What is permanent makeup? 12 Features of permanent makeup + 4 most popular techniques

Elvira Akhmetkhozina and teacher and permanent makeup artist Lyudmila Yurgina told us about the difference between permanent and tattoo, how much the permanent makeup procedure costs and how to accurately choose a master .

In this article we will tell you:
  1. What is permanent makeup? Types of tattooing with before and after photos Permanent eyebrow makeup
  2. Permanent eyelid makeup
  3. Permanent lip makeup
  • Permanent makeup techniques
  • Reviews about permanent makeup
  • Permanent makeup price
  • How is permanent makeup done?
  • Permanent Makeup Tools
  • How long does permanent makeup last?
  • Can you do permanent makeup?
  • Consequences of permanent makeup
  • Permanent makeup care
  • Correction and removal of permanent makeup
  • What is permanent makeup? Types of tattooing with before and after photos

    Permanent makeup is the introduction of a special pigment into the upper layers of the skin to create a permanent pattern on the face.

    Of course, no one will keep your defined cheekbones for a long time, but you can make your eyebrows, eyelids, eyelashes and lips forever painted!

    Let's figure out what permanent makeup is.

    Permanent eyebrow makeup

    There are two ways to make up your eyebrows permanently:

    • manual equipment;
    • hardware technology.

    The manual technique is microblading. It is done manually using a manipulator. Microblading allows you to draw each hair, as well as apply powder. We have already written in detail about the microblading procedure.

    The hardware technique is performed using a special apparatus. When using it, the eyebrows are shaded. If you want to draw each hair separately, it is better to use the manual technique.

    Permanent eyelid makeup

    Everything is simpler and clearer here. You can only draw on your eyelids with tattooing. The only clarification is that the eyelids can be painted over:

    • only between the cilia;
    • make arrows with shading;
    • make arrows without shading.

    Tattooing is the introduction of color under the skin using a special pen with a needle or machine.

    From left to right: interlash tattoo, arrow with shading, arrow without shading

    Permanent lip makeup

    All types of permanent lip makeup can be divided into two groups:

    • techniques with natural color;
    • technique with the look of painted lips.

    These are the most popular areas that undergo the permanent procedure.

    Girls also seek the introduction of pigment into the scalp, aesthetic correction of stretch marks and scars, and permanent nipple areola.

    Why do they get tattoos?

    First of all, permanent makeup is comfort . This procedure solves a lot of important issues that concern women regardless of age.

    The main advantages of tattooing:

    1. Permanent emphasizes the advantages of the face, but most importantly, it can be used to hide almost any imperfections and defects of the skin: unevenness, scars, wrinkles, etc. In addition, modern tattooing technologies make it possible for girls/women of any age group to look their best.

    2. Permanent makeup retains its original appearance regardless of the situation , for example, it will not smear or run in the bathhouse, in the fitness room, in the rain and in any other unforeseen life situations.
    3. For some, it seems that tattooing is a rather expensive service. But! If you analyze the long-term perspective, it becomes obvious that permanent makeup can be reviewed - it saves money very, very significantly.

    High-quality foreign cosmetics today are by no means cheap, and some brands cost a fortune. At the same time, the composition of your cosmetics bag must be updated at least once every six months (lipsticks, pencils, eyeliners, etc.). Thus, it is clear that the procedure pays for itself many times over. Moreover, expensive decorative cosmetics can provoke allergic reactions.

    4. Save time. One of the main reasons why women prefer tattooing. There is no need to get up early, there is no need to sit in front of the mirror in the evenings removing the remnants of daytime makeup. And to go out, you don’t need to spend several hours on a full evening make-up. Permanent makeup is rich and neat; it does not need to be constantly touched up throughout the day.

    5. Long-term effect. Of course, everything here depends directly on the individuality of the body, the quality of the pigments, the experience of the master and compliance with the rules of healing and care. However, on average, without correction or refresh procedures, the durability of the tattoo lasts 1-3 years.

    Lips - a year and a half, arrows - up to four years, eyebrows - from two to five years.

    These are not all the advantages of the permanent, but only the main ones. Everyone has their own reasons and preferences, but no doubt everyone will find benefits.

    Cons of tattooing

    Of course, like any other cosmetic procedure, permanent tattooing also has its drawbacks. The main disadvantages of permanent makeup: 1. One image for a long time, because It is quite difficult to cover up a tattoo with artificial cosmetics, but it is possible.

    2. Technically complex procedures, such as powder spraying, microblading, etc., require high qualifications and professionalism. Therefore, a beginner can easily ruin the intended image of a face; therefore, it is advisable to look for a truly experienced master.

    3. Whether you like it or not, permanent makeup requires some correction over time.

    4. After the procedure, rehabilitation is necessary, so it is not recommended to get a tattoo before an important event or meeting, since the area will be slightly swollen.

    However, after weighing all the pros and cons, these are more likely not disadvantages, but additional troubles, because the main thing is the quality and purpose of the result.

    Permanent makeup techniques

    The permanent makeup industry allows you to choose the appropriate technique for your taste and color. Let's figure out what they are called and what the differences are.

    • Tattoo. It is done on the deeper layers of the skin for 5 or more years. It can only be removed with a laser or remover. Performed on eyelids and lips.

    Tattooing, in turn, is divided into manual and hardware techniques. The only difference is in the way the procedure is performed - by hand or by machine. Both of them allow you to perform both hair and shadow techniques.

    • Hair technique. Done by machine. It also does not appear on its own. Not suitable for oily and porous skin. It is done on the eyebrows.
    • Shadow technique. It is done on the upper layers of the skin. It is done manually or by machine. It persists for 1–2 years, then disappears on its own. Suitable for eyebrows and lips.

    Who is it recommended for?

    Permanent makeup can be performed to achieve the following results :

    1. correction of the shape, size and color of facial features;
    2. leveling the effect of bald patches due to loss of eyebrows or eyelashes;
    3. elimination of the consequences of hyper- or hypopigmentation, trauma and plastic surgery;
    4. leveling the defect of a cleft lip;
    5. correction of the shape and size of the nipples.

    Those who want to have it done should remember that this procedure only corrects some facial features and nuances of the appearance of the skin. However, it is powerless against a number of physiological characteristics:

    1. bags under the eyes;
    2. drooping eyelids;
    3. deep-set eyes.

    Alas, sometimes nature cannot be outwitted. But! Don’t be discouraged – special techniques for applying decorative cosmetics can help change imperfect facial features. Well, for a more radical solution to the existing problem, there are many minimally invasive and classical plastic surgery techniques.

    Permanent makeup price

    As we have already found out above, the price of permanent makeup is higher than for other cosmetic procedures. According to all canons, the average cost in Moscow will be higher than in St. Petersburg and the regions. The price tag varies depending on the zone. Spoiler: permanent lip makeup is the cheapest way to do it.

    To help you better understand what's what, we've made three graphs for you.

    First, we talk about eyebrows:

    On the second about the eyelids:

    And on the third about lips:

    How long does it last?

    When asked how long the effect lasts, linerists indicate vague terms from 2 to 6 years. They depend on the individual physiological characteristics of clients. Among the factors influencing the durability of the result are:

    • skin type – dry skin absorbs pigment better and retains it in the epidermis;
    • age – young skin ensures the longevity of the effect;
    • climatic conditions - under the influence of UV rays, the pigment quickly fades;
    • the quality of the salon procedure - the depth of introduction, the concentration of pigment affect the durability of the makeup;
    • individual characteristics of the body - the durability of the dye is affected by the rate of cell regeneration and metabolism.

    How is permanent makeup done?

    You must come to the permanent makeup procedure without artificial makeup. Together with the master, you will choose the appropriate form, if you have not decided in advance. When choosing, they are guided by facial features, skin and hair tone.

    Next, the specialist must determine whether you are allergic to anesthesia by doing an allergy test. If everything is in order, then he begins to complete the sketch. The outline of the future makeup is outlined and, with the client’s consent, the master proceeds to the procedure itself.

    First, the cosmetologist gives you cream anesthesia , which is applied for 15–20 minutes. Then, using a special pen or permanent makeup machine, he injects pigment under the skin. The procedure will take 2 hours, so you will have to be patient a little. Afterwards, the master will treat the areas with an antiseptic, and you will leave until the correction.

    Possible consequences

    Experts divide possible undesirable consequences after performing permanent makeup into medical and artistic .

    These do not include those phenomena that doctors call side effects that occur in the first days after the introduction of the pigment - slight swelling and a feeling of tissue tightness, some unnatural color and contours, the formation of crusts on the surface of the skin area treated with a needle.

    Complications of a permanent are considered to be completely different manifestations that are more significant, cannot be eliminated on their own and cause significant discomfort to the owner.

    The artistic flaws of permanent makeup are considered to be:

    1. incorrect proportions, sharp asymmetries and irregularities;
    2. error in choosing the shade of pigment;
    3. irregular shape that does not suit the overall image of the client;
    4. tattoo lines due to unacceptably deep injection of pigment;
    5. intermittent pigmentation, etc.

    According to the observations of experts in practice, clients have to deal with artistic tautage defects 4 times more often than with medical complications.

    There is only one reason for these mistakes - the lack of professionalism of the master. Sometimes, after unscrupulous work, it is very difficult to correct aesthetic defects.

    However, experienced craftsmen often cope with such tasks.

    With the medical consequences of tattooing, the unprofessionalism of the specialist performing the makeup develops into complications from the skin or other body systems:

    1. too deep injection of pigment, accompanied by excessively deep punctures, leads to skin trauma and pathological scarring;
    2. insufficient compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis can cause skin infection, infection with HIV, syphilis or hepatitis B and C viruses;
    3. incomplete collection of information about health conditions that can negatively affect the procedure and the result of pigmentation;
    4. allergic reactions in the form of anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema, urticaria to local anesthetics and pigments (more often severe forms of allergies are caused by painkillers);
    5. severe swelling due to excessive tissue trauma;
    6. exacerbation of herpes in response to trauma to lip tissue;
    7. formation of scars in the long term;
    8. cheilitis, conjunctivitis due to excessive trauma to the tissues of the lips or eyelids during the procedure and violation of antiseptic rules when performing tattooing or in the post-procedure period;
    9. spreading of pigment throughout the subcutaneous fat due to excessive trauma to the skin or the formation of small hematomas during the procedure (especially in the eyelid area);
    10. stress reactions due to insufficient psychological preparation for the procedure or insufficiently effective local anesthesia;
    11. insufficient consideration of existing contraindications, leading to prolonged healing, the formation of scar changes, exacerbation of diseases;
    12. Hair loss from eyebrows or eyelashes sometimes occurs either in areas with too thin skin, or due to deeper insertion of the needle into the skin.

    But don't be scared! Most artistic and medical problems that arise during permanent makeup can be prevented by properly preparing the client for the procedure and choosing a highly qualified artist.

    Can you do permanent makeup?

    You can if you are careful enough. Like all cosmetic procedures, permanent makeup has its contraindications. They are absolute and relative. With the former, permanent makeup is prohibited, but with relative ones, you can individually discuss the situation with the master and perform the procedure after some time.

    Our expert Lyudmila Yurgina told us everything about contraindications to permanent makeup:

    Relative contraindications:

    1. Poor health of any origin, ARVI, simple runny nose without fever. In this case, it is better to postpone permanent makeup until complete recovery.
    2. Inflammatory processes on the skin, pustular rashes in the affected area, exacerbation of acne and rosacea. Permanent treatment can only be done during remission - the absence of inflammatory elements and pustules on the skin.
    3. Treatment with potent medications (antibiotics, corticosteroids, anticoagulants, retinoids, etc.). Permanent treatment is possible no earlier than 2 weeks (or more, depending on the specific drug) after the end of treatment.
    4. Benign skin neoplasms in the affected area. Micropigmentation of moles is contraindicated, since they cannot be injured by a needle; warts and papillomas - after permanent treatment their size may increase and new rashes may appear. Therefore, it is worth removing them in advance or bypassing this place.
    5. Hypertension, high blood pressure. The permanent makeup procedure is stressful, which can provoke a hypertensive crisis. Before performing it, you should measure your blood pressure and, if necessary, take an antihypertensive drug.
    6. Herpes in the acute stage is a contraindication for any type of permanent makeup. It can be carried out only after the rashes have completely healed, and lip tattooing - after 3-4 weeks, and only against the background of prophylactic use of antiviral medications.
    7. Conjunctivitis. In case of allergic conjunctivitis, permanent eye makeup can help alleviate its course, since after it is applied, eye irritation from decorative cosmetics is reduced. But with both allergic conjunctivitis and bacterial conjunctivitis, permanent makeup can be done only outside the period of their exacerbation.
    8. Pregnancy - any interventions during this time in the functioning of the body should be carried out only if necessary. Permanent makeup is not such a necessity, so it is better to do it no earlier than 2-3 months after you have finished breastfeeding your baby.
    9. If you are stressed, the procedure may be more painful, and your overall health may worsen afterward.

    Contraindications to the procedure

    — Presence of inflammatory diseases

    — Diabetes

    — Pregnancy and lactation

    - Poor blood clotting

    — Less than 7 months have passed since any surgery

    — Presence of scars and moles at the intended site of intervention

    — Open wounds and dermatological diseases

    — Viral infections and hypertension

    — Tumors

    - Tendency to allergies

    — Asthma

    — Herpes

    Recommendations a few days before applying pigment makeup:

    - Avoid solariums and tanning

    — Eliminate alcoholic beverages, fatty and fried foods from the diet

    — Stop taking medications, acids

    Permanent makeup care

    Permanent makeup will take 7–10 days to heal. We have prepared some care tips for you:

    1. Forget about healing ointments! Lock them in some drawer and throw away the key. Under no circumstances should you use them.
    2. Tie your hands so as not to pick out the films. They will start to appear about 3-4 days after the procedure, and you will, of course, want to pick them off. This cannot be done. Hit your fingers every time they start to reach your face.
    3. Stock up on chlorhexidine. He will become your friend and assistant for the next week. But it’s better to turn off the water in the house, because you can’t get your eyebrows, eyes or lips wet for 3-4 days.
    4. General recommendations for eyes, lips and eyebrows: wipe them with chlorhexidine for 3-4 days, then silently observe the film. Try not to panic when the color fades and wait patiently for it to return within a month.
    5. The only clarification for the lips: they need to be smeared with Vaseline from the first day. Apply a thin layer to allow them to breathe as soon as you feel dry. But you should apply the magic remedy to your eyes and eyebrows only if you feel tightness.

    Be patient and remain calm. If you trust your master, then remain confident in him until the end. The healing process is as natural as the sun rising.


    — It’s not so easy to get good pigmented makeup. You will have to carefully study the recommendations and choose an experienced specialist. Incorrectly applied pigment will only worsen the appearance, and besides, due to its durability, it will not be possible to wash off unsuccessful makeup.

    — It is not always possible to predict how the pigment will behave on your skin and, as a result, the resulting effect may differ from what was intended.

    - Resilience also risks becoming a disadvantage. Such makeup, even if you get bored with it or goes out of fashion, cannot be erased for a long time. You will need to additionally visit a beauty salon and incur costs for early removal of traces of pigment.

    Permanent makeup, despite its apparent simplicity, still involves a certain biological intervention and is strictly contraindicated for a number of diseases.

    Photo: pexels.com

    Correction and removal of permanent makeup

    You will have to correct permanent makeup in any case. This is one of the components of the entire procedure. It is carried out 1-2 months after the first trip to the permanent treatment.

    During the correction, gaps are filled if they formed after the first procedure, and if necessary, the tone of the main color is changed.

    If you make a correction, the wearing period of permanent makeup will increase.

    Correction of permanent makeup is carried out in exactly the same way as the procedure itself. The only difference is the duration.

    Permanent makeup is removed if the client is not satisfied with it. Usually old or unsuccessful permanent makeup turns blue, gray or dark gray. This color cannot be covered, it is very dense.

    The remover sees light makeup tones and removes them easily. It also passes through even the smallest areas of skin. With the competent work of a specialist, laser removal is no worse. It does not injure the skin and does not leave visible marks on it.

    Do you want to master all the mysteries of eternal, indelible beauty and become a master of permanent makeup? Sign up for tattoo training courses, where you can learn how to permanently apply one or more zones.

    We have collected the main points about the courses for you in this table:

    How to choose permanent makeup courses?

    You need to understand what you want to know and what to learn. Many people begin studying permanent makeup with manual techniques, and then switch to hardware ones. It’s easier to work with a machine, so you can start right away with it.

    Please note the studio's opening hours. Review student portfolios and reviews, teacher awards, and curriculum.

    The information in such a school may be of poor quality, because the teacher has nothing to invest in himself and nothing to develop his business with.

    How to choose a teacher?

    Look at the master's work. If possible, come to the school as an observer and look at the process from the inside.

    If you have fears, try to start learning permanent makeup from one of the zones. If you get hooked, master all the rest!

    This training may be right for you:

    1. Best Permanent Makeup Courses in Moscow from 8,000 Rubles
    2. Best Tattoo Courses in St. Petersburg from 10,000 Rubles
    3. 10 Best Permanent Makeup Courses in St. Petersburg
    4. 10 Best Tattoo Courses in Moscow
    5. 10 Best Microblading Courses in St. Petersburg
    6. 10 Best Online Makeup Artist Courses from 1,000 Rubles

    Tell us in the comments what myths have you heard about permanent makeup? Repost the article so as not to lose it and not make a mistake in choosing a specialist.


    1. If after the procedure of applying permanent makeup you have swelling that does not go away for a long time or the area remains swollen for a long time, then you need to take antihistamines such as Suprastin, Tavegil and Claritin until these consequences completely disappear.
    2. Please note that after visiting the salon, ichor will stand out from the area that you corrected. You will need to carefully remove it using a cotton swab dipped in water at room temperature.
    3. When washing, try not to damage the crust. It should fall off on its own. Do not temporarily apply cosmetics to this area or rub it with a hard washcloth or towel. It is best to blot a soft towel with water and gently wipe the area.
    4. Until the crust is removed and completely healed, do not visit baths, saunas, or swimming pools. Don't take long baths or stand in hot showers. Hot water vapors will cause the crust to become soaked and swollen, and it will fall off sooner, and healing will take longer than usual.
    5. For a month , try to hide the tattoo area from direct sunlight. The fact is that they can contribute to its rapid fading. After the crust falls off, apply either a nourishing cream to the area, or use hygienic lipstick, or glasses.


    Especially for you, we found several client reviews about permanent makeup, both positive and negative.


    Review 1

    Review 2

    Review 3

    Negative feedback:

    Review 4

    Review 5

    To get the desired result, you need to take a very responsible approach to choosing a specialist. This must be a proven specialist, experienced and qualified. Before you sit in a cosmetology chair, collect reviews about it, look at photographs of its previous clients. Remember that the result you get will last on your face for several years. And if you fail, instead of a beautiful appearance, you will get a completely different effect. Most often, the reason is too intense a shade or rough application of the tattoo, which gives the face a very unnatural look, sometimes even caricatured.

    History of appearance

    Although permanent makeup was popularized in Russia only 10 years ago, this method was invented in ancient China. Chinese women have very sparse, almost invisible eyelashes and eyebrows, which prompted them to create special tattoos based on natural pigments. For this, special tools made of bamboo sticks and thin silk fibers were used. Thousands of years later, at a convention in New York concerning cosmetology and cosmetics, this technique was officially introduced by Chink Min Min. Since then, permanent makeup has been gaining popularity among women all over the world. And if earlier this was an expensive and inaccessible procedure, now its price is affordable for any woman, and specialists who perform it can be found in any city.

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