Top cosmetic procedures for rejuvenating the eye area

Features of thin skin

If you study the properties of the skin, thin skin resembles dry skin. But there are certain individual characteristics. You can recognize thin facial skin by certain signs:

  • there is no shine or greasy film on the face;
  • has a matte velvety structure;
  • the surface is smooth and does not contain enlarged pores;
  • too tight, dry and flaky;
  • there are capillaries near the surface, so the face may often turn red;
  • due to insufficient amount of melanin, the face is too pale;
  • bruises often appear under the eyes because veins are visible there;
  • Irritation may occur due to a reaction to new cosmetics, smoky air, salt water, wind or frost, or the sun.

When a person is still very young, his coverings are distinguished by their neatness and good appearance. But after some time, her aging will occur much faster. Already at the age of 25, a person may experience the first wrinkles. Therefore, it is important to start proper care from adolescence.

Injection techniques against wrinkles around the eyes

There are only 2 most common injection techniques for removing wrinkles around the eyes:

The introduction of botulinum toxin blocks muscle contractions and eliminates excessive facial activity, one of the mechanisms for the formation of wrinkles.

Injection of fillers based on hyaluronic acid - filling of wrinkles. Mechanical filling of voids formed as a result of lack of collagen. Gives a temporary result, mechanically filling the voids that appear as a result of a decrease in the density of the dermis.

Injection techniques do not solve the problem of wrinkles around the eyes; after 5-6 months, wrinkles will reappear.

Factors that harm thin skin

Integuments, their condition depends on heredity, but there are also certain factors that can harm the skin of the face. If you want your skin to be young and healthy for as long as possible, then pay attention to the following factors:

  • prolonged exposure to sunlight. Due to ultraviolet radiation, collagen, which is located in deep layers, is destroyed. The same goes for elastin, which causes the skin to become less elastic. Pigment spots may then appear. To minimize the risk of skin damage, you need to use products with SPF filters. In this case, the protection level indicator must be at least 30 units or more;
  • Peeling for thin facial skin is not recommended. When you remove cells from the epidermis, it takes nutrients from the dermis to repair itself. Because of this, the deep layers lose their thickness, the skin sags, and wrinkles appear. After peeling, the skin becomes more sensitive. It is better to replace this option with gommages, which are more gentle;
  • too active facial skin care. The dermis after procedures using a laser or chemical cleansing can become thinner by 30%;
  • the use of cosmetics that promote exfoliation. You should not take products that contain tartaric, lactic, glycolic, or salicylic acid;
  • long-term use of topical steroids. They are taken when it is necessary to cure dermatitis, but such products make the skin thinner.

If a person also has low estrogen levels, then the above factors and their effects will be more noticeable. The skin on your face will be dry, sagging, and wrinkled.


To perform a massage for sagging skin under the eyes, you will need ice cubes. To prepare them, you need to use a herbal decoction based on chamomile, sage and calendula flowers.

It is necessary to gently wipe the lower eyelids with ice from the outer corner of the eye to the bridge of the nose, without making sudden movements. The duration of the procedure is about 1-2 minutes. After the massage, the skin should dry on its own. After 20 minutes, it is recommended to apply nourishing cream. To get a positive result from a massage, you need to perform the procedure daily.

The procedure is not performed in winter.

Recommendations for thin facial skin

It is very important to properly care for your facial skin every day, so you should follow certain expert advice:

  • do not use ordinary soap, it is better to take special milk or gel;
  • do not go to bed with makeup on your face;
  • regularly use masks and creams;
  • the products should not contain aggressive, alcohol-containing components;
  • remove salty, fried, spicy foods from the diet, and add more nuts, vegetables, fruits;
  • do not perform aromatherapy, do not make herbal compresses, do not use cosmetic ice;
  • Do not stay in the sun for too long, do bath procedures, or visit the sauna;
  • sleep enough time so that cells can renew and recover;
  • control your facial expressions, try not to wrinkle your forehead or squint your eyes;
  • drink plenty of water;
  • use sunscreen;
  • If you decide to do peeling, then use exfoliating microgranules of artificial origin. They will injure the skin less.

Homemade masks

Homemade masks can be effective against sagging skin under the eyes. When using them, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. The ingredients for making masks must be fresh. Do not use cold or hot mixtures. Formulations should be taken at room temperature.
  2. Before using the product, you must do an allergy test. To do this, it is recommended to apply a drop of the mixture to the inside of the wrist, wait 10-15 minutes and rinse. If the process does not cause rash, itching or other unpleasant sensations, the mask can be applied to the skin under the eyes.
  3. It is recommended to apply the product using a cotton pad. It will ensure fixation of the mask under the eyes and evenly distribute the composition on the skin.

To obtain maximum effect, you must apply the selected product 2-3 times a week.

After the procedure, you should moisturize the skin around the eyes with vegetable oils from sea buckthorn, almond, olive or jojoba. After 15 minutes from the moment of application, blot off excess product with a dry cloth.

From oatmeal and honey

The phytonutrients contained in oatmeal and the nutrients in honey restore tissue trophism and provide the skin with vitamins and minerals. To prepare the mask you should take:

  • 30 ml honey;
  • 15 ml each of water and concentrated black tea;
  • 25 g oatmeal.

All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and heated in a water bath for 5-7 minutes. After this, the warm composition should be applied to the skin and wait 20 minutes. The product is washed off with cool water.

From parsley root

The root system of parsley contains a large amount of beneficial plant components that relieve inflammation and tone the skin. The mask contains 1 plant root. It must be thoroughly washed and cleaned, then grind the ingredient using a blender or grate on a fine grid. The mask is applied for 20 minutes and then washed off.

From aloe and honey

The most effective means for cleansing the skin and normalizing water-electrolyte metabolism in epithelial tissue include masks based on aloe juice. To increase the positive effect on the skin, honey should be added to it. The combination of natural ingredients increases the tone of facial muscles, eliminates puffiness and eliminates facial wrinkles.

To prepare the mask you will need the following components:

  • 15 ml aloe juice;
  • 15 ml liquid honey.

The prepared solution is applied under the eyes using cotton wool or a brush for 20 minutes.

Curd and herbal

The fermented milk product in combination with herbs has a sedative effect on soft tissues, relieving the skin on the lower eyelids from sagging. The mask moisturizes the dermis. To prepare it you need:

  • 20 g cottage cheese;
  • 0.5 tbsp. l. sage;
  • 10 ml olive oil;
  • 0.5 tbsp. l. chamomile;
  • 150 ml boiling water.

The herbs should be filled with hot water and left in a warm place for 30 minutes. Afterwards, you need to drain the liquid into a separate cup, grind the remaining sage and chamomile with butter and curd mass. The resulting mixture should be placed in the refrigerator for 20 minutes, after which you need to apply the product to your eyes and wait another 20 minutes. Then you should wash off the mask with the remaining broth in the cup.

From linden and chamomile

Linden and chamomile remove excess fluid from tissues, improve elasticity and relieve skin inflammation. To prepare the mask, you need the following ingredients:

  • 0.5 tbsp. l. linden flowers;
  • 0.5 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers;
  • a glass of boiling water.

You need to mix the dry mixture and brew the herbs with hot water, leave for 30 minutes. After half an hour, soak cotton pads in the broth and then apply them to the skin for 20 minutes.

Let's sum it up

Now it is completely clear that a drooping eyelid is not a death sentence at all. You can easily figure out what to do if one upper eyelid hangs over the eye more than the other, how to deal with it, what rules and cosmetics to use. You can use the services of cosmetologists and even plastic surgeons, but the risks are quite high, and there are a lot of contraindications. Therefore, it is worth trying to use the proposed methods in order to maintain the elasticity and density of the skin much longer.

What active ingredients should be present in eye cosmetics?

Cosmetics for eyes with thin skin should be special

High-quality compositions included in cosmetic products for the care of thin and dry skin necessarily contain the following components, the action of which is to restore, moisturize, nourish and strengthen both the outer and inner layers of the skin:

  • retinol or vitamin A, involved in cell regeneration (renewal), improvement of microcirculation, hydration, nutrition, firmness support, elasticity, general rejuvenation;
  • lanolin, containing a large percentage of animal fats, instantly nourishes, protects and thickens the turgor;
  • vegetable oils with a high content of vitamin E of youth and beauty (jojoba, olive, burdock, peach, almond, wheat germ);
  • allantoin or bisabolol (restore damaged cells, prevent dryness and irritation of the epidermis, protect against the aggressive action of most external factors);
  • hyaluronic acid (has active moisturizing, rejuvenating, promoting healing, and the production of its own collagen substances);
  • vitamin C (strengthens the walls of blood vessels and small capillaries, prevents their fragility, redness and thickening - rosacea);
  • extracts or decoctions of natural herbs and plants (eliminate inflammatory effects, saturate the skin with antioxidants, rejuvenate and renew).


Some cosmetologists believe that it is necessary to tone the skin of the eyelids, while others are of the opinion that this procedure is not advisable.

Tonics, essences, toners have the following properties:

  • Replenishes moisture deficiency
  • Eliminates skin tightness
  • Restore normal pH levels

Nowadays you can find antioxidant, anti-aging, soothing tonics. They are great for daily cleansing of the skin around the eyes. If necessary, they can also be used as makeup remover.

A good tonic does not contain alcohol; the active ingredients are:

  • hyaluronic acid
  • glycerol
  • medicinal plant extracts

Professional cosmetology: how to quickly remove drooping eyelids without surgery or at home

Modern specialists offer a huge number of different solutions that have different degrees of effectiveness, as well as danger indicators. It’s worth starting with the most unpleasant, but fairly safe ones that you can go through and get a good result.

  • Taping is the process of gluing elastic patches to the desired areas, followed by exposure for a certain time. It is believed that eventually the skin will remember the position and tighten. At the same time, excess fluid should be removed and tone restored.
  • Hardware treatment techniques are more effective and can give significant results. We are mainly talking about laser blepharoplasty and RF lifting. Both procedures are based on heating the skin from the inside, as well as its external polishing. They cause internal scarring, which our body begins to actively “patch” after damage.

These and other similar methods are quite traumatic. They have a whole list of contraindications and can lead to the opposite effect. Therefore, it is worth trying something more gentle before turning to the “heavy artillery”.

Lifting operations

The most drastic intervention that will really give a visible effect is plastic surgery. During blepharoplasty, the doctor makes an incision along the eyelash edge, along the crease of the lower or upper eyelid, or on the inside of it. It then mechanically redistributes, removes or moves the soft tissue to smooth out the fold. Then the incision is sutured or glue is applied, which helps the wounds heal faster.

The method is very traumatic, but it is still not able to cope with the deep essence of the problem. It can mask an unsightly defect, but over time it will appear again.

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