Making a men's face mask at home

Updated: 04/23/2021 11:28:27

Expert: Natalya Borisovna

The issue of prolonging the beauty and youth of facial skin is of interest not only to women, but also to representatives of the stronger sex. In the modern world, a well-groomed appearance and taking care of one’s own health are not a whim for men, but the norm. But, despite the fact that more than 40% of men have a positive attitude towards cosmetic procedures, not everyone decides to visit a specialist, and, moreover, do it often. Therefore, journalists from asked cosmetologists: are there any special recipes for masks specifically for men’s skin that can be made at home without a visit to the salon? It turned out that there are a lot of options, the recipes for cosmetics are simple, and the ingredients are available to everyone. If you have dairy products, eggs, vegetables and fruits in your refrigerator, you can make effective masks in the comfort of your own home.

Rating of the best mask recipes for men

Use the recipes provided by our experts and you will be surprised how healthy your skin will look:

  1. Recipe No. 1. You need to take 2-3 tablespoons of oatmeal or flour from this product, pour in 100 milliliters of warm milk and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Add the contents of one pharmacy capsule of vitamin A or E (or both options at the same time) to the prepared pulp.
  2. Recipe No. 2. You need to take one spoon each of baking soda, salt, starch (potato, corn). Dilute the mixture with warm water, a decoction of medicinal herbs or milk to the desired consistency so that the mixture does not drip onto clothes.
  3. Recipe No. 3. You need to take one teaspoon of lemon (other citrus) juice and honey. And also a tablespoon of olive (peach, flaxseed) oil. Mix the ingredients and apply to the face with a cosmetic brush.
  4. Recipe No. 4. You need to take one tablespoon of yogurt (without additives, flavors, dyes), honey, cosmetic clay, grape seed oil. The consistency of the mixture can be changed by adding more or less clay.
  5. Recipe No. 5. You need to take half a banana, strawberries, a little natural yogurt and one egg (you can use a couple if we are talking about quail eggs). Mix everything until smooth and the mask is ready.
  6. Recipe No. 6. You need to take half a peach and two tablespoons of high-quality cognac. Grind the peach to a pulp consistency, add alcohol to the puree.
  7. Recipe No. 7. You need to take one raw, boiled (including in their jacket) potato, half a raw or boiled carrot, a little warm milk, a spoonful of vegetable oil. Grind everything, mix, use warm.
  8. Recipe No. 8. You need to take a quarter of a bar of dark chocolate, melt it in a water bath, let it cool a little, mix with 2-3 tablespoons of full-fat homemade cottage cheese and one egg yolk.
  9. Recipe No. 9. You need to take half a bag of dry yeast or a quarter of a briquette of raw pressed yeast, knead with two tablespoons of sugar and one tablespoon of warmed milk. After 10 minutes, add black bread crumb and a few tablespoons of heated kefir into the mixture, mix everything thoroughly.
  10. Recipe No. 10. You need to take 50 grams of cosmetic paraffin or natural beeswax (you can use 25 grams of both), melt it in a water bath until fluid. Add to the composition one capsule of vitamins A and E, a tablespoon of natural honey. Apply to face after temperature test using a cosmetic brush. After the first layer, apply gauze to your face with holes for the eyes and mouth, apply another 3-4 layers, let it harden and cool. Remove the mask by pulling the free end of the gauze in the direction from the chin to the forehead. Before applying the mixture, you need to make sure that there is no facial hair and that the composition will not get on the hair on your head or eyebrows.

All of these masks are applied to the dermis of the face, but not under the eyes. However, men, no less often than women, have problems with bruises and bags under the eyes. Therefore, our experts have prepared several recipes for the stronger sex to eliminate just such aesthetic defects:

  1. Brew green leaf tea, the brew should be strong. Grind the soaked leaves and mix with the broth until a paste forms. Apply the mixture under the lower eyelids, cover with semicircles of cotton pads.
  2. Make a decoction of rosea radiola, oak bark, chamomile and sage, leave to infuse for several hours. After this, mix in equal proportions with fresh cucumber juice, soak cotton pads with the mixture, which should be placed on the upper eyelid and under the eyes.
  3. Take two bags of portioned green tea without additives and brew. Drink the tea, squeeze the tea bags lightly and put them in the refrigerator for several hours. Place the cooled sachets on the eyelids and the area under the eyes.
  4. Take half a cucumber, grate it on a fine grater, wrap it in gauze so that you get two bags. Place in the refrigerator to cool. Place cool bags on your eyelids and under your eyes.
  5. Take parsley and dill, chop finely so that the juice begins to stand out. Lie down, apply the mixture to the area under the eyes, cover with damp cotton pads or a damp cloth bandage.

These recipes will help men take care of their facial skin without leaving home, without spending a lot of time and money.

Skin care under the eyes

To remove wrinkles under the eyes, as well as eliminate swelling or dark circles, you need to use a mask of medicinal herbs with the addition of fresh cucumber.

dry herbs at the pharmacy : rosea radiola, sage and oak bark. Take half a teaspoon of the listed ingredients and pour the raw materials into a glass. Pour boiling water up to half a glass and leave for a couple of hours to infuse. Then drain the liquid part, and mix the herb with grated fresh cucumber (you will need a tablespoon of cucumber mass). This mass should be placed on gauze napkins and applied to the lower eyelids for a quarter of an hour.

Another mask option for this area of ​​the face: mix wheat germ oil with an equal volume of aloe juice. Apply a thin layer to the area under the eyes in the evenings, do not rinse. Use the product for a month. During this time, your skin condition will improve significantly.

The composition for daily care is prepared on the basis of a decoction prepared from pharmaceutical chamomile or thyme. You need to prepare 200 ml of decoction as indicated on the package. Add 10 drops of an oil solution of vitamin E to the cooled broth. The finished composition is poured into ice molds and placed in the refrigerator.

Every evening you need to take one ice cube and wipe the area around the eyes, moving along the lower eyelid from the outer corner of the eye to the inner, and vice versa along the upper eyelid. Then you need to blot your skin with a paper towel and apply the cream.

Which men may need face masks?

Absolutely all men can do face masks without any age restrictions. During adolescence and youth, such cosmetic procedures will help normalize the condition of skin prone to acne. In middle age, face masks for men are one of the effective means of preventing skin aging processes. At an older age, such procedures will help fight wrinkles and other manifestations of age-related changes in the skin.

However, masks are most effective for those men whose skin suffers from the effects of negative external and internal factors. That is, regularly carrying out cosmetic skincare procedures is especially recommended for those who answer “No” to at least three questions from the list:

  1. Do you live in an ecologically clean area where there is no increased air pollution?
  2. Do you lead a healthy lifestyle, don’t smoke, don’t drink alcohol too often?
  3. Do you follow a diet, eat healthy, balanced food, and don’t visit fast food establishments?
  4. Are you a physically active person, regularly engage in any kind of sports, or at least often walk outdoors?
  5. Do you follow a drinking regime that requires you to drink 2-2.5 liters of water per day?
  6. Do you get a good night's sleep, getting at least 8 hours of sleep?
  7. Do you monitor the condition of your facial epidermis, use cream, and protect your skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays, heat and frost?
  8. Do you have healthy skin that is free of acne, wrinkles, age spots, inflammation, areas of increased oiliness or dryness of the epidermis?
  9. Does your skin respond well to shaving?

If you answered negatively to 3-4 questions, then the health of the facial epidermis is at risk. If you do not take preventive measures, which can be face masks, the aging process will occur at an accelerated pace.

Removing greasy shine

Men's cosmetic procedures have gone beyond the usual set: shaving and haircuts. What facial manipulations can you do at home?

Due to the increased oiliness of the skin, many representatives of the stronger half suffer from acne even after 30 years. Cleaning mixtures, such as soda, starch and salt, will help solve this problem.

This mixture will relieve inflammation, soften the skin, and get rid of acne.

  1. Take 1 tsp. soda and salt, add 1 tbsp. l. starch.
  2. Dilute the mixture with boiled warm water, bringing it to the consistency of sour cream.
  3. Cover the acne, leave for 25 minutes, wash with baby soap.

Carry out the procedure twice weekly.

Features of face masks for men

Experts say that men's skin is significantly different from women's. Therefore, when compiling recipes for masks for the stronger sex, these differences must be taken into account:

  1. The vast majority of men regularly shave their faces. Even if the skin looks normal after the procedure, it still experiences a lot of stress every time. Its structure is damaged in one way or another, albeit at the micro level. Therefore, it is recommended to add antiseptic, disinfectant, disinfectant and regenerative components to recipes for face masks for men.
  2. The stratum corneum of the epidermis in men is approximately twice as thick as in the fair sex. Therefore, the ingredients included in mask recipes must have a high level of activity. And the dermis must first be prepared for a cosmetic procedure so that it is as susceptible as possible to the effects of the biologically active components of the mask.
  3. The skin of men under 45 ages more slowly than that of women, which is facilitated by the production of testosterone. But it is also susceptible to various damages, and it still needs to be protected and restored. And after 45 years, the aging process of the male epidermis accelerates, the condition of the skin deteriorates more rapidly than in women. Therefore, despite the fact that there may be no visible problems, changes can happen very quickly, and it is better to try to prevent their occurrence.

Now we can look at what types of face masks for men there are. It all depends on the composition of the drug that needs to be applied to the skin:

  1. Nutrient compositions, the task of which is to saturate the epidermis with vitamins, micro- and macroelements, and various biologically active substances that the dermis cannot obtain from internal sources. Also, the purpose of using nutritional masks is to normalize microcirculation, stabilize metabolic processes, start the self-healing process, and increase local immunity. Such masks may contain honey, eggs, liquid vitamins B, C, A, E, vegetable and fruit juices, purees, dark chocolate, cream and cottage cheese.
  2. Cleansing compositions designed to remove the stratum corneum of the skin, eliminate dirt, sweat, and sebum. And also cleanse and tighten pores, remove oily shine, blackheads, comedones, pimples. Such masks may contain egg whites, cosmetic clay, sea or table salt, crushed nut shells, wax and honey, citrus juices and pulp, etc.
  3. Moisturizers are designed to normalize the moisture level of the skin and help the epidermis retain moisture better. Such masks may contain cucumber and tomato juices, vitamins E and A, aloe juice, kelp, pureed raw and boiled vegetables.
  4. Antibacterial and disinfecting masks with components that have disinfectant, antiseborrheic, antitumor, keratolytic and comedolytic effects help normalize the condition of problematic dermis in men. Such cosmetics may contain fermented milk products, honey, yeast, extracts of medicinal plants (burdock, green tea), vitamins C, A, E and B vitamins.
  5. Anti-aging and firming drugs, the task of which is to help fight the aging process. Such masks help the dermis intensify the production of collagen and elastin and quickly renew the cells of the upper layers of the epidermis. As a result, the turgor of the skin increases, small age-related wrinkles disappear, deep skin irregularities are smoothed out, and facial contours improve, which can begin to sag with age. These masks contain wax and paraffin, as well as many additional components of plant and animal origin.

Also, face masks for men may differ in other parameters:

  1. Temperature during use. Face masks for men can be cold or hot. Cold ones are prepared from products at room temperature, and hot ones are prepared from heated cosmetic paraffin or wax.
  2. Consistency and application technique. Masks can be liquid - they are applied with a cosmetic brush; to increase efficiency and prevent the mass from running off the face, fabric masks with slits for the eyes and mouth can be additionally used. Also, face masks can have a paste-like consistency, while the mass does not spread and fits well on the skin. The consistency of the product can be changed at will, diluting it with water (milk, decoction of medicinal herbs), thickening it with flour (starch, bread crumb). There are masks that are simply applied to the skin for a certain time, there are also preparations, mainly with exfoliating properties, which during application need to be rubbed into the skin with massage movements, and then left on the surface of the face for the recommended period of time.

Features of men's skin compared to women's

Steroid hormones are responsible for differences in the structure of male and female skin. Due to the high testosterone content in men, it is more elastic and less susceptible to the influence of external irritants.

Features of men's skin:

  • the epidermis is 15% thicker;
  • 20% more collagen and elastin;
  • the hydrolipid mantle is 3 times denser.

Due to the high concentration of structural proteins, which play the role of a framework for the dermis, in men the first wrinkles appear at the age of 35-37 years. They are less likely to have the following cosmetic problems:

  • flabbiness;
  • unclear oval face;
  • peeling;
  • early wrinkles.

Testosterone stimulates the sebaceous glands, which often leads to clogged pores, the formation of blackheads (comedones) and acne. Therefore, men are 3 times more likely to suffer from severe forms of acne.

Mechanism of action of face masks

The mechanism of action of various face masks for men is simple - after applying the medicinal composition, biologically active components begin to penetrate into the skin, which remain in the deep layers of the epidermis even after the mask is washed off the face. To increase the efficiency of penetration of beneficial substances into the dermis, it is recommended to carry out simple preparatory procedures:

  1. Shave the day before applying the mask so that the skin has a chance to recover. Therefore, it is better for men to do cosmetic procedures on weekends.
  2. Before applying the mask, you need to perform a shallow scrub of the skin. For this purpose, you can use purchased cosmetic scrubs and peels. Or prepare the composition yourself from drunk coffee grounds, unused ground coffee, salt, soda, and finely ground walnut shells. The main thing is to make sure that the scrub mass does not contain large fractions with sharp edges that can disrupt the integrity of the skin instead of simply removing the layer of keratinized epidermal cells.
  3. It is also a good idea to steam the dermis before applying the medicinal mass to it. To open the pores, you can use one of two methods. The first is to make a hot compress by placing a small terry towel on your face, soaked in moderately hot water or a decoction of medicinal herbs at the same temperature. The compress should be kept on the skin for 10-15 minutes until it cools down. The second way to steam the epidermis is to boil water (or a decoction of plants), cover your head with a towel and make a steam bath for 7-10 minutes.
  4. Since the skin on men’s faces is quite dense, preparatory procedures are considered the best way to increase the effectiveness of face masks.

Composition of men's masks

As a rule, the composition includes natural ingredients with healing properties: clay, sea salt, crushed nut shells, seeds of fruit trees (grapes, apricots, peach). For nutrition – extract from exotic fruits. For moisturizing purposes, manufacturers often use extracts from aloe vera leaves and kelp; vitamins A, C, and E are suitable as antioxidants. Thickeners are natural gelling agents, starch, enriched with essential oils. Try the clay masks collected in this material.

Contraindications for cosmetic procedures with a mask

There are times when you should refrain from undergoing a cosmetic procedure. If a man feels unwell, if his body temperature has risen or weakness occurs, he should not use a mask. The same applies to situations such as the presence of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the skin or deep wounds in the affected area. Hot masks do not need to be done if you have any diseases of the cardiovascular system, bleeding disorders, diabetes mellitus and other serious diseases of an acute or chronic nature.

Anti-aging care “Men Expert Vitalifting 5”, Loréal Paris

Price tag from 700 to 980 rubles.

The product contains 5 components that help fight natural skin aging in men. Suitable for daily use, contains pro-retinol (nutrition), LHA acids (moisturizing), yeast extracts, ginseng, cocoa. Anti-aging care “Men Expert Vitalifting 5”, L'Oréal Paris Loreal Paris (Loreal Paris) is available in the form of a tube with a cream and a dispenser, which is convenient for use. Due to intensive care, the effect is felt within a month. The contour-lifting formula eliminates dullness and dullness, giving a well-groomed image.

Apply to the cleaned surface using massaging movements, avoiding the mouth and eye area. Absorbs well and leaves no residue after washing.

Disadvantage: suitable only for skin prone to early aging with increased dryness. If this mask does not suit you, then you should try another anti-aging mask.

How to make an effective face mask for men

Whatever recipe you choose, follow the following rules for preparing medicinal compounds:

  1. Prepare the healing mass for the mask only from fresh products of proper quality. It would be better to buy mask ingredients at farmers markets, reputable grocery stores and pharmacies.
  2. Prepare the cosmetic product immediately before the procedure. And if you have some mixture left at the end, there is no need to store it until next time. But it is not necessary to recycle it either. The skin of your hands also needs care; use the excess mass to make an unplanned mask for the skin of the back of your hands.
  3. Prepare the mask in glass, ceramic or plastic containers. Grind and mix the ingredients thoroughly. To do this, you can use a knife, fork, grater, blender or food processor.
  4. If you are preparing a hot paraffin or wax mask, make sure that the temperature of the product is optimal - the mass should be hot, but not scalding. Test the temperature of the medication on the inside of your wrist.
  5. Before applying the mass to your face, make sure that you are not allergic to the composition of the drug. If you are using products that you have not used before and are unsure about their safety, apply a small amount of the mixture to the delicate skin behind your earlobe. Wait 15-20 minutes, the condition of the dermis during this period should not change, there should be no redness or rash, itching or discomfort.

By following these simple recommendations from specialists, you can be sure that the cosmetic procedure will only bring you benefits.

Rejuvenating gymnastics for the face

An effective remedy for facial skin rejuvenation is special gymnastics. It allows you to get rid of sagging, wrinkles, dark circles under the eyes and signs of fatigue. Facial gymnastics for men is designed taking into account the structural features of the male skull, the distribution of subcutaneous fat and the work of the facial muscles. By regularly performing the following set of exercises, you will very quickly achieve visible results and be able to noticeably rejuvenate your face.

Rejuvenating facial gymnastics for men

Technique of rejuvenating gymnastics for the face:

  1. Press your index fingers firmly against your eyebrows. Raise and lower your eyebrows, while your fingers should move with them.
  2. Alternately close your eyes tightly and then open your eyes as wide as possible.
  3. Without changing the position of your head, describe a circle with your eyes alone. This exercise will tighten your eyelids.
  4. Alternately inflate and retract your cheeks.
  5. Use your index fingers to stretch the corners of your mouth to the sides. At the same time, use the muscles of your lips and cheeks to resist your fingers.
  6. Tilt your head back and quickly open and close your mouth.
  7. Slowly turn your head to the right and left, tensing your neck muscles as much as possible. The same can be done by throwing your head back and lowering it forward.

To get the fastest rejuvenating effect, combine these exercises with light self-massage. Don’t forget: you need to do gymnastics every day, only then will you achieve the desired result.

How to properly apply face masks for men

Professional cosmetologists and dermatologists shared with the readers of our publication several tips that will help you make masks correctly and get the most benefit from them:

  1. Apply the mask with a special sponge or brush, and not with your fingers, to reduce the likelihood of skin infection. After each procedure, accessories must be thoroughly cleaned and, if possible, disinfected.
  2. Apply the medicinal mass along massage lines to avoid stretching the skin. Avoid areas around the eyes and mouth.
  3. During the action of the drug, take a horizontal position and relax. It is better to refrain from conversations and emotional reactions.
  4. Leave the mask on your face for 15-20 minutes. If there is a feeling of tightness, this is normal. A slight tingling sensation is also normal. If the discomfort is significant, a burning sensation and itching appears, wash off the drug immediately and consult a dermatologist.
  5. You can wash off the healing composition from your face using a sponge or napkin soaked in green tea or still mineral water. Then you need to rinse the skin well with running water.
  6. And the last recommendation - do not go outside the house immediately after the cosmetic procedure. Spend a couple of hours indoors, especially if the temperature outside is sub-zero. Keep in mind that exposure to ultraviolet rays, dust and dirt are factors that can negate the results of a cosmetic procedure. And sudden changes in external temperatures after a face mask are the cause of the appearance of spider veins.

Precautionary measures

The cosmetic compositions used should not cause harm. Therefore, before you start using masks, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications for their use.

An absolute contraindication is individual intolerance to any product included in the masks. Before applying a cosmetic composition to your face, you need to conduct a simple allergy test. Simply lubricate the skin on the inner bend of your elbow with the prepared mixture and wash off after an hour. If after this the skin at the application site does not turn red and there is no burning sensation, then you can use this recipe without fear.

Do not apply cosmetic compositions to the skin if it has wounds or rashes. So if your skin becomes irritated or you cut yourself while shaving, the cosmetic procedure should be postponed.

How many procedures do you need to perform to get results?

Experts say that the first results are felt immediately after the first cosmetic procedure with a face mask. The dermis looks much healthier, acquires pleasant softness, natural shine, and a natural shade. But such a result from one single procedure will not last long. After 3-4 days, the skin will look worse, and problems that were eliminated after the first session may return.

To get a long-term and more pronounced effect, you need to make masks constantly. For men with more or less normal skin condition, it is enough to carry out procedures 1-2 times a week with a break of 3-6 days. If the condition of the skin leaves much to be desired, you can carry out procedures more often - 2-3 times a week. The course of treatment is from 6 to 8 weeks, after which you need to give the skin time to rest (1-2 weeks), then the course with masks can be repeated. As for recipes, you can alternate them, use only one, or use your own recipe, developed based on the recipes given in our article. You can experiment with the components of the drugs, select combinations to which your skin responds best.

What care does your facial skin need?

The skin is exposed to negative factors every day - temperature changes, frost, UV rays, wind, heat. To increase its resistance to irritants, regular care is needed.


Before choosing skincare procedures, it is advisable to contact a dermatocosmetologist to determine the pH level, elasticity, hydration and other characteristics of the skin.

Basic stages of facial care:

  • Cleansing. In the morning and evening, wash with warm water and hypoallergenic foam, soap or gel. If there is excessive sebum secretion, use scrubbing products twice a week.
  • Toning. Apply a mask to the face up to 3-4 times a week. Depending on the type of skin and the cosmetic problem, they use products with different principles of action - soothing, toning, moisturizing, etc. Wash off the masks with cool liquids - mineral water, herbal decoctions, green tea.
  • Hydration. After washing, the protective layer of the epidermis becomes thinner. To protect it from moisture evaporation, use moisturizing creams.

Particular attention is paid to the choice of shaving products. They should not contain components that cause skin irritation. After shaving, the face is treated with a soothing lotion or gel cream.

An alternative to homemade mask recipes for men - store-bought preparations

Men can make face masks not only using homemade products. It is known that many representatives of the stronger sex do not like to mess around in the kitchen, cook, or wash the dishes after that. Even if the recipes are very simple and require minimal preparation time. Therefore, journalists from asked experts to recommend to readers of our publication effective commercial face masks for men, which can be an alternative to homemade cosmetic preparations.

TOP 6 best face masks – products for men:

  1. Eisenberg Homme Lifting Mask

    – a preparation based on vitamins E, C and A, extracts from ginseng root, which has tightening properties and has an anti-aging effect. The cost of one tube of cosmetic product can exceed 3000-3500 rubles.

  2. 3-in-1 Garnier Skin naturals

    – mask based on charcoal, salicylic acid, zinc, blueberry extract. Eliminates blackheads and normalizes complexion, making skin healthier. The cost of the drug is around 300 rubles.

  3. Relaxing mask for men from the manufacturer Skinlite

    . The drug contains vitamin E, extracts from pine and ivy buds, witch hazel, and purslane. The effect that the drug has on the skin is relaxing, anti-stress, regenerating, moisturizing. The mask is suitable for all skin types and can be used regularly throughout the year. The cost of a cosmetic product is about 100 rubles.

  4. Mask for men Men Expert Vitalifting 5 from the Loréal Paris brand

    . The product contains five main active components - pro-retinol, acids, extracts from yeast, ginseng root and cocoa beans. The mask provides excellent anti-aging care for any skin type. The cost of products is from 650 to 1000 rubles.

  5. Mask for men T-Pur Blue Face Clay by Biotherm Homme

    . The product contains blue clay and volcanic dust. The drug does an excellent job of cleansing and tightening pores. The price for one package of 50 milliliters is up to 3000 rubles.

  6. Mask for men from the Korean company Mr. Plan

    is a disposable fabric mask that can be used to relax and restore the skin after shaving. The product contains oils from various plants. The cost of one blister is 100-150 rubles.

As you can see in the modern market of cosmetic products, you can find options for masks in different price segments. This allows men of any financial means to take care of their facial skin.

Anti-wrinkle mask for the eye area

An effective mask for men against wrinkles and swelling near the eyelids is made using herbal infusion and cucumber juice. To prepare the product you need a mixture of sage, rhodiola and crushed oak bark. The mixture of herbs is poured with boiling water and left overnight.

In the morning, grind the cucumber pulp on a fine grater. Green pulp is added to the herbal infusion. Soak cotton pads in the resulting mixture and place them on closed eyes for 15 minutes. There is no need to wash your eyelids after using the product.

Don't delay! Sign up for a haircut!

Online recording
Removal begins from the chin, since the mask has turned into an elastic film. But during the process of drying the composition, a person must remain in a relaxed state, not look at gadgets, and exclude conversations. The reason is that the skin should not stretch. The master strictly monitors this.

The fact that the barbershop will use professional products with quality certificates also speaks against the home use of a black mask The client’s risk of allergies will be identified in advance and contraindications will be established. Then a high effect is guaranteed. But if you exclude such preparation, take a composition of unknown quality, or violate the instructions for use, you can cause serious damage to the skin. Therefore, it is better to go to a barbershop! The procedure there is both safer and more effective.

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