Secrets of youthful skin and beauty: Asahi facial massage at the age of 50+

The effectiveness of Japanese facial massage

Asahi massage is a special technique of rejuvenating facial massage that actively affects the deep layers of the epidermis and lymph. This massage is sometimes also called Zogan, which means “creating the face.”

The effect on the skin occurs through stronger pressure and not along the usual massage lines, but through the lymphatic vessels. As a result, not only superficial folds and wrinkles are treated, but also all tissues, muscles and even bones.

This massage normalizes the outflow of lymph and increases the circulation of blood cells, so in addition to rejuvenation, you will receive many pleasant bonuses! What results can you expect after such a procedure?

  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • increasing the elasticity of the epidermis;
  • healthy complexion and tightened contour;
  • elimination of puffiness and bags under the eyes;
  • slowing down skin aging.

In reviews, this Japanese massage is often called an alternative facial plastic surgery - it gives amazing results after just a couple of weeks of use. For women over 50 years old, this procedure becomes a real must-have!

Interesting: Lifting facial massage at home

Lymphatic map of the face

Before practicing Japanese Zogan massage, you will have to carefully study the anatomical atlas, which describes in detail the localization of lymphatic vessels and nodes on the face. Without this knowledge, it is impossible to fulfill a prerequisite for proper massage - normalization of lymph flow. Lymph nodes are located on the face and neck in the following places:

  1. Around the ears.
  2. Behind the ears.
  3. On the back of the head.
  4. On the lower jaw.
  5. Under the tongue.
  6. In the corners of the lower jaw.
  7. On the neck.

When working with these points, according to Japanese massage from Yukuko Tanaka, you need to be extremely careful. If all movements have sufficient pressure, then in these places it must be weakened. This also applies to the basic rules of the Japanese Asahi massage technique, which is designed to make even mature, wrinkled skin, which has been touched by inexorable years, young and beautiful.

Rules for the procedure and contraindications

First of all, Japanese facial massage Asahi (zogan) is intended for aging skin - after 40 or 50 years. However, it can also be performed by those women who have not yet been affected by age-related changes, as a preventive measure. Let's consider the main nuances of this procedure.

Rule #1 . Be sure to cleanse your facial skin of impurities - with toner or foam. Hands should also be clean.

Rule #2. Apply massage product to previously cleansed skin. This can be a special massage oil or any other cosmetic oils. You can also use cosmetic milk or face cream. After the procedure, the product must be washed off.

Rule #3. The massage must be performed with a straight back.
And not lying down, but sitting or standing. Until you master the Asahi technique, perform the exercises in front of a mirror. Rule No. 4 .
The effect on the skin should be noticeable, but without pain - do not overdo it. How often should this massage be done? In order to speed up the results, you need to perform the exercises daily. Or at least 2-3 times a week. You will achieve the effect only if you follow regular procedures.

Before and after

Important! Be sure to take into account contraindications, otherwise the massage procedure will be harmful. You should not do Asahi massage for any inflammation of the epidermis and skin diseases, chronic problems with the lymphatic system, or diseases of the ENT organs. It is also undesirable to do it during menstruation.

Is it permissible to massage with rosacea?

Couperosis often becomes the reason for refusing a massage, but in some cases the procedure is still acceptable. Contraindications in this case may be contradictory. On the one hand, it is better to refrain from the procedure, but if the client insists and the attending physician allows the session, then there will be a massage. But we should not forget about the mandatory precautions for rosacea:

  1. The use of cosmetic scrubs or peels is prohibited.
  2. The presence of a venotonic component in the oil base for massage is mandatory.
  3. Kneading the affected areas is not allowed.
  4. You should first enrich your diet with silicon.
  5. A few days before the procedure, it is better to refrain from visiting the sauna, bathhouse, or solarium.

Women diagnosed with rosacea should understand that the desire to look younger should not cause harm to health.

Step-by-step massage

Strictly follow the step-by-step technique.
Each Asahi massage exercise should be performed three times. Also, in each of them there will be the same final movement - drawing the fingertips in a straight line from the earlobes to the collarbone (along the lymph nodes). This final exercise promotes the drainage of fluid in the lymph. Interesting: Facial lymphomassage at home

  • Strengthening the forehead line . It is necessary to press the index, middle, and ring fingers of the left and right hands to the middle part of the forehead. Wait 3 seconds and spread your fingers to the sides - moving towards your temples. Then release the hand pressure a little, move towards the ears and perform the finishing movement.
  • We tighten the area around the eyes. Place your middle fingers on the outer corner of your eyes. Without pressing, move towards the inner corner of the eye as if you were applying eyeliner. Then, with more noticeable pressure, return to the opposite corner - but along the upper eyelid. The next step is to run your fingers along the lower eyelid again and press harder to return. Pause for a few seconds near your temples. Perform the final movement.

Basic exercises

  • We tighten the chin and lip area. Connect the ring and middle fingers on both hands and place them on the bottom of the chin. Using a pressing movement, circle the area of ​​the mouth, fixate at the point above the lip. Press down on it for a few seconds. Then return to the starting position and do the exercise again. It doesn't require completion.
  • We work on the nasolabial area . Connect the ring and middle fingers of both hands again and place them on the wings of the nose. Perform circular massage movements for a few seconds. After this, move your fingers to your earlobes (along the cheek area) and do the final exercise.
  • Shaping the cheekbones. Now place your fingers on the middle of your chin again. Using strong circular pressure, bring them to the wings of the nose - touching the cheek area. Then, using gentler pressure, move up to the lower eyelid and spread your hands to your temples, and then move to your ears. Perform the final movement.

  • Strengthening the lower face . Place the palm of one hand under your chin. Using a significant pressure with your second hand, draw a line from the point where the upper and lower jaws meet to the inner corner of the eye - diagonally. Then move to the ears and complete the exercise. Repeat with the other half of your face.
  • We work on the middle part of the face. Place three fingers of each hand on the cheekbones - the hands are in a horizontal position. Using strong pressure, draw a line to the wings of the nose and hold for a couple of seconds. Then spread your arms and draw a straight line to your earlobes. Make the final move.
  • Correcting the contours of the face. Place your palms on your lower jaw with your fingers pointing toward your ears. Pressing the base of your palms, draw a line to your ear and complete the final exercise.
  • Getting rid of a double chin. Form a triangle with the index fingers and thumbs of both hands. Place your chin on the bottom edge of the triangle – you need to press your fingers firmly against it and fix the position. Run your index fingers from the inner corner of the eye to the ears. This is followed immediately by the final exercise.
  • Smooth your forehead. Place your index, ring and middle fingers on the middle of your forehead (palm in a horizontal position). When drawing a zigzag, move first to the right temple, then to the left and back. Perform the final movement.

This massage will take a maximum of 10-15 minutes of your time, so don’t be lazy to do it regularly. Japanese Asahi (zogan) facial massage is considered one of the best rejuvenation techniques and works real wonders on women’s skin, especially older skin after 50 years.

Have you tried this rejuvenation technique?

Features of Asahi massage

Japanese facial massage differs from the techniques we are accustomed to primarily in that it follows unconventional massage lines. The enhanced effect is exerted not only on the skin and muscles, but also on the bones; special attention is paid to the lymphatic vessels, due to which the Asahi technique is also called lymphatic drainage massage. The usual stroking and kneading are absent in the Japanese technique.

Asahi consists of two types of massage:

– removes excess fluid from the skin, relieves swelling, tightens the skin.

Deep massage
- relaxes the skin, starts metabolic processes in cells, and allows you to achieve a lifting effect.

What problems may arise during a massage and how to solve them

Failure to comply with the technique or use of inappropriate cosmetics can lead to undesirable consequences. Below are possible complications.

Skin rash

If the face is poorly cleaned, the massage oil contains comedogenic substances, or there is an infectious rash on the face, all this can lead to clogged pores, subcutaneous inflammation, and new rashes. Solution: stop sessions until the skin is completely restored, use disinfectants and drying agents, and cosmetics with salicylic acid.

Facial weight loss

This is not a complication, but, in fact, the purpose of the massage. If your plans did not include removing volumes, then you should choose other facial procedures.

Morning swelling

This symptom may indicate problems in the lymphatic system, points of lymph stagnation. Solution: stop the sessions and consult a doctor.

Japanese self-massage for face against wrinkles at 40 years old

It is known that at the age of forty, irreversible changes caused by aging occur in the body. Therefore, fairly light movements become ineffective. Therefore, they should be more intense, you need to press with medium force.

All massage movements should be well felt, but not cause pain responses from the body. If you feel pain, then you are doing something wrong.

For forty-year-olds, you can supplement the original complex with other exercises.

  • Clench your hands into fists and walk them along the nasolabial folds down and up.
  • Massage your chin with rubbing movements.
  • End the movement at the earlobes.

Who can and cannot have a massage?

Since asahi affects different tissues, improves lymph outflow and blood circulation, it allows you to achieve several effects at once:

  • smooth out wrinkles and slow down aging;
  • increase the elasticity and smoothness of the skin and generally improve its condition;
  • tighten the oval of the face;
  • relieve swelling.

Therefore, it can be performed not only by those who have developed serious age-related changes, but also by those in their twenties.

However, there are contraindications:

  • skin diseases, including inflammation;
  • ENT diseases;
  • pathologies of the lymphatic system;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • bad feeling.

Asahi is also not recommended for rosacea. In any case, it is better to consult a doctor about this and not to do exercises with pressure in the cheek area and other places where dilated blood vessels are visible.

How often to massage

Beauty salon clients are interested in the question: how many sessions will be needed for noticeable rejuvenation? With severe ptosis and profound age-related changes, massage is best done daily, without breaks. Some doctors suggest performing procedures in sessions. After 10-15 courses there is a week break, then massages are resumed.

In order for the procedures to have the maximum effect, it is recommended to make changes to your diet, giving up strong tea, coffee, sweet juices, canned food and smoked meats. Alcohol, which retains water and causes swelling, is absolutely excluded. Regular moisturizing creams should be replaced with a complex of serum and products with a tightening and firming effect. Creams with plant collagen, retinol, tocopherol, peptides, and caffeine are suitable. Taking vitamins and capsules with hyaluronic acid, which improves skin tone, will help consolidate the results of the massage.

Anti-aging techniques for those over 50

The aging process, once started, never stops. However, some massage techniques will help keep the skin elastic and flexible for many years. Japanese self-massage of the face after 50 years includes the following exercises:

  • Make a ring using your thumb and index finger.
  • Press it against your chin on one side.
  • With force, move along the lower jaw, as if smoothing out jowls.
  • Repeat on the other side.
  • Run your fingers forcefully across your forehead, from temple to temple.
  • Repeat on the other side.

Smoothing wrinkles on the forehead

This is one of the ways to eliminate forehead wrinkles and correct eyebrow wrinkles. The arms should be parallel to the ground from the level of the forearms. Using “broken” movements, smooth the skin of the forehead with your fingers from one temple to the other. After this, we work with both hands, massaging the lymph flow in a horizontal position.

In the photo - Asahi massage for a thin face:

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