Acupressure facial massage for rejuvenation: meaning, location of points and types of techniques

No matter how wonderful massage is in all its diversity, it is not always possible to visit a massage therapist, and it can be difficult to find a good experienced master.
And then we give ourselves a massage ourselves. The most comfortable parts of the body on which it is easy to massage yourself are the face, head, hands, abdomen, knees, feet. Today we will learn how to give ourselves a facial massage. Before doing a facial massage, you need to cleanse your skin and remove makeup. This is done either with a foam cleanser or with a micellar lotion. Next, oil is applied to the face: peach, rose, coconut, grape seed oil. The oil must be natural, without silicone, mineral oil, or petroleum products.

There are several main massage lines on the face: from the middle of the forehead to the temples, the lines of the periorbital zone (upper and lower orbital bones), from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, from the nose to the earlobes, from the middle of the chin to the earlobes along the lower part of the face and along the chin. On the chin there is a massage line from the chin to the neck. The neck is massaged along vertical lines from bottom to top.

By gently palpating facial tissues in these directions, you can pleasantly tone the skin and improve complexion, relieve tension from superficial muscles, and soften facial expression.

How massage works

Before you understand what acupuncture massage is, you need to find out what acupuncture is. Each person’s face has several points that are considered biologically active; influencing them helps improve the condition of a certain organ of the body.

In total, the body has more than 700 points, which are combined into groups of meridians - internal channels. They are the conductors of the vital energy “Qi”. The head is not without such channels. 8 meridians located in the area of ​​the face and head are woven into a dense energy network. There are many zones here that are responsible for almost all the internal organs of the human body.

Point techniques are based on firm touch and pressure on soft tissues. They are pressed against the bone of the head without stretching or displacing the skin. This allows the muscles to acquire the necessary tone, thanks to the sensitivity of the nerve endings and the lymphatic system. The condition of the skin also improves, nasolabial folds disappear, swelling of the face is removed, and dark circles under the eyes disappear.

It must be remembered that by stimulating meridian points that are important for organs, you can completely heal or simply improve their condition. Your fingertips can have a relaxing or tuning effect on all human life systems.

Positive effect

As a result of impact on certain points during the massage, the movement of energy throughout the body increases. The positive effect of such interaction will only be if all movements are performed correctly and effortlessly. You should clearly understand in which area of ​​the face this or that point is located, and with what intensity you need to influence it. Only in this case can you achieve results. After the procedure the following is observed:

  • Improving the functioning of the circulatory system.
  • Giving your facial skin a healthy, rosy and fresh look.
  • Elimination of signs of swelling.
  • Normalization of metabolic processes occurring in the deep tissues of the skin.
  • Increasing the elasticity and firmness of facial skin.
  • Skin rejuvenation by smoothing out wrinkles.
  • Inhibition of skin aging processes.
  • Getting rid of the double chin, due to which the oval of the face becomes more even.
  • Elimination of bags and bruises under the eyes.
  • Increased blood flow to the face.
  • Improving the functioning of important body systems.
  • Improved mood and performance.
  • Strengthening the body's protective functions.
  • Normalization of the cardiovascular system.
  • Pressure stabilization.
  • Getting rid of shortness of breath.
  • Improving the condition of the nervous system.

In addition, systematic massage helps restore sleep patterns and get rid of signs of insomnia and frequent migraines.

Looking for biologically active points

They are located mainly in small dimples on bones and joints, among tendons, muscle fibers - where the pulse beats. Pressing on such places causes a somewhat painful reaction.

It is important to accurately determine the location of the biologically active point in order to get the maximum effect from the effects of acupressure on it. Each point has a specific impact zone. Its size varies from 2 to 12 mm.

We propose to consider the diagram of the location of the points and the projection of the internal organs on the face.

She demonstrates points for performing a healing massage.

With the help of such a massage, Chinese medicine offers to improve well-being and get rid of ailments and diseases.

The essence of the technique

The aging process is most noticeably reflected on the skin of the face, and over the years a woman is forced to look for more and more effective methods and ways to restore its elasticity and healthy tone. Acupressure is an effective remedy in the fight against aging, wrinkles, and swelling. In addition, it can improve overall health.

The point of the technique is to influence certain points according to a clear system.

There are several techniques from which you can choose the most suitable for yourself. Acupressure differs from traditional massage in that the effect is achieved not by heating and intense impact on a large surface of the skin, but by stimulating certain points without excessive use of force.

How to do acupressure

To create the effect of influencing these points, use special thimbles, massagers or fingers. It is advisable to clearly identify the point and press on it, but some error is allowed.

It is necessary to press the point with one or more fingers on several points at the same time. Typically the index, middle and thumb are used. The pressure should last 3-10 seconds. If we are talking about paired points, they act on both points at once, using the fingers of the right and left hands.

When exposed, you should feel warmth and slight discomfort. Pressure should not cause acute severe pain or any other unpleasant sensations.

Rejuvenating points on the face

Each pressure is applied for 5 to 10 seconds. When exposed, you should feel warmth, a slight tingling sensation, pain is excluded. It is carried out with the thumb and forefinger, paired points are activated simultaneously.

Points on the face for rejuvenation:

  1. The area in the center of the bridge of the nose helps smooth out vertical creases between the eyebrows and increases energy potential.
  2. Paired points at the beginning of eyebrow growth relieve eye fatigue and normalize lymphatic drainage. Activation is effective in combating puffiness and drooping eyelids.
  3. Impact on paired points at the beginning of the inner corner of the eye near the wings of the nose relieves eye strain and restores blood flow. Massage helps strengthen the thin muscles of the lower eyelid, improves skin condition, and is effective against bags and bruises under the eyes.
  4. The points at the end of the natural eyebrow growth line help tighten the corner of the outer eye and cope with crow's feet. Activation improves general condition, relieves fatigue and headaches.
  5. The points, located a centimeter to the temporal lobes from the outer corner of the eye, help improve microcirculation of the skin of the eyelids and lymph outflow. As a result of self-massage, a network of small wrinkles is smoothed out, and it is possible to lift the drooping line of the corner of the eye, which is observed with age.
  6. Paired points are located on the growth boundary line parallel to the tip of the ear. The effect allows you to tighten the oval and prevents the eyebrow line from shifting.
  7. Paired points located under the pupils in the center of the cheekbone are responsible for an even, beautiful tone. They allow you to refresh color, maintain elasticity, accelerate the synthesis of collagen and elastin.
  8. Paired points near the auditory canal of the ear, in the fossa of the junction of the upper and lower jaw. The effect helps to cope with jowls and create beautiful sculpted cheekbones.
  9. Paired points on the corners of the lower jaw allow you to create a beautiful line of the lower part of the oval, tighten the muscles, get rid of the double chin, and reduce the cheeks.
  10. A point one centimeter below the upper lip in the center of the chin stimulates metabolic processes and activates the outflow of lymph.
  11. Working on paired points at the corners of the mouth helps to lift them up and smooth out facial vertical wrinkles. The effect promotes visual rejuvenation, as if after injections of fillers.
  12. The point under the nose, above the upper lip, is in the center of the groove. The vital zone helps to recover from fainting, cope with nervous tension, and hysteria. Massage has a positive effect on general muscle relaxation and reduction of swelling.
  13. Paired points at the nostrils of the nose allow you to smooth out wrinkles in the nasolabial triangle and restore the elasticity of the area around the mouth.
  14. Paired points above the wings of the nose also eliminate nasolabial wrinkles and tighten the lower part of the oval.
  15. In the dimple of the chin on the cheekbone, blood circulation and lymph outflow are activated. Massage helps get rid of jowls, a double chin, and creates a beautiful, clear line of the lower part of the oval.

Key beauty points:

  • Helps create beautiful cheekbones and give the skin a healthy tone: place 3 fingers - ring, middle, index - diagonally from the wings of the nose to the temples, the desired point will be located under the index finger.
  • To firm up the cheeks, tighten the lower part of the oval, prevent nasolabial folds: place the index, middle and ring fingers under the upper lip, the middle one will be located in the hollow under the nose, the index and ring fingers at the beginning of the nasolabial triangle.
  • To relieve puffiness, swelling, get rid of drooping eyelids and bags under the eyes: paired points at the inner and outer corners of the eye, the starting and ending points of the eyebrow arches are activated.
  • For a beautiful, clear oval line: you need to regularly massage the point under the lower lip and in the center of the chin on the cheekbone.

What matters?

  • Be sure to wash your hands with your usual product before starting acupressure. There should be no dirt on the face either;
  • All devices and massagers used must be pre-disinfected;
  • Active serum or cream can be applied to the face in small quantities as a moisturizer.

Expert advice:

  1. First, rub your hands together to give them greater sensitivity and only then begin to actively influence the points;
  2. After finishing the acupuncture massage, it is recommended to apply a nourishing mask to your face. This can be a lifting or moisturizing mask, of your choice.


The meaning of influencing biological points comes down to stimulating impulses sent to the nerve centers of the brain. The response signal activates the production of missing proteins and enzymes, collagen fibers. Activating the points of youth on the face can refresh the skin color, shine the eyes and tighten problem areas, improving the overall appearance, without the use of medications. And this is her huge advantage.

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Popular techniques

Popular techniques for acupressure facial massage are worth considering in more detail.

Shiatsu: Japanese acupressure facial massage for wrinkles

This is a classic technique for performing facial massage treatments. It was invented by a doctor from Japan. He began studying the influence of exposure on certain points of the face. The doctor conducted experiments using fingertip massage on certain points on the face and recorded a positive effect. Thus, the importance and benefits of acupressure have been studied.

Shiatsu points and massage that will restore your youth are discussed in great detail on our website.

FaceGym gymnastics: acupressure face lifting

Her method consists of a combination of special facial gymnastics and head acupuncture.

Thanks to lifting, the muscles of the facial skin are strengthened, lymph circulates, the skin receives the necessary nutrition and additional action on biologically active points.

Benita Cantieni: face forming

The methodology is based on a combination of several practices. This includes yoga, targeted massage points on the face and energy practices, as well as meditation and visualization.

Benita believes that a person’s face will age faster if a person’s head is positioned incorrectly and their posture is incorrect, and she also cites muscle sagging as causes of aging. Using this method, the causes are eliminated by gentle effects on the facial muscles.

On our website there is a detailed review of facial gymnastics by Benita Cantieni.

Greer Childers: bodyflex

This is a breathing exercise used for the face. The technique consists of performing massage exercises that affect biologically active points of the face and deep breathing.

The massage is aimed at the points responsible for the beauty and youth of the face. At the same time, facelift is also used - deep breathing, which delivers a large amount of oxygen to the body's cells. Points on the face for rejuvenation are activated, which promotes cell renewal and restoration.

Read more about the Bodyflex technique in our article.

Indian marmatherapy

Marmas are biologically active zones that are used in Ayurvedic techniques. These are the points through which a person’s vital energy flows. The technique involves movements either clockwise or counterclockwise. The movements should be circular. Each movement has its own function. Clockwise - energy potential increases, rejuvenating processes begin to work. Counterclockwise movements eliminate negativity. They can also smooth out wrinkled faces and relax muscle fibers.

And you can also learn more about marma facial massage on the pages

Chinese Zhong Acupuncture

She uses the pressure on active points with three fingers - middle, index and thumb. This Chinese finger acupressure, performed regularly, can make facial skin firm and elastic, slow down the aging process of facial skin, smoothing out wrinkles on it.

Read more: Chinese Zhong massage: active points of youth and health on the face.

Korean su-jok massage

Thanks to the effect on points and meridians, the processes of self-rejuvenation and healing of organs begin to work in the body. It is carried out using stones, plants, seeds and heat.

This method is used to treat both children and adults. The purpose of the technique is the desire to bring harmony to energy flows so that restoration processes begin. The intensity of pressure on the rejuvenation points is regulated by the therapist performing the procedure.


Regular massage of energy points does not always have a positive effect. There are diseases in which this threatens exacerbations of the condition and deterioration of health. Experts do not recommend acupressure in the following cases:

  • infectious diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • fractures;
  • cardiac, pulmonary, renal pathologies;
  • blood diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • high temperature, exhaustion;
  • burns, skin lesions, rashes, acne;
  • pregnancy, old age.

To summarize, it must be said that acupressure facial massage is most effective when used regularly and in combination with a healthy and active lifestyle, proper nutrition, and sports. Therefore, you should use the whole range of measures in the fight against aging, and then the result will be excellent.

Possible risks of acupressure

The procedure must be performed correctly, otherwise it is possible:

  • Formation of hematomas as a result of excessive pressure;
  • Poor circulation and damage to the facial nerve if identified contraindications are neglected;
  • The area being massaged may become numb if pressure is placed on it for too long;
  • The skin may stretch if you use scrolling movements during exposure.

Severe painful sensations indicate that they tried to exert too intense an impact on the area.

Recommended Precautions

During the massage, as well as after it, there will be no problems if you adhere to the following rules:

1. Before the procedure, you must remove the rings and trim your nails to keep your skin safe. 2. The skin cannot be moved; you need to press only at a certain active point. 3. Courses must be repeated with breaks. 4. It is not recommended to go in search of a tan as soon as the massage procedure is completed. 5. During the session, it is better to relax your facial muscles as much as possible. 6. Physical activity before a massage should be very moderate, so that the muscles do not experience overstrain.

Interesting work with massage points: 2 simple exercises against sagging cheeks from Takashi Isamu.

Other similar skin rejuvenation methods

Former TV presenter, author of numerous projects, Olga Levonyuk, at the age of 53, easily teaches applied body correction techniques that she has personally mastered, is a youth trainer and fitness coach with 25 years of experience teaching people the rules of beauty and health.

Video with techniques for pumping the lymphatic ducts of the facial skin from Olga Levonyuk:

The unique drug “Laennec” is actively used in restorative therapy and cosmetology. Developed by Japanese scientists after the tragedy of World War II - to help in the recovery of the affected residents of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Injections of the drug contain human placenta cells, which have a stimulating effect on the immune system, wound healing and restoration of nerve fibers, and renewal of body systems at the cellular level.

Combines water-soluble molecules, proteins and amino acids, a set of vitamins and microelements. Helps rejuvenate and strengthen the body's defenses, improves metabolism and relieves chronic fatigue syndrome, increases performance and restores brain function.

Advantages of fractional thermolifting Fractora Firm

• High safety, predictable effectiveness: radiofrequency therapy technology eliminates the risk of skin damage and allows procedures to be carried out all year round and even in summer without harm to the skin.

• The procedure can be performed on any skin type, including dark and tanned.

• The Fractora Firm fractional thermolifting technique can be used for rehabilitation procedures after plastic surgery and in combination with other hardware and therapeutic procedures.

• The fractional thermolifting technique is recommended for both women and men.

The advantages include the possibility of obtaining an immediate visible result and achieving visible skin tightening and volume in the affected area after a course of procedures without surgery or drug injections.

Treatment areas : face, neck, décolleté, arms (hands)

Recommended course : 6-8 procedures with an interval of 5-7 days.

Duration of procedure : 20 - 40 minutes.

Contraindications : violation of the integrity of the skin, skin diseases in the acute stage, high blood pressure, thyroid diseases (during the procedure on the neck), metal implants in the affected area, pacemakers, Hepatitis, HIV.

Resources of our body

Indeed, after 35 years, many of us notice the first age-related changes. But we, like millions of women before us, dream of stopping time and being forever young, beautiful, sexy and attractive. Constantly rushing to beauty salons, expensive cosmetics, unsafe youth injections and facelifts, chemical peels - it is impossible to list all these painful and risky experiments on your appearance. And to our credit, it still helps. Few. Unless, of course, you take into account the mass of negative side reactions that are widely covered in the press. Yes, this does not need to be observed from the side. Can any of us personally note that we are quite satisfied with the results of these quests? Hardly. And all because we are trying to destroy the result of early skin aging. But not the reasons.

And aging can really be called early - after all, human resources are much greater, and scientists are talking about this today. You need to somehow help your skin so that it remains young and fresh longer. How?

Do not hurry! You shouldn’t buy all the expensive cosmetics in a row, wander from cosmetologist to cosmetologist, strive for a syringe, or, moreover, go under the knife. To find out this “code”, you need to look at the causes of skin aging and explore the mechanisms of aging. It’s not expensive masks and a good plastic surgeon that will help us, but ourselves! The secret really lies within ourselves. It is quite possible to stop time and allow yourself a long youth without plastic surgery. And this is reality! But more on that later. First, let's look at what the real reasons are and which ways to eliminate them work and which don't.

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Aroma oils

To quickly relax a person and better glide over the patient’s body, massage therapists use aromatic oils in the acupressure technique.

Preference is given to shea, jojoba, apricot kernel and grape oils. In fact, the choice of suitable essential compositions is large.

For example, cloves, ginger and black pepper can help warm up your face. But rosemary, lavender and peppermint have analgesic effects.

Just keep in mind that if a person has allergies or ailments of the cardiac system or thyroid gland, there is no need to resort to aromatherapy. It is also worth noting pregnant women.

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