Why shouldn't you remove Bish's lumps? Advice from an experienced doctor

  • Removing Bisha's lumps
  • Thread face lift
  • Correction of lower jaw angles

Removal of Marie Bisha lumps, or bischectomy, is a surgical procedure to eliminate fat deposits between the cheekbones and lower jaw. Thanks to the operation, facial features become more subtle and expressive. The fashion for an aristocratic appearance with prominent cheekbones and sunken cheeks has made bischectomy very popular. The procedure is used by men and women of different ages who consider Bisha's lumps a disadvantage and want to improve the aesthetics of their face.

What are Bisha's lumps

These are encapsulated accumulations of fatty tissue that every person has. Formations that are dense to the touch are formed in infancy and have different shapes and sizes. Fat capsules perform several functions:

  • protect facial nerves and muscles from injury;
  • make breastfeeding easier for babies;
  • in childhood, they make chewing food easier.

As the facial skeleton and muscles become stronger, Bish's lumps lose their functionality, so their removal does not harm the body.

Indications for removal

As a rule, there is practically no medical reason to remove lumps and the operation is performed for aesthetic reasons to improve appearance. Main indications for removal:

  • Dissatisfaction with the features of your face, too large or sagging cheeks, nasolabial folds.
  • Correction of defects resulting from inflammation of the cheeks or facial plastic surgery, severe facial asymmetry.
  • As an additional method during facial correction (chin liposuction, implantation).

Basic removal methods

Bichectomy is performed in the classical way - using a surgical scalpel - or using laser equipment. The surgical intervention takes place under local or general anesthesia. In the classical method, a miniature scalpel is used to make 1-2 cm long incisions on the inside of the cheek, at the level of the 6th molar. This way the surgeon gains access to the fat capsules. The volume of tissue removed depends on the anatomical structure of the face and the size of Bisha's lumps.

At the second stage, the doctor removes fat deposits using a special tool, and closes the incisions with a cosmetic suture using biosoluble threads. The patient is guaranteed no scars on the face, since all manipulations are performed on the inside of the cheeks. At the final stage, the sutures are closed with an antiseptic pad, and the operation area is fixed from the outside with an elastic bandage.

Removing Bisha's lumps in the process

Removing Bish's lumps. Work of Dr. Amjad Al-Yousef

Laser removal of Bisha's lumps resembles the classical technique, but takes less time. Instead of a scalpel, a directed laser beam is used. The main advantages of this method are low trauma and a shorter rehabilitation period. Laser radiation causes less tissue damage and coagulates blood vessels, which significantly reduces the risk of bleeding during and after surgery. The disadvantages of the procedure include a higher price. In addition, it requires expensive equipment, which not all clinics have.

Preparation for the procedure

First, the doctor examines the patient’s medical history and prescribes laboratory and instrumental tests. These include ECG, fluorography, general urine test, blood test for coagulation and the presence of infections such as hepatitis B and C, HIV and syphilis. A few days before bischectomy, patients need to stop smoking, drinking alcohol and certain medications.

How much does plastic surgery cost to remove lumps Marie Bisha

The price depends on the qualifications of the surgeon, the surgical technique and the type of equipment used. When calculating the final amount, the complexity of the procedure is taken into account: the volume of fat capsules, skin turgor and the general health of the patient. The type of anesthesia (local or general) and the length of hospital stay matters. The price will be higher if other manipulations are carried out simultaneously with the removal of Bisha's lumps, for example, cheekbone modeling or ultrasound lifting.

Recovery period

In general, rehabilitation after removal of Bisha's lumps occurs without any particular difficulties, since small incisions are used and the removal of postoperative sutures is not required. However, moderate swelling in the intervention area may be observed within 2-3 weeks. During this time, the patient is recommended to:

  • Avoid excessive physical activity.
  • Exercise control over facial expressions and do not overload the muscles in this area.
  • Refrain from visiting the bathhouse and sauna, or swimming in the pool.

Food should be consumed in puree form, at a comfortable temperature. Every time after eating you need to rinse your mouth and brush your teeth.

Removal of Bisha's lumps is a low-traumatic operation with minimal risk of complications, which does not require the use of general anesthesia. At the same time, such a simple procedure, performed according to indications, helps to achieve visible results: improve the shape of the face and make a woman more attractive.

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Result of the procedure

The first changes are observed 2-3 weeks after bishectomy.
By this time, the swelling will go away and the patient will see his new forms. The final effect can be assessed six months later, when the sutures have finally healed and the tissues have adapted to the new condition. As a result of the operation, the following changes occur:

  • the volume of the middle and lower third of the face decreases;
  • cheekbones and chin acquire clear contours;
  • nasolabial folds are smoothed;
  • facial features become more refined and proportional.

The effect largely depends on the professionalism of the surgeon, anatomical features and lifestyle of the patient. Compliance with medical recommendations before and after the procedure will help to avoid complications and consolidate the result.

Tips for the rehabilitation period

After surgery, patients are advised to reduce the load on the affected area for 10-14 days: brush your teeth carefully, avoid too hard, cold and hot foods. To prevent swelling, you need to sleep on your back and use a high pillow. You should limit physical activity, avoid sunbathing, visiting the sauna, bathhouse and solarium.

Surgery: pros and cons

Those who have successfully removed Bisha's lumps or are considering this option for facial correction are on the side of the defense. Their arguments in favor of the operation:

  • A quick and painless intervention for the formation of a clear oval face, skin tightening and rejuvenation.
  • Long-term effect – up to 5 years, provided that weight is maintained.
  • Better and more predictable results compared to other fat removal methods (eg liposuction).
  • No scars on the skin.

In addition, there are always before your eyes examples of stars who have used such a service from plastic surgeons. These are Polina Gagarina, Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Aniston, Natalie Portman, Victoria Beckham and others.

Opponents of the operation also have many arguments:

  • Unnatural thinness of the face after surgery.
  • Risk of surgeon error and damage to nerves and blood vessels.
  • Incomplete removal of lumps and associated facial asymmetry.
  • Possibility of re-accumulation of fat.
  • Adverse effects of anesthesia.

To avoid such mistakes and complications, it is important to choose a reputable institution and an experienced surgeon with appropriate qualifications.

Indications and contraindications for surgery

The operation to remove Bisha's lumps is aesthetic in nature. Fat capsules do not cause physiological discomfort and are harmless to health, so it is incorrect to talk about medical indications in this case. Experts recommend the procedure for pronounced cosmetic imperfections:

  • disproportionately massive lower part of the face;
  • protrusion of fat deposits due to weakness of ligaments and facial muscles;
  • excess fat in the cheek area.

Bichectomy is often combined with other plastic surgery methods. The procedure can be carried out simultaneously with a circular lift or lipofilling - facial modeling using the patient’s own fat tissue.

Bichectomy is considered a relatively safe operation, but still has some contraindications. Surgery is prohibited for pathologies such as:

  • diabetes;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • mental illness;
  • hypertension in the stage of decompensation.

There are also temporary contraindications to the procedure. These include pregnancy and lactation, inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, acute respiratory diseases, deviation of body weight from the norm by more than 25%.

Age restrictions

Surgeons do not recommend bischectomy for patients under 25 years of age. By this age, the formation of the facial structure is completed and the volume of fat deposits is stabilized. In some people, Bisha's lumps shrink so much that they become invisible, and there is no need for surgery. If you ignore the opinion of doctors and undergo plastic surgery at a young age, you can get a negative effect: sunken cheeks and a gaunt face.

Pros and cons of deletion

One of the modern beauty standards in plastic surgery is the Oji line. The face appears more attractive and youthful if, by emphasizing the cheekbones, an S-shaped curve of the cheek is formed, which is visible when viewed halfway.

Despite the fact that Bisha's lumps usually atrophy as they grow older, in some people they can retain a significant size. Due to this, the cheeks look rounded, and the Oji line is not defined. The main advantage of removing fatty bodies is the opportunity to make the face more beautiful, sophisticated and graceful.

With age, skin elasticity decreases. Pronounced lumps can contribute to the formation of so-called jowls. Sagging skin along with fatty tissue significantly changes the contour of the face and adds extra years to a woman. By removing Bish's lumps, these aesthetic imperfections can be eliminated.

The disadvantages of the operation include the fact that it allows only minor changes in appearance and does not prevent further formation of wrinkles. However, due to the fact that this intervention is low-traumatic, its implementation, if there are appropriate indications, is justified and almost always allows one to achieve the desired result for a sufficiently long period.

Non-surgical procedures to get rid of Bisha's lumps (injections, exercises, etc.)

Girls, if such a service is contraindicated for them or if they have a strong fear, before the removal procedure they try to find ways of correction using non-surgical methods.

Healthy lifestyle and PP

The fight against “bulldog cheeks” begins with proper nutrition and normalization of water-salt balance. This means that you need to reduce salty and sweet foods in your diet and drink at least 2.5 liters of clean water a day. Vegetables and fruits should become true friends.


Massage helps tighten facial muscles, create a clearer contour, improve skin condition and tone, and increase blood circulation.

Self-massage begins by applying a nourishing cream. To begin with, make circular, warming movements, but not intense ones - the goal is to make the skin elastic, and not to stretch it. Then they pat and pinch the face, gradually increasing the tempo and force of influence.

Exercises for facial muscles

A fairly effective method in the fight against Bish’s lumps is the so-called facial fitness or gymnastics. To achieve the best results, exercises are carried out every day, a few minutes are enough.

  1. The cheeks are strongly inflated and, making the lips a tube, the air is gradually released.
  2. The letters of the alphabet are drawn in space with a pencil clamped between the lips.
  3. Taking air into your mouth, imitate rinsing as after brushing your teeth for three minutes.
  4. Elbows on the table, pressing your chin firmly to your palms, you need to try to open your mouth.
  5. Pronounce the sounds I, A, O, U at least thirty times clearly and energetically.

Consequences and complications after removal of Bisha's lumps

After the operation, the face is transformed, it becomes more expressive and younger, and wrinkles are removed.

But undesirable consequences can also occur, which you need to be aware of before going under the scalp:

  1. If excision is performed at a younger age, hollow cheeks may appear, early wrinkles may appear, and the effect of a tired “senile” face will appear.
  2. In rare cases, an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane begins, as a result of an infectious focus in the body or non-compliance with the proper regime.
  3. There is a danger of uneven scarring of the incisions, leading to facial asymmetry.

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