Lifting face mask - the best store-bought and home remedies

What is a lifting face mask?

Human skin has one unpleasant feature. With age, it loses elasticity and attractiveness, sags and becomes wrinkled.

It is impossible to eliminate such problems forever, but it is possible to slow down the aging process. Lifting face masks, which you can buy or prepare at home from safe ingredients, will help with this.

Lifting – manipulations to tighten the skin. The main goals are rejuvenation and the fight against signs of aging.

Plastic surgery, of course, is more effective, and the results last longer, but not everyone is ready to entrust their own appearance to a scalpel.

Face masks with a lifting effect allow you to achieve a guaranteed, fairly lasting result with regular use:

  • in the epidermis, the production of elastin and collagen, which are necessary for density and youth, is activated;
  • the skin acquires elasticity and a toned appearance;
  • the oval of the face gains expressiveness and clarity of contours;
  • double chin is eliminated;
  • Shallow folds and wrinkles disappear.

The effectiveness of lifting masks can be compared to salon procedures aimed at face lifting.

Homemade formulations do not lead to negative consequences and complications.

Products made from natural ingredients will be a worthy replacement for professional cosmetic procedures. The end result will be no worse, but more economical.

Essence and properties

The main task of a lifting mask is to tighten the dermis.

Thanks to the use of such products, it is possible to obtain lasting results:

  • start the process of synthesis of collagen and elastin in the cells of the dermis - these elements are responsible for its youth and freshness;
  • cope with double chin;
  • make the dermis more elastic and elastic;
  • give facial contour clarity;
  • smooth out small wrinkles.

Lifting masks can be safely used independently. They are an excellent alternative to expensive salon treatments and provide excellent results.

Indications and contraindications

Lifting masks can indeed improve the condition of the skin and get rid of age-related changes, but it is important to know who is suitable for the procedure and who should refuse it.

You can safely apply tightening compounds if you have the following problems.


  • the appearance of the first folds;
  • double chin;
  • age and facial wrinkles;
  • loss of clarity of contours;
  • unhealthy color: yellowish or grayish;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • sagging and laxity;
  • excessive dryness.

Before use, it is necessary to take into account existing contraindications.


  1. age indicators (not earlier than 30 years);
  2. excess body weight;
  3. damage to the skin: abrasions, open wounds, scratches;
  4. diseases of the skin and blood vessels;
  5. diabetes;
  6. recent plastic surgery (up to 6 months);
  7. individual sensitivity to one or more components.

You should not ignore the listed contraindications, since the effect may not be as desired.

It is necessary to pay attention to the composition. This is especially important for girls who suffer from allergies.

Any mixture is tested before it is applied to the face. A small amount of the mask is applied to the wrist. If there is no redness or irritation, the components will not cause negative consequences.

Choosing the right face masks to tighten your skin

In order for the purchased cosmetic product to bring only benefits, it is necessary to observe certain precautions. In cases of failure, it is possible to provoke diseases with irreversible consequences.

  1. You need to buy masks only in specialized stores where the product is certified and there is a guarantee of safety;
  2. You should carefully study the instructions, paying attention to the indicated age for which the mask is suitable;
  3. Check the integrity of the packaging and expiration date.

Top 3 ready-made lifting masks

Women who do not want to spend time selecting and mixing ingredients can use ready-made products that are sold in cosmetic stores.

The top most popular masks included 3 products:

  1. Grandmother Agafya's recipes. The gentle care product has a rich texture. The recipe is designed specifically to eliminate age-related changes that negatively affect the condition of the face. The product consists of a complex of biological lipids, silk proteins, which have powerful strengthening properties. The drug increases the density of collagen fibers, providing complete tightening of the skin. Amaranth oil, enriched with squalene and antioxidants, saturates the epidermal cells with oxygen and slows down the appearance of signs of aging. Thanks to retinol, fine wrinkles disappear, deep wrinkles become less pronounced, tissues receive the necessary nutrients, and the skin becomes smooth, radiant and elastic.
  2. A shot of beauty. This lifting face mask has many useful features: it enriches the skin with nutrients, smoothes wrinkles, tones, tightens, and refreshes. The product increases skin elasticity, eliminates shallow wrinkles, sagging, and gives contours regularity and definition. Green apple extract heals, tightens the skin, fills it with freshness and beauty. Thanks to organic rooibos, tissues are moisturized, softened, saturated with beneficial amino acids, and gain density.
  3. Gel express facial mask “Lifting and radiance”. The product from Faberlic has earned many favorable reviews online. Designed for high-quality care for tired and dull skin. The active ingredients effectively tighten the skin, reduce the depth of wrinkles, provide deep hydration and give the face a healthy, youthful glow. The mask has a patented base, which consists of two layers: hydrogel and biocellulose. The manufacturer claims that the drug can quickly moisturize the driest skin.

Reviews about the listed lifting face masks are mostly positive.

Popular budget products provide decent results with regular use. Before purchasing, you need to study the composition, then test the cosmetics on your wrist.

The effectiveness of using homemade masks

Facial skin in adulthood needs substances that can provide a lifting effect. The supply of such components is possible through homemade masks. The use of accessible and effective recipes allows you to cope with the following skin problems:

  • loss of clarity of the oval face and double chin;
  • wrinkles and creases of a facial and age nature;
  • uneven relief of the skin;
  • unhealthy and dull skin tone.

Lifting masks allow you to correct facial contours, which gives an additional rejuvenating effect and makes a woman more attractive. Some recipes help you get the desired result very quickly. Performing several sessions of anti-aging procedures consolidates the achieved success. This effectiveness is ensured by the fact that the home mask includes substances that simultaneously smooth the skin and tighten it.

Top 5 homemade masks (best recipes)

The list of the most popular lifting face masks available for preparation at home includes recipes consisting of ingredients of natural origin.

Let's look at the most effective of them.

Milk and gelatin

A noticeable improvement in the skin is observed after 3–4 sessions. Active components stimulate the rejuvenation process, making you 5-10 years younger.

To create 3 tsp. gelatin, pour 50 ml of milk, leave for 1 hour. After swelling, the mixture is boiled in a water bath until the consistency becomes homogeneous and viscous.

The composition contains 3 tbsp. l. honey and glycerin, the mixture is thoroughly mixed.

The finished mask is distributed with a brush, strictly along the massage lines, preferably in several layers, each of them is applied 3 minutes after the previous one.

The components are carefully removed with moistened cotton pads after 15 minutes.


Pronounced changes are observed after the first application. Regular use can significantly rejuvenate and tighten the skin.

You need to mix 1 tsp. ginger juice, 1 tbsp. l. grated green apple, half a chopped banana, 1 tsp. olive oil and 0.5 tsp. lemon juice.

The ingredients are combined in the order they are listed. After mixing, a fairly thick, homogeneous mixture is obtained.

The composition is carefully distributed over the surface of the face, neck and décolleté. After 25 minutes, wash off with water, preferably warm.


A flaxseed face mask has a powerful lifting effect. The composition is relevant for the care of aging skin that loses its elasticity, which needs a radical tightening. 1 tsp. seeds are poured with one third of a glass of boiling water.

The components are mixed vigorously with a spoon for several minutes. Then the container is covered with a piece of cloth, and the composition is infused.

Within a few hours, mucus forms in a properly prepared product, which is distributed over the face and neck.

The most convenient way to do this is with a cotton pad. Application is carried out in 5 layers with short intervals for the composition to harden.

Then it is better to lie down and rest for 20 minutes. The mask is washed off with cool water, then a cream is applied to nourish the skin with beneficial substances and vitamins.

The product is used for two weeks, daily. It is convenient to prepare it in the morning and use it in the evening.

Cooking process

During the manufacture of a cosmetic product, the following rules must be observed:

  • During preparation, it is recommended to heat some products present in lifting masks in a steam bath. Typically their temperature should be 35-40 degrees. These include honey and cosmetic oils. Due to the increase in temperature, the components in the composition are activated, which provokes an acceleration of all reactions. If there are eggs in the composition, the temperature of the mask should not exceed 35-40 degrees, as they may curl. Also, do not heat products with essential oils too much, as they will lose their valuable characteristics.
  • To grind solid foods, you need to use a blender or coffee grinder. They can be connected manually or using special devices.
  • It is important to control the consistency of the mask. It should be creamy. Very liquid products will run off the face, and too thick ones will dry out, which will complicate the process of washing them off.

Skin cleansing

After choosing a recipe and making a mask, you need to pay attention to preparing the skin for this complex procedure. The effect of the mask depends on the quality of epithelium cleansing. First you should take a steam bath - it is best to use herbal infusions.

For this purpose, you can take sea buckthorn, yarrow, and aloe. Aralia and ginseng are also perfect. These plants have a pronounced tightening effect.

Using a steam bath will open up the pores. After which you can proceed to cleansing them. By removing sebaceous and mud plugs, it will be possible to ensure that the active components enter the structure of the dermis. For cleaning, you can use any natural scrub.

Application of the composition

To get excellent results, when applying the substance you need to follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. Dip your fingers into the prepared mixture and spread in a thin layer, moving along the massage lines.
  2. After the first layer has dried, you can proceed to applying the second - after approximately 1 minute.
  3. The duration of the mask is 20 minutes.
  4. To apply the mask, you can use a special cosmetic spatula.

Useful tips

To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. The lifting mask should be washed off with running water. It should be warm. If dry crusts appear, you need to apply a cotton sponge to this area, moistening it in warm milk.
  2. Apply an anti-aging cream suitable for daily use.
  3. The frequency of procedures should be no more than 2 times a week. After 1 month, it is better to change the composition.

Honey and sour cream

Lifting masks intended for facial care after 40 years should stimulate the production of collagen fibers.

The most effective ingredients for preparing healing compositions at home are sour cream and honey. These substances improve color and soften the epidermis.

To create a simple mask, 1 tbsp. l. honey is mixed with the same amount of sour cream, mixed thoroughly.

The skin is cleansed and then covered with a mask. After 20 minutes, remove with moistened wipes.

Cocoa and coconut

A lifting face mask after 50 years can also be created independently, at home.

First you should soften 1 tsp. coconut oil, add ¼ tsp. cocoa powder and 1 tsp. sour cream or full-fat yogurt. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed.

The mixture is applied in a thin layer to the skin, cleansed of dirt and makeup, and can be distributed over the neck and décolleté.

The mask is removed with a wet sponge after 20 minutes. After using the product, the skin needs moisturizing care.

Many other recipes are popular among the fair sex: with yolk, turmeric, blue clay, yeast, potatoes.

When using the method you like, you should follow the recommended amount of product and remove the composition no later than the specified time.

Healthy natural recipes

Tightening folk face masks are highly effective. Their use can significantly improve the condition of the epithelium.

With protein

This product helps restore the elasticity and freshness of the dermis. The composition has a tightening effect. The mask also copes with minor wrinkles. First you need to beat the egg whites to get a thick foam.

Then add 5 drops of lemon juice and 2 small spoons of oat bran to it. Apply the prepared mixture to your face. After 15 minutes, wash your face.

With yolk

To achieve a pronounced anti-aging effect, you need to combine the yolk with 1 large spoon of cream. You can also use full-fat sour cream. Add 1 small spoon of banana puree. Treat cleansed skin with the mixture. It must be kept for 20 minutes.

This product is perfect for women over 45 years of age. When used systematically, it allows you to cope with expression wrinkles and improve the shape of your face.

Gelatin mask

This product has a pronounced moisturizing effect, tightens the skin and has anti-aging characteristics. To make a useful composition you will need 1 large spoon of gelatin and several spoons of warmed milk. After the gelatin swells, it must be placed in a steam bath and melted. The result will be a composition resembling liquid porridge.

Apply a thin layer to the face. It is best to use a soft brush. After the product hardens, the face is covered with a film. It needs to be removed, and the remaining substances must be disposed of with water.

From oatmeal

This is one of the most effective remedies that helps tighten the skin. To make the composition you need to take 2 large spoons of fine oatmeal and 120 ml of warm milk. Add 1 small spoon of honey. It should be liquid.

All components should be mixed and waited until they are soaked. Apply the resulting composition for half an hour. Rinse off with warm water.

With persimmon and starch

To make such a mask, you should use glassware and a wooden spoon. First, you need to peel the persimmon and mash it thoroughly. Add 1.5 small spoons of potato starch. Apply to face. Wash off after a quarter of an hour. The composition is perfect for all dermis types. It can be used regardless of age category.

With honey and olive oil

These products have pronounced beneficial properties. With prolonged use, the composition perfectly rejuvenates the dermis.

To get a healthy mask, you need to take 1-2 large spoons of heated honey and half a small spoon of olive oil. Add egg white and 1 spoon of flour. Mix all ingredients well. Apply for 15 minutes. The product is easily washed off with water.

From clay

The composition contains many useful elements. This remedy helps normalize the elasticity of the epithelium. Clay masks perfectly whiten the skin and make the complexion more even.

To get excellent results, you need to take 1 large spoon of clay powder and 1 small spoon of honey. Add lemon juice to get the consistency of sour cream. Dry the composition and rinse carefully.

Tomato mask

This is a fairly simple composition that smoothes the relief of the dermis, helps to tighten and rejuvenate it. The product has a moisturizing effect and perfectly refreshes the face. Best used in adulthood.

First you need to take a few tomatoes and peel them. Then mix the pulp with half a spoon of olive oil and treat the prepared skin. Wash off after a quarter of an hour.

With essential oils

This universal composition is very beneficial for the skin. To prepare the remedy, you need to take protein, 2 small spoons of honey and a couple of drops of essential oil - sandalwood or fennel will do. Grapeseed oil is also suitable.

The resulting composition should be applied to cleansed skin. After 20 minutes you can wash your face. Before applying the composition, you should do an allergy test.

Plaster mask with chocolate

This product is made from natural gypsum and cocoa powder. These components have a moisturizing effect on the skin. They stimulate recovery processes and cleanse the epithelium.

To make a mask, you need to take 200 g of powder and mix with 100 g of water. Apply moisturizing cream to your face and cover with a cloth. Cover your face with a thick layer of the composition. It is best to do this with a spatula. The product will harden in 20 minutes. It needs to be removed in one piece.

A properly selected tightening mask can significantly improve the condition of the epithelium. To get excellent results, you need to strictly adhere to the dosage and rules for using the substance.

Stay beautiful and young, Your Super Cosmetologist!

Question answer

If masks are powerless, then you should go to a cosmetologist. Today, injection procedures are considered popular: biorevitalization, mesotherapy. They have a positive effect on the condition of the skin and stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. Also pay attention to hardware manipulations. Laser and ultrasound are used for tightening. But the procedure of introducing threads is especially popular for face lifting. This method really helps tighten the skin without plastic surgery.

If home and cosmetic methods are powerless, there is severe sagging, then only plastic surgery will help.

Indeed, such means exist. They are designed for express transformation. After application, a kind of film is formed that tightens the skin. But the effect of such masks does not last long. It disappears after removing makeup.

The principle of operation of tightening face masks

Over time, there is a decrease in the level of collagen and elastin synthesis by fibroblasts for various reasons: aging, smoking, alcohol abuse, nervous disorders, negative environmental influences, diseases of internal organs. When a tightening cosmetic product is applied to the face, thanks to its active ingredients, the following types of processes are possible:

  • Collagen production is enhanced. This is characteristic of the deep facelift process;
  • Contraction of the epidermis. Immediately after the mask procedure, you will feel that your face has become more toned. This is caused by the formation of a film on the upper layers that allows air to pass through. This type of lift is called superficial (quick).

Regular use of cosmetics will significantly restore the structure of the skin and slow down the aging process.

Cosmetologists advise starting to use masks from the age of 35.

Healthy tightening masks with protein for the face

The protein element of the masks is called collagen and has a sticky consistency. During the process of life, the cell has an inherent tendency to stretch; collagen gradually returns it to its previous form by compression. Protein acts as a kind of framework, providing firmness and elasticity to the skin tissue.

The protein tightening mask may contain additional substances that enhance the direct effect of collagen. The inclusion of hyaluronic, fruit acid, algae extracts, and medicinal plants in the product provides hydration, lightening of the skin, and cleansing of inflammatory elements. Using masks with protein will make your face free from imperfections:

  • swelling;
  • pallor;
  • wrinkles;
  • fuzzy oval.

Protein cosmetic tightening products are known in the following form:

  • Powder masks with collagen. Dilute with water before use and immediately apply to the face;
  • Protein masks on a soft fabric basis. The tightening fabric mask is light, easy to use, it is a napkin with cut holes for the mouth, nose, eyes and is impregnated with a composition of active substances;
  • Jelly-like protein masks. Convenient in that they are used immediately, without the preparation process;
  • Collagen patches for the skin around the eyes. The patch has a crescent shape and is saturated with nutrients.

Healing lifting facial mask of superficial action

Manufacturers of cosmetic products have offered masks that have the effect of a superficial face lift. The work of the product is based on the physical effect of expansion and contraction of bodies using heating and the phenomenon of osmosis. There are masks with the addition of special ingredients to achieve a lifting effect, including:

  • Cayenne pepper, ginger with white clay. The irritating effect on the skin of these components improves blood circulation. Clay removes water from the skin. A tightening mask containing skin irritants is applied to the face for 15 minutes. Care should be taken when applying it to sensitive epidermis.
  • Components of thermal effects, moisturizing. They act in such a way that the effect of a sauna is obtained. First, the cells overflow with water, then, under the influence of overheating, the liquid flows out. As a result of the action of the hydrogel mask, even small wrinkles are smoothed out. The basis of the product is a polyethylene film that prevents the evaporation of liquid and cooling of the skin. This skin-tightening foundation is recommended for use no more than twice a month; frequent use can lead to disruption of thermoregulation.

5 useful tips

The first and most important task when doing skin tightening at home is choosing a suitable mask. We recommend paying attention to the following tips:

  1. Particular attention is paid to the components included in its composition. The human body must perceive them without allergies. If you are not confident in the safety of the chosen product, it is better not to take risks and test it on your wrist or elbow.
  2. If the method involves the use of dairy products, then they are selected according to skin type. For combination and fatty skin types, milk, yogurt and kefir with a minimum percentage of fat are suitable, for normal skin types - with a medium level, for dry skin - with the highest level.
  3. Honey and natural oils are preheated in a water bath to 50 degrees and only then mixed with other ingredients. Heat activates the active substances, so reactions that occur at the cellular level are significantly accelerated.
  4. If the recipe contains esters, egg yolks, and whites, the heating temperature is reduced to 40 degrees. This is necessary to preserve the beneficial properties of each of the ingredients.
  5. Solid products are ground in a coffee grinder or blender. Mixing is done manually or using any suitable equipment. The consistency of the finished mixtures should resemble a cream, but not too liquid. Otherwise, the mask will flow down. A too thick texture is also not good, since it will quickly dry out on the skin and turn into a dense crust, which is quite difficult to wash off.

Rules of application

Lifting masks differ from other products in their clearly expressed effect, so when preparing them you need to follow the dosage. If a tightening mask is used incorrectly, there is a risk of deepening folds and worsening wrinkles.

Recipe selection

The first step is to select the required mask. First of all, it is necessary to analyze its composition. If there is any doubt about the safety of the product, apply a small amount of the product to your wrist.

Then rinse off and analyze the sensations. If there is no discomfort, itching or burning, the mask can be safely applied to the face.

It is worth considering that after the first use the mask will not give noticeable results. A pronounced lifting effect can be achieved only with regular application of the composition. If the mask contains dairy products, you should choose them based on your skin type:

  • For those with an oily dermis, low-fat milk, yogurt or kefir are suitable;
  • for normal skin, you should choose products with medium fat content;
  • For girls with dry epithelium, it is better to choose the most fatty foods possible.



“I’ve been using lifting face masks for a couple of months now, and recently I tried Grandma Agafya’s Recipes.”
I chose it because of the large number of reviews on the Internet, and the price was also good. The product is very easy to use, smells nice, and is easy to remove. The skin looks healthier and tighter after it, I recommend it.”


“I don’t really trust store-bought cosmetics with a tightening effect; after all, natural ingredients seem less aggressive.
Yes, you will have to wait longer for the results, but it will be worth it. My favorite mask is made from flaxseeds. The main thing is to wait for the mucus to appear, otherwise there will be no effect. A course of 15 days significantly rejuvenates, makes the skin dense and smooth.”

Which skin tightening mask to choose?

It is important to decide what result you want to achieve. It is better to try several products and choose the most suitable one.

All lifting masks have approximately the same effect - they tighten, moisturize, and improve complexion. You need to focus your choice on your skin type and what problems need to be solved.

It is advisable to change all cosmetic products from time to time so that the skin does not get used to it.

Lifting masks can be used for young skin without visible signs of aging as a preventative measure to improve complexion. After all, the products perfectly nourish and moisturize. Some can even give a glowing effect.

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Anna Avaliani

practicing cosmetologist

Lifting masks used for the face at home have tightening, smoothing, and rejuvenating properties, which makes them suitable for complete care of aging skin. But you need to understand that with their help you will not be able to achieve the same effect as after cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery.

Aisha Baron

plastic surgeon

I advise all women over 35 years old to use lifting masks.
They should be part of your skin care routine. But, unfortunately, I have to disappoint you. If you have obvious tissue ptosis, deep wrinkles, then do not expect an amazing transformation from masks, which is so often talked about in advertising of this or that product. In reality, this method will be powerless. Of course, masks have a positive effect on the skin, but they will not be able to tighten sagging tissue. In this case, you should pay attention to professional cosmetology or plastic surgery. All skin needs care. When the first signs of aging begin to appear, it is recommended to add a lifting maxi for the face.

To do this, you can use ready-made products or try to prepare the product yourself. In any case, such masks will have a positive effect on the beauty of your skin.

Components of masks with a tightening effect

Rice flour contains many useful microelements. But the most important property is that it promotes the production of your own collagen (you can buy it in the store, or if you don’t have rice flour, grind the rice grains in a coffee grinder until it becomes flour).

Rice jelly is often used in recipes. It can be obtained by boiling rice in water. Pour one tablespoon of rice (be sure to take unparboiled) with two half-glasses of water, put on low heat and cook for 55-60 minutes. Strain and get rice jelly, about 100 ml. It can be refrigerated and used for 3-4 days.

Starch - for masks you need boiled starch to the consistency of thin jelly. Starch not only tightens the skin well, but can also relieve puffiness.

Flax seeds - a slimy decoction of the seeds improves blood circulation when dried, but its main value lies in its rich composition, because it contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, amino acids, polysaccharides and a whole complex of vitamins B, F, A, E. When purchasing, be sure to pay attention to the expiration date shelf life, flax seed should not be expired.

The combination of rice flour, flax seeds or egg whites with starch is very powerful for the lifting effect.

COVA B TROX, Botox-like, is a mixture of natural ingredients in the form of a dry powder, and is an alternative to Botox injections. The composition includes active magnesium of marine origin, as well as an extract of algae and polysaccharides, which is an alternative for combating facial wrinkles in places of permanent and habitual creases. Creams containing COVA B TROX (Botox-like) relax muscles by blocking the conduction of nerve impulses. You can buy it in soap makers or cosmetics stores online.

Gelatin is animal collagen in its purest form. This collagen easily penetrates the cells of the dermis, which is why it is also called natural Botox. It increases skin elasticity, helps smooth out wrinkles, and activates blood circulation.

White or blue clay is an indispensable product, because it contains silicon, which stimulates the active work of dermal cells, forcing them to produce collagen, and also makes blood vessels more elastic, ensuring the flow of nutrients to the skin. In addition, the composition includes manganese, which prevents inflammation, as well as aluminum, which soothes the sebaceous glands.

Contraindications for use

The main contraindication to using homemade face masks is an allergic reaction to one or more ingredients in the recipe. To exclude this, it is important to conduct an allergy test: a small amount of the prepared mixture should be applied to the inner bend of the elbow and wait 12 hours. If after this time no reaction (itching, redness, irritation) is observed, then the recipe is suitable for you.

Also, tightening masks are not recommended for use in the following cases:

  • age up to 25 years;
  • period after plastic surgery;
  • presence of wounds, scratches, inflammations.

Types of face masks with a lifting effect

Cream masks with lifting effect

With the addition of hyaluronic acid, thicker cream masks can be great for particularly dry skin that needs a healthy dose of hydration. Gel formulas typically include cucumber and aloe vera to soothe skin, making them ideal for sensitive types.

Fabric masks with lifting effect

First popularized in Korea, most sheet masks contain hydrating hyaluronic acid, ceramides that help repair the skin barrier, and antioxidants that protect against free radicals.

They tend to be deeply hydrating and great for:

  • dry skin
  • inflamed skin
  • fine wrinkles

Night masks with lifting effect

Overnight formulas, also known as sleep masks, pack even more. By allowing ingredients like turmeric and shea butter to be absorbed over several hours, they allow more time for skin benefits to occur.

Alginate masks with lifting effect

Fruit enzymes, such as those derived from pineapple and papaya, are another way to exfoliate. Typically they remove dead epithelial cells to tone the skin.

Mud masks with lifting effect

Ideal for all skin types, mud masks are designed for deep cleansing. Although these masks look like a type of clay, they are water based, making them more hydrating. Different mud formulas contain different ingredients, but you'll likely find different acids and fruit extracts listed.

Contraindications and side effects

It is advisable to use lifting masks only after 25 years. At the same time, self-prepared and purchased products should not be used in the following cases:

  • intolerance to the ingredients used;
  • feeling unwell;
  • high body temperature;
  • open wounds or scratches;
  • facial burns, including fresh tanning;
  • inflamed acne and comedones;
  • the rehabilitation period after surgery or a cosmetic procedure (mesotherapy, laser resurfacing, chemical peeling, etc.);
  • infectious, dermatological, fungal and other diseases;
  • exacerbation of demodicosis or herpes;
  • rosacea or acne;
  • serious disorders of the cardiovascular or endocrine systems;
  • a large number of papillomas, moles, etc.;
  • oncological pathologies.

Before using the mask for the first time, test it by spreading a little on your wrist - if 24-48 hours after application there are no signs of allergy, the product is safe for facial skin

A clear advantage is that side effects are extremely rare. If you exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction, then you will have to “try” for serious negative reactions to occur. Temporary redness, swelling, dryness, blackheads or single pimples are the only dangers of using inappropriate products and recipes. Although an overly zealous passion for tightening masks sometimes leads to the opposite effect, only increasing sagging skin.

Features of a face mask with a lifting effect

While deeper wrinkles will likely require a trip to your dermatologist's office, certain face masks can help minimize the appearance of fine lines.

Vitamin C is, again, an ingredient to watch. As an antioxidant, it boosts collagen production to help firm skin. Vitamin E is also an effective anti-aging agent. They work to protect the skin from things that cause fine lines, like pollution and sun damage.

How to apply a mask with a lifting effect on your face

Always cleanse before and moisturize after

Cleanse your skin thoroughly before applying any face mask. Use a pH-neutral moisturizing cleanser and rinse gently with warm water to get your pores open and ready for the mask.

After you remove your face mask, use a thick, oil-free moisturizer and hyaluronic acid serum to minimize any potential irritation and compaction in the active ingredients.

Use a lifting mask regularly

Using a face mask once, and only once, will not do you much good. But regular use can help you achieve your goals.

Use the same mask for at least 6-8 weeks before making a decision. For example, you may find that your chin and cheeks need an exfoliating type, while your T-zone needs some oil control.

Don't leave the lifting mask on for too long

It's easy to think that the longer a face mask stays on, the more effective it becomes. But don't be tempted to leave any mask on for longer than recommended. A formula designed to stay on for 10 minutes that doesn't come off within an hour can end up irritating your face.

Remember that the price of a lifting mask does not indicate quality

The most expensive face mask is not necessarily the best. Some masks won't work for your skin, and that probably has little to do with their price and a lot to do with their formulation. Find the best formula in your budget, well-researched ingredients, and by reading reviews from other people with your skin type.

Carrying out the procedure

You need to use tightening masks systematically. Procedures carried out regularly 2-3 times a week will help bring loose skin into proper shape. You can stop age-related changes with course treatments, including 10-15 sessions.

Along with regular cosmetic courses, there are express methods that involve the daily use of masks. They are carried out within 7-10 days. The result is quick, but not long lasting.

General rules for applying a mask:

  1. It is better to choose the time for a cosmetic procedure before bedtime.
  2. Before applying the mixture, the skin must be cleaned and steamed so that the active substances can penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis.
  3. The scrub provides high-quality skin cleansing (it is not recommended to use it more than once a week).
  4. The area around the eyes is not used in the mask; mild cosmetics are used for it.
  5. The exposure time of the mask mixture should not exceed 15-25 minutes (when applied before bed, 10-15 minutes is enough).
  6. After washing off the remnants of the mask, it is recommended to use a booster or serum, only then apply a tightening cream.

Before you begin a cosmetic procedure, you need to eliminate potential risks. Testing the composition will help prevent unwanted reactions. First, the components of the product are studied, after which a small pea of ​​the product is applied to the back of the hand. If after 10-15 minutes no signs of allergy appear on the skin, the mask is considered safe.

Experts identify a number of contraindications to the use of tightening masks. Among the main ones: allergies to the components of the composition, the presence of lesions on the skin, dermatological diseases accompanied by weeping, ulcerative formations, purulent rashes.

Ready-to-use products

Ready-made sipping masks are worthy of attention, as they save time on going to the salon or preparing a homemade product. When choosing them, preference should be given to a high-quality composition that provides complete care and a lifting effect.

L'Sanic V-line mask for facelift

Type of mask: fabric. The cosmetic effect is provided by active compounds: elastin, collagen.

A brief description of:

  1. A broad-spectrum product (tons, rejuvenates, moisturizes, nourishes the tissues and cells of the epidermis).
  2. Allows you to correct the oval of the face, making the V-shaped jaw line more elegant.
  3. The chemical formula improves blood flow, removes toxins and excess fluid, and stimulates the production of your own collagen.
  4. Lifting is achieved thanks to the compression and lymphatic drainage properties of the product.
  5. The active ingredients of the composition are located on the inner surface of the fabric mask in the form of a thin hydrogel layer.

The product is used to correct existing signs of skin aging and prevent early ptosis.

How to use:

  • unpack the mask, remove the protective film from it;
  • straighten the bandage, place it on the skin of the face so that the ends evenly extend beyond the chin line;
  • secure the mask behind your ears;
  • the duration of action of the active formula is from 30 minutes to 2 hours;
  • After removing the fabric base, you should massage the lower part of the face to consolidate the result.

Feature of the bandage: suitable only for a one-time procedure.

Price – 390 rub.

Shary Black Magic Visible lift tightening mask

The cosmetic effect is provided by the following substances: brown microalgae, hyaluronic acid, edelweiss extract, collagen, jasmine extract, bamboo charcoal and other components of plant origin.

Product Description:

  • type of mask – fabric;
  • texture – liquid;
  • purpose – rejuvenation, elimination of wrinkles, increasing skin turgor, cleansing;
  • skin type – suitable for any type;
  • effect – activates the production of your own collagen, stimulates regenerative function, improves lymphatic drainage, tightens the contour of the oval, evens out color.

In addition to rejuvenating the tissues and cells of the epidermis, the product qualitatively cleanses the pores of impurities. This is achieved through the use of bamboo charcoal in the manufacture of the fabric base.

Before the procedure, you need to remove cosmetics from the skin and provoke the opening of pores by applying a hot towel. The exposure time of the mask is 10-15 minutes. The remaining product should be rubbed into the skin with light massaging movements.

Price – 100 rub.

Klapp – SkinСonСellular tightening mask

The product is available in the form of a cream mask. Can be used for any skin type.

Effect declared by the manufacturer:

  • increased turgor;
  • nutrition;
  • restoration of water balance;
  • correction of facial oval.

Active components of the composition: plant extracts, panthenol, essential oils.

How to use:

  • apply to cleansed skin;
  • area of ​​application – face, neck, décolleté;
  • exposure – 15 min.

You should not wash off the remaining composition after the end of time. They are rubbed into the epidermis with massaging movements to achieve maximum results.

Product features: carry out procedures no more than 1-2 times per week.

Price – 1760 rub.

MEDIHEAL mask VTR Stretching Patch for lifting the lower face

The base of the mask is made of stretch, which ensures a tight fit to the lower part of the face. Thanks to this, the active substances penetrate deeply into the structure, enriching it with vitamins and valuable microelements. The main components of the formula are: caffeine, collagen, adenosine,

Effect declared by the manufacturer:

  • correction of the lower part of the face;
  • double chin lift;
  • color alignment;
  • restoration of water balance.

After removing the patch from the package, carefully level it and apply it to the lower part of the face. Fixation is performed behind the ears. Session time – 25-30 minutes.

Price – 159 rub.

Skinlite tightening face mask with collagen and green tea extract

Korean made product. Available in the form of a cream. The basis of the composition is green tea extract. This is a natural antioxidant that has a powerful effect on the skin:

  • improves blood circulation;
  • enriches cells with oxygen;
  • activates cellular immunity;
  • prevents premature aging;
  • fights withering, wrinkles.

Feature: Suitable for all skin types.

Price – 51 rub.

Levrana - alginate mask Thalassotherapy tightening

The product is made based on ingredients of natural origin.

Short description:

  • type of mask – alginate;
  • active substances - seaweed, plant extracts, essential oils, vitamins, fatty acids, proteins, etc.;
  • skin type – suitable for any type;
  • effect - increased elasticity, intense hydration, nutrition, oval correction.

The active formula of the product fights the signs of skin aging, slows down destructive processes, and restores the water-lipid balance.

How to use:

  1. Dissolve the powder in cool water (take 2 scoops of product per 50 ml of liquid).
  2. After stirring, a homogeneous substance is obtained; it should be applied with a spatula to the face, neck, and décolleté in a thin layer, and left for 15-20 minutes.
  3. The mask should be removed after moisturizing to reduce the risk of skin injury.

Price – 1190 rub.

Shary - Ginseng Tea firming enzyme mask

The composition is based on enzymes - these are natural catalysts for subcutaneous biochemical processes. The mask ensures gentle cleansing of the skin from dead cells, improving blood circulation, and stimulating the regeneration process.

Effect declared by the manufacturer:

  • increased turgor;
  • intensive nutrition, hydration;
  • restoration of the protective barrier (from exposure to ultraviolet radiation and other atmospheric factors);
  • correction of facial oval.

Price – 116 rub.

How to choose an effective face lifting mask at home with quick results

When choosing a recipe for a homemade mask with a tightening effect, you should take into account individual characteristics:

  • Age: At 25–30 years old there is no need to make masks with components that have a strong rejuvenating effect. At this age, it is enough to organize the necessary nutrition, hydration and saturation with vitamins. Masks made from fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products, and cereals are suitable.
  • After 35 years, it is advisable to add stronger ingredients, for example, eggs, glycerin, honey.
  • For more mature skin category 45+, you need to add “heavy artillery”: gelatin, starch, yeast, etc.
  • Skin type:
      Dry skin needs additional hydration, so the mask should not contain drying components, for example, chicken egg white. Preference should be given to dairy products, vegetable oils, yolk, etc.
  • For oily types, ground oatmeal, tea tree oil, starch, and lemon are suitable.
  • Presence of ailments:
      For rashes and acne, you will need products that can reduce inflammation, for example, algae, chamomile and calendula decoctions, turmeric, aloe.
  • Lemon, badyaga, and cinnamon will help eliminate stains and scars.
  • Redness can be calmed with oatmeal, cucumber, and green tea.
  • Masks for problem skin should contain soothing ingredients

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