Review of the cream “Before and after” from a medical point of view

Whitening Cream Before and After is a cosmetic product with unique components for skin whitening. The manufacturer of the cream claims that this product is a unique product for skin depigmentation. Shall we check? Let's analyze the composition and consider reviews of its use and draw a conclusion that this cream will indeed whiten hyperpigmentation.

What components are included in the cream?

According to the data indicated in the annotation, this whitening cream for age spots contains only natural and safe products that promote rapid treatment and restoration of the skin. The “Before and After” whitening cream contains the following natural ingredients:

  • avocado oil Penetrates into the deepest layers of the epidermis, has a pronounced moisturizing and softening effect;
  • Shea Butter. Moisturizes and restores the skin, slows down the aging process and normalizes melanin synthesis;
  • complex of vitamins (vitamins A, E, C, PP). It is necessary for the normal course of metabolic processes, for the functioning and restoration of the skin;
  • corn extract. Penetrates deeply into the dermis, accelerates metabolic processes in cells and tissues;
  • red algae extract. This component promotes rapid rejuvenation, lightening of the skin and exfoliation of dead epidermal cells;
  • bitter licorice extract. Normalizes the secretion of melanin pigment, has a pronounced brightening effect, evens out the complexion.

The cream also contains other natural ingredients that are aimed at combating age spots.

Laser therapy

A modern, highly effective method of removing pigmentation is laser technology. The method of laser therapy for HSV is based on the phenomenon of photothermolysis - the ability of pigment cells to absorb the energy of a laser beam, which subsequently leads to their destruction. The laser targets the chromophore-melanin found in melanocytes, keratinocytes or macrophages.

According to scientific studies, in more than 45% of patients, the manifestations of IGP disappeared after laser therapy, and in 35% of cases, lightening of the spots was noted.

Although in most cases the effectiveness of laser therapy for VGP is quite high and 1–3 sessions are enough to completely remove spots, constant exposure to UV rays on the facial skin leads to recurrence of VGP 3–4 years after successful treatment. Therefore, the therapeutic complex includes:

  • daily use of medications or medicinal cosmeceuticals with a whitening effect for a long time;
  • regular use of photoprotective products, even on a cloudy city day;
  • professional manipulations aimed at enhancing desquamation (exfoliation) of the epidermis and destruction of melanin-containing cells.

A universal method for treating skin hyperpigmentation has not yet been developed, but over the long history of research and treatment of pigmentation disorders, experience has been accumulated in the use of a variety of correction methods, including a range of remedies from external applications and ointments to high-tech invasive procedures using surgical methods of dermabrasion and high-intensity laser radiation.

Our clinic’s specialists are proficient in various methods for removing skin hyperpigmentation and will help you choose a set of drugs and procedures that are most suitable for the skin type and individual characteristics of each patient.

How to use cream for age spots “Before and after”

Before using this cosmetic product, you must carefully read the instructions for use, consult a cosmetologist and check for the absence of an allergic reaction by skin testing.

The manufacturer recommends applying the cream to dry and pre-cleansed facial skin 1-2 times a day, this should be done with massage movements. It should not be applied to those areas where there are violations of its integrity, pustular processes and inflammation. You should also avoid applying cream to the area around the eyes, because... there is especially thin and sensitive skin. It is recommended to use the whitening cream in courses of 1.5-2.5 months, with breaks between them for 2-4 weeks.

Since the cream not only has a brightening effect, but also normalizes the production of melanin, it can also be applied to skin without pigmentation (if there is a tendency to develop age spots or freckles). If you need to lighten a birthmark, it is better to use the cream locally (on the desired area), and rub it in thoroughly (can be used up to 3 times a day). This will help you achieve results as quickly as possible and even out the color of your skin.

Sometimes it happens that a woman encounters hyperpigmentation for the first time during pregnancy - then the question arises about using whitening creams. Pregnancy and lactation are not absolute contraindications to the use of this drug, but its use should be carefully monitored by a doctor.

The influence of hormones on skin pigmentation

According to the free radical theory of melanogenesis, due to a lack of antioxidants, mitochondrial DNA in some areas is damaged. The skin is hormone-dependent, that is, even minor hormonal imbalances affect its condition. Many functions of the skin - mitotic activity of the epidermis, activity of pilosebaceous follicles, hair growth, etc. – are directly influenced by hormones, in particular sex hormones. Therefore, about 30% of women using combined oral contraceptives are affected by melanosis. However, stopping medication does not always lead to the disappearance of hyperpigmentation.

Hormones such as adrenocorticotropic, somatotropic and thyroid-stimulating hormones also affect melanogenesis. Scientists note that hormonally caused dyschromia is less susceptible to therapeutic effects than pigmentation resulting from exposure to sunlight or inflammatory processes.

Can the Before and After Whitening Cream be used in combination with other lightening products?

Since skin whitening is a complex process, it is necessary to discontinue other bleaching agents while using this cosmetic product. Since all lightening agents contain different components, their combined use is excluded, as this can lead to allergic reactions with unknown etiology (causes).

The “Before and After” cream with a whitening effect contains all the necessary ingredients that will help the skin quickly regenerate and restore its functions. However, if dryness or flaking occurs while using this cosmetic product, you should urgently consult a doctor who will prescribe additional skin restoration products (possibly from the same manufacturer).

is a domestic manufacturer of medicinal cosmetics. Among their products you can also find moisturizing, modeling, anti-aging products, and creams for stretch marks and cellulite.

The effect of using face whitening cream

According to the information provided by the manufacturer, just a few days after starting the course of treatment for age spots with the “Before and After” cream, you can notice the first results:

  • improves and evens out complexion;
  • melanin synthesis is normalized, so that new pigment spots do not appear;
  • areas of hyperpigmentation are lightened;
  • the epidermis and dermis are saturated with vitamins, minerals and oxygen;
  • the skin becomes softer, firmer and more elastic;
  • fine wrinkles and superficial capillaries are reduced and become less visible.

The product, according to the annotation, can be used at absolutely any age, both men and women. It can also be used on any part of the body, for example to remove pigmentation on the hands.

Why does pigmentation appear?

Pigment spots on the face appear due to excessive production of melanin in the skin. Such spots on the face are especially troubling. Since the stains that appear on the body can at least be covered with clothes. Spots on the face cause their owner a lot of inconvenience and negativity. You cannot leave the house without a mask made of strong concealers, since stains cannot be masked with ordinary means.

Melanin begins to be produced in excess in the following cases:

when you are in the sun for a long time without UV protection,

use cosmetics in violation of the rules for their use, for example, bleaching agents, products with acids, vitamin A,

are taking certain medications, such as antibiotics, hormonal drugs,

you ignore facial skin care after cosmetic procedures that damage the top layer of skin,

if you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland, liver,

if you are a mature girl after 45 years,

and finally, the most pleasant reason for the formation of age spots is pregnancy.

In order to remove or whiten age spots, you need to clearly understand the reason for their formation. For example, to remove pigmentation that occurs due to liver disease, you need to visit a doctor and undergo a course of treatment. After this, your age spots will be very easy to remove with bleaching agents in a relatively short time.

Will the remedy help?

Despite the fact that the variety of medicinal cosmetics is very large, there is never a guarantee that a particular cosmetic product will be suitable for a particular case. Manufacturers are improving the composition of their products, but the risk of developing an allergic reaction always exists. The effectiveness of a whitening cream “Before and After” may vary among several people - the speed and severity of the action of a cosmetic product also depends on the characteristics of a person’s skin.

In order to increase the effectiveness of this product, experts recommend less exposure to direct sunlight during the warm season and the use of sunscreen. In addition, it is recommended to regularly apply peels and scrubs that exfoliate dead skin. Before using the product, you must consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist, and you must also conduct an allergy test (before use, apply a small amount of cream on the back of the hand or on the inside of the forearm).

According to the information provided by the manufacturer and distributors of the whitening cream for age spots “Before and After” - it is called that for a reason, because the effect of use is obvious. However, you must always remember that any cosmetic product, even a medicinal one, can cause an allergic reaction or simply not have the desired effect. In order to avoid such consequences, you should consult a doctor before using the cream.

Recommendations from cosmetologists on choosing a product

It is useful to do an examination of the body to exclude diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and pancreas. Since, by starting proper treatment of the disease, pigmentation will decrease. This will save your budget and eliminate unnecessary health consequences.

It is recommended that if stains appear, immediately use creams. If you delay the process, it will take more time for the skin to recover

Cosmetologists advise that when choosing a cream yourself, it is important to pay attention to the composition. Aggressive components remove the stratum corneum, but on delicate skin it causes burns and dries out. When using such products, it is important to use only on affected areas and not apply to healthy skin

When using such products, it is important to use only on affected areas and not apply to healthy skin

When choosing a drug, you should not be guided by the cost, pay attention to your skin type, it is better to consult a professional cosmetologist who will suggest an effective way to lighten pigments. Anti-pigmentation creams on the face can be purchased at the pharmacy, reviews of which indicate their effectiveness

Cosmetologists note that in addition to whitening the affected areas, it is useful:

  • protect the skin from the effects of ultraviolet rays using creams with a high level of sun protection;
  • It is useful to consume amino acids that destroy melanin synthesis (during pigmentation, melanin is produced in large quantities, which causes the formation of spots);
  • It is recommended to use melanin enzyme blockers - folic and ascorbic acid.

When choosing a product, take into account your skin type. Peeling masks are suitable for oily skin, creams and ointments are suitable for dry skin, and serum is suitable for sensitive skin.

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