The most effective facial products with a rejuvenating effect for men

The best facial products with a rejuvenating effect for men (photo: @erborian) It is so inherent in nature that the concentration of collagen and elastin in the tissues of men is higher, that is, the skin density is greater than in women. Plus, they most often do not have problems with hormone levels (they are always in balance, although there are exceptions), so age-related changes on the face are less noticeable. But sooner or later, expression wrinkles make themselves known - the main problem of male skin, so it is necessary to add a product with an anti-aging effect to your care. It should be effective, with a pleasant, non-sticky and non-greasy texture, and absorb quickly. InStyle has prepared a selection of anti-aging products that fully meet all these requirements.

3 best products for the skin around the eyes for women and men Read

Elemis Men Pro-Collagen Marine Cream

Face cream for men Elemis Men Pro-Collagen Marine Cream The men's version of Pro-Collagen Marine Cream contains a super-healthy cocktail of ingredients that help skin stay healthy and youthful for as long as possible. The unique extract of Mediterranean algae padina pavonica well moisturizes and improves skin elasticity, ginkgo biloba extract tones and strengthens, the natural active component of abyssinium has a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect (ideal after shaving).

Elimination of “crow’s feet” or expression wrinkles around the eyes using folk remedies

A tablespoon of chopped parsley, brewed with half a glass of boiling water and infused for 15 minutes, will help remove wrinkles on the face, or more precisely around the eyes, at home. Then combine a tablespoon of grated raw potatoes with two tablespoons of parsley infusion and a tablespoon of olive or other vegetable oil. Transfer to a gauze cloth and apply to the eye area for 15 minutes. We don’t wash it off. Carry out this procedure every day.

One small raw potato, finely chopped, also helps to effectively remove wrinkles on the face at home. Then take two tablespoons of potato mass and combine with the same amount of wheat flour and boiled milk. Mix everything thoroughly, forming a homogeneous mass. Then apply to the area under the eyes and leave for ten minutes. Afterwards, rinse everything off with warm water.

A compress based on olive oil helps to effectively remove wrinkles on the face at home. To do this, mix two tablespoons of olive oil with vitamin E (one ampoule) or five drops of lemon juice. Then apply this compress to the area under the eyes for 10 minutes. When finished, rinse or blot with a paper towel. And at the end of the procedure, give a light massage.

You can also remove wrinkles on the face at home by grinding one protein with one tablespoon of liquid honey with the addition of a tablespoon of crushed oatmeal. Apply this mixture to the area under the eyes and leave until completely dry. Then wash off with warm boiled water. Aloe vera juice applied to the skin at night will help prevent the appearance of expression lines. You can effectively remove wrinkles on the face at home using another mask prepared by mixing a tablespoon of castor oil and a teaspoon of oily vitamin E. In the evening, lubricate the area around the eyes with the resulting mixture, preheating it in a water bath. Soak for 15-30 minutes, adding a light massage. Then blot off the excess with paper towels. Store this oil mixture in the refrigerator.

For deep wrinkles under the eyes, you need to use a mixture of milk, aloe juice and liquid honey, taken in equal proportions to make a mask.

A mask according to the following recipe also helps to remove wrinkles on the face at home. Pour 3 tablespoons of birch leaves with a glass of cold water and leave for eight hours. After using cotton pads soaked in this infusion, apply lotions to your eyelids for 15 minutes. Oatmeal helps remove wrinkles on the face at home. Take 3 tablespoons and mix with four tablespoons of heavy cream. Place in a gauze bag, preferably two, and apply as a compress to the area under the eyes for 20 minutes.

No less effective is two tablespoons of oatmeal mixed with a tablespoon of strongly brewed tea and two tablespoons of liquid honey to help remove wrinkles on the face at home. Once warm, apply to the area under the eyes for 20 minutes. Then rinse off first with warm and then with cool boiled water.

Flaxseed is good at smoothing out wrinkles and also serves as a preventive measure. To do this, pour two tablespoons of flaxseed with 400 ml of water, put on fire and cook until a mushy mass is obtained. Then, transferring this mixture into 2 gauze bags, apply under the eyes for 20 minutes. Rinse off first with warm water, then with cool boiled water.

The following recipe will help you effectively remove wrinkles on your face at home. Take 50 ml of milk and combine with two level tablespoons of wheat flour, then add a small amount of yeast. Moisten a gauze cloth with this mixture and apply it to the area under the eyes. After 30 minutes, remove the mask and wash with warm, then cool water.

An excellent prevention of facial wrinkles is thoroughly moisturizing the skin. Don’t let it dry out, get less carried away with tanning in the open sun, solarium and decorative cosmetics, and become a follower of an active lifestyle. Use scrubs with care and caution, then lubricate your skin with nourishing creams.

Youth activator serum Lancôme Advanced Génifique

Youth activator serum Lancôme Advanced Génifique It took Lancôme scientists 15 years to create the unique Advanced Génifique serum, which bears the proud name “Youth Activator”.
Its secret is in a formula that contains hyaluronic acid, vitamin C and a complex of seven pre- and probiotics. Thanks to this composition, thought out to the smallest detail, the product perfectly moisturizes, strengthens and protects the skin microbiome from the negative effects of external aggressors. Speaking in Russian, with it you can forget about dryness, tightness, dull complexion, uneven texture, loss of elasticity and wrinkles. “Activator” literally erases all these problems into powder. For men: 10 best facial moisturizers for summer Read

Factors contributing to the development of wrinkles

Men are lucky in a sense: their epidermis is thicker and contains more collagen. Thus, men's skin is more resistant to the formation of wrinkles . But, nevertheless, men often look older than their peers. The reason is the wrong lifestyle.

The early appearance of wrinkles on male skin is caused by:

  • bad habits – smoking, predominance of fatty foods in the diet;
  • improper regime - lack of sleep, rare exposure to fresh air, low level of physical activity;
  • improper care - lack of timely cleansing, lack of protection from ultraviolet radiation and frost;
  • lack of water , it can also be triggered by an addiction to alcoholic beverages, since alcohol contributes to dehydration;
  • stress , nervous tension.
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Erborian Ginseng Nourishing Milk

Erborian Nourishing Milk “Ginseng” Milk is a non-standard care product for men, but the most difficult thing is to persuade them to try it, after which they will not want to part with it. And all because Erborian milk with ginseng root extract moisturizes, nourishes, evens out texture, increases elasticity and firmness, and also gives an instant lifting effect day after day. The product has a prolonged and cumulative effect - this is also captivating.

How is the procedure done?

The first thing the doctor will do during an in-person appointment is to determine the nature and severity of the defects and find out whether the patient has any contraindications to the use of Botox. Then, on the day of the procedure, the work will be built in several stages:

  • marking of injection zones (this is done with a special marker);
  • cleaning and disinfection of skin;
  • applying anesthetic cream;
  • the injections themselves (they are carried out with the finest microneedles);
  • re-treatment with an antiseptic.

The procedure is usually well tolerated with minimal discomfort. No special preparation is required for Botox injections - they can be done at any convenient time (even during lunch break). In many cases, Botox injections for men are the optimal solution, since the effect of the procedure is immediate. In total, the procedure lasts 20-40 minutes (depending on the area of ​​the treated area).

Active stimulating anti-wrinkle balm for men Académie Baume Actif Anti-Rides Stimulant

Active stimulating anti-wrinkle balm for men Académie Baume Actif Anti-Rides Stimulant Baume Actif Anti-Rides Stimulant balm with rice peptides and birch and oak extracts quickly moisturizes, relieves redness and inflammation, improves skin tone and elasticity, and at the same time triggers its regeneration and the process of rejuvenation. As a result, fine wrinkles disappear, deep wrinkles become less noticeable, and the skin becomes dense and matte. This product is ideal for reactive skin prone to allergies.

The effect of botulinum therapy and the advantages of the method

The main thing that distinguishes this rejuvenation technique from others is the quick result. Also, undeniable advantages include painlessness and ease of implementation, the absence of special training and the absence of a recovery period after the intervention. Botox for the face is suitable for middle-aged and older men. The method is effective in combating severe, deep wrinkles and has virtually no side effects.

You will not be able to evaluate the result immediately, but within 3-5 days, then the effect will increase. The effect lasts approximately 3-6-8 months, in some cases a little longer.

To make an appointment for Botox injections for men in Moscow, call us by phone or fill out the form on the clinic’s website. Our experienced cosmetologists will help you prolong your youth and maintain a well-groomed appearance for a long time. Come to us for a consultation at: st. Marshala Rybalko, 2k6, clinic within walking distance from Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station or Panfilovskaya MCC.

iS Clinical Firming Complex Firming Face Cream

Firming face cream iS Clinical Firming Complex Firming Complex face cream in an elegant silver tube is an ideal product for mature skin that requires special, thorough and intensive care. In addition to the fact that the cream nourishes, tightens, smoothes wrinkles and gives the skin radiance, it also neutralizes acne, removing inflammation and cleansing pores. That is, the product solves all problems, healing and rejuvenating the skin. All these effects are possible thanks to the composition, which mixes 10% hyaluronic acid, a patented cocktail of extracts of fruit acids, willow bark and green tea leaves, as well as centella asiatica.

Injection methods for correcting age-related changes in men

Botulinum therapy

In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of men turning to a cosmetologist for the correction of dynamic wrinkles with botulinum toxin .

More powerful facial muscles, along with the peculiarities of patterns of facial activity, require compliance with certain characteristics when carrying out botulinum therapy in men.

The mass of facial muscles in men is 1.5-2 times greater than that in women. Therefore, when performing BTA injections in men, it is necessary to administer large doses of the toxin, approximately 1.5 times. If this rule is not followed, there will be no effect from the botulinum therapy procedure, or it will be insufficient. [4], [2]

However, before starting the procedure, the cosmetologist should listen to the wishes of the patient. Increasingly, male patients complain of a tired-looking face and angrily lowered eyebrows. But at the same time, patients would not want to achieve complete amyria of the area injected with BTA.

For example, many patients say that they would like to maintain facial expressions, but get rid of wrinkles on the forehead. In this case, large (“male”) doses of BTA into the frontal muscle. In addition to the risk of iatrogenic brow ptosis and exacerbation of the “sullen” appearance, a smooth, “baby” forehead creates a feeling of serenity that is not typical for men.

When correcting the area between the eyebrows, it is necessary to maintain the position of the eyebrows , less often - to evenly raise the eyebrows, provided that their linear-horizontal shape is maintained. [6]

When correcting wrinkles in the area of ​​the lateral corner of the eye, it is necessary to take into account the structural features of the orbit, the type of muscle activity, the attachment of muscles to the bones and “adhesions” to the skin, and the thickness of subcutaneous fat. [7]

Facial muscles of the periorbital region are the result of a positive emotional message. You should not strive for a complete regression of facial expressions in this area, as this will give the look excessive openness and gullibility. As a rule, due to the greater density of the skin, 1-2 deep wrinkles in the “crow’s feet” area are more typical for men. Therefore, BTA injections in this area in men are carried out at 1-2 points. In this case, the inferolateral portion of the muscle orbicularis oculi relaxes, leaving the superolateral portion active.

With this technique of BTA injections, the skin texture is evened out, but isolated wrinkles remain, and positive facial expressions and a friendly facial expression are preserved. [3]

In addition to correcting facial wrinkles, BTA injections are used in men for another purpose - to treat hyperhidrosis . Men often resort to BTA injections into the axillary areas and palms. Since the procedure is quite painful, men often inject only the palm of their right hand, which is extended to shake hands.

Contour plastic

When performing volumetric injection plastic surgery, it is necessary to avoid hypercorrection, which gives the male face additional roundness and tenderness.

Contouring in men is performed to restore lost volume, correct folds and wrinkles, improve skin quality, and stimulate collagen synthesis.

To work in the lateral areas of the middle third of the face, it is permissible to work with a needle using bolus injection techniques (the use of soft, plastic hyaluronic acid fillers is recommended). The filler is injected using the microbolus technique, the total volume is no more than 0.5-1.0 on each side along the line of the zygomatic arch. [6]

For work in the medial zones of the middle third of the face, nasolabial folds, chin, cannula injection techniques are preferable deep supraperiosteally.

When correcting the temporal areas, it is safer to use a cannula and inject the drug into the interfascial layers.

Lip contouring

The red border of the lower lip in men is always at least 1/3 higher in height than the upper lip, that is, the height of the lips maximally corresponds to the proportion of the “golden ratio”. However, even a very narrow upper lip does not greatly affect the attractiveness of a man’s face. [8]

The shape and volume of the lips in men with age are also subject to involutional changes - the contours are blurred, the red border of the lips becomes thinner.

When working with the lip contour, you should choose the softest and most flexible fillers with minimal volumizing effect. Increasing the volume of the lips often feminizes the appearance of men, and therefore lip plastic surgery should be carried out extremely carefully, using fillers with average parameters of reticulation and homogenization, achieving moderate and uniform correction of the lips and creating the effect of natural proportions. [4]

Minimally invasive thread lift methods

One of the characteristic signs of youth is the condition of the cervical-mental angle, which in young patients ranges from 90 to 110 degrees. With age, under the influence of gravity, the skin of the chin area becomes flabby and stretches. Also, many men are prone to fat deposits in the chin area. These changes lead to a deterioration in a man's appearance. Due to the severity of the tissue in this area, the choice of minimally invasive methods is limited. One of the effective methods is a thread neck lift using the APTOS Needle 2G method. The essence of the method is that with the help of threads with notches, which are carried out on the neck on both sides, a so-called “hammock” is created, which strengthens the soft tissues in this area, and excess loose skin is redistributed with the help of notches, stretched and smoothed. The method goes well with lipolytic or liposuction.

Anti-aging emulsion Nuxe Men Nuxellence

Anti-aging emulsion Nuxe Men Nuxellence Firstly, Nuxellence consists of almost 92% natural ingredients, including oak and passionflower extract, and hyaluronic acid. Secondly, the product is non-comedogenic, which means that even men with sensitive skin can use it. Thirdly, this emulsion is easily distributed, quickly absorbed and immediately begins to work in the deep layers of the skin, moisturizing, toning, improving complexion and smoothing out wrinkles. After each use, the effect will become more obvious.

How it works?

Botulinum toxin has the ability to temporarily block the work of facial muscles - the skin to which they are attached stops folding and becomes even.
Most often, facial wrinkles form near the mouth, on the forehead, on the bridge of the nose - these areas are actively involved in the expression of emotions: tears, laughter, surprise. The blood supply to tissues after Botox injections is preserved in full, and mobility is gradually restored.
Thus, Botox for men is a completely safe procedure. The cosmetic effect it allows to achieve is remarkable; the skin in the problem area is smoothed out and looks fresher and more youthful. Result After 3-5 days Duration of effect 3-8 months Rehabilitation No Anesthesia Application
Discuss the procedure with a specialist

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