15 Home Remedies to Treat Dry Eye Skin

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The skin around your eyes is very fragile. Without proper care, it becomes dry. However, improper care is not the only culprit. Pollution, heavy eye makeup, caffeine, poor sleep and a bunch of other factors overload your eyes and make them look dull, tired and dry.

Plus, since the skin around your eyes is delicate, you can't easily hide signs of neglect. Don't worry. Here's an arsenal of natural and simple home remedies that can help deal with dry skin around the eyes.

  • Causes of dry skin around the eyes
  • 15 Home Remedies for Dry Eye Skin
  • Tips to prevent dry skin around the eyes
  • What to eat and what foods to avoid to treat dry skin around the eyes?
  • Can allergies cause dry skin around the eyes?

Causes of dry skin around the eyes

Several factors may be responsible for dry skin around the eyes, especially on the eyelids and under the eyes. The skin around the eyes may be dry, itchy, and flaky due to:

  • Weather conditions (low humidity and dry weather, especially during seasonal changes)
  • Excessive use of hot water
  • Aging
  • Improper makeup removal
  • Excessive rubbing
  • Harsh chemicals (found in soaps, skin care and cosmetics)

However, other underlying health factors can also cause dryness around the eyes and make the skin itchy and flaky.

These include:

  1. Contact dermatitis. This occurs when your skin comes into contact with an irritant in your skin or eye care products. Sunscreen, moisturizer, face wash, mascara, and styling products—you name it—can irritate your skin. Avoiding products that irritate your skin. This may help treat contact dermatitis.
  2. Atopic dermatitis. This condition is characterized by redness, itching and flaking of the skin. This is a chronic disease that can be caused by your immune system, caused by the environment, or may run in your family. You need to consult a doctor to manage its symptoms.
  3. Facial psoriasis. Psoriasis makes your eyelids scaly (scales usually cover the eyelashes) and the area under your eyes becomes dry and crusty. Visit a dermatologist if you have any of these conditions. They can assess your condition and suggest the right treatment.

However, if the dry skin around your eyes is due to general neglect or any other reason, you can show it some love with home remedies. These products will keep the skin around your eyes nourished and hydrated.

Note: Please make sure that none of these ingredients come into contact with your eyes. Also, test these products on the inside of your arm or wrist before applying under your eyes, as there is a risk of an allergic reaction and it can be dangerous in the eye area.

How to choose eye care products according to age?

The composition and texture of the periorbital care product differs depending on the age of the skin for which it is intended - pay attention to the age label. A higher concentration of active ingredients is found in anti-age formulas; light moisturizing products are suitable for caring for young skin under the eyes. We'll tell you how to choose an eye cream based on age characteristics and the needs of the epidermis.

  • After 25 years,
    the first expression wrinkles become noticeable in the corners of the eyes, appearing largely due to a decrease in skin moisture. Choose light gels, fluids or serums based on hyaluronic acid and thermal water for deep hydration and prevention of dehydration. Skin saturated with moisture quickly smoothes out, softens and remains toned for a long time.
  • After 30 years
    , the production of natural collagen and elastin decreases noticeably, the skin in the eye area loses its elasticity, tone, and is more prone to dehydration. Visible static wrinkles, bruises and swelling under the eyes appear, which cannot be dealt with with moisturizers alone. The best care for the skin around the eyes after 30 years are products with anti-aging formulas based on peptides and vitamins: the former restore the hydrolipidic mantle of the epidermis and prevent moisture evaporation, the latter intensively nourish the skin. Caffeine in the treatment has a drainage effect and helps get rid of swelling and dark circles.
  • After 40 years,
    the level of the hormone estrogen, which is responsible for the density, elasticity and ability of the skin to self-regenerate, decreases. In addition to antioxidant protection, choose anti-age formulas based on collagen, retinol and powerful hydrofixing agents with a pronounced lifting effect that tighten and smooth the skin texture.

At any age, do not forget about the need to protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation, use sunscreens to prevent photoaging.

Tips to prevent dry skin around the eyes

Drink more water

Drinking water helps maintain the body's moisture balance and prevents dryness.

Avoid sudden movements when washing your face

Always choose hypoallergenic and gentle face washes. Such washes do not strain the skin or dry it out.

Keep the eye area moisturized

Use a good eye cream to moisturize the eye area. Your regular face cream won't work on the delicate eye area. The skin in this area needs special products to stay healthy.

Avoid rubbing your eyes

Because the skin around your eyes is delicate, rubbing too hard or too much can damage the capillaries and make your eyes appear puffy.

Limit sun exposure

The sun's harmful ultraviolet rays can cause fine lines, dryness, and wrinkling in the skin around the eyes. Always apply sunscreen to the area to keep it protected and wear sunglasses when you go out.

Remove makeup every day

If you wear makeup on or around your eyes, be sure to remove it every night before going to bed. In addition, when buying cosmetics, make sure that you are not allergic to it.

Avoid certain ingredients in your products

Avoid applying any products to your skin that contain parabens, lanolin, formaldehyde, formaldehyde-releasing agents, or fragrances. They often cause skin irritation and can lead to dryness around the eyes.

Avoid scratching around the eyes

If your skin feels itchy and dry, do not scratch it. This may make the condition worse. Apply anti-itch cream or a hot or cold compress to relieve irritation.

Apart from these precautions, you also need to take care of your diet to improve your skin and overall health.

Why is regular eye care necessary?

Increased dryness, dehydration wrinkles, expression lines, dark circles and puffiness under the eyes are common problems that women face even at a young age.

What causes this:

  • The skin around the eyes has weak barrier functions, the absence of sebaceous glands, an increased tendency to transepidermal moisture loss and, unlike the skin of the face, is 6 times thinner and more susceptible to stretching.
  • With age, the dermal layer of the skin of the eyelids becomes thinner, the synthesis of collagen and elastin proteins decreases, as a result of which the skin framework becomes thinner, the tissues lose their firmness and elasticity.
  • Active facial expressions also play an important role in the formation of wrinkles and accelerate the appearance of signs of aging in the eyelid area. Over time, muscles and tissues remember the position of the folds, and the first facial wrinkles appear.
  • The anatomical features of the tissues under the eyes contribute to the stagnation of fluid in this area: loose subcutaneous fat tissue provokes the occurrence of edema.
  • A predisposition to vasoconstriction, deterioration of microcirculation and poor circulation in the periorbital area of ​​the face is the cause of dark circles under the eyes.

To prevent unwanted skin changes in the eye area, experts recommend adhering to a comprehensive care algorithm consisting of corrective products intended specifically for this area. Let's look at how to improve the skin around the eyes at home using cosmetics.

Basic face cream will not work in this case - specialized eyelid care products have a light texture and hypoallergenic composition. The formulas of such care undergo strict testing for compliance with a number of standards stipulated by the cosmetics directive, and mandatory ophthalmological control - this prevents the occurrence of allergic reactions when the product comes into contact with the mucous membrane.

Alexander Prokofiev: Dermatovenereologist La Roche-Posay

What to eat and what foods to avoid to treat dry skin around the eyes?

Consume Probiotics

They improve the overall condition of your skin. Try incorporating probiotics into your diet, such as fermented foods, yogurt, and sauerkraut.

Eat a balanced diet

Eating a balanced diet helps your body cope with various health and skin conditions. Include fish, eggs, meat, vegetables, fruits and whole grains in your diet. These foods are rich in antioxidants, which help repair damaged skin cells and improve skin quality.

Include essential fatty acids in your diet

Essential fatty acids protect the lipid layer of the skin and prevent it from drying out. This is why it is better to use non-hydrogenated vegetable oils when cooking. Include canola and olive oils in your diet.

Eat foods rich in fiber

Fiber helps flush out toxins from the body that have accumulated due to environmental factors such as dust and pollution. Eat foods such as whole grain bread, corn, beans, apples and Brussels sprouts to meet your daily fiber needs.

Also, try to avoid processed, fried and spicy foods. If your body is healthy from the inside, it shows in your skin.

Skin care around the eyes: should I use homemade masks?

Homemade recipes and folk remedies for caring for the skin around the eyes can relieve skin fatigue and have a cooling effect, but they are unlikely to get rid of wrinkles, increase skin turgor and resist irreversible aging processes.

For the periorbital area of ​​the face, “monomasks” are most often used based on one basic component, for example, beaten egg white, gruel of grated potato or cucumber, orange and turmeric juice, honey and coffee. Such natural products do contain amino acids, vitamins and minerals, but it is better to take them orally.

Home care for the skin around the eyes can be used in the absence of corrective cosmetics. Natural products can cause swelling, allergies, irritation of the vulnerable and delicate skin of the eyelids and are less effective than professional care from a reliable manufacturer, whose formulas undergo strict dermatological and ophthalmological control.

Alexander Prokofiev: Dermatovenereologist La Roche-Posay

"Ego Estetic": beauty and youth of your skin

The arsenal of cosmetologists at the Ego Estetic clinic includes a number of the most effective and modern techniques aimed at correcting aesthetic imperfections, rejuvenating and healing the skin.

The skin around the eyes needs very special, delicate care. To eliminate dry eyelids, Ego Estetic uses biorevitalization and mesotherapy - procedures that involve the injection of special vitamin cocktails into various layers of the skin. The injections are carried out with a thin atraumatic needle, so the biorevitalization process is absolutely comfortable and painless for the patient. This method is based on the restoration of natural biological processes occurring in skin cells. The substances included in biorevitalizants promote deep hydration, stimulate the activity of fibroblasts, and enhance the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers. A course of such injections restores the natural water balance of the skin, making it healthy and radiant. For birevitalization of the periorbital zone, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient and the degree of dryness of the eyelid skin, the following drugs are used in the clinic.

  • Juviderm Hydrate. The product contains high concentrations of hyaluronic acid and the latest generation antioxidant - mannitol. The combined effect of these components enhances natural regeneration processes and effectively eliminates dryness and the first signs of skin aging.
  • IAL System. The Italian biorevitalizant contains unstabilized hyaluronic acid, which is completely identical to the substance produced by skin cells. Injections of the drug provide deep hydration, accelerate the processes of regeneration and natural cell restoration, and return the skin to a fresh and radiant appearance.
  • Beautelle 30+, 40+, 50+. A line of biorevitalizants developed taking into account the needs of skin at different ages. The preparations contain hyaluronic acid in varying concentrations and numerous auxiliary components. They help increase the overall tone of the skin, provide deep hydration to all its layers, and eliminate the first signs of aging and dryness.
  • Filorga's preparations containing hyaluronic acid, meso-cocktails with many microelements, antioxidants and Embrioblaste help restore even relatively advanced cases of dry skin around the eyes.

It should be noted that the effect of the course of biorevitalization and mesotherapy lasts for six months. The choice of a specific drug is made by a dermatocosmetologist after examining the patient. In addition, upon completion of the procedure, the clinic specialist will select for you home care products that will best meet the needs of your skin.

Delicate cleansing

Cleansing is necessary to remove dust and cosmetics from the skin.

There is a category of ladies who use ordinary water and soap for cleansing. This method helps get rid of dust and dirt, but cosmetologists do not recommend abusing it. The aggressive particles that make up the soap have a negative effect on the sensitive skin of the eyelids. Regular use of soap will lead to:

  • Skin tightness
  • Dryness
  • The appearance of wrinkles

Washing with water alone cannot solve problems; it cannot remove all dirt.

To properly cleanse the skin around the eyes, you will need the following cosmetic products:

  1. Milk
  2. Emulsion
  3. Lotion

How to gently cleanse the skin around the eyes:

  • You need to apply a cosmetic product to a cotton pad and wipe it over the upper eyelid, starting from the bridge of the nose to the outer edge of the eye.
  • The lower eyelid is cleaned in the opposite direction

Makeup removers will help completely remove shadows and mascara; you need to soak a cotton pad in them and place it on your eyes for 2 minutes. After applying makeup, apply it in a circular motion.

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