely used in cosmetology due to its combination of regenerating and antiseptic properties. Helps cope with dermatological diseases, improves the condition of oily skin.

Note! It is also considered an effective remedy for caring for curls, accelerates growth, and gets rid of dandruff.

Oil composition

The main element that determines the composition of patchouli oil is called patchulol or patchouli alcohol. Depending on the concentration of patchoulol, the quality of the oil is judged; the higher it is, the more valuable the product is considered. The most expensive varieties contain up to 30% patchouli alcohol.

The composition of patchouli oil is dominated by organic compounds of the sesquiterpene group:

  • benzoaldehyde;
  • alpha-patchoulene;
  • boulnesen;
  • Seychelles;
  • church table;
  • eugenol

These are fragrant substances that enhance and fix the spicy aroma of etherol. Eugenol, among other things, is a natural antibiotic.

Useful properties in cosmetology

Patchouli essential oil, the healing properties of which are used in the preparation of cosmetics, regenerates the skin, heals abrasions, and eliminates dry skin. Acne, enlarged pores and post-acne lesions characteristic of adolescence are noticeably reduced thanks to the correct use of this valuable product.

You need to apply undiluted oil 2-3 times a day to the inflamed areas. The rejuvenating effect is manifested in the fact that the skin, with regular use, becomes denser and more hydrated. Increased sweating of the feet, decreased skin turgor, cellulite - these phenomena are normalized or eliminated by procedures with patchouli essence.

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Precautionary measures

Before carrying out the procedure, you need to test the prepared cosmetic product for possible allergies. Apply to your wrist and wait about half an hour for the reaction. After cleansing, examine the skin area; in the absence of pronounced redness, rash, or irritation, it can be used to care for the face and body.

The only contraindication for use will be individual intolerance.

Medical benefits

Patchouli extract has proven itself in medicine due to its wide range of healing effects:

  • Improving the functioning of the endocrine system.
  • Antivirus activity.
  • Increased libido.
  • Stopping inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Diuretic action.
  • Anti-allergenic effect.
  • General strengthening effect on the body.

Patchouli oil is mainly used in the treatment of skin diseases due to its high regenerating properties.

The oily essential substance can combat diseases such as skin eczema, allergic dermatitis, anal fissures, and mycoses of the feet. For colds, patchouli oil is added to inhalation mixtures and steam foot baths.

Oil enemas help eliminate intestinal dysfunction. In dietetics, patchouli ether is used to normalize weight; its thick, heavy aroma reduces appetite. The fragrant components of the oil activate the immune system. In the intimate sphere, patchouli is a powerful aphrodisiac that successfully solves delicate problems of impotence.

A little history

The ether traditionally used in Japanese, Chinese, and Malay medicine, used to treat ulcers and dermatitis, restore dry skin, and scars. But the oil became widespread thanks to Indian merchants supplying goods to Europe. To protect against insects, they fumigated woolen shawls and pieces of silk with bush leaves, as a result the fabric absorbed the specific aroma of a tropical plant.

During the reign of Napoleon, ladies of the court smelled of patchouli , and perfumers urgently had to create a composition based on an ester. But in Victorian England they did not appreciate the musky smell; it seemed too heavy and intrusive to local fashionistas.

Today, patchouli is widely used in luxury perfumes and is an essential component of oriental compositions. It is used as a natural odor fixer, giving strength and sensuality to the aroma.

Mostly Indian beauties are familiar with the cosmetic properties. The ether was added to recipes for aging, aging skin; the oil is known for its rejuvenating effect. It was also used to treat wounds, inflammations, and was used to care for curls, adding shine, strength, and elasticity to strands.

Indications for use

Patchouli essential extract is used in various fields of medicine, gynecology, cosmetology:

  1. It alleviates the condition of diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis).
  2. Strengthens the body's resistance to infectious diseases, has an antipyretic effect, and is used for acute respiratory infections, flu, sore throat, and colds.
  3. Stimulates the production of female and male sex hormones, corrects sexual dysfunction. Useful for impotence and frigidity.

  4. Effective for diseases of the genitourinary system. Used in gynecology for douching in the treatment of yeast infections (with tea tree oil).
  5. Has a preventive effect against mycoses, inhibits the growth of pathogenic microflora.
  6. Improves the condition of problem and aging skin, heals wounds from insect bites, reduces stretch marks (stretch marks), reduces hair loss.
  7. Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, used in aromatherapy

Patchouli oil for hair care

Instructions for use

The essential extract of patchouli strengthens hair follicles, promotes the growth of new hair, regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands, gives elasticity, and fights dandruff.

The following rules must be followed:

  • The preparation with patchouli oil is distributed carefully along the partings.
  • First, other ingredients of the cosmetic product are prepared and mixed, and finally patchouli oil is added.
  • It is worth using wooden or plastic utensils to avoid an oxidative reaction.
  • The basis for the mask can be any base oil: peach, wheat germ, olive. The dosage must be observed.

Mask for strengthening hair follicles: recipe, usage diagram

The properties of patchouli essential oil as part of a strengthening mask are enhanced by interaction with other components and head massage. Massage promotes blood flow to the follicles.

Mask components:

  • 2 tbsp. carrier oils (burdock, olive, shea butter);
  • 5-6 drops of patchouli essential oil.

Burdock oil is the most powerful stimulator of hair renewal. This component can be combined with another neutral carrier oil in equal proportions.

Preparation and use:

  • By adding patchouli essential oil to the oil base, the resulting suspension is rubbed into the scalp. The hair is first divided into partings. For 10-15 minutes, massage the mask into the head until you feel a pleasant warmth.
  • After the massage, wrap your head in a towel and leave the mask on for half an hour. Then it is washed off with shampoo.

The procedure must be done 1-2 times a week for 3 months. During this period, hair loss will slow down, the lifespan of the hair will increase, and “dormant” hair follicles will be activated.

Mask for oily hair

To make a mask you will need 1 yolk, 2 tbsp. coconut oil, 3-4 drops of patchouli oil. Coconut oil contains hyaluronic acid, which provides long-lasting moisture to hair. The drug is applied to the entire scalp, including the length.

To enhance the effect of the mask, put a cellophane cap and towel on your head. This will create a greenhouse effect. The drug should work for 1.5-2 hours.

You need to make sure that the temperature of the water when washing off the mask is not too hot, otherwise the yolk will curl and stain your hair. Such masks are made in a course once a week for 3-4 months. You should not overuse it so as not to dry out your hair at the ends.

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User reviews

On forums, users share their experiences of using patchouli oil.

The girl writes why she used the ether, recommends combining it with sea buckthorn for burns and burning .

The user applies it to the hair, also indicates a recipe for a cream with ether for the body; a slight tingling sensation is possible upon application.

The review indicates use not only for skin and hair care. When combined with carrier oils, can be used to repel insects.

The girl describes the versatility of the oil, the ability to enrich various recipes for the care of the face, body, and curls.

Facial oil

Patchouli essential oil works on all skin types:

  • dries oily porous skin, reduces greasiness;
  • soothes sensitive skin, relieves redness and flaking;
  • smoothes and nourishes dry skin;
  • returns problematic skin to a well-groomed appearance;
  • with age-related changes it has a lifting effect.

A few drops of fragrant oil are added to daily cream or made into masks.

Nourishing mask for normal skin

Normal skin can be nourished with a mixture of melted cocoa butter and patchouli ether:

  • Heat a spoonful of cocoa butter over low heat or a water bath and mix with 1 drop of ether.
  • You should lie quietly for half an hour, letting the mask work on your previously cleansed face.

Essential Oil Ice Cubes Recipe

Making and using ice cubes:

  • To make cosmetic ice, dilute 1 tbsp in one glass of boiled warm water. honey until completely dissolved.

  • Add 4-5 drops of patchouli essential oil to the solution.
  • Freeze in the usual way - using a tray or separate ice containers.
  • Ice cubes are used as a facial massager during your morning wash. This is the final procedure after cleansing your face. You need to move the cube along the massage lines, without lingering in one area for too long to prevent hypothermia.
  • After wiping with ice, blot off any remaining moisture with a napkin or towel.

This procedure tones, gives a natural glow to the skin, smoothes out wrinkles by stimulating blood circulation. Can be used instead of toner before applying cream.

Steam bath recipe to cleanse pores

A steam bath with patchouli oil opens pores well and prepares the skin for the application of nourishing masks. To make the bath, essential oils of patchouli, neroli and leuzea are taken. Dissolve the ethers in 2 glasses of hot water. Cover your head with a towel and tilt your face over a container with an odorous mixture.

The duration of the procedure ranges from 5 to 10 minutes. The fragrant substances of this combination of oils calm the nervous system and reduce stress. At the end of the procedure, the skin is allowed to dry naturally, without towels.

Anti-aging mask

Patchouli essential oil reveals its properties in the care of aging skin. Make up a combination of essential oils, taking 2 drops of each: patchouli, geranium and rosemary. Mix with main oil in a volume of 1 tbsp. The carrier, as usual, can be any base oil, but it is preferable to take olive or peach.

The mixture is applied to the face for 20-25 minutes. If you want to enhance the effect of the mask, the drug is heated in a water bath to an acceptable temperature: it should not burn the skin. The heated oil substance opens the pores and penetrates deeper into the epidermis. During the action, a significant part of the oil is absorbed into the skin, and the remains are simply removed with a paper napkin.

Mask for eliminating post-acne

For 10 ml of sesame seed oil, take 5 drops of patchouli essential extract. The essence is concentrated and applied pointwise to acne marks. With daily use, the result will be the fastest and most pronounced. Sesame oil removes toxins and harmful substances from the skin, accelerates natural skin regeneration.

Application for lips, eyelashes, hair

Essential oil is not used for delicate, thin skin around the eyes, as well as for eyelashes and eyebrows. The presence of sesquiterpene alcohols in the composition can lead to swelling, tearing, and burning. But aroma oil will be an effective remedy for caring for curls. Eliminates dandruff and seborrhea, makes hair lush and voluminous.

Can be added to shampoo or rinsed by mixing with herbal decoction. Eliminates oiliness in the root area, adds shine and radiance to the very ends.

The benefit of the oil for silhouette correction lies in its properties to restore firmness, elasticity, reduce volume, and improve lymph flow. Can be used in massage mixtures, body wraps to tighten the silhouette.

When correcting weight, ether helps reduce appetite, suppresses hunger , and normalizes the psycho-emotional state.

Patchouli oil for skin care of the body, hands and feet

The skin of the body and limbs is daily exposed to microdamage, the signs of which can be successfully treated with patchouli aroma oil treatments: massages and baths.

Moisturizing baths

To make the skin velvety and moisturized, take baths with a few drops of patchouli essential oil. This bath increases skin turgor (with regular use at least once a week). You can diversify the procedure by adding other essential essences to your own taste.

The healing properties of patchouli oil are used to prepare medicinal baths to combat dermatitis and psoriasis.

Foot baths are prepared according to the same principle, only the concentration of essential oil should be less. The product helps with foot hyperhidrosis. A hand bath strengthens nails and rejuvenates the skin. A massage with the essence of a resinous plant tones muscles, removes excess fluid from tissues, and improves mood.

Bath with patchouli oil for dermatitis and psoriasis

Patchouli essential oil exhibits healing properties in the fight against dermatitis and psoriasis. Oil (10 drops) is poured into warm water at a temperature of about 30 degrees. and devote 20 minutes to the water procedure. The event relieves peeling of the skin, alleviates the course of psoriasis, and with regular use promotes remission of the disease.

Hand bath

Washing your hands with quality soap and moisturizing with cream is not enough for healthy skin. A hand bath helps eliminate signs of skin aging, improves color, and strengthens nails.

The composition is extremely simple - 3 drops of patchouli ether and 2 drops of any other essential oil are dissolved in water at a comfortable temperature. To strengthen nails, the aroma oil is simply rubbed undiluted into the nail plates. This oil self-massage prepares the cuticles for subsequent removal and prevents the nails from splitting.

Anti-sweating foot bath

Folk remedies using essential oils help to gently eliminate sweaty feet without side effects. The bath is done like this: pour 5 drops of patchouli oil into warm water.

Rules for taking a foot bath against hyperhidrosis:

  • The best time to take a bath is before bed;
  • it is necessary to thoroughly wash your feet and treat them with pumice;
  • maintain a water temperature no hotter than 40 degrees;
  • 15 minutes is enough to get the effect;
  • Upon completion of the procedure, wipe your feet dry and apply a rich foot cream, preferably containing oak bark, and put on cotton socks.

Natural creams

The disadvantage of using ready-made cosmetics enriched with patchouli ether is that the essential oil has the amazing ability to “deliver” the substances contained in the cream into the deep layers of the epidermis. Moreover, not only useful substances will be transported, but also preservatives and other synthetic additives, which are necessarily included in factory-made cosmetics.

Therefore, it is better to prepare natural homemade creams that contain patchouli ether. Here are some recipes for homemade creams:

Creamy for dry epidermis

You need to beat one yolk, adding to it a teaspoon of liquid honey and a quarter glass of fresh heavy cream. It is better to beat the mixture with a mixer to obtain a homogeneous fluffy mass. Add three drops of patchouli ether to the mixture.

Store the finished product in the refrigerator for no more than three days. Apply to face in the evening after cleansing. Half an hour after application, carefully remove any remaining product using a napkin.

On rose water for oily epidermis

Melt 10 grams of cosmetic wax, add 50 ml of almond oil to it, mix until smooth. Gradually add rose water, whisking constantly; you will need 40 ml of water. The last stage of preparation is adding five drops of patchouli oil. Store the finished composition in the refrigerator for no more than a week. Apply in the evening.

Oil for rejuvenation

To prepare this cream you will need four types of base oils and two types of esters. For one part we take a teaspoon.

Melt and mix the oils:

  • shea butter (shi) – 2 parts;
  • avocado – 1 part;
  • macadamia – 2 parts;
  • jojoba – 1 part.

Cool the finished oil mixture and add three drops of ethers;

  • patchouli;
  • rosewood.

With cocoa for sensitive epidermis

Melt 20 grams of cocoa butter, mix it with 80 ml almond oil. Add five drops of patchouli ether to the cooled mixture. Whisk everything and leave in the cold for several hours. Use daily in the evenings.

For eyelid skin based on baby cream

When planning to use patchouli oil for wrinkles under the eyes, you should prepare the following composition:

  • Mix children's hypoallergenic cream (40 ml) with 10 ml of fresh aloe juice;
  • add three drops of vitamin E solution in oil and three drops of patchouli oil to the mixture;
  • add 5 ml of rosehip oil, beat.

Apply under the eyes and on the area where crow's feet are located, gently pat in with fingertips.

Massage with patchouli oil

To prepare a massage mixture, take 3 tbsp for 5 drops of patchouli ether. carrier oil. Patchouli essence effectively fights postpartum stretch marks, reduces stress, and activates metabolic processes in tissues.

Patchouli essential oil helps women fight cellulite. It is necessary to drop 4 drops of grapefruit, patchouli and lemon esters into 30 ml of neutral oil (linseed, olive, apricot).

This combination works effectively due to the fact that the selected oils enhance each other’s effects. Citrus oils promote fat burning, smooth out the “orange peel”, patchouli ether enhances lymph flow and activates skin regeneration.

To achieve lasting results, anti-cellulite massage should be carried out regularly, if possible daily, but at least 3 times a week . Problem areas should be massaged in a circular motion from bottom to top towards the heart. It is important to follow the principles of a healthy diet and drink plenty of fluids.

Magical properties of oil to attract money

Patchouli essential oil has magical properties according to the science of Feng Shui. This fragrant substance, if certain rules are followed, can attract prosperity.

It is recommended to lubricate bills in your wallet and bank cards with patchouli oil. It is believed that this activates monetary energy.

You can charge a bottle of aroma oil with the energy of your desires. To do this, you should hold the bottle in your palms for 5 minutes, imagining your dream come true as vividly as possible. It is advisable to hear sounds, smells, and experience a feeling of exultation.

Together with the warmth of your hands, the subtle energy of desire will pass into the oil, which will work to attract material well-being. You can imagine anything - buying an apartment, a new position with a high salary, winning the lottery.

Another way to attract money involves a ritual with a candle. A red candle, smeared with patchouli essential oil, is lit close to midnight on the waxing moon for 7 days. The candle should burn out completely. It is advisable to look at the flame at this time and imagine the fulfillment of your plans.

This remedy is a powerful magical ritual that combines three forces: the power of fire, the power of patchouli oil and the power of materialization of desire.

An effective way to increase money luck is to use money soap daily. To prepare it, drop a few drops of patchouli essential oil into a bottle of liquid soap. While washing your hands, you need to think about the material things you want.

How to use patchouli oil to attract money:

Patchouli essential oil as an aphrodisiac

The warm, sensual aroma of patchouli subtly affects the sense of smell of both partners, causing sexual excitement. In the East, it is believed that inhaling the scent of patchouli opens the sexual chakra, allowing energy to flow freely throughout the body. Regular use of aroma oil in a romantic setting improves the intimate sphere, fights sexual impotence in men and female coldness.

Those who want to diversify their sex life use patchouli essential oil as an aphrodisiac:

Use caseRecipe
Erotic sensual massageA mixture for an exciting massage is prepared from a combination of essential essences of cedar, sandalwood and patchouli. These substances in a volume of 3 drops are combined with 20 ml of carrier oil.
BathAdd 2 glasses of milk and 6-7 drops of aroma oil to the bath. You can use sea salt instead of milk.
Aroma sprays for roomsPatchouli aroma spray recipe: take a spoonful of vodka or alcohol, 6 tablespoons of pure water, 5-10 drops of essential oil. Dissolve the oil in alcohol, mix with water and pour the resulting liquid into a spray bottle. You can spray onto the edges of bedding or into the air.
Use instead of perfumeTo give the body an exciting aroma, the oil is applied precisely behind the earlobes, in the décolleté and bikini area. Attention! It is necessary to check the skin for the absence of allergic reactions - apply a drop of oil to the wrist and after a day make sure there is no redness or itching.
Aroma lampFor an aroma lamp, pure patchouli concentrate or a combination with other oils (rose, sandalwood, grapefruit) is used.

Where to buy, oil price

It is important to consider that the market is replete with counterfeits of natural essential oils. It is better to purchase valuable essence from trusted manufacturers. Unscrupulous suppliers add preservatives and replace natural ingredients with chemical ones to reduce costs.

There can be no benefit in oils that are “identical to natural”; on the contrary, their use for cosmetic purposes can cause severe allergies and dermatitis. Therefore, before purchasing, you should spend a couple of minutes studying the composition.

There must be an inscription about 100% naturalness. In real patchouli essential oil there is only one component - in fact, the oil itself.

The price of patchouli essence varies from 70 to 3000 rubles. for 10 ml. Do not be too deluded by the low price; most often this indicates counterfeit or a low percentage of patchoulol.

The average price for a bottle of quality oil starts from about 200 rubles. You can purchase the drug both online in online stores and in the usual way through the pharmacy chain (patchouli oil is available in almost every pharmacy), specialized departments in hypermarkets, shops selling esoteric accessories, and natural cosmetics stores.

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Rules for storing patchouli oil

Resinous patchouli oil retains its healing properties at room temperature. Not all manufacturers indicate an expiration date due to the fact that this product can be stored for decades and mature over time, like a noble wine.

The inscriptions on the labels of a number of manufacturers indicate a storage period of 2 years, but if simple rules are followed, the life of the oil increases indefinitely.

Storage rules:

  • It is advisable to purchase dark glass bottles - this is the first rule for extending the shelf life of all essential oils.
  • Bright light has a detrimental effect on patchouli aroma oil, causing it to oxidize.
  • But you shouldn’t keep the bottle in the refrigerator either - the oil will harden due to its thick, dense consistency.

Patchouli essential oil exhibits its properties with regular use, so there is no need to expect instant results.

It is worth being patient and following the schemes described in the article; only in this case can you count on serious, sustainable improvements.

Author of the article: Alena Pligina

Article design: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Advantages and disadvantages

A unique natural remedy can stop aging, activate renewal processes, and promote tissue healing.

Natural recipes are effective for solving a whole range of aesthetic problems. But when using it, it is worth considering not only the advantages, but also the disadvantages.


  • suitable for oily, dry, aging skin;
  • can be used throughout the year;
  • economical consumption, a few drops are enough for a pronounced effect;
  • combines with base oils, esters, and other ingredients of natural cosmetics;
  • over time, the beneficial properties only increase.


  • high price;
  • has a specific odor, many people smell of mud and mold;
  • not used for individual intolerance.
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