How to apply and how long to keep a black mask on your face

Every day queries are entered into search engines about how to apply a black mask to the face while achieving the best results. There is a lot of talk about the miraculous effect of its use. Therefore, questions about how to use it correctly are quite natural.

to get rid of blackheads, sebaceous plugs, inflammation, the visible result will be after the first use - keep the mask on the face for about 30 minutes. With regular use, problem skin conditions improve significantly.

When using the original Black Mask, after removing it, you will see remnants of sebum and other impurities on its inner side. It's quite an impressive sight.

Formula, composition and components of the black mask

The main active ingredient of Black Mask is activated charcoal made from bamboo. The American-made product also contains wheat germ, vitamin B5, glycerin, propylene glycol, squalane, panthenol, collagen, grapefruit oil, and flavoring. Collagen is responsible for film formation.

Bamboo charcoal

This is not the only product option on the market. There is also Black Mask made in China, Korea and Russia. They are united by the main active component - activated carbon, and the film form, which is obtained due to the presence of collagen in the composition . The remaining ingredients make the film softer, nourish the skin, help cleanse it deeper, and can vary in different mask recipes.

The product may also contain:

  • oat extract,
  • calendula extract,
  • bead extract,
  • vitamins,
  • sugar and other additives.

Because of their color, “black masks” are also called other masks that are also used to cleanse pores - masks made from cosmetic clay or natural healing mud. They do not turn into film, but they are also effective, have a milder effect, and their operating principle is different.

You may find this article useful: How to make a Black mask


You can purchase a black mask on our portal. The whole procedure consists of several stages:

  1. You fill out a special form and submit your application.
  2. The manager will contact you. He confirms the order and clarifies some data.
  3. The goods are delivered to the client. The process takes a minimum amount of time, it all depends on the region.

Always buy Black Mask only on the official portal, beware of fakes and carefully study reviews from people and doctors! Our website presents exclusively original products and you will be sure of their high quality. Customers are offered attractive prices for black masks; you can purchase goods on favorable terms!

How long should you keep a black mask on your face?

According to the instructions on the Black Mask packaging, the mask should be left on the skin for 20-25 minutes until it turns into an elastic film . The drying time of the mask may vary for various reasons, including the thickness of the layer or air humidity.

The mask should dry and turn from a thick jelly-like mass into a film, but not harden

If you do not allow the mask to harden, the cleansing effect will be much less. It is to the resulting film that dead skin particles and impurities from the pores stick. Allowing the mask to completely harden will make it more difficult to remove. As a result, you can injure your skin.

You need to remove the mask gradually for better cleansing.

The result can be seen immediately after removal. The skin becomes softer and smoother, the number of comedones (blackheads) decreases , sometimes you can see sebaceous plugs popping out of the pores on the film. A lasting effect will occur after about a month of regular use of the product.

Benefits and contraindications

The mask is quite a powerful product, designed mainly to combat acne on oily and combination skin. It is not suitable for those who have very sensitive and dry skin. To avoid an allergic reaction, apply a small amount of the black substance to the skin of your wrist or forearm before use. If within half an hour the skin becomes very red or irritated, you should categorically refuse to use the mask.

Particular attention to the mask should be paid to those women who, due to hormonal shifts, have hair growing on their facial skin or whose skin is covered with light fuzz. Like all film masks, it can promote rapid hair growth

Therefore, avoid applying it to the sideburns and around the lips, and it is better to use it exclusively for the so-called T-zone (forehead and nose area). For everyone else, a black mask for blackheads will return clean, fresh and rejuvenated skin.

How to use a mask correctly

For the perfect effect, manufacturers recommend a one-month cycle of 2-3 times a week. But here everyone must choose individually depending on the degree of contamination and skin type. For some, once a week will be enough, while others will need at least three.

  • Before starting, you need to wash your face thoroughly and, for better effect, open your skin pores with a steam bath. Pour boiled water into a bowl, you can add chamomile to it, tilt your head over the water, cover yourself with a towel and steam your face for at least 10 minutes. You can remove the towel every 5 minutes to breathe in oxygen.
  • Rinse and dry your face thoroughly, since the mask is applied to dry skin.
  • Apply the contents in a thick layer, using a special brush or finger, avoiding the area around the eyes and mouth.
  • Leave for 20 minutes, allowing the mask to turn into a film.
  • We remove the film, starting from the chin.
  • We wash ourselves again, preferably with cold water, to close the pores and apply moisturizer to the skin.
  • It is advisable to refrain from going outside for at least another hour.

What to do if black mask doesn’t help

This practically never happens, that is, improvements are noticeable after the first use. However, it should be kept in mind that the mask eliminates the consequences, not the causes. That is, if you get blackheads because you don't eat right, and some of the waste and toxins are removed through the skin, the mask will relieve you of acne for a while. But, since you have not eliminated the cause, they will appear again over time. Therefore, look for the cause, as soon as you can eliminate it, you will not need repeated courses of treatment with a black mask.

How to prepare the composition according to the recipe

At home, it is unlikely that you will be able to collect all the ingredients of the store-bought version of the product. But a mask made from charcoal and gelatin, which costs much less, has no worse effect.

It contains:

  • activated carbon - ordinary carbon in tablets, which is sold in any pharmacy, has an absorbent effect, that is, it collects all impurities from the surface of the skin and from the pores, reduces inflammation, prevents the appearance of pimples, dries, tightens pores;
  • gelatin is a product of collagen processing, responsible for creating a film, nourishes the skin, has a tonic, tightening and slight whitening effect;
  • milk - makes the mask softer, softens the skin, makes the complexion smoother, whitens the skin a little; without it, peeling may appear after using the mask.

It is important that all the ingredients in a homemade mask are fresh and of good quality. The coal should be easily crushed. The milk must be fresh. High-quality gelatin should not have a strong odor or a yellowish tint.

For a black film mask made of gelatin and charcoal you will need:

  • 1 tablet of activated carbon,
  • gelatin - 1 table. l.,
  • milk - 1 table. l. (you can use low-fat cream instead).

Components for a homemade cleansing mask
Prepare the mask as follows.

  1. The coal needs to be finely crushed and mixed with gelatin powder.
  2. Add milk and heat in the microwave (10-15 seconds) until the gelatin grains dissolve.
  3. After this, cool the mixture slightly and you can apply it. A homemade mask for cleansing pores on the face has a slightly different composition than a ready-made mixture from a popular manufacturer, so it is important to know how long you need to keep a black mask on your face if it consists of gelatin. This is about 10-15 minutes.

How to enhance the effect of the mask

You can enhance the effect of a mask, both store-bought and home-made, if you properly prepare your face.

You need to take a steam bath, preferably with chamomile infusion

The steam opens and expands the pores, so it will be easier for the mask to get into them, which means it will cleanse the skin more effectively.

Read an interesting article: Pore cleansing mask: benefits, recipe, how to use

How does cleansing happen?

As a rule, black masks are based on 3 active components that affect the cleansing process:

  1. Activated carbon. The absorbent properties of coal have been known since the dawn of mankind. Charcoal draws out dirt from pores and removes waste products and toxic substances from the skin, rejuvenating and making it healthier.
  2. Black clay. This type of clay has a very high degree of plasticity, thanks to which the black mask, after drying, can be removed in a single layer without having to wash it off. Clay attaches to dirt and binds it together as it dries. All that is required is to carefully separate the mask from the skin after drying the clay mass.
  3. Healing mud. Being a product of the vital activity of millions of microorganisms, therapeutic mud has nothing in common with ordinary mud. Healing mud tightens the skin of the face, blocks the development of inflammation and stimulates blood circulation.

Step-by-step instructions for applying the Black mask

Step 1. How to prepare your facial skin

The instructions for the Black Mask say that it will be enough to simply cleanse the skin of makeup and wash. However, the best effect will be if the skin is pre-steamed - then the pores will expand, the mask will better penetrate them and better cleanse them of sebaceous plugs and impurities. To do this, use a steam bath or hot towels.

For a steam bath you will need hot water or a decoction of herbs, such as chamomile..

  1. Boil 2 liters of water. If chamomile is used, then you need to add it to cold water in the amount of 2 tbsp.
  2. Place the pan on the table and sit down, leaning over it, at such a distance that it is not too hot. Cover yourself and the pan with a terry towel to prevent steam from escaping. The bath should be taken for 10-15 minutes.

Chamomile decoction is known for its medicinal qualities.
Before using a mask, it is not recommended to cleanse your face with scrubs - they injure the skin, and a film mask is already a fairly strong product in its effects.

Step 2. How to apply the mask

The mask is applied to the entire face or problem areas. It is recommended to first test its effect on the T-shaped zone . It should not be applied to damaged areas of the face, eyebrows, areas with hair, areas around the eyes with delicate thin skin, or around the mouth. The layer of the mask should be quite thick, so it will be easier to remove, but a thick layer will take longer to dry.

It is better to apply the mask not in one layer, but in several . The most important thing is that it penetrates into the pores; to do this, you need to apply it with driving movements with a brush or sponge. First apply the mask to the nose, then to the chin, and then to the rest of the face. While you are working on some areas, the mask on others will have time to dry a little, and the next layer can be applied to them.

You need to keep your face relaxed the entire time you keep the black mask on it. This will prevent the skin from stretching and wrinkles forming.

Step 3. Duration of the procedure

According to the instructions, Black Mask is applied for 20-25 minutes, but it can dry a little more or less, it depends on the thickness of the layer and air humidity. The black mask should be kept on the face as long as necessary to turn it into an elastic film.

Step 4. How best to remove the mask

To remove the mask, carefully pick up its edge and peel the film from the skin, going from bottom to top and holding the skin with your fingers. If the mask has dried out too much, you can moisten it a little with water . After using the mask, you need to wash your face with warm water to remove any remaining film and coal particles.

Step 5. How to enhance the effect of the Black Mask

To enhance the effect of the mask and better cleanse the pores, you can wipe your face with a cleansing lotion after removing it.

Find out about: How to use a Black face mask

Helpful tips for use

When using a black face mask, you should consider the following points:

  • Apply to well-cleaned skin; it’s even better to steam it first. You can use a light scrub. This will help cleanse skin pores more effectively.
  • For application, it is better to use a brush (which should be rinsed immediately) rather than smearing the product onto the skin with your hands.
  • Use only warm water to rinse. Leave contrast washes for another occasion.
  • Refuse to carry out the procedure if there is inflammation, damage, or unhealed wounds on the face.

Despite the absence of contraindications, first check whether the mask will cause an allergic reaction. The test is carried out on the elbow.

How to take care of your skin at first

After the mask, you must apply a suitable moisturizing or nourishing cream.

You can use an egg and lemon mask to tighten pores.

Take a teaspoon of lemon juice for one egg white, mix it all well, and then apply it to your face and leave it until dry. Then the mask should be washed off with cool water.

After the procedure, you should not go outside for several hours . There are no other skin care features after using the Black Mask.

Acne and pimples are a curse for the skin

According to medical terminology, beauty destroyers, blackheads or comedones, are essentially open pores tightly clogged with a mixture of fat and keratin. For those who don't know, keratin is a type of protein that has high mechanical strength. In our body it is part of nails and hair.

Many believe that the main reason for their appearance is insufficient facial skin hygiene. However, for the most part, dirt is not the main culprit. The appearance of acne can be caused by incorrectly selected cosmetics, external irritants, too fatty foods, liver diseases and, last but not least, hormones. They are the ones who provoke the formation of animal fat inside the pores. In turn, excess fat mixes with dead skin cells, and when exposed to air, this mixture oxidizes, acquiring a characteristic black color.

Knowing what acne is, it becomes clear why most remedies that promise magical healing turn out to be unable to cope with this scourge. Since the pores are clogged with a very strong and hard substance, it is not so much vitamins and moisturizers that are required, but physical strength that can pull them out without damaging healthy skin cells. And since squeezing out blackheads with your hands is strictly prohibited, in order not to introduce an infection, Asian manufacturers offer a mask that has the necessary mechanical strength that can literally cleanse the pores of blackheads.

Beneficial properties of cosmetic clay masks

This mask uses black cosmetic clay.

Ready-to-use clay mask

Its beneficial properties are varied:

  • it has an anti-inflammatory effect,
  • fights acne and its consequences,
  • reduces pores,
  • regulates sebum production,
  • has an antibacterial effect.

All this is achieved thanks to the minerals that are part of it: magnesium, calcium, quartz, iron, potassium, nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus and radium. This particular variety is recommended for use on oily and problem skin.

The simplest version of a clay mask is to mix it with boiled water in such proportions as to form a creamy mass that will stay on the face without running off. The clay mask can be supplemented with other ingredients: oils, cream, milk, decoctions of medicinal herbs.

But in this case, depending on the composition, it is also important to consider how long you need to keep such a black mask on your face so as not to damage the skin. The optimal time is 10-15 minutes. The clay should not dry out - if it is dry, you need to moisten it with water with a cotton swab or spray bottle.

The most effective recipe for a homemade black mask is a mixture of clay and coal . This recipe combines the cleansing properties of charcoal and clay.

For 1 tablet of coal you need to take 15 g of cosmetic clay. Mix crushed coal with clay, add water until a thick mass is obtained. Apply the mask with movements along the massage lines. This black mask should be kept on your face for the same amount of time as a clay mask - about 15 minutes.

Everything you need to know about the black face cleansing mask. Watch the video review:

Learn how to properly apply and remove Black Mask from this useful video:

Indications for use

Black Head mask is recommended for oily and problematic skin prone to comedones and acne. But its beneficial tonic effect makes it possible to use the mask for all skin types. You can use it for the following problems:

  • Severe acne.
  • A large number of comedones (blackheads).
  • Uneven skin surface, with a layer of keratinized particles.
  • Early aging skin.
  • Swelling and tired appearance.

ATTENTION! You should not use film-type masks if there are mechanical damage to the skin or open wounds on your face. The mask has a silky creamy texture

In addition to the main substances (water, polyvinyl alcohol, propylene glycol), it contains some active substances and trace elements. They make Pilaten products very effective:

The mask has a silky creamy texture. In addition to the main substances (water, polyvinyl alcohol, propylene glycol), it contains some active substances and trace elements. They make Pilaten products very effective:

  1. Bamboo activated carbon. It is this component that gives the Black Head mask a deep cleansing effect. Charcoal not only helps deep clean pores, it also has antioxidant and antitoxic effects.
  2. Sprouted wheat extract. Deeply nourishes the epidermis, accelerates the process of tissue regeneration. Normalizes blood flow in the upper layers of the skin. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and stimulates collagen production, which helps the dermis in the fight against aging.
  3. Grapefruit zest oil. Has a regenerative and brightening effect.
  4. Panthenol. Smoothes the surface of the skin, promotes the healing of microdamages.
  5. Collagen. Fills small wrinkles and defects, gives smoothness and retains moisture inside the skin.
  6. Glycerol. In the Black Head mask it is of plant origin. Reduces moisture loss, helps water penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis.

How to use, how it works, how many times a week you can do it

You cannot apply the application arbitrarily, since this is a medicinal product and too frequent procedures can only cause harm.

Cosmetologists recommend using cosmetic clay masks no more than once a week. If the skin is not too sensitive, then the number of procedures can be increased to two. To obtain a positive effect, the procedures should be taken in a course. After 10-12 masks, you need to give the dermis a rest for a while, and then carry out another course.

The application provides not only preliminary preparation of the face, but also subsequent care:

What products can be applied before

Before the procedure, the face should be prepared. You should remove all makeup and wash your face with baby soap or use an alcohol-free lotion. You can make a warm compress on the skin from a decoction of chamomile or celandine.

What products can be applied after

After the mask is washed off and all its components are completely removed, you can apply a light moisturizer to your face. Since masks are usually applied before bedtime, no other products are required.

If your face turns red after using clay

This reaction can be caused by various reasons. This is increased sensitivity to all ingredients of the application, application of the composition to dirty skin or irritation from mechanical particles.

If irritation occurs, you need to do an allergy test, properly prepare your face for the procedure and apply the composition more carefully.

How to store

If the mask includes dairy products or honey, then this composition cannot be stored and the mask is prepared for one time. Clay diluted with water can be stored in a cool place at any time. Simply add warm water to the dried mixture.

What time to apply?

When is the best time to apply a mask to your face? The answer to this question depends on the type and purpose of the product. Exfoliating and cleansing masks, films or with acids are best used after evening cleansing of the skin, at night. Such products remove dead cells, and the skin becomes vulnerable to environmental influences. It takes time to recover, but overnight is enough.

It is also advisable to apply restorative, regenerating and nourishing masks at night. During this time, the skin will get the maximum benefit from the product. Toning and refreshing masks, gels and patches should be applied in the morning or afternoon - they relieve puffiness after sleep, improve color and tone. Sedatives can be used as needed.

The main thing is to remember that after deeply cleansing and exfoliating masks, you should not go out into the sun without SPF. It is not advisable to be in the cold after using a gel mask. And if the skin is dry and flaky, you can’t wait until the evening and try to cover up the problems with foundation - you need to use nourishing formulations.

Why is the mask this color?

Nowadays, three types of black face masks are quite popular, containing: cosmetic clay (black only); Activated carbon; healing mud

The unusual thing about this mask is that it really has a black color, which is explained by the chemical composition of this cosmetic product.

Most often, black masks can contain one of three active ingredients, which have excellent skin cleansing properties, but they all have black pigment.

Now three types of black face masks are quite popular, containing: • cosmetic clay (black only); • Activated carbon; • healing mud.

All the components are well known to you, since they are quite often used in modern cosmetology specifically for the preparation of various masks. All these components are united not only by black color, but also by good cleansing properties. The main difference between black face masks is consistency. Strange as it may seem, the mud mask is considered the most pleasant; it is much softer and more flexible. This mask can be easily modeled with your hands and can be removed easily and without problems.

Clay masks are quite dense and heavy, and you will only get a feeling of lightness after removing it from your face.

Film masks containing activated carbon are the most effective, but they have disadvantages. They strongly tighten the skin, dry out very quickly, and when removing it from the skin, problems often arise, because... the composition adheres too tightly to the skin.

However, all the mentioned disadvantages of such masks pay off 100% due to their fantastic effectiveness.


Black mask for blackheads Black Mask is made in Brazil. Its main properties are to exfoliate, cleanse and rejuvenate the skin of a woman’s face.

Patients of any age can use Black Mask. Reviews from women indicate that this drug perfectly treats acne, comedones (blackheads), pimples and eliminates inflammatory processes of the skin. The charcoal film mask eliminates these diseases due to the fact that:

— activates metabolic processes in skin tissues; — nourishes epidermal cells with useful substances; — removes impurities and toxins from the skin; — deeply cleanses the epidermis; - tightens the oval of the face, eliminates its decrepitude and helps eliminate bruises under the eyes; - reduces inflammatory processes even in the deepest layers of the skin; - improves complexion, which becomes more fresh.

Advantages of a mask

The black mask-scrub from China consists of natural ingredients and does not contain genetically modified elements and esters for preserving the product (parabens).

The use of a mask leads to the following cosmetic effects:

  • effectively cleanses contaminated pores from sebaceous plugs, comedones, eliminates acne;
  • normalizes the excretory function of the sebaceous glands (reduces secretion production);
  • soothes the skin, reduces inflammation in the sebaceous ducts and adjacent tissues;
  • regenerates the skin (strengthens the epidermis);
  • activates the production of collagen fibers (increases skin elasticity and firmness);
  • slows down the process of skin aging, restores a healthy complexion.

Video about using a mask

Chinese black mask provides a comprehensive treatment for facial skin. The result of its use is comparable to expensive cosmetic programs for facial skin care. The advantage of Black Mask is its affordable price and lasting effect. You can order this unique product online directly in China through the Aliexpress trading platform.

Homemade mask recipes

If you have some free time, you can prepare the mask yourself. There are a huge number of recipes for preparing such a cosmetic product, and we hasten to introduce you to some of them.

Clay based masks

  • Classic recipe. Mix clay powder with water to form a paste-like mixture. It is better to add water gradually and mix the clay well each time.
  • Mask with mint added. Rinse mint leaves in water and grind in a blender. Mix a large spoon of black clay and the same amount of chopped mint. Bring the finished mixture to a paste-like consistency using lemon juice. This mask effectively cleanses and tones the skin, but you should not leave it on the skin for more than 15 minutes.

  • With a decoction of calendula. In a convenient bowl, mix a large spoon of clay, 5 g of vegetable oil and stir until a homogeneous thick mass is obtained. Then dilute the mixture to the desired consistency, adding pre-prepared calendula decoction.
  • With the addition of honey and aloe juice. To prepare such a remedy, you need to mix the following components in a convenient container: a large spoon of clay, a small spoon of applesauce, 50-70 g of liquid honey and a tablespoon of aloe juice.

Mud based

  • You can use the classic recipe and dilute 2 large spoons of powder with a small amount of water to obtain a paste-like mixture. Everything is very simple, and most importantly, effective and efficient.
  • With the addition of a decoction of herbs. First you need to take 1 tsp. chamomile flowers and mint leaves. Mix dry herbs, take a little collection and prepare a small amount of decoction. Then take 2 large spoons of mud powder and bring it to the desired consistency using a warm herbal decoction.

  • With milk. Another simple option for preparing a mask. As in the classic recipe, you need to take 2 tbsp. mud powder and add a little milk to end up with a thick consistency of the cosmetic product.
  • With the addition of sea buckthorn oil. Pre-grind 1 tsp. chamomile flowers, mix with the same amount of black mud and warm sea buckthorn oil.

Based on activated carbon

  • The simplest preparation of such a cosmetic product is to grind and mix 3-5 tablets of activated carbon with a small amount of warm water and milk to end up with a thick mass. It is initially better to apply the mask to the T-zone area, especially if you have combination skin and less oily skin on your cheeks.
  • Another common option is a gelatin mask. Heat 2 tsp. milk, add 0.5−1 tsp. gelatin and stir until it dissolves. Then add one crushed tablet of activated carbon and mix again. The prepared mixture should sit for 10 minutes and then you can begin the procedure.

  • Combined mask. To prepare it you will need 1 tablet of activated carbon and one small spoon of black clay. Grind the coal and add to the clay. Then take a tablespoon of milk, heat it, add a teaspoon of gelatin and stir until it dissolves. It is better to add gelatin little by little, if during the mixing process it no longer dissolves in milk, you should not add more, you have a ready-made concentrated solution. Next, add this solution to the powder, mix well and leave for 10-15 minutes for the mixture to cool.
  • Mask with yogurt. Take 2 tbsp. l. plain yogurt without additives or colorings (you can use homemade), add 1 crushed charcoal tablet and a small spoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. The mask is ready for use.

Photos before and after using a mask with gelatin and activated carbon

The photo shows very clearly what the skin on your face was like before and after using a homemade black mask. On the strip itself you can see everything that was in the clogged pores. Beauty and the struggle for it – that’s what you can see in these photos.

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