How to lift drooping corners of the lips: home and cosmetic remedies, exercises, massage, makeup, fillers, tips, reviews

From this article you will learn why the corners of the lips droop, as well as how you can solve this problem.

Drooping of the corners of the mouth can occur as a result of age-related changes and aging skin. This is often due to injuries and diseases of soft tissues and nerves. When this happens, the face appears tired and looks older than its actual age. Changes in the shape of the mouth provoke the appearance of facial wrinkles. As a rule, women after 40 years old face such a problem, if it is age-related. Depending on the reason, choose the appropriate doctor. For example, if the cause is injury, then you should not contact a cosmetologist. Let's find out what can be done if the corners of your mouth droop.

The corners of the lips are drooping: reasons

Causes of drooping corners of the lips
In most cases, the corners of the lips droop down due to age-related changes, which usually begin after 40 years, but in some cases after 35 years. This is a natural aging process when the skin does not retain moisture well, which leads to dryness, loss of elasticity, and so on.

Against the background of these changes, collagen and elastin, which make up the skin, begin to tear. As a result, the contours of the face and the line of the mouth are lowered. This is how the first small wrinkles appear, and then deep ones form.

Here are some reasons that lead to skin aging:

  • Bad habits - smoking, drinking alcohol, etc.
  • Poor nutrition - abuse of fatty, fried, salty foods, lack of vegetables and fruits
  • Lack of water in the body
  • Incorrect daily routine - little sleep, rest
  • Constant stress, anxiety, worries
  • Poor ecology, water and dirty air

The corners of the mouth can droop for various reasons:

  • Neuralgia of the facial nerve occurs, which leads to persistent facial distortion. Chronic pain syndrome appears, which prevents you from speaking and eating normally.
  • A stroke, after which complete or partial loss of sensitivity, drooping corners of the lips and other problems may occur.
  • Injuries to the face and skull that result in damage to the facial muscles.

Indications for the lip angle correction procedure and contraindications

Indications: drooping, downcast corners of the mouth.


  • malignant neoplasms;
  • presence of severe physical illness;
  • hemophilia;
  • taking anticoagulants, poor blood clotting;
  • period of breastfeeding or pregnancy;
  • inflammatory processes at the site of adjustment;
  • the presence of permanent implants near the area being corrected;
  • some autoimmune diseases.

How to lift, lift, remove drooping corners of the lips - how to fix: methods

How to raise the corners of your lips
So, if your corners of your lips are down, then you shouldn’t be upset. This problem has now been solved. Decide for yourself which method to choose. You can try to solve the problem yourself with the help of exercises or seek professional help from cosmetologists.

So, there are the following ways to raise the corners of your lips:

  • Concealing a flaw with cosmetics
  • Botox or hyaluron injections
  • Facial plastic surgery
  • Gymnastics and exercises

How age affects the contour of the mouth

Beautiful, clearly defined lips are a sign of beauty and youth. With age, the contour of the mouth becomes less clear, wrinkles appear around the mouth, volume decreases, and the corners droop. The first visible changes in this area begin at a young age - from 20 to 30 years. During this period, the lips become less voluminous, and the first small wrinkles appear around the mouth. The reason for this unpleasant phenomenon is the slow production of hyaluronic acid, which maintains normal collagen levels and gives the lips natural volume and elasticity. Additionally, as we age, our skin retains less water and oil. As a result, lips become drier and less hydrated. This natural process is also exacerbated by environmental and personal lifestyle influences. The natural drooping of facial tissues - gravitational ptosis - also has a negative impact on the clarity of the contour of the mouth. The upper lip "curls" downward slightly, which also changes the overall shape.

Hypertonicity of the facial muscles also affects attractiveness. The upper lip, as a result of small changes associated with muscle overstrain, loses its attachment point and drops, due to which slight asymmetry may appear. In any case, this aesthetic problem, when the changes are not associated with diseases, is easily solved. If desired, you can raise the corners of your lips and make the contour clearer. The correction method is selected individually. You can choose the simplest manipulations to change your appearance, which are available at home, or you can solve the problem radically - with Botox in an aesthetic cosmetology clinic, through surgery or other methods, including innovative ones. See below which ones are popular in 2022.

The corners of the lips are downward: what to do?

So that you do not have to solve a neglected problem when the corners of the lips are drawn down, it is better to regularly monitor the facial muscles and immediately use one of the available methods at the first signs of sagging.

When the corners just start to sag, there is no point in seeking cosmetic procedures. You can get by with a massage, contrast washing and rubbing with ice. This will be quite enough at first.

Never forget to follow the rules for drinking water. You must drink enough to ensure that your entire body receives nutrition on time. The daily norm per person is about 1.5-2 liters. You should also get enough vitamins and other nutrients.

Another way to keep your skin youthful for a long time is to avoid stress. They have a negative impact not only on the skin, but also on the body as a whole. So be positive about everything.

Prevention of drooping corners of the mouth

To prevent premature drooping of the corners of the mouth and slow down the aging process, you don't need to do anything complicated.

The recommendations are standard: a balanced diet, physical activity, adequate and quality rest, proper and daily skin care, physical activity, absence of bad habits.

To prevent the formation of wrinkles, nasolabial folds, and the premature appearance of the “mask of grief,” it is recommended to make regular visits to a cosmetologist, this is especially true after 30 years. At any age, it is important to lead a correct lifestyle that helps maintain attractiveness and helps maintain youth and beauty of the skin for as long as possible. The absence of negative emotions is also a good prevention. The less the depressor muscle works, the less likely it is for the corners of the mouth to droop, which will forever change your facial expression for the worse.

Massage for drooping corners of lips - how to do?

Massage for the corners of the lips
The first of all methods that will help when the corners of the lips are drawn down is massage. It is done on warm skin. To avoid harming yourself, be sure to apply moisturizer to your face. All exercises will be easier to perform.

The massage technique is very simple and is performed as follows:

  • Imagine that you have painted your lips and all you have to do is spread the lipstick over them. This is exactly what you need to do with your lips. The exercise is considered completed when you do it 20 times.
  • Place your index and middle fingers around your lips. We put the first ones on top, and the second ones on the bottom. Let's start rubbing. It is done to the center of the ear.
  • Now we want the same thing, but with a chin. Lead the rubbing to the earlobe.
  • Place your little fingers on the corners of your mouth, place your ring fingers under your cheekbones, and press your middle and index fingers to the center of the left edge of your ear. Start clicking on the dots. You will know that you are doing everything right when you feel an unpleasant tingling sensation. The exercise is performed for two minutes.

Drooping corners of the lips - how to correct them with exercises?

Exercises for the corners of the lips
In addition to massage, if the corners of the lips are drawn down, special exercises can also help. Eg:

  • Place your palms on the skin around your lips and press. Smile at the same time. It won’t be easy, but life can’t be any other way, because you need to make your muscles work
  • Place your index fingers on the sides of your nose and rub downwards, and smile again with the corners of your mouth
  • Pull your lips inward so that they press firmly against your teeth. Then your muscles will work more actively
  • Pronounce the letter “O” by moving your lips forward. After tension, relax your face
  • Use your index fingers to press the corners inward. Do not relax your lips, be sure to tense, as if returning them to their usual place
  • Open your mouth, making it an oval shape. Press your upper lip towards your lower jaw and try to smile. Do this until you feel a burning sensation.

Make a tube of your lips and close them very tightly. Inhale air through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Stretch your mouth into a tube. Hold your chin well with your palm. He shouldn't move. Move your mouth like a fish. The upper lip is up and the lower lip is down

What muscles lower the corners of the lips?

The muscle that lowers the corners of the mouth is located in the superficial layer and is called Musculus depressor anguli oris. This triangular muscle has a wide base and is attached in the chin area to the outer edge of the lower jaw. In the upper part, the fibers of the muscle that depresses the corners of the mouth are woven into the deep layers of the dermis and intertwine with the fibers of the muscles that are located in the perioral region, forming a muscle knot, the so-called modiolus. For facial expressions and non-verbal communication, this component of the anatomical structure of the face is of key importance. M. depressor anguli oris can deepen the nasolabial furrow through contraction, which gives the face a sullen expression.

Gymnastics for drooping corners of lips: exercises

If the corners of the lips are lowered down, then the next thing that can help correct the situation is special gymnastics. To get results, it is important to do it regularly. Carry out the procedure 3-4 times a week for 20-25 minutes.

Gymnastics for the corners of the lips

Please note that you must monitor your diet, water balance and at least sometimes cleanse your body. Only with an integrated approach can you get the desired rejuvenation effect.

To correct the situation and tighten the corners of your lips, do the following exercises:

  • Pull your lips into an “O” shape and then begin to tuck them toward your teeth. Use your fingers to rub upwards along the sides of your nose.
  • Use your fingers to press on the nasolabial folds, lower your jaw down, stretching, and pull your lips forward.
  • Now move down along the nasolabial folds, and smile widely with your lips.
  • Use your fingers to stretch the corners of your lips in different directions, but the lips themselves should tense and not allow you to do this. That is, we must try to return them to their place.
  • Press under your nose with your index fingers, and try to curl your lip over them.
  • Pull your lower lip with your fingers, trying to pull it out.
  • Now pull the corners of your lips forward. It is most convenient to do this with your index fingers.
  • Be sure to resist to keep your muscles working.
  • Try to pull the lower part of your face with your palm down. To do this, press it to your chin. The lower lip should give strong resistance. Pull her up

Lifting of the nasolabial area (we press the tongue from the inside)

  • The technique evens out the middle part of the face, smoothes nasolabial folds and wrinkles, and reduces nasolabial edges.
  • Removes underhangs in the chin area and forms a clear submandibular line.
  • Self-massage with the tongue gently stretches the shortened frenulum of the tongue, improves diction, helps correct the bite, which reduces tooth wear and restores correct facial proportions.

How to do it:

  • Find your nasolabial wrinkle. Place the fingers of one hand under it and the fingers of the other hand above. Gently stretch the fabric to the sides (create a spacer) without slipping your fingers on the skin. From the inside, we press our tongue into the center of this nasolabial wrinkle. We hold for 10-15 seconds. Press from the inside all the time, press your tongue against the tissue, working against resistance. In this way, we treat 2-3 areas of the nasolabial wrinkle - from the nose to the corners of the mouth, we linger in each area for 10-15 seconds.
  • Please note that the work is carried out in two directions - the hands stretch the working area to the sides, and the tongue pushes this area in the center.
  • Perform the same technique on the other side.

ATTENTION! When performing the technique, you may feel an unpleasant swelling or tingling of the skin, this is normal - the connective tissue is activated, which thus reacts to the work. You may also experience some discomfort if you have a shortened hypoglossal ligament. This is also a variant of the norm - continue to perform the technique, it will gently stretch the frenulum of the tongue. Perform: 1-2 minutes, 2-3 approaches per day.

Drooping corners of lips - fillers: will they help?

When the corners of the lips are drawn down, special cosmetic procedures are also suitable for solving problems. One of these is lip contouring with a preparation based on hyaluronic acid. This is a special gel that is injected under the skin.

Only licensed cosmetology clinics can perform this procedure. Flexible needles are used for injections. During the procedure, the desired part where the injection will be administered is treated with an antiseptic, and then an anesthetic cream is applied.

After 20 minutes, cosmetology injects a drug that allows you to fill the volume of tissue and, as a result, wrinkles are smoothed out and the corners of the lips are raised. The procedure takes only half an hour, and the lips become natural and beautiful as before.

Home remedies for the “mask of grief”

At the first signs of the appearance of the “mask of grief”, it is recommended to use home remedies. The simplest is to visually lift the drooping corners of your lips using a pencil and regular lipstick. Correction is carried out using cosmetics of any shade. The main thing is to follow the technique. In the process, you just need to correct the drooping lip line - from the corners to the center, placing the pencil just below the lip contour. This will add additional volume and help get rid of drooping corners.

It is clear that this method is not considered if they want to completely eliminate the defect, and women have to choose effective procedures that help get rid of the defect and look attractive even without makeup. Many cosmetic treatments available at home can help improve the situation and make the prolapse less noticeable. As a result of using a cosmetic mask that nourishes tissues and promotes the production of collagen fibers, it is possible to slow down the aging process, which leads to loss of skin elasticity and drooping corners of the lips. You can understand which method will be most effective with the help of a specialist who will give personal recommendations and select the best method of correction, taking into account individual characteristics. Taping the corners of the mouth is the simplest and most affordable. Watch the video to understand how it works.


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Correction of drooping corners of the lips: methods

Correction of the corners of the lips
Of course, when the corners of the lips are lowered, exercises are an excellent way to correct the situation. However, it will take more than one week for the first noticeable results to appear, but you want to get a beautiful face quickly and right now.

In this case, cosmetology comes to the rescue. It allows you to solve the problem using different methods:

  • Hyaluronic acid injections . This method will be effective if your skin is losing its appearance. A special drug is injected under it, which causes the cells to actively produce collagen and the tissues become stronger.
  • Botox injections . This product has a special composition that will fix the corners of the lips. They will remain in the same position when the botulinum toxin leaves the body. By the way, this method gives instant results and is therefore considered the most popular.
  • Lip tattoo . In this case, the procedure masks rather than corrects the corners. Unlike simple makeup, the shape lasts for a long time.

By the way, plastic surgery can be considered one of the possible methods of correction, but it should be reserved only for the most extreme cases.

How to restore drooping corners of the lips with hyaluronic acid?

Hyaluronic acid is aimed at restoring the skin. It will also help get rid of the problem when the corners of the lips are drawn down. Thanks to this drug, lips become fuller.

Hyaluron is produced by the human body, but over the years its amount becomes so small that the skin loses its elasticity. Injections allow you to slow down the aging process and keep your skin looking vibrant longer.

The entire procedure for administering the drug takes approximately 15-30 minutes. The result will be visible immediately and no additional observation is needed.

How to paint lips with drooping corners: makeup

Makeup for lips
When the corners of the lips are drawn down, and until the exercises have had any effect or you have not turned to a cosmetologist, they can be disguised with the help of cosmetics.

As a rule, makeup artists advise using the following methods:

  • Apply a dark outline to your upper lip, but do not go all the way to the end of your lips. That is, don't touch the corners
  • On the lower lip, on the contrary, apply a contour to the edge and lift it up a little

If you have never used lip liner before, we highly recommend starting to do so. With it, your small problem will be invisible to others.

As for lipstick, your lower lip should be brighter than your upper lip. It is better to use muted colors, and top off the result with glitter. Please note that you will have to give up matte lipsticks, because they make imperfections even more visible.

The corners of the lips are drooping: reviews

Many women face the problem when the corners of their lips droop down. There are many tips and reviews on the Internet and most often women report good results. Some people do cosmetic procedures, but for others, exercise is enough. In any case, everyone chooses a convenient method for themselves.

Review 1

Review 2

Review 3

Review 4

Surgical techniques

  • Corner lifting

This is a lip corner lift that involves making incisions to remove skin tissue. During the surgical procedure, correction is performed in the area of ​​the red border of the lips. Essentially, this is a mechanical way to correct an aesthetic problem - during the operation, the surgeon simply lifts the corners of the lips.

  • Resection of the depressor muscle

This surgical method, also called DAO surgery (resection), involves cutting the muscle that is responsible for the drooping corners of the lips. The incision with a scalpel is made from the side of the mucosa, which eliminates the presence of visible scars. Often this operation is performed simultaneously with lipofilling.

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