Acid peeling for the face: reviews, before and after photos

Chemical facial cleansing is one of the most popular types of such cosmetic procedures. It is highly valued for its ability to prevent acne even in the problematic adolescence, which is accompanied by hormonal changes.

The manipulation copes well with the first signs of aging, and also removes traces of inflammation. The measure even works in the long term, reducing the areas affected by skin imperfections, eliminating them almost completely over time.

Various recipes are aimed at deep cleansing contaminated skin. So that every patient can leave the beauty salon completely satisfied, doctors have developed several types of such chemical intervention. They are tailored to the needs of people of different ages and skin types. According to reviews, the first result can be seen immediately after completion of the procedure. The visual changes will please even those who have not previously sought professional cosmetology help.

What it is

Many people have probably heard rave reviews about acid peeling for the face. But not everyone was interested in what this procedure was. What is it? Acid peeling is a cosmetic procedure that uses certain acids of varying concentrations. Here a lot depends on what effect will be on the skin. It varies not only in strength, but also in depth. After all, there are several types of acid peeling.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, experts recommend carrying out the procedure under the strict supervision of professional cosmetologists. After all, if you handle acids incorrectly, you can get burns. It is for this reason that you should not perform acid peeling for the face at home without consulting a specialist.

Types of objectively possible complications

Exfoliation is a structurally complex cosmetic procedure, the coordinated course of which entirely depends on many objective and subjective determining factors. The thin skin is potentially vulnerable and exposed to various influences from the external environment, the impact of which often greatly increases the objective possibility of secondary complications.

  1. Relatively long-lasting redness of the skin caused in a particular patient by an individual ambiguous reaction to acid. The obvious reason may be the proximity of blood vessels or rosacea.
  2. Rash accompanied by unusually severe itching, which indicates an allergic reaction of the body to the acid.
  3. Extensive mottling of the affected skin, which can suddenly occur due to excessive chemical exposure to the skin and will directly lead to a significant reduction in melanocytes. The cause may also be the possible influence of ultraviolet rays from the sun.

    When peeling the face, a large number of spots may form on the body.

  4. Significant activation of subsequent secretions of the sebaceous glands. This may lead to an increase in acne.
  5. An individual manifestation of herpes that previously existed in the body, with a pronounced weakening of the immune system.

How does the procedure affect the condition of the skin?

How does acid peeling for the face work? Reviews, photos before and after the procedure do not provide an accurate explanation. Therefore, the issue is worth considering in more detail. The principle of the procedure is to injure tissue by causing burns to certain layers of the skin. As a result, regeneration processes are activated in the body.

At first glance, this method may seem cruel. However, thanks to the procedure, youth can be restored. Acid peeling can eliminate minor wrinkles, give the skin a healthy tone, and also get rid of scars that have arisen as a result of removing blackheads or acne.

The structure of the skin

To understand how acid peeling works, it is worth considering the structure of the skin. For what? Because each substance affects a specific layer of the skin. They act on tissues with different forces. So, the skin consists of three layers:

  1. Epidermis is the top layer. It is in it that the processes of renewal and development of epithelial cells take place. In addition, it protects tissues from the influence of external negative factors. The epidermis is affected by the active components of various creams and other cosmetic compositions intended for skin care.
  2. The dermis is the layer located below the epidermis. A basal dividing membrane is provided between them. The dermis consists of the reticular and papillary layers. The first of them contains most of the collagen fibers. The condition of the skin depends on the condition of the reticular layer of the dermis.
  3. Hypodermis is adipose tissue, or subcutaneous tissue. It is located under the dermis layer. The hypodermis takes part in the processes of thermoregulation of the whole organism. This is where nutrients and water accumulate.

As mentioned above, acid peeling affects certain layers of the skin. It all depends on the active components included in the product. Therefore, a cosmetologist should select medications for the procedure. In this case, much depends on the condition of the patient’s skin. At home, acid peeling for the face can be carried out using only those products that affect the outer layer - the epidermis.

Rehabilitation progress

Since each type of chemical exposure has its own rehabilitation period, which also varies significantly due to the characteristics of the patient’s skin, no one can name the exact recovery time.

The easiest way for healing to occur is by superficial cleansing of the dermis, which will take approximately three days. But recovery with the average technique can take almost a month.

To consolidate the results obtained, as well as to avoid possible complications such as a not very pleasant appearance in the first days, experts recommend adhering to medical recommendations. The cosmetologist will definitely recommend a suitable moisturizing or nourishing cream that can sufficiently saturate the damaged dermis with useful substances and moisture.

An excellent solution to the problem is to use thermal water. If you use it on a regular basis, you will be able to avoid swelling and provide sufficient hydration.

It is also worth refusing to independently remove manifestations of skin peeling, waiting for the natural completion of the process. You'll have to put off going to the solarium and tanning under the sun's rays. You will need to avoid saunas, baths and other rooms where an atmosphere of high humidity and high air temperature is maintained.

How deeply does it affect

Assessing the effect of the procedure is not so difficult. Just look at the photos before and after acid facial peeling. Reviews for many patients are an undeniable argument. In them, many point out that this procedure allows you to get rid of many problems. But again, a lot depends on the depth of exposure of the active components. To get the desired result, it is necessary to correctly calculate the concentration of substances, as well as determine their type. Acid peeling can be of several types:

  1. Surface. This acid peeling for the face, according to patient reviews, is carried out using weak acids. Cosmetologists themselves point to this. In this case, different concentrations of active components can be used. The duration of the procedure also depends on many factors. All this affects the final result: the epidermis will be partially or completely removed.
  2. For medium layers of skin. When carrying out such a procedure, both the epidermis and the dermis are affected. The result is noticeable rejuvenation. Often, retinoic acid or TCA (trichloroacetic acid) is used for such acid peels.
  3. Deep. This procedure should be carried out exclusively in a medical facility. After all, such acid peeling is considered a surgical intervention. The active components are able to act on the hypodermis and remove scars formed after acne and acne. The main ingredient of the composition is phenol.

Now you know the main types of acid peels for the face.

Attention! Using products with highly concentrated acids at home is strictly prohibited. Such a procedure should only be carried out by a highly qualified specialist. Otherwise, you may get a serious chemical burn.

Step by step diagram

The doctor will definitely warn the patient that the superficial type of procedure is carried out in a course. Usually three to five sessions are enough, depending on the specific skin type and related problems. But for the middle or deep analogue, one visit to a specialist is quite enough, but rehabilitation will stretch over a longer period with many recommendations for auxiliary care.

Regardless of the chosen type of cleaning, the expert must adhere to two-step instructions to implement the plan:

  • Preparation;
  • direct cleaning.

The first point implies the need to prepare the future work front for the application of concentrated acid. To do this, you will have to apply creams with a low content of the chosen acid for some time so that the dermis has time to get used to the principle of its effect.

Only after completing the previous stage is it possible to proceed to the main part of the plan. First, the master will perform preliminary degreasing to increase the effectiveness of the measure. Next, an acid mask is applied to particularly problematic areas.

Depending on the spectrum of action of the acid, exposure on the face will vary in time from three minutes to twenty. The final step involves neutralizing the active composition.

In order for the patient to quickly evaluate the result, it will be necessary to apply auxiliary moisturizing and nourishing medications, based on the problems of a particular person.

Is there a difference?

Judging by the reviews of acid peeling for the face, not everyone understands the difference between the active components of the products. To answer this question, it is worth understanding what components are used when carrying out such a procedure:

  1. Fruit acid is the weakest of the acids. It is used for mild age-related changes. The component is suitable for use at home. Most often, sugar, cane, mangrove or grape acid is used for acid peeling. Such substances can restore skin tone, elasticity and firmness.
  2. Mandelic acid is an acid used for antibacterial treatment of fabrics. It makes small scars from acne or blackheads almost invisible.
  3. Salicylic acid is an acid that can be used by those with dark skin. The component is also suitable for patients suffering from seborrhea, acne and hyperpigmentation.
  4. Lactic acid is an acid that promotes skin rejuvenation. It makes it tender and softer.
  5. Retinoic acid is an acid that has a pronounced effect and is used in cosmetology clinics. The concentration of the component and the degree of burn depend on the age of the patient.
  6. Glycolic acid is ideal for targeting the top layer of skin. The component cleanses well, eliminates sebaceous accumulations and dirt plugs, and also gets rid of stains and rashes. The face after acid peeling using this substance looks fresher and younger.

The type and concentration of acid, as well as the duration of its exposure, are selected individually for each patient.

Main indications

Depending on what specific cleaning configuration was chosen by the attending physician, the scope of work will be determined. And although each of the presented categories has its own medical indications, experts have compiled a general list of possible reasons for seeking help. This is about:

  • excessive oiliness of the skin;
  • abundant secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  • enlarged pores;
  • increased pigmentation;
  • wrinkles and wrinkled folds;
  • grayish complexion;
  • single pimples and acne;
  • inflammation of varying degrees of coverage.

The procedure even helps to cope with the consequences of acne, which is typical for people who, as teenagers, did not want or could not seek help from a doctor. Even uneven skin texture can be leveled out if you choose the appropriate cleansing option followed by proper care.

Due to the fact that chemical peeling is allowed for patients over 16 years of age, the technique is in consistently high demand. Visitors especially appreciate the preventive purposes of the method, which will help maintain skin condition at a good level.

Stages of the procedure

Judging by the reviews, acid peeling for the face allows you to get rid of many problems associated with the condition of the skin. It remains to consider the main stages of such a procedure:

  1. Cleansing. It is necessary to remove residual cosmetics from the surface of the skin, as well as remove greasy deposits. To do this, use tonics without fragrances, dyes and fatty oils.
  2. Application of the product. At this stage, an individually selected peeling composition is applied to the patient’s skin.
  3. Withdrawal. After some time (the duration of the procedure is determined by the cosmetologist), it is necessary to wash off the peeling with water. In this case, do not allow the composition to come into contact with the surface of the lips, eyes or mucous membranes of the nose and mouth.
  4. Use of care products. After the procedure, it is necessary to apply a special cream to the skin of the face, designed to protect the tissues from drying out. This will speed up the healing process.

Violation of the sequence or neglect of the rules can lead to a chemical burn or lack of results.

Skin care after acid peeling

Since acid peeling increases the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet rays, you should take care of your skin during the recovery period. And even if the weather is cloudy outside, it is better to play it safe by using sunscreen for one week after the acid peeling procedure. If you don't want to use sunscreen, you can use your day cream or special skin care products after peeling. It is not recommended to go on vacation immediately after peeling. Just give your skin the opportunity to have a good rest and recovery.

Any peeling, even the most gentle one, causes considerable stress for the skin, especially for the facial skin. That is why you should take pity on your facial skin and stop all possible exposure to cosmetics containing alcohol while it is recovering.

Remember that during this period, your facial skin will benefit from products based on plant extracts of medicinal herbs or micellar water. That is, cleansing should be gentle and not traumatic to already weakened skin.

You can support your facial skin by using moisturizers with hyaluronic acid, vitamins and natural oils.

You can overcome skin irritation resulting from an acid peeling procedure by choosing the appropriate care product.

Is restoration required?

Even when using acid peeling for the face from Israel, a long rehabilitation period is required. Its duration depends on the degree of exposure of the substances to the tissue. Recovery may take 7-14 days. Much depends on the physiological abilities of the body. After all, for some, the skin recovers faster, and the regeneration process can take no more than 7 days. For some, this period takes more than two weeks. However, despite this, each patient must comply with the following instructions:

  • The use of ointments and creams that can speed up the healing process. It could be Solcoseryl or Bepanten.
  • Complete refusal to visit saunas and baths.
  • Protecting tissues from accidental injuries.
  • Protection from low temperatures.
  • Refusal to use aggressive facial cleansers.

You should take care of your skin after the procedure in the same way as after receiving a burn.

When to give up

Acid peeling is a complex procedure. Therefore, before carrying out it, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications. The procedure is prohibited:

  • in case of individual intolerance to any of the components of the composition;
  • for allergies;
  • with acute herpes;
  • in the presence of keloid scars;
  • during lactation and pregnancy.

Acid peeling should only be performed from November to March. In warm weather, such a procedure can cause the development of irreversible processes in the layers of the skin. Therefore, during active sun exposure, peeling using acidic compounds is strictly prohibited.

Hydra Sparkling One-minute Glow Powder Daily Micropeeling

The product was developed by Givenchy.
The most interesting thing is that it comes in powder form. Its texture resembles powder. Upon contact with water, it begins to dissolve and turn into a foam that is pleasant to the touch. Each particle of such powder is a microgranule, which consists of active components: hyaluronic, glycolic and salicylic acid, hydrolyzed protein. According to reviews, this composition is consumed sparingly and is intended for daily use. This peeling is ideal for sensitive skin. How to use it? It is necessary to pour a little powder into the palm of your hand, dilute with water, and then apply to the skin of the face, while making massaging movements with your fingertips. After 1 minute, the product should be washed off with water. As a result, the skin becomes smooth and radiant, and the pores are cleared of oil and dirt.

The cost of one container of powder is 2990 rubles.

Seven ways to use citric acid in cooking

1. For preserving vegetables.

Citric acid is added at the very end, before pouring the marinade into the jar. For 1 liter usually add ¼ teaspoon. Compared to vinegar, citric acid gives the marinade a milder taste.

2. For preparing compotes.

The antiseptic properties of citric acid help prevent fermentation. It is added along with sugar during cooking or into a jar of ready-made compote before closing.

3. Marinade for meat.

Add ¼ teaspoon per kilogram of meat when marinating shish kebab, and the beef or lamb will become soft, and the finished dish will have a pleasant flavor.

4. Homemade mayonnaise.

Citric acid is an excellent substitute for vinegar when making mayonnaise and other homemade sauces. It is usually added at the rate of 1 gram per 1 liter.

5. For baking.

Buns and biscuits will become fluffier and have a pleasant citrus flavor.

6. For desserts.

Citric acid is added to glaze or cream to add sourness and eliminate cloying.

7. Seasoning for borscht.

A pinch of citric acid will help the borscht retain its bright, rich color, acidify it, and at the same time not add an unnecessary smell, as vinegar can do.

Do not forget to be careful: this is indeed an acid, which, if in too high a concentration in dry or diluted form, can cause a burn to the mucous membrane.


Ultra Gentle Exfoliating Gel

Our list of the best acid peels for the face includes Ultra Gentle Exfoliating Gel.
It is produced by Ultraceuticals. Its cost is 5040 rubles. The gel itself is considered multifunctional. It can be used to tighten pores, cleanse them, and moisturize the skin. The gel contains salicylic and lactic acid. Moreover, the product does not contain abrasive particles. When applied, microspheres are felt that cleanse the skin without damaging the outer layer. The peeling does not dry out, but gently exfoliates.

It is worth noting that it contains glycerin, bisabolol, intended to relieve inflammation, and eucalyptus oil, which is excellent disarming. The gel is suitable for all skin types, especially those prone to inflammation and oily sheen. This composition can be used 1-4 times every 7 days, but experts recommend carrying out the procedure no more than 3 times a week.

Patient reviews

Marina, 24 years old I like acid peels, but after them my face peels off for about 3 days. I don’t know about wrinkles - I don’t need to fight them yet. The pores are noticeably smaller, the overall face looks fresher and the color improves.

Aliana, 36 years old Facial peeling with fruit acids evens out the color well, I’ve been convinced myself more than once. I went to the salon for 3 sessions, 2 weeks apart. There is an effect.

Daria, 41 years old I decided to buy an acidic glycolic peeling - it didn’t suit me. After 3 days, the skin began to peel off in scales. To complete the course, you need to do it 4 times with a break of 1.5-2 weeks. Those. You will have to forget about tanning and smooth skin for a long time. I'm not ready for such sacrifices. I didn’t notice any super effect. The rashes on the forehead and marks from old acne did not go away from the acid peeling. The pores narrowed a little, but then they returned. I won't repeat it again. Fraxel is better, although it is more expensive, it gives a guaranteed effect.

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