It's time, it's time, let's rejoice: the best products for narrowing pores

Enlarged pores lead to contamination, inflammation, and acne. To reduce them, there are many available products that can be purchased at your nearest pharmacy.

Owners of oily and combination skin types are faced with the problem of increased sebum secretion, the formation of comedones, and blackheads. The most common reasons are the following factors:

  • Hormonal changes, disruptions;
  • Incorrect or insufficient cleansing;
  • UV radiation;
  • Dehydration;
  • Wrong diet, diet;
  • Smoking;
  • Consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • Using low-quality cosmetics.

Thanks to affordable products for narrowing pores on the face, sold in pharmacies, the fight against them will be even more effective.

Why are enlarged pores dangerous?

The most common cosmetic imperfections are:

  • Increased sebum secretion of the skin;
  • Bacterial growth;
  • Provoking inflammatory processes;
  • Oily sheen;
  • Rashes;
  • The appearance of blackheads;
  • Unhealthy color;
  • Uneven tone.

With regular high-quality care using cosmetics to narrow the pores on the face, it will be healthy, fresh, with an even tone.

Features of caring for a problem face

It is important to cleanse your skin regularly, especially oily skin, which requires cleansing at least three times a day. You can simply rinse with water, but to remove makeup it is better to use special gels, foams, and milk.

Once or twice a week you need to use scrubs and caring masks. It is important to choose the right pore-narrowing product on the face, since enlarged pores should not be over-dry. This will lead to even more increased sebum secretion. Problem areas need to be sufficiently moisturized and nourished.

In the morning, be sure to wash your face with water, wipe your face with an ice cube, or rinse with special herbal decoctions.

In addition, you need:

  • Do not leave makeup unwashed overnight;
  • Wash off decorative cosmetics using special cleansers;
  • Use toner after washing;
  • Apply scrub once a week;
  • Nourish, moisturize with creams;
  • Use cosmetics to reduce pores on the face;
  • Eliminate or minimize the use of alcohol-containing products;
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables;
  • Drink two liters of water per day.

Under no circumstances should you squeeze pimples or touch them with dirty hands.

Home treatments

You can organize good quality beauty care at home. Narrowing pores is a very real goal that you can achieve on your own using natural, familiar ingredients and without spending enormous amounts.

You can overcome the problem in one of the following ways:

White clay mask

This is the simplest and most effective way. In order to prepare the mask, you need to gradually pour warm water or tomato juice (it will help enhance the effect) into the clay powder, stirring thoroughly. The finished mixture should be slightly thicker than sour cream. Apply the mask for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water. Instead of white clay, you can use blue.

Orange mask

Blend the peeled and pitted orange with a blender. Add the beaten white of one egg. Take a comfortable lying position, apply the orange mixture to your face, cover with a napkin/gauze. Leave for about 15 minutes, then wash with cool water. The effectiveness of such a procedure is not inferior to cosmetology sessions, the main thing is to repeat it at least 7-10 times.

Corn flour and cucumber mixture

Extract the juice of one cucumber, then gradually add corn flour to it, achieving a paste-like thick consistency. Apply the resulting mixture to your face, leaving for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Film gelatin mask

Mix 1 tbsp. gelatin with 1.5 tbsp. milk, place in the microwave for 10 seconds until completely swollen. Add a couple of drops of lemon juice to this mixture. Apply a mask. Keep it on until it dries completely. Remove the mask by gently pulling from bottom to top. There is no need to wash your face with water.

Oatmeal with vinegar

Steam 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, then add 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar. Apply the mixture to your face, leaving for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

Starch in apple juice

Mix starch with apple juice until creamy. Apply the mixture to your face. Leave for about 20 minutes. rinse with warm water. Be sure to moisturize your skin with a light cream.

Tomato procedure

Cut the ripe tomato into slices and place on your face, leaving for 15 minutes. Wash with cool water. Apply moisturizer. As an alternative, you can peel the tomato, grind its pulp mixed with juice, apply to your face, and wash with warm water after 10-15 minutes. Tomatoes also help reduce acne spots.


This is a great way to effectively wash your face, awakening yourself and your skin, and most importantly tightening enlarged pores. To do this, you just need to freeze mineral water in an ice tray, and then wipe your face in the morning using just one cube. If desired, you can add lemon juice to the water. Frozen watermelon juice or chamomile infusion will be no less effective. In addition to solving the main problem, ice helps tighten the skin and tones it, so if desired, you can also wipe your neck with it.

Cucumber and cabbage tonic

Mix fresh cucumber juice with cabbage juice (2 to 1). Dilute with a little water, add a couple of drops of lemon juice. Wipe your face morning and evening.

Lemon compress

Mix hot water with lemon juice (2 to 1). Carefully soak cotton pads in the liquid and place them over the entire face area (except, of course, for the eyes and lips). Cover with a towel on top to keep warm longer. After lying down for about 10 minutes, remove the compress from your face and wash with cool water. After a while, apply a light moisturizer or emulsion. This procedure will saturate the skin with vitamins, cleanse it and whiten it.

Diligently performing at least a few of the procedures described above will help achieve a visible narrowing of pores.

What should be included in preparations for narrowing pores?

You need to carefully study the composition of the pharmaceutical product for enlarged pores on the face. Creams, tinctures, ointments intended to eliminate them must contain the following components:

  • An ingredient that helps combat overactive sebaceous glands, such as salicylic acid.
  • Plant extracts such as calendula, aloe, string, chamomile. They heal wounds and help cope with inflammation.
  • Essential oils that help quickly relieve inflammation and irritation (tea tree, olive, grapefruit).
  • Pore-tightening ingredients – ginger root, seaweed. They also provide protection against germs.
  • Zinc. Effectively reduces pores and fights oily shine.
  • Glycolic, lactic, salicylic acids. They exfoliate well, remove dead cells, and help remove fat and impurities.

The composition should contain vitamin complexes. They nourish tissues with the necessary elements, give an even tone and a healthy appearance. Creams that contain acids or bleaching components are not recommended for use on a regular basis.

Tips from cosmetologists

To choose the best product for narrowing enlarged pores on the face, you need to carefully study the composition and recommendations for use for a specific type. When choosing a method or means to narrow the pores on the face, cosmetologists recommend:

  • Buy a product that contains little or no alcohol.
  • Choose the optimal composition for your skin type.
  • Check the expiration date on the packaging.
  • Choose a composition that enriches the epidermis with moisture and nutrients.

Dear Klairs Pore Gentle Black Sugar Charcoal Soap

Here's another K-Beauty fan favorite: Dear Klair's Black Face Wash. The charcoal treatment consists of ingredients that target oily skin and enlarged pores. Black sugar serves as a gentle abrasive to scrub away dead skin cells, charcoal absorbs toxins and bacteria, and organic Moroccan Ghassoul (volcanic clay) draws out excess oil that hides deep in pores.

The best pharmacy products

Caring for problem skin should include cleansing, toning, and moisturizing. It is worth choosing effective products for narrowing pores on the face, which include salicylic or glycolic acids. It is important to remember that it is advisable to consult a dermatologist, who should prescribe the correct treatment.

Tincture of calendula

It eliminates excess sebum, cleanses clogged pores, removes blackheads and comedones. The tincture has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and drying effect. It narrows enlarged pores on the face, reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, and prevents the formation of acne. Calendula tincture helps with inflammation and purulent acne. It can also be used to disinfect bites, wounds and cuts.

When using calendula tincture, you need to keep in mind that it is based on alcohol. Therefore, a feeling of tightness and dryness may appear. In this case, it is worth applying it pointwise.


This is a universal drug for combating numerous skin rashes. Zinc oxide, which is part of zindol, promotes:

  • Drying;
  • Antiseptic effect on the skin;
  • Adsorbing effect;
  • Eliminate inflammation;
  • Prompt disinfection of the problem area;
  • Deep cleansing, narrowing pores;
  • Restoration of impaired metabolism in cells;
  • Compaction of vascular walls;
  • Narrowing of dilated capillaries;
  • Fast healing of damage.

Also, zindol eliminates excess shine and has an analgesic effect. It promotes the resorption of scars and softens the epidermis. A protective barrier is formed on the surface, which reduces the likelihood of re-formation of the rash.


Red, blue, white, and black clay effectively cope with the task of narrowing enlarged pores on problematic facial skin. They can be used individually or mixed. You need to choose the appropriate type of clay depending on the desired effect.

Black clay cleanses well, removes toxic substances, and promotes regeneration. Red effectively saturates cells with oxygen, improves blood circulation, and has a tightening effect. White whitens the skin and has an anti-aging effect. And blue evens out the overall tone, serves as a preventative against the appearance of acne, and smoothes out.


This is a product containing a dried coelenterate sponge. It resolves swelling, removes bruises, redness, renews tissue, and has an absorbent effect. Badyaga has a pronounced irritating effect, so it is best to carry out the cleansing procedure with it from a specialist cosmetologist in the salon.

The results of peeling using badyagi are:

  • Narrowing of pores;
  • Rejuvenation;
  • Firming effect;
  • Elimination of blackheads;
  • Elasticity;
  • Improving the general condition of the skin;
  • Elimination of scars, post-acne spots, cicatrices;
  • Strengthening metabolism in all layers of the skin;
  • Reduction of stretch marks;
  • Production of elastin, collagen;
  • Whitening;
  • Elimination of pigment spots.

For a review of the badyag, watch the video:

Cosmetic procedures to eliminate the problem

You can quickly clean and tighten pores using cosmetic procedures, such as:


Exposure of the skin to liquid nitrogen. Thanks to the cold temperature, the skin is cleansed, rejuvenated, and the pores are noticeably narrowed. For diseases of the cardiovascular system, infectious or gynecological diseases, as well as for migraines, facial cryotherapy is contraindicated.

Liquid nitrogen, this incredibly cold substance, can significantly reduce pores, creating a kind of shock effect for the skin - cryomassage


This procedure helps smooth out wrinkles, regenerate skin cells, and cleanse pores. Microdermabrasion is the removal of dead cells, that is, peeling. After the first procedure, a noticeable result will appear, the skin will become cleaner and more velvety.

Microdermabrasion, using a compact device and micro-crystals, effectively helps narrow and cleanse pores, and also stimulates the renewal of dermal cells

Laser resurfacing

Laser resurfacing renews the skin, reduces acne, tightens pores, lightens age spots, and tones the skin. This procedure can replace plastic surgery, since not everyone dares to take such a serious step. The laser procedure is safe, but only if it is performed by a specialist.

Treatments based on alpha and beta hydroxy acids

The procedure removes the dead layer of epithelium and cleanses the pores. Products based on these acids can be used at home. For greater effect, they should contain salicylic acid.


When choosing an effective pharmaceutical drug to combat enlarged pores on oily facial skin, you need to pay attention to reviews from real people.

I have often seen positive reviews about the effectiveness of clay against enlarged pores. But for some reason I didn’t use it. I bought expensive branded cosmetics. She wasn't very helpful. One day I decided to try it, especially since the cost was cheap. The effect is simply amazing. The clay dried out existing pimples well and lightened the skin. Enlarged pores have decreased and the overall appearance has improved. Tina, 21 years old.

I have combination skin and don't have any particular problems with it. But still, there are areas on the nose and cheeks that are excessively oily. After using calendula tincture, the skin became noticeably cleaner, breathable, and even brightened a little. The pores also became significantly smaller. But don’t overdo it, as you can dry out your skin too much. Because of this, sebum secretion will increase and the pores will become more contaminated. Tatyana, 28 years old.

Tsindol is simply my salvation. How much I suffered with acne, boils, enlarged pores. I bought it by accident, not really hoping that it would help. Tsindol relieved inflammation and the severity of redness. After a month of regular use, there were fewer acne spots, the tone became even and the color healthy. Now a bottle of cindol is always in my home medicine cabinet. Vera, 23 years old.

I always have a tube of badyagi, just in case. In terms of cost, it is very budget-friendly, especially compared to branded imported products. Helped me a lot with removing acne marks and enlarged pores. I am very glad that I found out about this tool. Tamara, 26 years old.

To learn how to deal with enlarged pores, watch the video:

Kiehl's Precision Lifting & Pore-tightening Concentrate

The secret ingredient in this tightening, pore-minimizing facial concentrate is yeast. They contain antioxidants that improve skin texture and appearance. They brighten, retain moisture and promote cell renewal, which makes our face look younger. This concentrate definitely works to tighten the skin and minimize large crater pores.

Green face: your guide to clay masks

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