The benefits of vitamin F for the skin, as well as Librederm Vitamin F cream and home remedies

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Vitamin F is a vitamin-like group of three polyunsaturated fatty acids: arachidonic, linoleic and linolenic. It was opened in 1928. Its name comes from the English word “fat”, which means “fat”. Vitamin F cannot be synthesized in the human body, so it is important to obtain it daily from external sources. According to statistics, a deficiency in the consumption of this vitamin is observed in about 80% of the adult population of St. Petersburg.

If you have such an opportunity, it is best to take vitamins by injection for medicinal purposes, since their bioavailability or absorption by the body is higher when administered by injection.

Composition and release form

Vitamin F is a complex of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids that are not synthesized in the body, but come from outside with food (vegetable oils, nuts, eggs, fish oil). These include the following:

  • Arachidonic.
  • Linoleic.
  • Linolenic

The pharmaceutical industry produces various cosmetic preparations containing polyunsaturated fatty acids, in particular, Vitamin F cream from Librederm. Under this name, the company’s specialists have developed a whole line of products containing a number of additional ingredients:

  • Bold (camelina and peach oil, concentrate of vitamins A, E, phospholipids, calendula and yarrow extracts).
  • Fatty (camelina and sea buckthorn oils, beeswax).
  • With ceramides and prebiotic (almond and shea butter, inulin and gluco-oligosaccharides, phytosphingoside, cholesterol, tocopherol).

If fat and semi-bold creams are produced in tubes, then the one rich in ceramides and prebiotics is placed in a bottle with a dispensing device for greater convenience. The first two cosmetics have a rather thick consistency, while the last product has a lighter structure.

Vitamin F is a polyunsaturated fatty acid found in some foods and added to cosmetics.

How does Vitamin F work?

Vitamin F is a cosmetic product whose effects are primarily due to the properties of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Beneficial nutrients have a complex effect on the skin:

  • Protective.
  • Moisturizing.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Antioxidant.
  • Regenerative.
  • Calming.

The cream restores the lipid mantle of the epithelium, thereby increasing its barrier properties and retaining moisture. Fatty acids relieve dryness and flaking, remove the feeling of tightness and irritation, soften and nourish. They smooth out wrinkles and increase skin elasticity, prevent premature aging, giving excellent cosmetic results.

Under the influence of vitamin F, the healing of minor injuries - scratches, abrasions, cracks - is accelerated. Preparations based on it have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, protect the skin from the harmful effects of environmental factors. They are especially popular among those with dry and sensitive, irritated and atopic-prone skin. In this case, the effect of fatty acids is enhanced by additional ingredients.

Cosmetic preparations with vitamin F have a therapeutic and prophylactic effect on certain skin diseases. They are recommended for patients suffering from neurodermatitis, atopic eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, and are included in complex therapy for burns, ulcerative defects, and furunculosis.

Using creams with unsaturated fatty acids, you can provide comprehensive care for skin that needs to restore its lipid-water balance.


This couple of vitamins is the most famous. Vitamin A is involved in the formation of epithelium, is important for maintaining the structure and moisture of skin cells, and has a proven ability to restore skin during photoaging. With its deficiency, the skin loses elasticity and areas of peeling appear. If you avoid fatty foods, butter and milk are not your friends, and there is also a deficiency of spinach, carrots, pumpkin, peaches and apricots in your diet - we recommend adding vitamin A cream to your mandatory care, especially when paired with vitamin E. This is vitamin therapy In addition to the general improvement in the condition of the skin, the removal of peeling also has an aesthetic effect - the skin will become denser and more elastic due to an increase in the production of its own collagen, and the complexion will also noticeably improve.

Day nourishing cream AEvit saturates the skin with beneficial antioxidant vitamins, restores it in the off-season and winter. Plant extracts of raspberry and rosemary in the cream tone the skin and fill it with vital energy.

Directions for use on face

To get a positive result from a cosmetic product, it should be used correctly. Facial skin care involves taking into account the characteristics of the epithelium and specific deficiencies that need correction. And without a specialist, it is quite difficult to determine the appropriateness of using certain means.

Pharmacy cosmetics

Fat and semi-fat products are applied to pre-cleaned dry skin in an even thin layer twice a day, distributing with light massage movements. Cream with ceramides and prebiotic is recommended to be used within 3-5 minutes after a shower, repeating as necessary. For atopic diseases, it is applied to the affected areas after treatment with topical corticosteroids prescribed by the doctor.

Home Remedies

For facial care, you can use not only pharmacy cosmetics with vitamin F, but also products prepared at home from products rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. The following recipe will help make your skin matte and smooth:

  • Chamomile flowers (30 g per 60 ml of boiling water) - leave for 30 minutes.
  • Liquid honey (18 ml).
  • Egg yolk.
  • Vegetable oil (1 tsp).

When all the ingredients are mixed, a mask is obtained, which is applied to the face and left on for 10 minutes. To rejuvenate the skin, we can recommend another remedy that contains egg yolk, olive oil (5 ml), honey (18 ml), one apple puree and chokeberry juice (1 tbsp.). The prepared mass is applied for 15 minutes.

To improve the condition of your skin, you can use available products that contain polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Vitamin F deficiency

The recommended daily dose of vitamin F is about 1-2 g. With a lack of vitamin F, the following occurs:

  • fatigue;
  • dry skin, eczema;
  • frequent colds;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • male infertility;
  • swelling on the face;
  • brittle nails;
  • decreased concentration.

If you feel a lack of vitamin F, I recommend including the following dishes in your menu:

  • salad of fresh vegetables and mussels;
  • fried eggs with avocado;
  • scallop stewed in cream.
ServicePrice according to PricePromotion Price
Beauty-cocktail (11 blood tests, 10 Beauty-drips, appointment with a therapist)39,000 rub.RUB 35,555
Immuno Protect program (2 blood tests, Immuno Protect droppers, appointment with a therapist)RUR 7,777 5 sessions RUB 11,111 10 sessions
Anti-age program (blood test for vitamin B 1, B5, B6, B12, C, E, K, D, IVs with an individual vitamin complex, appointment with a therapist)RUB 21,111 5 sessions RUB 25,555 10 sessions
Anti-stress program (7 blood and urine tests, 10 Anti-stress droppers, appointment with a therapist)35,000 rub.RUB 29,999
Detox program for comprehensive body cleansing (10 droppers, 10 autohemotherapy, tests, appointment with a therapist)17,000 rub.13,500 rub.
Recovery course of IVs after COVID-19 (Coronavirus)4050 rub. 5 sessions 8100 rub. 10 sessions
Vitamin therapy (course of 10 intramuscular injections, consultation with a therapist)4,000 rub.3000 rub.
Intravenous drip administration of drugs (without drugs, 1 bottle)950 rub. 1 session 4050 rub. 5 sessions 8100 rub. 10 sessions
Intravenous drip administration of medications
(with existing clinic medications, 1 bottle)
1000 rub. 1 session 4500 rub. 5 sessions 9000 rub. 10 sessions
Intravenous drip administration of drugs
(without drugs, 2 bottles)
950 rub. 1 session 4,050 rub. 5 sessions 8100 rub. 10 sessions
Intravenous drip administration of medications
(with existing clinic medications, 2 bottles)
1150 rub. 1 session 5200 rub. 5 sessions 10,500 rub. 10 sessions
Intravenous administration of drugs (jet)450 rub. 1 session 2240 rub. 5 sessions 4050 rub. 10 sessions
Intravenous administration of immunoglobulin (without the cost of the drug)3500 rub.
Dropper of Human Immunoglobulin - Imbioglobulin 50 mg/ml, 20 ml (price includes the cost of the drug)7500 rub.
Dropper of Human Immunoglobulin - Imbioglobulin 50 mg/ml, 50 ml (price includes the cost of the drug)10500 rub.
Dropper of Human Immunoglobulin - Octagam 50 mg/ 50 ml (price includes the cost of the drug)14,000 rub.
Dropper of Human Immunoglobulin - Octagam 50 mg/100 ml (price includes the cost of the drug)29,000 rub.
Dropper of Human Immunoglobulin - Octagam 50 mg/200 ml (price includes the cost of the drug)49,000 rub.
Dropper of Human Immunoglobulin - Intratect 50 mg/ 50 ml (price includes the cost of the drug)14,000 rub.
Dropper of Human Immunoglobulin - Intratect 50 mg/100 ml (price includes the cost of the drug)29,000 rub.
Dropper of Human Immunoglobulin - Intratect 50 mg/200 ml (price includes the cost of the drug)49,000 rub.
Appointment (examination, consultation) with a general practitioner to prescribe IVs1,800 rub. primary 1,500 rub. repeated
Autohemotherapy650 rub. 1 session 3000 rub. 5 sessions 6000 rub. 10 sessions
Plasma therapy of the spine and joints8000 rub. 1 session 13500 rub. 3 sessions 22500 rub. 10 sessions
Subcutaneous-intradermal administration of drugs (course)250 rub. 1 session 1180 rub. 5 sessions 2250 rub. 10 sessions
Intramuscular administration of drugs (course)350 rub. 1 session 1750 rub. 5 sessions 3000 rub. 10 sessions

Author: Telegina Natalya Dmitrievna

Therapist with 25 years of experience



Products of natural origin have a high degree of safety for the body. But even they are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to one of the components. To avoid allergic reactions associated with hypersensitivity, before using ready-made or home-made cosmetics, they should first be tested on the skin of the wrist or elbow. If after 30–40 minutes the test is negative (no redness, itching, or rash), then the drug can be safely used.

Vitamin F refers to a complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic), which brings invaluable benefits to the skin. It restores its barrier properties, moisturizes and nourishes, helps heal damage, fight inflammation and allergies. Therefore, products with vitamin F - whether over-the-counter or homemade - are very popular.


Vitamin C plays an important role in collagen synthesis, maintaining skin elasticity and hydration, and also protects it from adverse environmental factors - free radicals and solar radiation. After 40 years, the amount of collagen in the skin decreases, which directly affects the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Vitamin C helps reduce the negative impact of the external environment on the skin, and also activates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, significantly reducing the signs of skin aging. Clinically proven: topical application of vitamin C stimulates the restoration of skin cells damaged by UV exposure and reduces the number of wrinkles by stimulating the formation of new collagen [2].

Regular vitamin C in cosmetics is quickly destroyed; literally a couple of months spent on the shelf of a cosmetic store reduces the concentration of the vitamin by almost half. Dermatology Vitamin C Intensive Anti-Aging Serum formula contains vitamin C in a bioavailable lipid form. Penetrating into the skin, it releases pure vitamin C, which is actively involved in physiological processes: stimulates the formation of collagen and elastin, improves microcirculation. The formula is supplemented with hyaluronic acid, which restores and maintains the necessary level of moisture in the skin throughout the day. Licorice root extract in the serum whitens the skin, and betaine softens and smoothes it. Apply the serum at night 1-2 hours before bedtime. Use as a stand-alone anti-aging product or in combination with LIBREDERM Collagen night cream. Every morning, the skin is smoother and more elastic, wrinkles are smoothed out.

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