Types of procedures for deep facial cleansing in the salon - a detailed overview

What it is

Deep cleansing is the process of removing impurities not only from the surface, but also from the inner layers of the dermis. Such manipulation is necessary to carry out the following tasks:

  • restore the protective functions of the skin;
  • eliminate acne ;
  • regeneration processes , metabolism and blood circulation.

The procedure allows you to remove various impurities, excess sebaceous secretions and keratinized layers of the dermis.

Patient reviews

  • Victoria, 30 years old: “I have had problematic and oily skin since childhood, so since I was 25 I have been doing mechanical cleansing 3 times a year. The technique is painful, but the result is worth it - sebaceous shine disappears, pores become smaller, and rashes and blackheads do not appear for a long time. I also tried the hardware method, but it gave short-term results.”
  • Marina, 25 years old: “I tried many types of exfoliation, but only Jessner peeling helped me cope with acne, hyperpigmentation and scars. Now my skin looks much better, which has helped me get rid of many insecurities and regain my self-confidence.”
  • Svetlana, 20 years old: “I have normal skin and ultrasonic peeling helped me get rid of rashes without difficulty or trauma to my skin. A wonderful and affordable treatment that I recommend to other people suffering from blackheads and acne.”

Exfoliation by an experienced cosmetologist in a salon is a procedure that requires practiced skills and special knowledge. In order not to harm your skin, clean only from highly qualified specialists who will select a cleansing method taking into account the characteristics of your skin.



Beauty salons offer a wide variety of deep facial cleansing. Each method has its own characteristics and principle of operation.


It is a type of cleaning that removes impurities from the pores. After the skin has been pre-steamed, the specialist uses his hands to remove blackheads from the surface of the epidermis.

To successfully carry out facial cleansing, you must stop tanning 2 weeks before the procedure. The first step is steaming the facial skin.

The second is the cleaning itself, the methods of which may differ depending on the indications.

The final step is to apply a moisturizing and soothing mask that will relieve irritation and tighten pores.

The cosmetologist can resort to the help of tools such as a Uno spoon, loops and a strainer.

This procedure takes no more than 20 minutes. This is how long the pores remain open, the field of which begins to narrow, which does not give a certain effect.

This type of manipulation is considered traumatic. Even after using special soothing masks, irritation may remain for a long time.

Mechanical cleansing is suitable for problems such as comedones, blackheads and sebaceous plugs.


This is a method that involves the use of a scrub. The skin is pre-steamed. After applying the cleanser, the stratum corneum is removed. To perform this task, the cosmetologist uses a special device with brush attachments that have different diameters and degrees of hardness.

Deep cleaning should only be carried out by a qualified specialist, since this method is very serious and can lead to serious complications if not professionally approached.
It is extremely important for patients to follow the doctor’s recommendations before and after the procedure.

Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Zhikhoreva Inna Viktorovna

6 years experience

Cleansing occurs in the direction of the massage lines and lasts about 15 minutes.

Thanks to this manipulation, there is an increase in cell division in the epidermis.

If there are more serious problems, then this method will be ineffective. A less noticeable result is also observed in the presence of spider veins and sagging skin.


To perform this technique, a special device with a nozzle is used. Air supply under a certain pressure is required. The operation of the device is in some ways reminiscent of the operation of a vacuum cleaner. During the process, microparticles of the keratinized layers of the skin are drawn into the device.

This method does not affect the deep layers of the epidermis, which allows for frequent cleaning.


This is one of the most aggressive and effective techniques. Involves the use of concentrated acids. However, this technique is traumatic. After applying the substance to the surface of the skin, the formation of burns and peeling cannot be ruled out. It can take up to three months for the skin to recover after such aggressive exposure.

Since the procedure is painful, it is recommended to do it only after pain relief.

Despite the fact that the method is effective, it is rarely used in salons. In addition, it has many contraindications and does not exclude the occurrence of side effects.


Cleaning with galvanic current is a method of deep cleansing the skin. It is painless and safe. The main tasks are to normalize the acid-base balance, eliminate dead layers and sebaceous plugs not only from the outside, but also from the inner layers of the epidermis.

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The principle of such manipulation is based on the interaction of alkali solutions, which penetrate into deep areas of the skin due to the supply of galvanic current. When the lye comes into contact with fatty acids, it begins to transform into soap, thereby removing existing contaminants.

Side effects after such a procedure occur in rare cases, but there are a number of restrictions on the procedure.


The method is painless and delicate. Cleansing occurs through the delivery of wave impulses that penetrate deep into the dermis. At the same time, the skin is massaged, dead cells are removed, blood circulation improves, inflammation is relieved, and the function of the sebaceous glands is normalized.

Recommended for use with sensitive skin types.


The procedure involves exposure to laser beams, which are supplied by a generated device. In this case, the patient may feel slight vibration.

In most cases, it is used for uneven texture, the presence of vascular networks or the formation of age spots.

Manual cleaning

The procedure is one of the most “ancient” and reliable, it is of the mechanical type. It helps eliminate blackheads, cleanses pores of impurities, and also removes blackheads and milia.

After the recovery period, the face looks noticeably healthier and well-groomed.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

The advantage of the classical procedure is complete control over the actions and condition of the patient, which is impossible to achieve with “machine cleaning”.


  • Oily, problem or combination skin.
  • Presence of acne, comedones, milia.
  • Enlarged pores and blackheads.

Carrying out the procedure

The patient is placed on the couch, his hair is tucked under a disposable cap.

The doctor washes his hands with soap, puts on gloves and gets to work: he presses on the pore with two index fingers, and removes the freed acne with a napkin.

The session takes 45-50 minutes, procedures are carried out more often than once every 2-3 months.

Precautionary measures

Failure to comply with the technology can lead to blood poisoning (violation of asepsis, squeezing out festering elements).

Side effects:

  • Development of pustular diseases.
  • Formation of scars after rough work by a master.
  • Petechiae.
  • Long-lasting hyperemia or swelling.


  • Inflamed, suppurating acne.
  • Pustular diseases (sycosis, furunculosis, carbunculosis).
  • Blood clotting disorder.
  • Dry, sensitive skin.


Despite the wide variety of beneficial properties of deep cleansing, it has its certain limitations.

The main contraindications include:

  • activation of subcutaneous mites (Demodex);
  • rosacea;
  • pustules, abrasions and wounds;
  • thin and sensitive skin type;
  • high temperature ;
  • hormonal imbalance .

This manipulation is not recommended if a negative reaction is observed after cleansing. Next time the specialist will select another, more suitable method.


Facial gommage

Preparation for mechanical facial cleansing consists of makeup remover and procedures to open pores. Makeup is removed using a product suitable for your skin type. Nowadays gommage is commonly used. If the cosmetologist assesses the skin as very dirty, he also applies a cleansing mask. Many salons use brushing for cleansing - a hardware method of removing the stratum corneum.

Some salons also carry out gentle superficial peeling, which uses slightly acidic agents.

Then the skin is steamed: warmed up for several minutes with streams of warm steam. This opens the pores and softens the epidermis, which allows for further manipulation.

Some salons use thermal heating gel to open pores. This method is more gentle than conventional steaming: as a result, the skin does not lose moisture.

Cold hydrogenation

Even such a simple operation as steaming has a number of contraindications: asthma, hirsutism, rosacea and simply thin, dry skin. In all these cases, thermal effects on the skin are undesirable.

Therefore, in case of special sensitivity, cold hydrogenation is used. The surface of the skin is covered with a special gel for 20–25 minutes, which maximally moisturizes the epidermal cells, causing them to swell and intercellular connections to weaken. That is, the desired loosening of the surface and opening of the pores occurs.

While your skin is exposed to steam or gel, the cosmetologist prepares sterile instruments and puts on sterile gloves for the actual mechanical cleaning.

After steaming or removing the gel, wipe the face dry and treat with 3% hydrogen peroxide or another disinfectant.

Stages of the procedure

Any deep cleansing procedure begins with the removal of impurities, decorative cosmetics and sebum.

After this, if necessary, the skin is steamed. These can be special baths or the application of softening gels and creams.

Next comes the actual cleaning process. After completing the manipulation, a mask is applied to the surface of the skin, which prevents inflammation, tightens pores and has a calming effect.

The last stage involves treatment with lotion and application of cream.

Ultrasonic cleaning

The operation of the device is based on the oscillation of ultrasonic waves emanating from the handpiece. The generated waves cause alternating acoustic pressure on the liquid medium applied to the skin and form “microjets”, which in turn have a peeling effect.

In addition, ultrasound vibrations perform micromassage, promote hydration of the dermis, activate cellular metabolism, tissue regeneration, as well as the synthesis of collagen and elastin.

The effectiveness of the procedure: superficial cleansing of pores, evening out tone and imparting radiance due to a pronounced exfoliating effect, stimulation of blood circulation and improvement of complexion, normalization of the sebaceous glands and reduction of sebum secretion in the aftermath.

Procedure protocol


  • Thorough makeup removal and cleansing with specialized products, degreasing the skin.
  • Applying a warming mask under the film for 10-15 minutes helps to expand the pores.
  • Zonal film removal followed by wet-on-wet cleaning (special tonics or lotions are used).
  • Toning, restoring pH, after ultrasonic exposure.
  • Applying a mask to close the pores.
  • Apply moisturizer, in summer - with SPF.

Precautionary measures

Acne, severe inflammation, dry, irritated and sensitive skin are the main contraindications to manipulation.

Skin care after

Since deep cleansing is an aggressive technique, after it it takes some time to restore the epidermis so that redness and swelling go away. As a rule, in most cases such symptoms disappear within the next day. If all the rules are followed, the surface of the skin should acquire freshness and the relief should become smooth.

On the first day after cosmetic manipulation, increased sebum secretion may be observed. This condition is normal, since there are no plugs in the pores. To eliminate this effect, experts recommend using an alcohol-free tonic or Chlorhexidine.

Under no circumstances should you peel off the crusts that may appear after some types of deep cleaning. It is prohibited to visit the swimming pool, bathhouse and sauna. When going outside you need to use sunscreen.

It is advisable to use mild detergents for washing. It is better to avoid brushes and scrubs for a while.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of the procedure include the variety of implementation methods and efficiency.

Disadvantages include the presence of contraindications, the need for a recovery period, side effects, high trauma and pain of certain types of procedures.

Deep cleansing is an effective method that allows you to get rid of most skin defects. Involves hardware, manual and chemical effects. When choosing a cleaning method, it is important to pay attention to the specifics of its implementation, as well as the presence of contraindications.


Spoon Uno

The main tool that the master uses during manual cleaning is the Uno spoon. This is a special cosmetic instrument, which is a small spoon with small holes in it in the form of a sieve. At the other end is another spoon, much smaller in diameter and with one hole.

A variation of the Uno spoon is a comedones extractor in the form of a loop, which is used by some cosmetologists.

Instruments are also sometimes used to dilate the sebaceous ducts - needles and Vidal spears.

This completes the list of tools, except for the cosmetologist’s own fingers, which have to be used to remove particularly difficult stains.

Facial cleansing by a cosmetologist - basic procedures using the latest equipment, see below.

High efficiency in combating skin pollution and rejuvenating it using diamond peeling in the next article.

Smoothing the surface of the skin and increasing its elasticity using hardware facial cleansing, see here.

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