Permanent lip makeup: what is it (before and after photos)

Photo: Permanent lip makeup has many advantages. It creates the appearance of volume, corrects shape and minor asymmetry, makes the color deeper and more saturated, and the contour clearer. Scars and various defects are camouflaged, including cleft lip. As you age, this is the best way to restore youth and freshness to your lips. Finally, you can forget about lipsticks and the constant worry that something will smudge or print where it shouldn’t!

What is permanent lip makeup

The technique of performing permanent makeup resembles a regular tattoo using similar machines and needles. But the pigment is introduced under the top layer of the skin, much closer to the surface. Thanks to this, the procedure is relatively painless even on such sensitive areas, and the result looks natural.


Professional opinion

To avoid disappointment caused by the wrong selection of pigment, reputable aesthetic tattoo artists recommend trusting the choice of the artist who will perform the procedure. Why?

There are at least two reasons for this.

  1. A permanent makeup specialist is trained in the theory of makeup and color. During his training, he studies the selection techniques and effects of pigments, the nature of their interaction with a particular skin type. This knowledge allows a specialist to accurately select the ideal pigment for a particular client.
  2. In nature, a mono-color type of appearance is extremely rare. Each of them has inclusions characteristic of a different color type. Only a master of aesthetic cosmetology is able to determine it correctly.

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What happens to your lips

Nothing! Your own lips do not suffer in any way after the procedure if permanent makeup was done by a professional. The main thing is to follow all care recommendations and make timely corrections to maintain the results. The maximum that will happen is that the pigment will gradually fade over time.

Keep in mind that the most common consequence of permanent lip makeup is herpes. The skin is severely damaged, so any infections can easily get into it. You need to be prepared for this and take care of prevention in advance.


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Contraindications and possible consequences

Considering that this is a real tattoo, it has contraindications. Tattooing is harmful during colds (ARVI, acute respiratory infections, influenza, herpes). Any intervention at this time will significantly weaken the body and prolong the healing process. It is not recommended to do permanent makeup during menstruation and skin diseases.

Other contraindications for lip tattooing:

  • Moles at the site of pigmentation. They may react negatively to the intervention and become inflamed;
  • Presence of a tendency to herpes diseases. In fact, herpes on the lips itself is not dangerous, but if you add paint, tissue tears and an inflammatory process to it, the disease can develop into a serious complication;
  • The procedure is allowed only from 18 years of age;
  • Pregnancy, lactation. This is not a categorical contraindication, but unsuccessful tattooing of the eyelids or lips during this period can negatively affect not only the health of the mother, but also the child.

Reviews claim that if tattooing of the eyelids or lips was performed by a professional, then everything will be fine, but sometimes consequences still arise. The most famous and common is edema. This reaction is considered normal, because, in fact, you got a tattoo on your lips, this is how the body reacts to unnatural interference. It goes away on its own on the second day, or it can be removed with special antiseptics.

Photo - Unsuccessful lip tattoo

Other side effects and consequences are also listed::

  1. Increased body temperature. Most often on the first day it is a consequence of stress. By evening it will return to normal;
  2. Severe itching, crusting - this could be the healing process or signs of an incipient infection. If you still have a fever, you need to see a doctor to rule out possible viral diseases;
  3. Herpes. It appears due to improper care. This is not a consequence of tattooing, but of the lack of the required level of hygiene and refusal of antiviral drugs.

How to choose a color for permanent lip makeup

The color is always selected individually, because you need to take into account your own lip shade, skin tone, desired result and overall type. When carrying out the procedure, specialists combine several adjacent shades to make the result look as natural as possible.

Warm peach, apricot, salmon and beige shades are best suited for fair-haired, fair-skinned and light-eyed girls. Contrasting blondes and fair-haired women should pay attention to the same colors, but in cool tones. Dark hair and dark eyes suit more saturated red and even plum colors. And red and golden-blond people should pay attention to terracotta, brown, reddish and the same plum.


Advantages of the procedure and contraindications

Permanent lip tattooing has gained popularity due to its advantages:

  • convenience - there is no need to use pencil and lipstick every day.
  • cost-effectiveness - despite the seemingly high cost of the procedure, it is justified, since after it there is no need to buy expensive cosmetics.
  • good aesthetic result - lips acquire a rich shade that imitates lipstick, or close to natural color.

Important! For high-quality tattooing, you need to contact only certified specialists who have the necessary qualifications and documents that confirm this. Carrying out the procedure by an inexperienced specialist can harm your health and ruin the appearance of your face.

The procedure has its own contraindications. Tattooing should not be performed if a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding, has inflammation or pigment spots on the skin of the mouth, or in case of exacerbation of diseases. Contraindications should be clarified at a preliminary consultation with a doctor.

Permanent lip makeup techniques

There are many different techniques that an experienced master usually combines for specific tasks. Let's talk about the most popular of them!

Contour technique

The master draws a clear, neat outline if his own is blurry or uneven. The shade matches the tone of the lips, so the outline does not look drawn with a pencil. Very often, the procedure is preferred by older women due to characteristic age-related changes.



Shading returns a bright and rich shade to the lips. The pigment is blended over the entire surface, from the contour or slightly beyond the boundaries. This is the best way to visually enlarge your lips, but you need to get the color perfectly.


Volumetric technology

The method is used if it is necessary to correct problems - asymmetry, lack of fullness, uneven contour. Usually the procedure is carried out in two stages: first, the master makes a contour and masks obvious imperfections, and the second time he fills everything with color.


Watercolor technique

In modern makeup, clear pencil lines are used less and less. The watercolor technique does not involve brightly defined boundaries, making the result look as natural as possible. And if you use muted shades, then no one in life will tell you that you have a lip tattoo!


Light kajal

An interesting technique involves applying light highlights, which makeup artists usually finish with a white pencil. As a result, lips appear more tender and plump. But this requires an ideal form from nature.


Permanent lipstick

This technique involves completely filling the lips with color so that they appear brightly colored. Suitable for those who cannot go out without their favorite lipstick. But you need to choose the color carefully, because it will be difficult to paint over bright lips.


How long does a tattoo last, approximate prices

In beauty salon catalogs you can see chronologically taken photos of lip tattoos with shading, where you can see how the natural color changes over time towards less saturation.

On average, the pigment lasts at least 7-8 months, at most 3-4 years and depends on a number of factors:

  • Client's age . The older the woman, the less intensively her skin regenerates; therefore, the paint stays in the body longer than in a young girl.
  • Master's experience. Correctly selected technique, paint, its saturation, depth of punctures are the components that guarantee in this case a longer-lasting effect.
  • Skin condition and type. Dry skin retains color better; porous, loose, oily skin helps to knock out pigment from the epithelium.
  • The influence of ultraviolet radiation (sunlight) is detrimental to the acquired color, and it begins to “fading.”
  • Peeling in the lip area – can affect both the integrity of the contour and the color itself.

How much does the average consumer pay for a lip enhancement procedure? The price consists of several components: the confirmed education and qualifications of the artist, the chosen tattoo technique, compensation for the use of expensive equipment, the price of consumables, the cost of disinfection, sterilization, and of course, the status of the salon.

As a result, the prices are approximately the following:

  • Contour with shading (up to 1.5 mm) - RUB 3,800. – 8000 rub.
  • Contour with shading (2-3 mm) - RUB 3,500. – 6000 rub.
  • Lip contour - 4300 rubles - 8000 rubles.
  • Lip filling - 4300 rubles - 8000 rubles.

Saving time, natural lip color, always good photos - these are the bonuses of tattooing with shading, in which the price factor sometimes fades into the background.

According to statistics, the stronger half of humanity, first of all, evaluates the expressiveness of the lips of a new acquaintance. Knowing this, women are ready to make sacrifices for the sake of beauty. But to ensure that these sacrifices do not exceed reasonable limits, when deciding to do permanent makeup, you need to make inquiries and listen to reviews about the chosen beauty salon.

You should also obtain confirmation of the qualifications of the craftsmen working there, ask what kind of paints they use (paints produced in the USA and Germany are considered to be of higher quality, resistant and hypoallergenic) and how modern the equipment and techniques are.

Stages of permanent lip makeup

During the preparatory stage, prevention of herpes is definitely necessary, even for those girls who have never seen it in their lives. And in a couple of days, give up solarium, sunbathing, alcohol and any potential irritants.

During the procedure, the master will draw an outline, apply a sketch and select shades. You can use a pain reliever if you wish, but some professionals do not recommend it because your skin may react differently. First they do the contour, and only then the shading. On average, a session takes up to 3 hours, depending on the complexity and technique.


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Micropigmentation: preparation, implementation and care

The procedure consists of two main stages:

  1. Preparation. It consists in the fact that 3 days before the scheduled date of tattooing, the girl must take medications to prevent herpes. It won't hurt to use antiherpetic ointment.
  2. Procedure. It begins with the master and client choosing the color and shape they want to achieve. Then, using a very thin needle, the master makes a basting line. This is necessary in order to fix the contours of the lips. Then the master changes the needle to a thick one and performs the “final” contour. It is very important that it seems to blur. If a woman only wants to change or make the contour clearer, then the procedure ends for her. If the client wants to get a full tattoo, then not only the contour, but also the entire surface of the lips is worked out. This technique is called shading. You need to be prepared for the fact that the procedure is somewhat painful. Of course, the master uses local anesthesia, but it will not completely remove the unpleasant sensations. The dyes are non-toxic and organic in nature. The master introduces them into the upper layer of the epidermis.

After the master has worked the entire surface of the skin, he applies a medicinal ointment to it and leaves it for 15 minutes, after which he removes the remnants with a napkin. After this, a balm or oil is applied to the lips to promote healing. A woman should be mentally prepared for the fact that her lips will appear very large for the first 6 hours. Once the swelling goes down, everything will look much better. However, you will need to wait another 1 month before the final beautiful result. The first days after the procedure, the lips will be covered with a crust and will look very bright. Within 7 days, the crust will peel off and come off completely, but in its place a film will remain, which will also peel off over the course of 14 days. And only after this time will the woman finally see the long-awaited result. Typically, tattooing lasts from 2 to 3 years, although in some cases it can last up to 5 years.

Lip care

After permanent lip makeup and until healing, you need to avoid sun, scrubs and other aggressive influences. You cannot use decorative cosmetics or touch your lips with your hands. For the first couple of days, it is better to stay at home and periodically wipe the damaged skin with chlorhexidine and lubricate it with healing ointment. Recommendations from experts may vary, because each situation is individual.


Post-procedure care

During the first few days after visiting the specialist, the skin exposed to pigment needs special care. For several hours after the tattoo is completed, your lips may be slightly swollen and red, but these problems should disappear after 5-8 hours. It is necessary to take care of your skin immediately, avoiding any unpleasant sensations.

In the first 24 hours, drops of liquid may appear on the surface of the lips; they must be removed with a napkin using light wiping movements. The fabric must first be moistened with a small amount of chlorhexedine.

Then the skin will be covered with a rather dense crust, which you cannot remove from the skin yourself. If there is a strong feeling of tightness and dryness, the surface of such a crust can be lubricated with a special ointment, which should be recommended by the tattoo artist. Simultaneous healing of the surface of the epidermis and elimination of unpleasant sensations will occur.

During the first three days, you need to avoid severe frosts and winds, and also try to contact your lips with water as little as possible. Liquids should only be drunk through a straw, avoiding very hot drinks.

In the next 14 days you cannot visit the pool, sauna or solarium. And if the procedure was performed in the summer, then for 21 days before going outside you need to generously apply a layer of sunscreen to your lips.

On average, the surface of the lips completely heals and is restored 30 days after permanent makeup is applied.

How do lips heal after tattooing?

The lips heal very quickly, but the result can be fully appreciated no earlier than in a month. The first days they seem too bright and swollen. By the third day, the swelling subsides and crusts begin to form. They should not be scratched, torn off or touched with hands - this will ruin the result. Usually the crusts finally disappear after about a week, and the color becomes paler.


Choosing a lip tattoo color based on your skin tone

What else should you consider to choose the perfect lip tattoo shade? Narrowing down your choice of tattoo color.

Dark skin

The choice of tattoos and lip colors for brunettes is the largest. Literally all shades will suit these girls. Coral color or pigments with an orange element to create bright shades are ideal for lip tattooing. Stay away from chalky flowers or those with too much white.

Very pale skin

If you have very pale skin, it is better to choose a beige lip tattoo. Consider peachy shades that can be layered over nude gloss for the perfect daytime look. Brown or burgundy lip tattoos probably won't suit you as they will contrast too much with your pale skin.

Flesh tones

If your complexion is neither olive nor pale, then a red lip tattoo is ideal for you. Warm and brown shades also look great on you, but stay away from dark lip tattoos if you don't want to look too yellow.

Do permanent lip makeup need correction?

The first correction is made 1-1.5 months after the procedure, when the final result is already clearly visible. The master corrects minor defects, adjusts the shade, and takes into account wishes. In the future, corrections are made as the pigment fades, approximately once every 1-1.5 years. Repeated procedures are often easier, faster and cheaper if done on time!


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Rules for selecting pigment

To choose the right pigment for lip tattooing, you must take the help of a specialist..

Only an experienced cosmetologist is able to weigh all aspects of the client’s appearance, and then, using computer modeling, choose a shade that will satisfy both.

Pigment palette

Note! Even an ideally chosen shade has the property of losing brightness, which occurs about a month after the manipulation. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend repeating the procedure after some time.

When selecting a coloring pigment, it makes sense to refer to the type of appearance of the girl, for example:

  • blondes with platinum hair should choose only cool tones of pigment;
  • those with golden skin tones should choose warm paint tones;
  • in the case where only lip contour tattooing is done, it makes sense to choose a shade one tone darker than natural, otherwise the transition will be too noticeable to the eye.

The palette of pigment shades is quite large , which is why it is worth choosing the appropriate tone wisely and leisurely. If you want to radically change your appearance, you should not take the most extravagant pigment.

It will be enough to try the same color in an ordinary lipstick to decide whether you are ready to wear it all the time.

In general, it is customary to divide the colors of pigments for lip contour makeup into two types:

  • natural pigments: they are natural and closely match real shades;
  • decorative pigments: their colors resemble the shades of traditional lipstick, they can vary from soft pink to deep burgundy.

Today, fashion trends encourage girls to focus on naturalness, so dark shades are practically not used . Having made a tattoo in soft colors, a woman has the opportunity at any time to change the shade of her lips using lipstick to a darker and brighter one.

Is it possible to remove permanent lip makeup?

It is possible to get rid of permanent makeup, but the process is very long. You will either have to wait for the pigment to fade on its own, or use laser removal. Laser is more effective, but several painful procedures will be required. Although there is a plus - it is usually easier to remove permanent on the lips than on other areas.


What pigments are used

How organically new lips will fit into a woman’s image depends on what pigments will be used for contour lip makeup. The fact is that both mineral and organic substances are used as components of paints.

For example, only
manufacturers of high-quality paints can afford to use iron oxide pigments in the production , which is responsible for the appearance of the required shade of pink on the lips and guarantees the absence of blue tones.

It’s better to purchase the highest quality paints from American manufacturers

Pigments are produced in different countries, among which Korea, Taiwan, and China are increasingly common. Do not be tempted by their low price; it is better to purchase the highest quality paints from American manufacturers. Having spent a little more money, a woman will be calm about the quality of the tattoo being created.

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There are often cases when cheap analogues of pigments caused persistent allergic reactions in the fair sex and forced them to give up any type of makeup for a long time.

Contraindications to permanent makeup

Lip tattooing should not be done in case of acute inflammation, viral or fungal infections, or malignant tumors. Contraindications are epilepsy, some blood pathologies and a tendency to form keloid scars. It is better to postpone the procedure during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If in doubt, we recommend consulting with your doctor.

Keep in mind that the result of permanent makeup is not always predictable. Too much depends on the individual reaction of the skin, especially to pigments in red and pink shades. To at least make sure there is no allergy, they first do a small test!


Healing and correction of tattoos

Healing time lasts from 3 to 7 days. Swelling may last 2-3 days.

In the first days, the injured area may become wet; it must be carefully soaked with a napkin soaked in 0.01% miramistin or its substitute - crusts will form.

After the surface of the lips has healed, after about 2-3 weeks, experts recommend undergoing correction. Healed skin will reveal all the weak points of the tattoo: insufficient color, whitish spots from the pigment that has come off along with the crusts, an individual local reaction in which the pigment has not taken root. The master will carry out “restorative” work on color and contour.

The price of this procedure is either included in advance in the cost of the main tattoo or is no more than 10% of its cost and is paid separately. Correction allows you to enjoy your renewed lips longer and significantly extend the life of permanent makeup.

Permanent lip makeup – before and after photos

If you still doubt whether you need a lip tattoo, or don’t fully understand what it looks like, take a look at this selection of before and after works!


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Permanent tattooing of eyes and lips comes in a variety of types and purposes. Sometimes it is done to always be in shape and save time on applying makeup; in some cases, these techniques are used to correct natural imperfections or hide scars.

Watercolor lip tattoo

There are the following types of lip tattoo:

  1. Drawing the outline. This is the most popular permanent makeup. Here only the outer line is outlined, and the inner space is not filled. Thanks to this approach, you can be ready to apply makeup at any time, while still looking “made up.” The technique is practical, but can be a hassle if you want to try a new lipstick color;
  2. 3D tattooing is suitable for changing the volume of the lips - they visually become larger, while the shades are corrected. A very convenient option for those who have this part of their face that is naturally expressionless. Here the contour is painted, and the folds are drawn with dark strokes, after which the master shades it with a lighter shade. Due to this work, the lips visually look more sensual;
  3. Shading or monochrome. Very similar to eyebrow tattooing, except for the place of use and palette. The work is done with a wide needle-brush (relatively thin needle for contour). The outline is drawn according to the client's wishes. The pigment is driven under the skin evenly over the entire area of ​​the lips, the folds must be worked out to achieve the effect of uniform shading;
  4. Pigmentation. This is probably the most natural version of tattooing, which involves correction of lip color. Sometimes they are too light relative to the skin of the face, which is why they look faded and even age. You can get rid of this problem by regularly using lipsticks and glosses, or simply do permanent makeup;
  5. Watercolor. A special feature of the procedure is the filigree work of the master. This is the most natural type of tattoo; it looks very natural due to a special application technique. Pigment is driven into the folds with thin small strokes, but, unlike 3D, the work is done with only one color, without transition;
  6. Ombre. The newest, and currently popular, type of lip tattoo. It can only be performed by a professional master, since the work requires not only clear movements, but also the master’s experience as a color corrector. The ombre technique involves gradual lightening from the contour to the middle of the folds. If you choose the right contour shades and transition lines, your lips will immediately become visually enlarged, they will become plumper and more stylish.

Is it painful to get a lip tattoo? Yes, that’s why the doctor always offers anesthesia before the session. These can be injections - they are more effective (injected into the gums) or lidocaine-based ointments. If you choose Emla and other anesthetics as pain relief, the tattooing process will be more unpleasant than painful. If there are injections, then you won’t even feel anything.

Average price for tattoo: ombre for lips – 300 USD. e., watercolor – 150, pigmentation – 120, correction – $50.

Video: instructions on how to do lip tattooing

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