Cream filler: express products with amazing effects

To slow down the aging process, women use special anti-age cosmetics. For a more effective result, the injection method of introducing fillers is recommended. They play the role of a “filler” of voids formed in the forehead, nasolabial triangle, and areas around the eyes. In modern cosmetology, it is possible to use fillers to correct aging skin not only from the inside, but also from the outside. For this purpose, innovative care products and filler creams have been developed.

Cream filler - what is it?

Filler is a thick gel that is usually injected under the skin. It contains components such as hyaluronic acid, collagen, elastin, silicone, plant extracts, oils, and vitamins. But injections cause a lot of harm to health, so cosmetologists came up with the idea of ​​​​applying the product directly to the surface of the face. Surprisingly, this also worked.

The cream is not only made from the same ingredients as the injection, but also has a similar principle of action. It only affects the skin from the outside, not from the inside.

Some experts argue that such a product does not affect the condition of the skin, but only visually makes wrinkles less noticeable. But even they confirm that it contains substances beneficial to the dermis.

Features of rehabilitation

To reduce the risk of developing various complications during the procedure, ice is applied to the skin. After the injection, it is contraindicated to touch your face or apply decorative cosmetics for a few more days.

In certain situations, it is recommended to visit a cosmetologist who will massage the areas treated during fillering so that the filler is evenly distributed under the skin. For the first two weeks, avoid active sports, baths and solariums. This can cause swelling and infection of areas of the skin damaged during injections.

For a week before the injections and for a few more days after the procedure, you should not take blood thinning medications (for example, aspirin), otherwise complications will arise.

The main effect of filler creams

The product fills wrinkles, making them less deep and noticeable, which gives the face youth and freshness. This is the main task of the cream.

But there are a few more additional features:

  1. Returns tone to the dermis;
  2. Launches processes aimed at regenerating the epithelium;
  3. Makes skin tone more even and healthy;
  4. Extends the durability of cosmetics.

Do not forget that all these actions are temporary. The cream works as long as you actively use it. And for those with deep wrinkles, the effect lasts as long as the product is applied to the face. Therefore, you shouldn’t count on the WOW effect that manufacturers promise.

Composition of cream filler

Main components of the product:

  1. Collagen is responsible for the elasticity of the skin. Without it, the dermis becomes dry and thin, which is what leads to the appearance of wrinkles;
  2. Silicone - makes the face velvety and fills creases, which allows you to visually smooth them out. Silicone lays down a thin film that protects the skin from the negative effects of the environment.
  3. Hyaluronic acid is the main one in the matter of hydration. In addition, it smoothes out wrinkles and returns freshness and healthy color to the face.

Some manufacturers add elastin to the product. It replenishes the lack of natural elastin, making the dermis elastic and elastic, additionally moisturizes and participates in regeneration processes.

Not a single product for aging skin can do without vitamins, healthy oils and extracts of medicinal plants. They nourish the face, making it more youthful.

The composition of such a cream will necessarily contain reflective particles. They visually make the face more toned, fresh and rested.

The difference between injectable filler and cream

The main difference between a cream and an injection is the technology of use. The first does not need to be injected under the skin and endure pain from needles. This means that there will simply not be disastrous consequences in the form of blurred filler, addiction to the product, and many others.

Cosmetologists claim that in this case the effect will be shorter and more cosmetic than real. But there is no harm to health. Moreover, the composition of the products is almost identical.

The injections take effect immediately (which is a lot of stress for the body), but the cream will have to be used a little longer to notice the first results. But here those very reflective particles that give a visual effect come to the rescue.

In addition, the cream is cheaper than injections. It is easier to test it and understand at least an approximate reaction of the body to its use.

Filling based on hyaluronic acid

Today, filling wrinkles with hyaluronic acid . This is one of the popular options for skin rejuvenation.

However, in addition to eliminating signs of age-related changes in the form of wrinkles, hyaluronic acid is also used to correct areas on the face that have lost their shape, such as to increase the volume of the lips. This method is suitable for removing hollows in the area under the eyes. Fillers are often injected into the area of ​​the nasolabial folds.

In this case, cosmetologists use stabilized hyaluronic acid. It differs from similar substances of synthetic origin in that the body perceives it well, therefore, having filled the wrinkles, the visual effect can be observed almost immediately after the procedure.

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Indications and scope

The product is used in the following cases:

  • To enlarge lips and get rid of folds in this area;
  • To smooth out forehead wrinkles, eyebrows, nasolabial folds and crow's feet;
  • To lift the corners of the lips;
  • To tighten cheekbones and cheeks.

Additional functions:

  • Increasing the duration of makeup wear if you apply the product as a base;
  • Elimination of signs of age;
  • Reducing pigmentation;
  • Regular use restores skin tone.

How to apply facial filler creams. Rules

The filler is applied after the day cream, but before the foundation (if the instructions allow, the filler can be mixed with it).

It does not need to be smeared; the application technique is more like light tapping. The skin should not be stretched. Particular attention is paid to problem areas - usually the nasolabial area, forehead, corners of the eyes and lips.

The product can be intended for the entire face or for individual areas. Here you need to look at the size of the jar and read the instructions. If you have deep wrinkles, then it is better to take the second option, then the consistency will be denser and thicker, which will allow you to achieve the best result.

If you have active facial expressions, then look in the mirror from time to time - the product may move to the surface of the skin, which does not look very neat.

Terms of use

When using filler creams, it is important to follow the instructions for use and know a few key points:

  1. They should be applied to well-cleaned, moisturized skin, i.e. after treatment with tonic and application of cream.
  2. The effect of the drug will be enhanced by the early removal of dead skin cells (deep peeling).
  3. The mixture is applied to problem areas in an extremely thin layer and using massage movements to prevent the cream from rolling off.
  4. If the annotation indicates the possibility of using the filler cream as a base for makeup, then you can safely apply decorative cosmetics (there are options for mixing with foundation).

Advantages and disadvantages of the product


  1. Fast visual result. If you have an important event coming up and wrinkles are completely inappropriate, then you only need a jar of the product and now you are already several years younger;
  2. It can be used all over the face and even in such delicate areas as the eyes and lips;
  3. Over time, skin tone, elasticity and firmness increase;
  4. The dermis is filled with useful substances;
  5. Lack of pain and other unpleasant sensations;
  6. There is no harm to the skin, because its integrity is not compromised;
  7. Any woman can afford such a product.

And now a little about the disadvantages:

  1. You should not expect any magical effect from the cream. He won't be there. Without hard work, wrinkles will not go away, but will only disappear for a while;
  2. Over time, allergies may develop. Therefore, such a tool cannot be used on an ongoing basis;
  3. The filler may move out of the wrinkle during active facial expressions or leak in the heat;
  4. It is difficult to choose a foundation that will go well with filler.

As you can see, despite all the advantages of the presented product, it is not without its disadvantages. Therefore, it is difficult to say how harmless it is for your health. If you want to get full results without harm to the body, then you need to sign up for advanced intensive courses from Melannette.

Choose one of three, which worries you more: “Face shape and chin”, “eyes and forehead”, or “nasolabial”? They won’t take much time (2 weeks, 15-20 minutes a day), but they will smooth out wrinkles and restore skin tone for real, and not just for the moment while some product clogs the folds.

Injection procedures

Anti-wrinkle remedy

Filling wrinkles with fillers involves injections under the skin. The introduction of hyaluronic acid serum is safe for the body. When the acid enters the subcutaneous tissue, it evens out wrinkles.

It does not act on nerve endings and does not “freeze” facial expressions, like Botox. Unlike silicone, acid will not fill wrinkles with a foreign substance that can change its location on the face over time.

By type of injection ampoules there are:

  1. Single-phase. 26 g of acid per 1 g of gel. The composition is used to eliminate scars, enlarge lips, change their shape and volume, and expand cheekbones.
  2. Two-phase. The concentration of hyaluronic acid is much lower - only 1 mg of product is required per 1 g of gel. Wrinkles and deep folds are corrected with injections. The dense structure of the drug will help in filling the cavities of the skin, improve the turgor of soft tissues, and promote cell regeneration.

The dosage of the administered product is calculated taking into account the age and characteristics of the patient’s skin.

In contour plastic surgery, fillers based on monophasic hyaluronic acid are preferable. They belong to the new generation of products. The unique structure ensures that the filler maintains volume during the first months, unlike a 2-phase gel.

Injections are carried out everywhere or locally as follows:

  1. Injections. Subcutaneous injection is the best way to eliminate wrinkles. They allow deep injection of acid, have a productive effect on the fading epidermis, moisturize and nourish it.

Beauty injections

  1. Mesotherapy. This is a cosmetic manipulation when biologically active substances are introduced into problem areas of the face that need correction. A special roller with therapeutic needles is used, which are treated with hyaluronic acid, vitamins and minerals. The result is the disappearance of scars and other skin imperfections, smoothing of wrinkles, preservation of the facial contour and shape.

Home facial mesotherapy

  1. Microinjection. The solution is injected to a depth of several millimeters. A thin needle is used for manipulation. The operation will maintain the shape of the face and smooth out facial wrinkles.

Injections, regardless of the method, are carried out according to the following scheme:

  • First, the problem area is numbed;
  • then fix the bandage, which prevents air from entering;
  • when the product is injected under the skin, there is no pain, a slight tingling sensation is felt;
  • The cosmetologist smooths out the appearing tubercles with soft massaging movements, and the drug is gradually absorbed.

For a certain period of time, the procedure is accompanied by an accumulation of moisture in the wrinkle area, which is attracted and retained by hyaluronic acid.

Attention! The course of injections consists of 3-4 procedures with an interval of 2 weeks.

How to use it correctly?

Cream filler should not be used frequently. Although it is not addictive, it can lead to allergies. So take breaks from time to time.

If you have small wrinkles all over your face, then take a universal product, but if you want to smooth out large wrinkles, then you will have to work in zones using a thicker product.

And remember that no cosmetics will save you from problems if you don’t take care of your beauty yourself. Do a massage and the right exercises for your face and then freshness and youth will not keep you waiting.

Useful video on fighting wrinkles

Wrinkle filler is a highly effective product that helps stop aging and reduce its main signs.
It will be much better if the filler you purchase matches the brand of your main skin care cosmetics. Be careful when using the concealer; to achieve the best effect, apply it only to previously cleansed skin. Do not exceed the duration of the course indicated on the tube with the product, this may lead to oversaturation of the dermis and deterioration of the skin condition. [carousel-horizontal-posts-content-slider]

Cream lip filler

This tool performs several functions at once:

  1. Nourishes the skin of the lips, makes them smoother and juicier;
  2. A slight increase is possible (only while the product is applied to the lips);
  3. Smoothes wrinkles;
  4. Raises the corners.

The use of hygienic lipsticks is possible 10-15 minutes after applying the filler.

It is better to use the cream for a course of 3 to 4 weeks, and then take breaks.

The product slightly tightens the skin, so during the course it is better to either give up decorative cosmetics or give preference to lipsticks with a soothing effect.

And to naturally enlarge your lips and smooth out wrinkles, you can try special exercises. The full effect will not appear immediately, so they must be done in a course:

  1. We relax the orbicularis oris muscle with the help of our fingers, because it is because of muscle spasms that wrinkles and additional folds appear on the lips:
  2. We enlarge lips and get rid of purse-string wrinkles - it is best to do this exercise in tandem with the previous one:
  3. Raise the drooping corners of your lips and get rid of the sad expression on your face once and for all:
  4. We enlarge lips using vacuum massage - a safe alternative to Botox injections:

Possible complications of filling

Sometimes filling causes a number of complications. Among them:

  1. Painful sensations (acute) due to the body’s individual rejection of the drug that is administered during the procedures. These symptoms appear on the first day and last up to several weeks.
  2. Swelling or formation of hematomas, which is associated with damage to blood vessels during skin puncture (experts recommend applying heparin ointment locally).
  3. Inflammation and the appearance of fibrous contractures.
  4. Embolism of blood vessels, in which the latter are compressed and tissues die. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor!

If you have blood vessels located too close to your skin, your doctor will advise you to take special medications for 10 days that strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Otherwise, vascular damage may occur during filling.

You can conclude from the above that filling wrinkles has its own consequences and risks. Therefore, you should not ignore the advice of doctors, otherwise you have every chance of getting unpleasant side effects or complications as a result.

Cream filler to eliminate deep wrinkles

This product is thicker, since it is necessary to fill a deep fold. But remember that the cream can only cope with small wrinkles. Therefore, with deep ones there will be a purely cosmetic effect. For some event this will be a salvation, but in everyday life it is better not to get carried away with such means. The skin should breathe freely, and thick creams can clog pores.

To really make wrinkles go away, do a few exercises:

  1. Lifting effect in 5 minutes with your own hands - you literally feel how your skin is pulled into a knot on the top of your head:
  2. There is no place for deep wrinkles on the forehead! We not only smooth out the wrinkles, but also get rid of the previously injected poison:
  3. Express face lifting - for special cases (this exercise + filler cream and you will instantly become several years younger):
  4. You can get rid of the eyebrow area and lift your eyelids at any time and anywhere. All you need is your hands:

Cream filler for the skin around the eyes

The area around the eyes is very thin and delicate. Therefore, light means that you will not feel are needed here.

Apply the filler carefully so that it does not get on the mucous membrane of the eye. If this does happen, rinse thoroughly with water.

The product will help smooth out fine wrinkles and nourish dry skin. Many people note a decrease in dark circles under the eyes, but this is due to the cosmetic component of the product rather than the skincare component. After all, reflective particles not only visually smooth out wrinkles, but also cope with pigmentation and minor imperfections.

And an exercise to more effectively eliminate wrinkles around the eyes:

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