Papillomas: symptoms, causes, removal methods

Papillomas are areas of pathological proliferation of cells in the upper layer of the skin and mucous membrane. Over time, these benign tumors can become a source of cancer, so many patients are concerned with the question: how to get rid of papillomas. Let's figure out why papillomas occur on the body, why they are dangerous to health, and whether they need to be removed.

Appointment with a dermatologist - 1000 rubles. Removing papilloma using the best method - radio knife - 500 rubles. Consultation with a specialized doctor based on the results of ultrasound and tests - 500 rubles. (optional).

Causes of papillomas

The content of the article

The causes of the appearance of papillomas on the body are divided into main and indirect, which act as a trigger for the development of the disease.

The main cause of skin papillomas is infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV) from the Papillomavirus group. HPV is a generalized term that refers to a whole group of viral agents that can infect epidermal structures and mucous membranes, and in some cases even provoke cancer.

According to statistics, the prevalence of HPV on the planet is global - the virus is in the body of 90% of adults. Science knows 100 strains of the papilloma virus, but not all of them are dangerous - the characteristics, localization zones and likelihood of developing cancer are different for each strain. The most dangerous are considered to be HPV 16.18, 31, 33 and 35, which in 98% of cases cause cervical cancer in women.

HPV does not tolerate aggressive environmental factors well, so it practically does not spread through the air. The main route of transmission is contact. The maximum risk of infection occurs through contact with the skin of a sick person.

The virus first penetrates the basal layer of the epidermis (skin), where it subsides for several months. The incubation period can last up to several years. If the immune system is weak, then the disease will show symptoms within a month, and the average period for symptoms to appear is 6 months.

The following reasons provoke the appearance of papillomas on the skin:

  • Decreased immunity - colds, injuries, chronic diseases, HIV, AIDS;
  • Microtraumas, scratches, open wounds on the surface of the patient’s skin;
  • Hormonal imbalance, which may be associated with pregnancy, lactation, menopause, etc.;
  • promiscuous sexual intercourse, oral sex with a carrier of the papilloma virus;
  • nervous-emotional tension, stress, physical or mental fatigue;
  • bad habits, poor nutrition;
  • endometriosis.

How long does it take for a wound to heal completely?

As a rule, the wound heals within 2 weeks or a month. But the formation of a so-called keloid scar is possible, when the wound goes under the surface layer of the skin. If the patient has a tendency to develop such scars, which may exceed the size of the tumor, then it is necessary to choose the right method of removal.

If you decide to remove the tumor, you need to contact professionals. Any folk remedies can only be used under the supervision of an experienced dermatologist, otherwise the procedure may have unpredictable consequences.

Symptoms of papillomas

Most often the papilloma virus

in women and men it does not manifest itself at all; its diagnosis is possible only through a special analysis. Vivid signs of infection are observed only in a small number of infected people, and even these often disappear after a short time.

For a long time, the patient does not even suspect that he has become a carrier of the infection, contagious to others. The main symptom of infection - a skin neoplasm papilloma - appears when the virus is in full control of the body. In this case, papilloma can grow on any part of the body - on the skin and mucous membranes.

There are a huge number of photos on the Internet that clearly show what papilloma and its colony look like. This is a skin growth in the form of a dome-shaped compaction or papule on a thin stalk. The papule may also have a thickened base. The color of the papilloma is also ambiguous - for some it is a pale pink “wart”, and for others it is a dark brown growth. Some strains of papillomavirus form entire colonies of neoplasms, which gradually merge into one unpleasant-looking multi-headed wart, reminiscent of cauliflower.

What to do

If the papilloma has gradually dried out and fallen off, then first of all the damaged area should be treated with an antiseptic solution, for example, Chlorhexidine. This is necessary to avoid infection getting into microcracks.

If the papilloma has not completely fallen off and some of it remains on the skin, then under no circumstances should you tear it off; the area should also be treated with an antiseptic and see a specialist as soon as possible.

If the growth has dried and fallen off, but a bleeding wound remains in its place, a bandage or cotton wool with a plaster soaked in hydrogen peroxide should be applied to the damaged area. It is important to keep in mind that in such cases it is not always possible to quickly stop the bleeding.

Tearing off a growth most often does not pose a serious threat to health; the main thing is to immediately disinfect it. But visiting a doctor is a prerequisite for this problem, since only he will be able to determine whether the root of the papilloma remains in the skin and prescribe competent drug treatment.

Variety of papillomas: 7 main types

Scientists know more than 100 types of HPV, but the most common are 10 types of papillomas:

  • Plantar papillomas
    . Causes papilloma on the leg - papillomavirus types 1, 2, 4. Plantar papillomas look like growths on the soles of the feet. Plantar warts can be single or multiple. Over time, it becomes painful for a person affected by the disease to walk. Plantar papilloma is often confused with a callus and is not sought medical attention, while the infection affects new areas of the skin.
  • Vulgar papillomas
    . These are oval, keratinized lumps with a yellowish tint, usually appearing on the hands of adults. In children, such tumors can be found on the knees.
  • Flat papillomas
    . The result of activation of HPV types 3, 10. The growths look like flat, smooth bumps.
  • Lewandowski-Lutz papillomas . The second name is epidermodysplasia verruciformis. The infection results in the formation of many mottled, multi-colored warts on the arms and legs.
  • Filiform papillomas. Formed in older people. Warts look like yellowish bumps. Placed on the eyelids, groins, armpits, and neck. Threaded papilloma injured by clothing or as a result of scratching requires urgent treatment, otherwise inflammation and complications cannot be avoided.
  • Juvenile papillomas . Associated with infection with papillomavirus types 6, 11. Formed in the larynx. As a result, breathing becomes difficult and speech deteriorates. The virus spreads during childbirth, transmitted to the newborn from the mother.
  • Genital warts . The occurrence of genital warts is the main manifestation of infection, the source of which was the human papillomavirus. Visually, genital warts look like ordinary warts, can be small in size (up to a centimeter), have a flesh-colored or pinkish color, a slightly bumpy or completely smooth surface. The most common place for the formation of genital warts is the external genitalia. In men, these formations appear on the scrotum and penis. In women - on the labia majora and minora, on the cervix, near the clitoris, in the vagina. If condylomas are irritated, itching and bleeding may occur during sexual intercourse. Such papillomas transform into cancerous tumors.

Types of papillomas

The most common types of skin formations are:

Regular or vulgar

This is a large papule. At first it is small, as it grows its surface becomes rough. Papilloma does not differ in color from healthy tissue. Several small ones often appear around one wart.


Papillomas in the form of threads. First, a yellow compaction appears on the skin, which stretches out and acquires a thin stalk. It often forms in the area of ​​the eyelids, neck, and chest.


Such seals protrude slightly above the body. Outwardly they resemble moles, but are denser in structure. Can form in groups in the genital area, back, anal area


In most cases, a number of papillomas appear in one place, which grow and take on the shape of a “cauliflower”. Locations: labia, vagina, penis.

Warts on the sole

Their main part grows inside tissues and nerve endings, which causes discomfort. The papilloma looks flat and yellow.

Most often, papillomas that are located on the mucous membrane are oncogenic in nature. In any case, if they occur, it is better to consult a specialist.

Complex conditions are a consequence of untreated papillomas

  • Local epithelial hyperplasia . Consequence of infection with papillomavirus types 13, 32. The affected area looks like a rash of papillary neoplasms on the tongue and along the edges of the lips. Papillomas can merge with each other, forming a clearly visible area.
  • Precancerous conditions and cancer -
    many forms of the human papillomavirus cause the development of neoplasms prone to malignant degeneration. It is in this regard that early diagnosis and detection of papillomavirus makes it possible to detect and remove oncological tumors of the cervix and other organs in the early stages of their development.

How dangerous are papillomas on the body: why they need to be removed

Papillomas are harmless only in appearance. These neoplasms, in the absence of timely and adequate treatment, quickly spread throughout the body to healthy tissue. This process is called autoinaculation. The result of the proliferation of neoplasms is at least multiple warts.

Of course, warts - papillomas on the body - are very ugly, but this is not the only problem. A good dermatologist will tell you why papillomas on the body are dangerous - such neoplasms are susceptible to melanization - malignant degeneration of the tumor. How quickly the process will proceed and whether it will begin at all depends on the location of the papilloma and the type of HPV. Genital warts growing on the cervix are especially dangerous. The degeneration of such formations into cancer occurs in every second case.

The structures that form on the skin as a result of damage by the papilloma virus are usually not accompanied by pain, itching or burning, which often causes negligence on the part of the patient. But since papillomas almost always come into contact with clothing, there is a high risk of damage. The result will be severe bleeding, infection and the formation of unsightly scars on the skin. From all this follows the answer to the question of whether it is necessary to remove papillomas on the body - of course it is necessary!

Papillomas in intimate places

In intimate parts of the body, papillomas often appear not one at a time, but several at once, resembling cauliflower. The most popular localization locations:

  • pubis,
  • groin and perineum,
  • scrotum and penis,
  • cervix, vaginal mucosa.

In women, papillomas located on the mucous membrane of the vagina or cervix often cause discomfort - itching, pain, bleeding after sexual intercourse, and unpleasant discharge.

Outdated and modern methods of removing papillomas on the body

It is impossible to get rid of papillomas at home without consequences. The procedure is performed by a dermatologist, and in the case of precancer, by an oncologist. Before this, the patient must undergo tests, including:

  • blood test for tumor markers;
  • PCR diagnostics;
  • taking papilloma tissue for histological examination.

In St. Petersburg and other Russian cities, several methods are used to remove papillomas on the body. To understand which method to choose, let's look at the table.

Method How is it carried out? Advantages Flaws
Surgery A radical and very traumatic method of removing papillomas Large tumors can be cut off Traumaticity. Risk of infection and bleeding. Clearly visible scars remain forever.
Cryodestruction Removing papillomas using liquid nitrogen Does not require strong anesthesia, as the cold is freezing Possibility of injury to healthy tissue. Inability to control the depth of impact. A scar remains.
Electrocoagulation Destruction of a neoplasm by an electrical impulse. It is rarely used in medical centers where there is no new equipment. Cheap technique Cauterization is an unpleasant procedure. Possible scarring. Requires strong pain relief
Laser removal of papillomas Destruction of a build-up with a directed laser beam There is no need for preparation, no rehabilitation required - the wound heals immediately. No scars or scars. The procedure lasts only a few minutes. The laser activates skin regeneration, ensuring rapid healing. The cost of laser papilloma removal is higher than the price of previous methods.
Removal of papillomas with a radio knife The safest and most painless way to remove papillomas from the body. No preparation needed. Rehabilitation is also not needed. The radioknife is equipped with a coagulator, which immediately stops bleeding by sealing damaged vessels. After removing papillomas with a radio knife, no scars remain, so the procedure is prescribed to get rid of tumors on the face and intimate parts of the body. Radio radiation activates skin restoration, so the wound heals instantly. The price of removing papillomas using radio wave techniques is slightly higher than laser removal.

Clinical picture

Blackening of the papilloma occurs with the development of the inflammatory process. Associated symptoms may include:

  1. Increases in size.
  2. Itching.
  3. Burning.
  4. Bleeding.

The pedunculated papilloma may become harder. In certain cases, exudate may be released from the formation. If these symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor.

Blackening of the papilloma is a sign of its inflammation. Often, the color change is accompanied by itching, increase in size, and bleeding.

These symptoms are a reason for an urgent consultation with a doctor, who will find out whether the papilloma is dying off or undergoing a pathological change.

Treatment: prescribed taking into account diagnostic data: most often removal is performed.

Often several black dots can be seen inside the neoplasm. Such growths usually form on the palms or soles, but can also appear on other areas of the skin. They are the result of internal hemorrhages and may be accompanied by pain.

Darkening of the papilloma most often indicates its traumatization.
At the first signs of papilloma injury, an in-person examination by a doctor is necessary. Dermatoscopy is required.

Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Zhikhoreva Inna Viktorovna

6 years experience

The following signs indicate the possibility of cancer cell development:

  1. Rapid growth of papilloma.
  2. Bleeding.
  3. Burning and itching.
  4. Unpleasant smell.
  5. Various discharges.

If these signs are present, a tumor marker test is prescribed, which most often turns out to be positive. In this case, surgical removal of the growth is prescribed.

Can removal of papillomas be considered a treatment for HPV?

Unfortunately no. By removing papillomas, a dermatologist only eliminates manifestations of papillomavirus that can develop into cancer. The virus itself remains in the body. There are currently no specific drugs to cope with the human papillomavirus, and therefore the main therapy is aimed at mechanically eliminating tumors caused by the virus.

The infection is stopped with antiviral agents, which will be effective if the immune system is strong. Therefore, immunotherapy is carried out in parallel. While the virus lives in the body, papilloma cannot be cured forever.

Which doctor treats papillomas and where is the best place to remove papillomas on the body in St. Petersburg?

Many patients are interested in which doctor treats papillomas. This is done by specialists - dermatologists, gynecologists, urologists and oncologists. It all depends on the location of the tumor.

Specialists at the Diana Clinic in St. Petersburg conduct an initial examination and confirm the diagnosis. Then the papillomas are removed with a laser and radio knife, using the latest devices. By contacting our medical center, the patient receives a detailed consultation and can undergo all tests, including oncology. Removal of papillomas is carried out without pain or complications.

Preparation and process

How to prepare for the procedure An hour before the procedure, take an NSAID tablet (analgin, ketonal or something else) in order to reduce discomfort, as well as the severity of swelling and inflammation after the procedure. Hair in the area of ​​papillomas does not need to be removed.

Description of the process Using tools or a cotton swab with liquid nitrogen, papillomas are frozen into pieces of ice in a few seconds, then gradually thawed. This happens with every papilloma, sometimes more than once.

What to do after removal After removal, all papillomas remain in the same places. But almost immediately they swell, swelling and inflammation appear around them. Over the next few days, blisters and crusts will form. Then they dry out and fall off over the next few days. Wound care is prescribed by a doctor. Most often, local antiseptics are prescribed for this.

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