Facial tonic: rating, reviews, top best moisturizing, cleansing, for dry, oily and problem skin, effective Korean and budget facial tonics

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Between cleansing and moisturizing, a facial toner sets the tone for glowing skin. We've all been guilty of skipping toning and grabbing moisturizer right after washing our face. Little do we understand the magic that a good facial toner can create.

Toning isn't just an extra cleansing step for your skin. It also balances your skin's pH levels and prepares it to effectively absorb other skin care products. Below are the best toners for each skin type that you can add to your skin care arsenal.

  • Composition of facial toners
  • Which facial toner is better to choose?
  • Rating of the 10 best facial toners
  • The best toners for problem skin
  • The best toners for combination skin
  • The best budget facial toners
  • The best moisturizing facial toners
  • The best cleansing toners for the face
  • Reviews of the best Korean facial toners
  • Reviews of the best mattifying toners for oily skin
  • Reviews of the best toners for dry and sensitive skin

Composition of facial toners

Use a rose water toner for extra hydration.

Rose water is known for its moisturizing, brightening and invigorating properties. It is ideal for skin that needs extra hydration as well as oil control. Look for toners that list rose water as a main ingredient.

Choose a chamomile toner to soothe your skin.

If you struggle with dry, red, or sensitive skin, try a chamomile toner. This ingredient can calm skin irritation, remove blemishes and acne, and improve complexion.

  • The combination of chamomile and aloe vera may even help treat eczema and rosacea.

Avoid over-drying and alcohol-based toners

Alcohol is often used as an astringent in harsher tonics. Many people try to use alcohol-based toners to combat acne, but this ingredient can easily irritate and dry out the skin if used too often. Instead, choose a milder, alcohol-free formula.

Look for natural acne-fighting ingredients if you have oily skin.

You can control your acne and still keep your skin hydrated by choosing a toner with milder astringents. Look for ingredients like tea tree oil, citrus juice, orange essential oil, and witch hazel.

  • When using an astringent, it is best to use it once a day rather than twice. Once your skin has acclimated, try increasing your use to twice daily.

How to use it correctly

It is necessary to strictly remember that the tonic is applied to previously cleansed facial skin. Even if there is no makeup, you should first wash your face with warm water, apply a small amount of cosmetic product to a cotton pad, and walk over the surface of your face with smooth circular movements.

Massage line diagram

Apply toner starting from the middle of the cheeks towards the ears. Then from the temples to the forehead area.

It is better to bypass the area around the eyes, especially if an alcohol-based toner is used.

Which facial toner is better to choose?

Moisturizing facial toner

If you have a dry skin type, choose toners that are hydrating. Look for products that contain peptides, glycolipids, rosehip seed oil or jojoba oil, dimethicone and glycolic acid. Avoid products containing alcohol (SD 40, denatured, ethanol and isopropyl), sodium or ammonium lauryl sulfate, mineral oil and pertrolate.

Refreshing facial toner

If you have an oily skin type, choose toners that are refreshing and gentle on the skin. Don't punish your oily skin by buying toners that are saturated with alcohol. These toners will dry out your skin, causing your skin to produce even more oil. Use products that contain oil-free ingredients, sodium hyaluronate, sodium PCA and AHA. Avoid products containing alcohol (SD 40, denatured, ethanol and isopropyl), sodium or ammonium lauryl sulfate, mineral oil and pertrolate.

Choose 2 different toners

If you have combination skin type, you will need to purchase two different types of toners: one for the summer months and one for the winter months. During the summer months, use a refreshing toner with low-fat ingredients. During the winter months, use a hydrating toner with ingredients that will hydrate your skin, such as rosehip or jojoba oil.

Gentle tonic

If you have a sensitive skin type, choose gentle toners that are completely free of alcohol and acids, such as salicylic acid or parabens. Use products containing beta-glucans, sea whip, white tea extract and glycerin, ingredients that are anti-inflammatory and have antioxidants. Avoid products containing synthetic colors and fragrances, alcohol (SD 40, denatured, ethanol and isopropyl), and sodium or ammonium lauryl sulfate.

Main components

Facial toners produced by cosmetic companies contain a large number of components. The main volume of any product is occupied by the liquid component – ​​water. The rest are active components that provide the effect described by the manufacturer. The most popular tonic ingredients include:

  • Aloe. It has an antiseptic, soothing and healing effect, moisturizes, and has an antioxidant effect. Can be used even for sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions.
  • Calendula and chamomile. Reduce irritation, exhibit anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect.
  • Witch hazel. Reduces secretions of the sebaceous glands, constricts blood vessels, is used in preparations for problematic epidermis, as well as for rosacea.
  • Rose. Moisturizes, nourishes, has an anti-aging effect, makes the surface more elastic.
  • Zinc. Controls the activity of the sebaceous glands, fights shine and blackheads.
  • Thermal water. A popular component from thermal springs. Useful for restoring water balance, saturating with microelements, and increasing protective qualities.
  • Alcohol. Demonstrates a bactericidal effect, helps the penetration of other components into the deep layers of the epidermis.
  • Glycerol. Has a deep moisturizing effect and retains moisture inside.
  • Hyaluronic acid. Used to normalize water balance, helps smooth the surface of the epidermis, and has an anti-aging effect.
  • Glycolic acid. Designed for cleansing and exfoliating, smoothing the surface of the skin.
  • Salicylic acid. Regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminates keratinized particles.
  • Allantoin. Promotes healing, rapid cell regeneration, relieves inflammation.

Rating of the 10 best facial toners

Dickinson Hydrating Toner
Dermatologica -Multi-active facial toner
SkinCeuticals LHA toner for problem skin
JKossmune Facial Toner
PCA Skin Hydrating Toner
Avene Eau Thermale Gentle Toning Lotion
Fresh Rose Deep Hydration Facial Toner
Kiehl's Ultra Facial Toner
Clarins Toning Lotion With Chamomile
Neutrogena Alcohol-free Toner

The best toners for problem skin

Garnier face toner

Contrary to popular belief, you can't actually change the size of your pores, and they don't open or close. What happens is that they can start to appear larger or smaller based solely on how much substance they contain. In other words, the more clogged your pores are, the larger and more noticeable they will appear.

That's why this formula is a choice; It contains oil-dissolving salicylic acid to keep pores clean (and looking small). It also has skin-refining to help prevent breakouts, and cooling mint to make it extra refreshing, especially for use after a sweaty workout or on a hot day.

Facial toner Bark

Toners in general are a good product to add to your routine if you constantly struggle with blemishes, and this formula especially. A 2% concentration of salicylic acid locks in excess oil, unclogs pores, and gently exfoliates, working to both treat existing blemishes and curb new ones.

Since it really soaks up all that excess oil, start using it once a day and gradually work your way up to twice a day, just to make sure you don't accidentally dry out your skin.

Eveline Cosmetics Exfoliating Facial Toner

Not only is this multi-toner sufficient to absorb excess oil and mattify shiny skin, but it also touts a combination of three different acids to act as an effective yet gentle exfoliator. A blend of alpha hydroxy and beta hydroxy acids, lactic acid, glycolic acid and salicylic acid, it leaves your complexion looking healthy and matte, but with just the right amount of healthy glow. It contains green tea, eucalyptus, kelp, and Irish moss to help absorb excess oil and have natural antiseptic properties.

Criterias of choice

Toning products differ in composition, properties and cost. When choosing a product, it is important to remember that a high price is not a mandatory guarantee of quality. When evaluating products, you must be guided by the principle of reasonableness. The presence of suitable and beneficial components for the skin should be taken into account. And also the absence of chemicals in the form of preservatives, artificial colors, silicones and other things.

What you should pay attention to and what to keep in mind when choosing.

  • A good product always contains a complex of vitamins for the skin. A product for soothing, gentle cleansing and moisturizing should contain plant extracts or oils. A cleansing product for dry dermis always contains emollient ingredients. But the presence of alcohol suggests that the product is more suitable for removing excess fat and drying the epidermis.
  • Individual skin characteristics. Acidic products are contraindicated for people suffering from rosacea, as such products will only increase redness and irritation. Acid tonic is also not always suitable for sensitive facial skin. But for those with normal or combination skin, it is quite acceptable to use acidic formulations. They perfectly tone the dermis, tighten pores and effectively get rid of oily shine.
  • Abundance of plant components. Excessive content of concentrated oils or extracts is not always good. This is especially true for allergic people. The latter must be tested before use. It involves applying the product to your wrist and observing the reaction.
  • Package. In the case of tonics, it also matters. Dark jars protect the product from external exposure to the same UV rays. And this ensures better safety. Plastic is far from the best material for cosmetics. It is recommended to give preference to glass as a more environmentally friendly packaging material.
  • Advertising is the engine of progress, but when choosing cosmetics and care products, their quality and scale should be of least interest to the buyer. Don't be fooled by colorful and loud headlines. Instead, read reviews, check out recommendations on the Internet, or try to get information from acquaintances and friends.

On a note! If for some reason you are forced to purchase an alcohol-containing product, then remember that alcohol should make up no more than 50% of the composition.

The best toners for combination skin

Mattifying toner The Body Shop Tea Tree

If you have very oily skin and need something to prevent shine, you need to try this mattifying toner. It not only prevents excess oiliness but also gives your skin a matte appearance. It removes any traces of impurities and makeup and keeps your skin's pores clean.

Suitable for : oily skin


  • 100%natural
  • Contains tea tree oil
  • Not tested on animals
  • Naturally Derived Ingredients

Korean toner for combination skin type Dickinson

If you have very combination skin that needs a boost of hydration, this toner may help you. This hydrating toner is enriched with vitamin E, hyaluronic acid and witch hazel extracts. It keeps your skin clean, fresh and hydrated. It also unclogs the pores of your skin.

Suitable for : combination skin


  • Non-alcoholic
  • Recommended by dermatologists
  • Natural raw materials

Dr Hauschka -Balancing Tonic

This brightening toner helps balance excess oil production and soothes skin. It soothes inflammation and unclogs the pores of your skin. It contains witch hazel, calendula and nasturtium. It also claims to reduce blemishes and acne.

Suitable for : oily skin


  • Natural raw materials
  • No parabens
  • Without cruelty
  • Contains lactic acid

La Mer -Face Tonic

This skin toner is enriched with marine extracts that hydrate your skin, refresh it and create a cooling effect. It balances your skin and soothes irritation. Your skin feels cleansed after using this toner.

Suitable for all skin types


  • No parabens
  • No phthalates
  • No sulfates

La Roche-Posay Serozinc -Tonic for combination face type

This is a zinc sulfate solution that works as a facial toner. It has a mattifying effect and prevents the appearance of shine. It has a watery consistency and is quickly absorbed by the skin.

Suitable for : oily and sensitive skin


  • Dermatologist tested
  • No parabens
  • Fragrance free
  • Low-fat

Benefits of professional cosmetics

The most important advantage of professional cosmetics is, of course, the trust of specialists. Beauty salons would not use products that are ineffective, unsafe or unprofitable.

Also, professional cosmetics are usually very concentrated. It is often purchased in bulk, so reducing the volume due to the high content of active substances is beneficial to both the buyer and the seller.

In the professional cosmetics market, much fewer marketing gimmicks are used, for example, adding a tiny fraction of an effective ingredient in order to put it on the label. It is much more difficult to deceive a cosmetologist than an ordinary user.

Most often, such cosmetics are purchased through a salon, which means that the risk of buying something unsuitable is very low.

The best budget facial toners

Moisturizing facial toner “Clean Line”

It is great for oily skin. As the name suggests, it gives you a matte finish, minus the shine and excess oil. It contains kaolin clay extracts that absorb excess oil and leave your skin soft and clean.


Natural raw materials



Contains alcohol

L'Oreal face toner

If you have enlarged pores, your skin will love this toner. This toner contains peppermint oil, raspberry, coriander and nut extract to tighten skin pores and reduce shine and excess oil.


  • Ayurvedic product
  • Contains natural ingredients
  • pH balanced


  • It contains essential oils so it may not be suitable for all skin types.
  • Might sting a little

Vitex facial toner

This product targets one of the biggest woes of people with oily skin – open pores. This pore fixing toner unclogs your skin's pores and tightens them so that your skin is not covered in oil.


  • Non-alcoholic
  • Not sticky

Travel-friendly packaging


  • Contains parabens

The difference between tonic and other similar products

Many people believe that toner, hydrosol, toner, micellar water, lotion, milk are synonyms. This is a misconception that came from the compilers of material about one of these varieties, who wanted to select a large number of synonyms in order to avoid repetitions. To ensure proper facial therapy, it is necessary to know the difference between all these substances.

  1. Hydrolate. This is a completely natural product consisting of water and plant-based essential oils. There can be no harmful impurities here. This option is aimed at solving minor problems of sensitive skin. It can be used on the whole body.
  2. Micellar water. This is a water-based cleanser with the addition of micellars. It is suitable for getting rid of makeup, but it cannot tone or restore the skin. Also suitable for those who are highly sensitive.
  3. The focus of the lotion is similar to micellar water. But there may be other additional properties. Fighting blackheads, inflammation, nutrition, reducing irritation.
  4. Toner is a cross between a moisturizing toner and a cream. It does not tone, but gives a feeling of freshness, saturates with moisture more intensely than the first, but weaker than the second.
  5. Milk is a care product for gentle cleansing, moisturizing, and nutrition. Similar to micellar water, but not suitable for oily skin.

Find out the difference between a toner and a lotion using the link provided.

The best moisturizing facial toners

PCA - Moisturizing skin toner


This moisturizing toner is especially beneficial for mature and dry skin. Mature skin needs extra hydration and this toner gets the job done. This toner provides your skin with antioxidant protection throughout the day and protects it from external stressors.

Note: Use sunscreen when going out in the sun as it contains Ahas.


  • No parabens
  • No synthetic dyes
  • No artificial flavors
  • Without mineral oils
  • Without lanolin
  • No phthalates
  • Contains natural extracts
  • No animal testing

Avene Eau Thermale - Gentle toning lotion


Is your skin dry and sensitive? If yes, then you will love this gentle hydrating toner. This water-based toner from Avene contains gentle emollients that help prevent dry skin and flaking. It contains antioxidants and thermal spring water that curb inflammation and soothe the skin.


  • Non-alcoholic
  • Contains silicates
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Low-fat

Deeply moisturizing facial toner Libriderm

The best thing about this hydrating toner is that it contains real rose petals, not just rose extracts. This toner is enriched with hyaluronic acid, which minimizes your skin's pores and provides intense hydration to your parched skin.


  • Non-alcoholic
  • Contains rose fruit extracts
  • Scientifically proven formula (in-vivo tests)

Algenist's Moisturizing Essential Toner


Algenist's Essence Hydrating Toner is a gentle and soothing facial toner. It contains chamomile extract, witch hazel, hyaluronic acid, aloe vera and cucumber. Its gentle and soothing properties make it suitable for both dry and sensitive skin. It refreshes and balances your skin's pH levels, leaving it soft, bright and revitalized.


  • Dermatologist tested
  • Non-comedogenic
  • Hypoallergenic
  • No parabens

Clarins – tonic lotion with chamomile

This is a gentle toner suitable for normal to dry skin. It balances your skin and keeps it smooth. This product is rich in botanical extracts that refresh your skin, prevent irritation, and prep your skin before applying serums and moisturizers.



Dermatologist tested



How to choose a product when purchasing

You need to choose such a product especially carefully, because due to the concentration of active substances, an incorrectly selected professional tonic can harm the skin more than mass-market cosmetics.

The ideal option would be a consultation with a cosmetologist and subsequent purchase of the product from him. In addition, when purchasing tonic through a salon, the likelihood of getting a fake is sharply reduced.

When making your own choice, you need to carefully study the annotation. This is obvious, but it’s worth repeating again - if you have dry skin, you don’t need to buy a product for oily or problematic skin, the effect will be the opposite.

Individual allergens in the composition are also an important factor. Even if there is an antihistamine in the tonic, it is better not to take risks; an allergic reaction can negate the effect of the product. This is another advantage of buying cosmetics through a salon - you can do a hand test on the spot.

The best cleansing toners for the face

Neutrogena non-alcoholic toner

This gentle toner revitalizes your skin without drying it out. It does not strip your skin's natural oils. It cleanses your skin and makes it feel refreshed instantly without leaving it feeling rough.


  • Non-comedogenic
  • Hypoallergenic

Ordinary Glycolic Acid 7% – The Ordinary

This toning solution claims to provide visible clarity to your skin. It contains glycolic acid, which gently exfoliates the skin and improves its texture. This is a non-irritating formula and should not be used on sensitive skin. Since it contains AHAs, sun protection is a must after using this product.

Suitable for : all skin types, excluding sensitive skin.


  • pH balanced formula
  • Non-alcoholic
  • Low-fat
  • Silicone-free
  • Gluten free
  • Without cruelty

Biotique Botanicals Cleansing Toner

This toner contains rose and witch hazel extracts. These natural astringents improve skin texture, remove all traces of residue, and do not strip your skin's natural oils. It refreshes your skin, revitalizes it and minimizes pore size.

Suitable for all skin types


  • No parabens
  • Without cruelty
  • Pleasant aroma

Pixi Glow- Cleansing toner

Pixi Glow Tonic is a winner of the Teen Vogue Acne Awards 2022. It has exfoliating properties for the skin. It effectively removes dead skin cells and traces of impurities from your skin, leaving it feeling fresh and healthy. It tones your skin and makes it elastic.

Note : Follow it with sunscreen as it contains aha.

Suitable for : All skin types (especially acne-prone skin)


  • Non-alcoholic
  • Not tested on animals
  • Contains glycolic acid (5%)
  • Contains plant extracts

Kiehl'S Calendula Herbal - Korean cleansing facial toner

This soothing toner contains calendula extracts along with calendula petals. In fact, you can see the petals floating in the bottle. It also contains allantoin, extracted from comfrey roots, which helps soothe skin irritations and improve dull skin.

Suitable for : normal to oily skin types


  • Non-alcoholic
  • Natural raw materials
  • No harmful chemicals

Contraindications and precautions

These points can be found in the instructions for a specific product. The general thing will be that violating age restrictions will give a temporary positive effect. But then the skin will get used to it, and natural functions will be disrupted. Dermatologists do not recommend such care until the age of 20 unless necessary. You can use drugs that are intended for this purpose on damaged epidermis.

Read how to make your own tonic here.

In order to avoid side effects, it is worth carrying out a trial use on a small area. This way you can check the body’s reaction to the composition. It is unacceptable to get products with an intense effect on the delicate areas around the eyes or lips.

Reviews of the best Korean facial toners

Innisfree – Korean facial toner with green tea


This skin-balancing toner is quickly absorbed by the skin without leaving any residue. It cleanses your skin without drying it out. It has a moisturizing effect on your skin and is suitable for oily and combination skin types. It contains amino acids and Jeju green tea extracts that support the skin's natural barrier.


  • Natural raw materials
  • Mild formula
  • Reduces pores
  • Easy
  • Pleasant aroma

Coconut pink toner from Korean cosmetics Kopari


If you don't mind shelling out a few extra bucks, this multitasking toner could be a great addition to your skincare arsenal. It provides relief from redness, uneven skin tone, blemishes and skin irritation. It can also be used as a primer or just a facial mist to keep your skin hydrated throughout the day.


  • 100% natural
  • Non-alcoholic
  • Without cruelty
  • Non-comedogenic
  • Gluten free
  • Silicone-free
  • No synthetic fragrances
  • No parabens


  • Expensive

Korean cleansing non-alcoholic toner with Palm green tea


This is one of the best selling products for oily skin from this brand. Plum Green Tea Toner controls enlarged pores and reduces excess oil from your face, leaving you with a shiny and matte look within hours. The green tea extract and glycolic acid in the toner gently exfoliate dead skin cells to give you flawless skin.


  • 100% non-alcoholic
  • 100% vegan
  • Without cruelty
  • No animal products
  • No parabens
  • No phthalates
  • No sulfates
  • No DEA and PABA
  • Budget

Klairs – Facial toner

Suitable for all skin types

Elastic facial Toner by Dear, Klairs contains phyto-oligo, an extremely hydrating ingredient that can combat dry skin. It also contains amino acids and plant extracts that calm inflammation. This toner absorbs quickly into the skin, keeping it hydrated and soft for longer.


  • No sulfates
  • No parabens
  • No harmful chemicals
  • pH balanced formula

Kiehl's Blue Astringent Herbal Lotion

The legendary Andy Warhol was a fan of this product (the brand proudly boasts this on their website). The product was originally formulated in 1964 for those with oily skin and has remained unchanged since then. This toner contains menthol and camphor, and it also helps balance oily-prone areas on your face and provides an overall cooling effect.

Warning: This is an alcohol-based toner, so if your skin is sensitive, use it in moderation.


  • Developed by Chemists
  • Biodegradable and natural ingredients
  • Contains witch hazel
  • Non-irritating
  • No harmful chemicals
  • Matting effect


  • Contains alcohol

What to use it for

If you still doubt the need to purchase a tonic, then we suggest carefully studying the purposes for which this product is used.

  • Completion of the makeup removal stage - even after thorough washing with mousse or foam, particles of decorative cosmetics remain on the epidermis. Treating the skin with a cotton pad soaked in tonic allows you to completely remove makeup and complete the cleansing stage.
  • Restoring the acid-base balance - skin contact with poor-quality tap water and the influence of cosmetics can temporarily change the pH. And this is a risk factor, because in this case it is more difficult for the epidermis to resist the aggressive influence of the environment. The toner is able to restore the acid-base balance, protecting the dermis from negative effects.
  • Preparation for further stages of care - tonic allows the skin to better and more actively interact with nutrients and beneficial substances from creams, serums and facial oils.
  • Refreshing and toning - dry chapped skin, enlarged pores and signs of inflammation - all this spoils the appearance and makes the skin look old and dull. The toner can refresh the face for a while, and with regular use, the epidermis will become noticeably younger.

Reviews of the best mattifying toners for oily skin

Matcha tonic

This product is one of its kind. This is the first solid toner that comes in a hidden gel formula that glides on easily. It contains kombucha green tea, matcha and cactus extracts to hydrate and detoxify your skin.

Suitable for all skin types


  • Natural
  • Without cruelty
  • Gluten free
  • Soy free
  • No talc
  • Organic Ingredients
  • No parabens
  • No phthalates
  • No sulfates

Acwell – pH balancing cleansing toner

This clarifying and brightening toner contains a high concentration of licorice and peony water extracts. Both of these ingredients are natural skin brighteners that keep your skin bright. It also contains green tea extracts, which soothe your skin and reduce pigmentation.

Suitable for : all skin types (especially dry and sensitive skin)


  • pH balanced formula
  • Gentle on the skin
  • Non-irritating


  • May feel a little sticky (depending on your skin's dryness level)

Korean facial toner Tea Tree Water

If you have dull and tired skin, this toner can instantly revitalize it. It contains cleansing waters of tea tree, grapefruit and juniper that refresh the skin and remove excess oil without leaving it dry.

Suitable for : oily skin


  • Natural raw materials
  • Not tested on animals


  • Contains parabens

Reviews of the best toners for dry and sensitive skin

Thayers Toner for Dry Skin


Thayers Lavender Toner is enriched with witch hazel, aloe vera, grapefruit seed extract, and vitamin E to soothe dry skin. The tannins found in witch hazel have mild antioxidant properties that reduce redness and irritation and maintain your skin's pH balance. It helps tighten pores and control acne.


  • Prevents acne
  • Soothes skin redness
  • Gentle on sensitive skin
  • Non-alcoholic
  • No parabens


  • No

Dermatologica -Multi-active toner for sensitive face types


Whenever your dry skin feels tired and needs a boost of hydration, spray it on your face. This toner contains skin-soothing and moisturizing ingredients such as lavender, aloe vera, balm mint, arnica and cucumber extracts. Your skin will feel an instant cooling effect.


  • No artificial scent
  • No artificial flowers
  • Natural composition
  • Gluten free
  • No parabens
  • Without cruelty
  • Improves the rate at which skin absorbs moisture

SkinCeuticals LHA - toner for problem skin


If you have very dry and flaky skin, this exfoliating toner is just what you need. It contains gentle skin care acids that exfoliate dead cells and leave your skin feeling softer. It also hydrates your skin and helps balance its pH levels.


  • Synthetic, fragrance-free
  • Low pH
  • Contains salicylic acid
  • Prevents pimples and blackheads

Toner for dry skin JKossmune

This product contains beta glucan. This ingredient protects your skin from pollution and other environmental damage. It contains ultra-hydrating ingredients that keep your skin fresh and brighten.


  • 100% natural ingredients
  • No parabens
  • Non-alcoholic
  • Without mineral oils
  • Silicone-free
  • No sulfates
  • No added color
  • Without cruelty

Using a toner is as vital as using a facial moisturizer. Nowadays, facial toners provide additional benefits such as exfoliation, pH balance and hydration. So, choose your favorite product from this list, try it and let us know about your experience in the comments section below.

Why tone your skin?

Toning is the last stage of the epidermis cleansing procedure. After use, the pH level, which was disturbed by cleaning agents and tap water, returns to normal. The task of tonics is to remove remnants of cosmetics, cleanse pores, improve blood circulation, lymphatic drainage, increase the elasticity and plasticity of the epidermis, and accelerate regeneration at the cellular level.

Toning has a beneficial effect on the condition of the fibers responsible for the natural tone of the skin. The procedure can remove metal residues after washing with water.

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